Ancient ?

The photos are in bad shape because they were taken from a very long distance away and I had to sharpen it a little more to show you. I cannot hike way down into a ravine then become an instant mountain climber to get to that cliff face. Either try to appreciate it that I even tried and also listening to your critical remarks. I want to share my finds and if you want to gripe about my photos, then that's your problem... not mine. I'm not going to risk my life for a picture perfect moment. All I'm asking for is help, I could care less if you found the King of Siams Tomb with a priest or a fake fudging whatever. It's not about who the hell found what, where or when. I was just asking for help

Cheez, John, get a grip. Casca was just stating a fact and he's just trying to help. An out of focus photo is useless. Many of the folks here take excellent photos from long distances that are clear and in focus. In another post, you mentioned that a tripod was too much trouble to carry around in your area (or words to that effect). Then use your hiking staff as a monopod and hold your camera against it to steady the shot. Also, set your camera at the highest resolution that it will make. The hi-res coupled with the steady rest made from your hiking staff should take care of the fuzzy problem. If you don't have a hiking staff, get one. I've used shovel handles (without the shovel head) on many occasion and they are great.........strong and low priced. If you don't have a staff and don't WANT one, then try to set your camera on top of a nearby rock for a temp stead rest.

Good luck.

,Dsty; far I have not seen the use of exact measurements..when a Direction has been stated ...once you hike in that exact compass heading..the distance becomes obvious if you keep your eyes and logic open...same with the diamond sign..various distances are found, by obvious and logical sight. I once had an omega monument encode a compass heading first time that happened on an omega..lots of times with the alpha...when I walked the line..I came across
the largest boulder in the area..easy to solve that one...and no distance was stated or needed..I do like the tack your on, wish you sucess..
oro bro
ps read the oro mandate

oh i forgot to mark the person legs at the base of the tower, they are crossed, one in shadow,one in light. yin and yang, the scale is balanced.

the ancient stuff is pagan..neolithic from Solomon's time with only the dead and their meager possessions buried there..the precursor of modern codes-with their use of dolmens and prop rocks..even a let the souls get out to go to heaven..the ancient stuff is a very large wild goose chase without the modern Distance and Direction coded in..and only ignore the ancient stuff until you get a degree in anthropology .......oh and super super rare in north america...only seen one example on hearts quest site in x in 25+ years. most still intact examples in Xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx
oro bro

I like the guys system on the left, for the ancient stuff. View attachment 870115

Thanks dog for this very cool pic. It has one element i have long wondered about so am quite happy to get a little clue on it. All the other is nice to see to. Not ancient of course , earliest i have seen that one instrument like a fan in depiction is about 1240 or so.

The Ancient stuff should NOT be ignored because many folks have found indications that the Spanish just may have been following information and or maps left by the Ancients in finding the mining areas they had developed. The Ancients did not try to hide or disguise their sites, but,in fact, carved great figures and statues at their spots. The Spanish johnny-come-latelys vandalized those carvings and modified them for their own signs; on top of moving the caches that were left behind. Then, the Mexican trail followers put their own marks on the areas after the Spanish were driven out of Mexico. Add the Jesuits who decided to do their own thing, then the KGC who used many of the same signs and symbols for THEIR trails, and any person with common sense would see that the Ancients were the key to finding the main spots because they were there first.......everyone else were "camp followers". LOL

EDIT: Not trying to put words in Dog the treasurehunter's mouth, but I do believe that THAT is why he started this thread. If the naysayer would check the TITLE of the thread perhaps he would have an "AH HA" moment. Seems more and more like the naysayer is the true distractor and is trying HARD to keep trail followers from paying attention to the OTHER signs and symbols that are there.

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I like the guys system on the left, for the ancient stuff. View attachment 870115

Dog, can you name the stars the sailors are pointing too? It will tie into your research you shared a few months can also line these stars up with certain monument/markers on the ground.

Man I love this picture Dog, where did you get it? Is there more?

yes shortstack, I belive a lot of the stone work was done way before the Spanish got here. and the mining was going on too. they did the same thing they did in south America .raid and plunder every tomb,mine they could find. why would they not? and to think the ancients where not here doesn't make sense to me either. I believe like you, the ancient stuff is right there in your face,at the spot. I have seen the ancients work in every mountain range along the boarder region I have been in. theres some massive work that has been done. and I don't believe it was all done by the Spanish. in fact, that's what i look for,the massive stone work. then I head up in the mountain towards it. just like the spainsh and everyone else did that's interested in that type of stone work. then like you said,everyone else,starts doing there work thru the years. now iam there doing my work, and as time goes on others will be there.this stuff was here way before the Spanish. that's what I belive and that's,the rule book I follow,lol.

Thanks dog for this very cool pic. It has one element i have long wondered about so am quite happy to get a little clue on it. All the other is nice to see to. Not ancient of course , earliest i have seen that one instrument like a fan in depiction is about 1240 or so.
thanks moons for that info. on about the appox. year of those guys working the solar system. glad you spotted something to help in your research.

Dog, can you name the stars the sailors are pointing too? It will tie into your research you shared a few months can also line these stars up with certain monument/markers on the ground.

Man I love this picture Dog, where did you get it? Is there more?
no, I cant name the stars casca, iam not that well educated yet. but I do belive it is a big key in the older stuff. so I belive like you and others they set things up that way. it was there belief and life. so iam sure they used it. no I cant remember where I seen that drawing. id love to do some full moon work some day. but iam still to scared to attempt it. theres illegals where iam at,and that's when they go on the move now,at night.

your first photo here is not a the hand is not a iconic or classic treasure or trail sign for that matter..what clearly looks like
'J' 'F' and judges chapt 6 is an admonition ...and could be near the start of a real treasure trail.look for the alpha monument, with a hoyo with 3-7 elements
you know critter faces, profile face, owl, turtle face ect ect
oro for the informed ignore single trail signs for now....stay focused on monuments as your best bet..also ignore cloud readers input..misinformed and dont know what real treasure signs and monuments are...guessing will not get you that golden glow...only the truth of the matter will...stay with the truth...
oro for the truly informed

Re: stars in the image Dog posted: Looks to me like it is the little and big dippers, and the stars they are pointing to are Polaris and Merak. Its out of the picture but I'm assuming Polaris, as it's one of the most important in the sky.

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this area looks in 122512 043.webpteresting.

Ancient maybe? 12 feet 2 inches tall. Comments?
12 foot head and pointer.webp

That rock formation is definitely man made and not natural. You can see the small stones tucked in around the large top rock to hole it in place and the hand of man did that; not some earthquake or big flood.

I think the main information offered here is that pointer piece sticking out to the left from the base assembly of rocks. It is indicating the direction to look for the next monument or information sign / symbol. It could be a large piece in the distance or something small in the near area.

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