Ancient ?

Heads seem to be a favorite.

small chips of rock inside a hollowed and softened boulder.

I have some rock sculpted left by who ever that I need some identification. I will post one item at a time and see what I can learn from all all our great members here. I would like to know who, why, what it is used for , and what date you think it was made. Heck make fun of it, as I have no answer as to what it is. Thanks.


I'm sure most of you now know that the larger the pointer stone, head, etc. that you see means you are not close to the treasure solution. What they generally point to is another marker. The smaller the pointers you find the closer you are to a solution. Pointers either point to something or away from something that is valuable. When you find a black eye catcher it is because there are no white stones around that are large enough to be the eye catchers intended purpose or there are so many white stones around that it wouldn't be readily identifiable. The eye catcher is generally used to point to a direction or is on the path to something that you should be looking for. There will be another pointer marker nearby that is showing you the path to follow. There is rarely anything of value next to or near the eye catcher. Just a way to lead you to something else, generally a trail.

The outline of the opening could be a couple of things.......(1) An outline of a blackdog, facing to the right, outlined with red. OR......(2) the profile of a Knights Templar bowing his head in prayer, outlined in yellow.

Of course, there's that odd ball round thing in the back wall, pointed to with a yellow arrow. And, what looks like a series of scripted letters and a number.....G, J, 5, circled in yellow.

Something odd that first caught my eye is how the floor of the mine / cave is covered with pieces of FLAT stone material. The wall, that can be seen in your photo, doesn't look like the kind of rock that would have produced flat chips. None of the chips on the floor appear to be rough, jagged, rounded pieces.


I have some rock sculpted left by who ever that I need some identification. I will post one item at a time and see what I can learn from all all our great members here. I would like to know who, why, what it is used for , and what date you think it was made. Heck make fun of it, as I have no answer as to what it is. Thanks.

View attachment 1054417

Looks similar to the picture I posted earlier, as far as I could tell somebody's old prospect hole. Basically removing just enough material to crawl in and perhaps remove any valuable minerals.

Couple questions

How large is the opening?

What are the approximate dimensions of the tunnel and how far back does it go?

Does the opening resemble an amphitheater?

Have you located the tailing pile?

If so, was it easy to find?

Were there any large piles of rock debris close to the opening, say enough to pile in the entrance to hide it?

The pieces on the floor could be from weathering or from the last time somebody was working in there.

Also looks like a crack where water has seeped in where the color transitions to almost a whitish shade. This could cause those fragments on the floor, if you look closely just inside on the right hand side you can see another thin piece getting ready to fall.

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Hi . i invited you to Participate in classes of the Treasures signs & marks

The first lessons of the treasure signs


Thanks, iam ready for my first lesson. ill be over to check it out.

Here's a U tube video that may help with people that search out the ancient signs tied with the Sun, Moon,summer Winter solstice,Horned. starts around 530

If your working some ancient hoyos,and havent been able to find anything to appear on the solstice,you may want to try on the day of passover. I had never thought of that day. And if your finding a spot being pointed out on the winter solstice for those 3 days,it may possibly be a tomb. It now has me thinking about the sets or grouping of 3's.hope it helps in someway.

maybe the animal u c n the daylight let u kno when the shadows of the site will appear?

here's a video of ancient artifacts,+ a guy from Illinois has 5 million in a swiss bank account, from gold he melted down from ancient artifacts, he found in a tunnel system . true?:dontknow:

Okay if you're talking about the small rocks on the floor. They look like they could be like a puzzle.Pieces. Take one and see if it fits in one of the two notches on the right-hand side of the opening. To me it might work kind of like a key stone. There may be something on the particular rocke that fits in the niche. This wouldn't be as difficult if you knew what you were looking for.other words a particular shape or size. If you were the one that left it then you would know kind of what you were looking for or if you had a description of what had been left behind. Or something that you had seen on the trail it would make it easier. If you find one that happens to fit like a key in the wall or stone and it my point to a particular direction on the opposite wall for a sign or a place to dig. This is just a thought. I hard time understanding the question in your post.

You have a pre-spanish site there. You need to find the look from here point. Futher back I think. Nice find.

Thanks Hoofer, ill look for it when i get back up there. iam sure there have been alot of other people up there also looking around over the ages, and l believe alot of cache sites came from there and have been hidden in that area. i can see the trails that come from there, and the stones that have worked at those cache sites. the horns are at the rear of what i believe is a ancient turtle made out of the mountain top,the turtle appears to be nesting. I think there is a vault/mine in the under belly of it. the turtle is facing south.

that bigass tree might b growing out of a hole???????? it is on outside line of triangle.

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