Ancient ?

Another stringed instrument was the lute. It looked like a round gourd with a guitar neck and about 4 strings. It was a favorite instrument of wandering minstrels. Which brings up another topic that my brilliant musings dreamed up recently. ( LMAO )

I remembered some info that I came across that tells how the OLD songs made up and sung by wandering minstrels were good sources for HISTORICAL information because the entertainers made up their songs about people and happenings existing around them or in places not too far away. Songs from stories ( rumors ) of happenings in the next town or in the Kings court. More than one minstrel was punished for singing about things he should have IGNORED. Sooooo.........if one were to look through the words of old folk songs ( as they are called today ) I wonder what kind of tidbits could be gleaned. Hmmmmmm :icon_scratch:

There are even college profs who teach and write about Ancient and Modern Folklore. Some of those published books or even doctoral thesis might hold some interests.

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very good ideal SS,i like that thought.

Dr. Zecaria Sitchin assembled all of the so-called mythological stories of the gods of Rome, Greece, Egypt, Sumeria, Baghdad, the Indus areas, and later, the MesoAmerican area, Peru, Chili,and Brazil to show how the gods are the same entities who traveled all over the world and "amazed" the locals with their technical abilities that made them seem to be omnipotent. These people were very active here in North America, too, so don't disconnect from them. I fully believe that THEY are the Ancients who FIRST established the mining and processing areas "claimed" by later groups.

I have just ordered a book off of Amazon, about the early explorers in America, such as Lewis & Clark, and what they actually found that was hushed up by the government and other power players. Meriweather Lewis was murdered under suspicious circumstances and his papers stolen. This book supposedly tells of nearly white Indians with blue eyes and that the explorers found a lot of monuments and old settlement sites that prove the very early arrival of Chinese, Vikings, etc. The Smithsonian apparatus hushed all that information up and "buried" it.

If I were president, I would bring in independent auditors to go through ALL of the Smithsonian's holdings and catalog EVERYTHING they have and have that published to the world.

View attachment 1045331

Mule to left of door, door in the shadow of the heart with a mule above it, a priest with a cross up his arm pointing at the door, a turtle above.

Numbers 1-8 above the door and many other symbols around it. Found this is the Superstitions yesterday coming back from a 25 mile, 3 day hike.

I got the way-point on my gps.

This faces southeast and 15 feet above a gulch.

I found the initials JW on the side... but it is in a way it looks like a J3.

Need someone input on this one.

I also found some Native American Writing and Symbols here as well.

Hi John. I really like your avatar. You said you found a J W or J3. I can not see those letters but the spanish did not have a "W" in their alphabet. I may be 2 V's like this "VV " or it may be a later group. It may help you date this. I hope it helps.

Dog the Treasure hunter. Those videos are the bomb. Very informative. thanks for posting them.


Certainly some small scale carvings, huh?

Nice photo John,thanks for posting it. I see the infinity symbol #8, a round stone(egg).There's alot there thats for sure.View attachment 1045385
the sideways#8 looks to be on the cheek of a face profile of some Roman,Greek.

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Mule to left of door, door in the shadow of the heart with a mule above it, a priest with a cross up his arm pointing at the door, a turtle above.

Numbers 1-8 above the door and many other symbols around it. Found this is the Superstitions yesterday coming back from a 25 mile, 3 day hike.

I got the way-point on my gps:

This faces southeast and 15 feet above a gulch.

I found the initials JW on the side... but it is in a way it looks like a J3.

Need someone input on this one.

I also found some Native American Writing and Symbols here as well.

So Johny, a 3 day hike, that would have been the 26th 27th and 28th of August since you state "found these yesterday" on the 29th of August. Interesting that you were happily posting away on the LDM forum on those days showing the same pictures. Naturally you took those posts down but everybody's responses and a few quotes are still there. I wonder why you took your posts down from those particular days, after all the trouble you must have gone through to to transfer your pictures from your camera to whatever you were using to get some type of wireless service while in those mountains.

Aug 26, 2014, 12:12 PM

We have to wear 3D glasses to see your pictures ?

Quote Originally Posted by John_Arizona View Post
whose pictures, RR?

Aug 27, 2014, 06:20 PM
I have been trying for a long time to get a good look at some of his pictures.
Now I find out thete not even his. Sometimes.
Markmar asked if we need 3-d glasses to view your pics.
Now of course I do not know if he is joking or not, but i see no smiley face or a emoticon of such that says so.

Quote Originally Posted by John_Arizona View Post
well I try to shoot the best I can and when you have parkinsons, its heck trying to shoot anything let alone hold onto the darn camera
Aug 28, 2014, 03:40 PM
As far as I can tell, you are shooting in broad daylight, so the shutter speed would be high enough to eliminate any blur or streaking.

There were a few more posts that you made during those days, but alas they are gone as well. Must have been quite grueling for someone of your size and age and a touch of Parkinson's to be out in that terrain with the temps hitting close to 110 in the shade, hope you had some good SPF lotion since it looks as though you don't tan easily, more the turn lobster red from to much sun exposure.

I was out a earlier than when I posted Eric, and you know what... oh well and big fat hairy deal.

I suppose you have nothing to do when you get home from work and then you want to get on the computer, and talk smack.

Post pictures! People would rather want to see that, then listen to someone gripe and complain over who said what and when to who ever. Geez

Obviously you don't know when people are joking around with you either.

You and Matt are a Team, go get us some great pics, Eric :thumbsup:

Have a Good Day Now

Gee Johny I have posted some nice clear pictures, and I don't gripe and complain. Just wondering why you keep taking things down and changing your pictures and stories that's all. I do have quite a good sense of humor and know when somebody is joking and being downright rude. My questions are just to find out the how and why of what you are explaining and posting.

thats my business... if you don't like it... tough luck

Then why are you here posting? Surely you must have a reason. Perhaps for the attention of which you have mine. :laughing7:

Quote Originally Posted by John_Arizona View Post
well I try to shoot the best I can and when you have parkinsons, its heck trying to shoot anything let alone hold onto the darn camera
Aug 28, 2014, 03:40 PM

There were a few more posts that you made during those days, but alas they are gone as well. Must have been quite grueling for someone of your size and age and a touch of Parkinson's to be out in that terrain with the temps hitting close to 110 in the shade, hope you had some good SPF lotion since it looks as though you don't tan easily, more the turn lobster red from to much sun exposure.

You say you have Parkinsons so bad that you can't hold your camera steady. My Dad fought Parkinsons for 20 years and when it got so bad that his hands shook to much to hold onto anything, he also had to stop his daily walks around the block......on city sidewalks because his leg muscles were also effected too much.

I was stationed at Luke AFB for a couple of years and am very aware of how hot that area of Arizona can get this time of year.

To sumarize.....there's no way in hell a person with Parkinsons that far along can possibly take a 3 DAY, 25 MILE HIKE IN THE SUPERSTITIONS, this time of year or any OTHER time of year. End of statement. I don't know why you would make up such a story, but I'll give you the benefit of a doubt..........just a little. There is no reason that I can think of for anyone to make up such a lie about some field research about possible old history. Are you trying to come across as a real EXpert on the Supers........or Spanish Trails????

If you choose to put ME on "ignore", no sweat. I'll still be able to see your posts.

I have had the chance to work with John Recently and he knows some stuff. He knows or has a good idea and direction to whats on a Spanish site and can read rocks like a geologist. If you can get past his nasty disposition he is really a nice fellow. I have shared photos with him and he has confirmed some of what I already knew and has me re visiting to see if the rest was correct. I will tell you this, we see what we are meant to see and no more.

John and I do not speak anymore. I am not sure what set him off. But it amazes me how you guys can look at rocks and get so much from them. But John's views are not wanted here? We are a team and need to work together. I have nothing to prove and dont post pictures anymore. I dont even post my new hunts. The attitudes on this subject has turned many away from it. I think what John has posted is neat, and something I can do. So if your not holding a gold bar in your hand right now, just enjoy the conversation and quit beating people up. A few of you we excuse due to your upbringing lol.

Oh someone talked about sunburns. It is true you will blister and scare if your a pale person. Thats why they invented long sleeve cotton shirts and hats(with pockets). John your a little out there but I love ya brother. You keep posting. Not to talk down to anyone, but you all have your ways around a set of signs. I cant take anything away from that. John has learned to use his tools, his age has made him slow down and do things differently. You would do well to listen to anyone who post here. Im not that set in my ways I cant learn something, even if its wrong.

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Somero & Shortstack
The both of you take things way too literal, your very defensive and over explain things.
Just say'n.

Here is a photo of my kids, my wife and I.
When I can't hike, I ride in my can-am
wearing protective clothing in harsh climates is no problem
sounds like you both haven't acclimated to the heat yet.
If you use the a/c all the time, you will never acclimate to Arizona's weather.
I have been in this Desert for years and the heat don't bother me.
(Photo shot near Flagstaff)

View attachment 1048468

**through posting on this thread**

Johny your making assumptions based on your own agenda. I would think that you would understand that if you post information people are going to ask questions about the what, how, and why. Like your claim of 1'000 ounces per ton. When questioned about it YOU get defensive, rude, and under explain things. Pretty sure you have :censored: off quite a few people on this forum with some of your remarks, just sayin.

As for your assumption about the heat, seems once again you are trying to prove you are better than I am. All I can say is I have apologized a couple times to you when you got your feelings hurt, don't expect any more after your "crossing the line" remark which was not funny in the least and you still have not apologized for. I would never drag one of your family members into the mud of a disagreement.

Each to his own Johny and good luck instead of tough luck.

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lol thats funny stuff

oh, never apologize... it's a sign of weakness

people get pssd off only because they allow themselves to get hurt

oh, now where in the rule books does it say that I have to explain anything, let alone to you.

A good miner doesn't let out too much information, and I don't need to tell everybody on this site every little thing I'm doing and I do not need to go into grave detail about everything and I refuse the right to answer or ignore people as well.

No one is trying to be better than anyone else for crying out loud, as far as anything else goes : GET OVER IT

People expect things to be better than they are on here, and get disappointed when you don't meet their expectations.

I think some can't seem to look past their Rose-Colored glasses!

You need to get past that Achilles heel!

Achilles heel = Achilles heel is a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, which can actually or potentially lead to downfall, idiomatic references towards other's attributes or qualities that can lead to their own downfall.

I see your struggling to have the absolute last word, and to make yourself feel better, your in a hurry to break your arm patting yourself on your own back in doing so.... so have at it little guy!

Gee Johny I understand you don't have to answer questions. What I'm saying is you don't have to be a little :censored: when people ask them and get all rude and :censored: hurt.

I really expect nothing, " Blessed are those that expect nothing for they shall never be disappointed" You never Fail to disappoint Johny. :laughing7: I don't expect an apology, never did but I felt the need to apologize to you when your feelings got hurt when You thought I was making fun. So it's not a sign of weakness, it takes a person who is quite comfortable with who they are to say sorry even if it was not warranted. To much inflated ego makes it difficult to admit to a mistake, just sayin.

Not sure where this rose colored glasses Achilles heal stuff is about, perhaps some self reflection on your part. As for the last word, I really have no need to get the last word in or even pat myself on the back. I'm just wondering why you feel the need to get so rude and uptight and cut people off when they question what you post on a public forum, some kinda ego boost when someone says "Good Job Johny" then anger when somebody asks a question, that makes no sense.

I'll be the bigger man here Johny and let you have the last word since that is important to you, and it must be since I was supposed to be on ignore and I am just responding to what you have written.

So post away Johny, get you atta boys and whatever else you need and enjoy the last word.

lol thats funny stuff

oh, never apologize... it's a sign of weakness

people get pssd off only because they allow themselves to get hurt

oh, now where in the rule books does it say that I have to explain anything, let alone to you.

A good miner doesn't let out too much information, and I don't need to tell everybody on this site every little thing I'm doing and I do not need to go into grave detail about everything and I refuse the right to answer or ignore people as well.

No one is trying to be better than anyone else for crying out loud, as far as anything else goes : GET OVER IT

People expect things to be better than they are on here, and get disappointed when you don't meet their expectations.

I think some can't seem to look past their Rose-Colored glasses!

You need to get past that Achilles heel!

Achilles heel = Achilles heel is a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, which can actually or potentially lead to downfall, idiomatic references towards other's attributes or qualities that can lead to their own downfall.

I see your struggling to have the absolute last word, and to make yourself feel better, your in a hurry to break your arm patting yourself on your own back in doing so.... so have at it little guy!

Quit sending me pm's, they aren't welcome and are deleted without being read!! Are you in some way trying to threaten me??!!

Grow Up Eric!!

I will be making a new sn and will post in a different way.

Sounds like someones jealous of John Arizona. Keep posting your great pictures and never mind the monkey on your back.

lol thats funny stuff

oh, never apologize... it's a sign of weakness

people get pssd off only because they allow themselves to get hurt

oh, now where in the rule books does it say that I have to explain anything, let alone to you.

A good miner doesn't let out too much information, and I don't need to tell everybody on this site every little thing I'm doing and I do not need to go into grave detail about everything and I refuse the right to answer or ignore people as well.

No one is trying to be better than anyone else for crying out loud, as far as anything else goes : GET OVER IT

People expect things to be better than they are on here, and get disappointed when you don't meet their expectations.

I think some can't seem to look past their Rose-Colored glasses!

You need to get past that Achilles heel!

Achilles heel = Achilles heel is a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, which can actually or potentially lead to downfall, idiomatic references towards other's attributes or qualities that can lead to their own downfall.

I see your struggling to have the absolute last word, and to make yourself feel better, your in a hurry to break your arm patting yourself on your own back in doing so.... so have at it little guy!

Quit sending me pm's, they aren't welcome and are deleted without being read!! Are you in some way trying to threaten me??!!

Grow Up Eric!!

I will be making a new sn and will post in a different way.

I see you added to your post. Hmmmmmmmmm I have not sent you any pm's since we were supposed to meet for coffee and waffles and I have never threatened You in any way. Interesting Story again Johny. Yeah I had to respond to this since it is a lie. Remember Johny right after we agreed to meet you blocked any messages back around July 17th.
I still have that last message you sent me on July 17th which my quote about when and where is still there.

Just goes to show your character Johny.

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main mine entrance in the upper center of the heart, smaller entrance lower center of the main heart. smaller entrance is in another heart inside the main heart.

View attachment 1048283

I have a spot where there is a heart inside the entrance. No one has ever said anything like that before. Interesting.

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