Hey, Dog:
I had to force myself to stop marking stuff in this photo. There are shadow shapes and rock shapes all over the place, but some MIGHT be natural. The things I've marked look more "man adjusted" than formed by nature.
--Left area, lower area, I've outlined in red a large owl that is laid out flat on the ground. You can see the sunspots that form it's eyes. The top of it's head is against a lighted vertical rock set that has a large, black "R" on it with a jagged, black tail off the end of the angled leg. That jagged, black line forms the outline of the human face profile that is facing to the right. There's some more things on this rock, but I'll not try to name them.
--Moving toward the camera, from the owl, is another bird I outlined in red. At first I thought, "turtle", but that's wrong. I now think, hawk or eagle. It has a large, eye catcher stone at it's eye location. The yellow outlined area just off of it's lower beak is filled with many eye catcher, round stones. Must be a reason. Slightly above ant to the right is an area, in yellow, with some letters carved in the stone. The left part has what looks like an "A" and "B" and on the right, an "A" or upside down "V" and a "R" or "B".
--Above that in the red outline is what, at first, looked like a comedic cat's face with large, white eyes and black pupils. But, after looking at it for a while, maybe it is an old man's face with large white eyes and black pupils. His chin is formed by a shield shape.
--Slightly higher and just to the right is another yellow outlined, large man's face. His nose has an "O" (an oh) and, at the bottom, is a large, raised "D". In between the nose and that "D" are several other shapes to be cataloged.
--Below that one is another yellow outline around a shapeless troll-like figure. His faceial features are at the very top and could be either an owl or an old man / troll with a very long, white beard.
--The yellow arrow is pointing to a long bladed sword. The tip of the arrow is right at the tip of the blade. At the top of the blade shape, you can see a short hilt with a short handle. Just to the right of the sword is a small yellow circle around the head of a knight.
--The next yellow circled area just to the right is around what sure looks like a nude statue of a woman.....similar to the Venus DeMilo kind of pose. That black "Y" shape is forming the juncture of the upper thights and groin area and just above that are 2 whiteish vertical areas that give the "6-pack abs" form. Just above THAT is what looks like at least one arm (her / his left arm) is bent at the elbow and the hand is at the side of the head. Now here is were it gets REALLY strange........that large black shadow figure just behind it sure looks like a horned demon shape.
--Just above the Venus stature is a very large profile of another demon, outlined with yellow.
--The last marking I've done here is to the right and is an owl statue that is also casting a black shadow owl-shape behind it.
Dog, there seems to be a narrow trail between the "Venus" statue and that last owl. It goes back just past that large demon's nose and into the large, blacked area. As I wrote, there are a lot of other "X"s and letters and figures all over that whole area and I tried to just mark the ones grouped together in the bottom central part of the photo.
EDIT: I just noticed something else after posting this comment and photo. Just at the top edge of that big, black area that the trail leads into, there's a pyramidal shaped rock and the peak is in the shape of an "A". I also spoted a tall rock formation that looks just like the round, flat topped turrents of old castles. It even has the flat top with the castleated kneewall. I didn't mark it either, but if you look straight above that huge demon profile there's a patch of green brush. Just a little above that patch of brush is the bottom of the "castle turret" rock.Just to the left of the turret is a large, black "T". This may not mean anything UNLESS that wide stretch of ground just to the right of the castle is the upper part of that trail that started below.....and leads up to that higher area. Cheez, there's another black owl shape up on the right edge of the upper "trail".
Well, hope I haven't confused things any more.