Ancient ?

Wrangler you have been here long time and know our rules or should.

Stop the insults and attack.....

And while you're at it, raggler, please provide some convincing justification for your various 'code' allegations. It would be a great service to those who follow your posts if they could be shown that your claims have any merit other than repeating the equally unsubstantiated malarkey that Kenworthy published.

Thanks Springfield All of us make mistakes and I know I have made many, I just like to live in my own little world and be able think what I want.

Thanks Springfield All of us make mistakes and I know I have made many, I just like to live in my own little world and be able think what I want.

We all have our own ideas of how things are. So do I. If I decided to set myself up as an expert, I would expect to be questioned strongly and would be prepared to answer those questions.

Hi, Most of my post will or should have a " May / Guess / perhaps / I think ( very seldom anything that indicates for sure ) and words such as those. IF I have measured got compass degrees and got most everything figured out its just because IN mind it works, In Gale Shaffer's book 1882 model it shows Indian Signs, what he calls a calender there's 5 rows of dots stacked in 8 rows, there s a couple of places that it worhs pretty good for Spanish also, such as the triangle with 5 each 7's across the top fits pretty good also if you take 1/2 of 8 = 4 leagues = 10 miles and if you take 5 7s wide its 12.5 miles wide or 1/2 of 25 which we have talked about before. Times up Gotta get logged out

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dog tth.
i'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, the only ancient things about the shadows and rocks you found is that Yes mother nature is ancient~!
keep on trucking and look for is a real sign most of the time and confirmation of the monument if find the minimum of three elements on the same set of stack can also hunt your own photos and find any hoyos then confirm the elements and there is your beginning point of some productive real confirmed signs and marks....

remember calling signs [really pareidolia] ancient is the last refuge of arm chair cloud readers..then the next and last step is to call them 'alien marks'..of which you have a resident expert...SS
oro for the truly informed not the misinformed.....

"a fool is really a fool, whether he is at home or away"...anon.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

ok, it has been awhile since I've been on here and I went and got some "Spanish Death Rods" , Dog, the treasure hunter told me about and I went off into the wild blue yonder... or perhaps much better... "The Damned Dry Dusty Desert" and yes... I went all over the place and found some very interesting things "out there" and up the Pacific Coast Highway and got lost out in the Salome area (on purpose) and found some rather interesting things there. I ended up in the Bradshaw Mountains and found a lot of interesting things there as well... which in turn took me back to the Superstitions and found alot of interesting things there and the most interesting things I found in San Diego in a Cave, I will post photos here and there. I took 55,000 photos and need to sift through them. I was going to write a book, but things got more complex and complicated and finding things, learning and seeing things.

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on your photos you guys post, there is a whole lot more in them your not seeing or your think is irrelevant (Peralta Stones) are other faint markings you have to pay attention too... not just the prominent ones. The photos everyone post has more markings than you think in them. Just incase you knew or didn't

I've enlarged that first photo that has what looks like a bird and a shape I called a snake and the more I stared at that "snake" the more I'm sure that I made a mistake in that. It's actually a SQUIRREL, of all things. That left part is it's fluffed out tail and you can see short, black tick lines on the bottom of the body that means it's legs. It's head, on the right end is trianglar shape with a white spot for an eye and just above the head is a solid, black dot. There ARE numbers / letters on the face of the rock around it.

Also, I believe that bird is a buzzard or vulture.......not an eagle. It's beak is elongated and the end is a fat, slightly hooked shape of a carrion eater, not an eagle. This rock also has letters / numbers.

On the next photo, look at that black triangle you circled on the right. The apex point is pointing up at a large black figure of a squirrel, with a white spot for an eye. At first I thought it was a dragon because of the short wings, but then thought, " hell, that means that's a FLYING squirrel. There's a small, black dot just above IT'S head, too.

Way over toward the left, at the bottom of the photo, is a large, black bat, looking up. Bats live in caves, grottos, barns, sheds, attics,......anywhere that is protected from the sun. Squirrels live in the trees, but also will burrough into the ground. You have a regular squirrel running from something, in that first picture. It had a triangle head with a white eye. The next squirrel is a flying squirrell that jumps out of trees or other high places to get to the ground or a lower branch, quickly. That flying squirrel has a rounded head with a white eye and a black spot just over IT'S head like the first one. The bat is looking up as if to zero in on it's resting spot for the coming night fall.

The first place I would look is behind that tree / bush crop in the top center of your second photo. That tree / bush has grown to a pretty good size and would need a good patch of dirt to set it's root structure. There are one or two other spots in the second photo that could be covers. I'll tag copies of these 2 pics tomorrow. For now, I'll post enlarged copies without the tags, so you can see what I've described. Dog, I appologize for mislabelling that figure as a snake instead of a squirrell. Even though it's indicating the same direction, the squirrel thing adds more info than it's being a snake. I thought maybe you should look for a snake and then the spot above the next snake's hed, but the squirrel changed what to look for BIG time.

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Is that large, black figure down and to the right of the black triangle a large black left hand and forearm giving the "thumbs up" sign ????? Could it also mean GO up and to the left ????

MAN Thats Riddled With Signs, DAMN!!!!

pareidolia - I really hate that word. The last few post all hold some truth. Hoyos are important. You still need to work the area. John from arizona probably finds a lot of worked areas. SS has always helped me with his talents for seeing sign. Dog have you found any blue painted stones? This thread is about ancient and I was looking for mayan or land of ophir stuff. Your picture shows some promise, but I have come into the conversation too late. Im not sure of where you are at in the trail, and what you hope to gain from this set of rocks? It looks like these rocks could come down on you at any moment. Just exactly what I like to climb. Have you been to the top yet and looked down Dog? I have to be honest, I just dont think they would waste time putting much sign here, you should be able to see what you need from the trail. I like to use a 3x power scope as that is closest to what they had. When possible I try to get behind stuff like this and spend a moment and just look. I see noahs ark in all the rubble. This could be a couple trails splitting up.

No casca, no blue painted stone yet, maybe one, not sure if it, is painted, or natural color. small only about 3 inches in size. what it being used for, is to hold this massive boulder on a angle. its a different color and texture than any stone I have found in the area. its cutting into the boulders, not the other way around. its funny how they knew that little stone could hold up to all that pressure did find a green color stone, but I think its native copper ore. The trial I was on,with the shadow birds, is a north south main trail more than likely, thousands of years, probley a foot path towards Mexico city on down to the tip of south America, then if you go north, it does finally become a modern road that can go to Canada,Alaska. I really don't follow the trials,i usually take short cuts to areas that look interesting. where iam at you can see the old trails pretty easy zig zagging up the mountains. I found one on google earth that is pounded deep,and it dead ends up in the mountain. maybe the pay load hidden there? when I first come out here,i said this will be easy,ill just follow the trails to where they end at the mine. but no,they where to smart for that, they keep them going right along. that's the only one I have found that dead ends. theres some light ones branching off, but this one is pounded,either from a lot of weight being hauled up there,or many trips. I need to make it up there and have a look looks promising from something I seen that's different up there from google earth.

Well at first glance I did not think the site had much value. But there does appear some carved and arranged stones that would indicate more going on here Dog. Now you gave me something to work with. The Large stone needs a really good examination, especially at its base. Look for round holes 6-8 inches in diameter possibly with wood sticking out of them. At the base of a cliff face I would look for square or diamond shaped holes with wood in them. The outcropping almost has a pyramid shape, and tiers or levels. This always catches my eye as I wondered what a 20,000 year old pyramid would look like? Or could see water flowing and the mound covered in plants. I suspected it was on a main trail. Its not going to hurt to explore the other small outcroppings in the area if they exist. Find the water source that is indicated buy the horses head rock that gives you a direction. The camp may hold some goodies washed up by recent rains.

Your comment, above, about holes with wood sticking out, reminded me of what along time Spanish / Mexican trail follower told me a couple of years ago just how they would sometimes build a burrow path up the side of a shear cliff. He said they would chisel out holes, about 8 inches or so and about 12 inches deep into the rock. Then they would stick a section of log into the holes to stick out straight from the cliff face. These logs would stick out from the cliff face about 8 feet. Then, they would lash small diameter poles between the log sections to tie them all together. On top of the poles, would be a layer of smaller limbs with many branches and finally, dirt on top of those. Those "roads" would be used to move burros up and down a shear cliff to and from the diggings.......if THAT was the only way to get access to the diggings WITH burros to pack out the ore.

So, keep watch for rows of holes, spaced roughly 6 or 8 feet apart, lined out in a cliff face and "flowing" upward at a workable angle.

Dog tth,
the only thing ancient about your pics, is pareidolia it is the most ancient of all markings - they predate MAN~![and the laughable aliens]
and fiy over the head of cloud readers, who only make things worse for you and others,
who are earnest and sincere, while they play with your emotions...they laugh at their it is all ego bound.
oro for the truly informed

'we sink in decadence - amid the perfume of incorrect hints and suggestions of those that do know the truth of the matter'...anon

'oh and a fool is a fool no matter where he is!'

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Hello peralta just think about ALL the information that this group of folks have have and won't share except for a tiny portion, yes theres a lot of information avaliable kinda like a ball game, several players, but most are specators just watching, some are there just to tell you how game must be played, refree's and such, still everyone enjoys the game. THANK'S Everbody

good stuff dsty.

Thank you dtth, you have been back away's, I have been trying to get folks to measure the heigth of their rocks / boulders, its I believe a clue to the method of measurement in distance, just as you would walk up to something and eyeball it and measure the heigth of your eyeball, windrose may be knee high, trail markers seem to be somewhere around 44 inches corner markers may be sholder high, and soforth, Thanks

Hi dsty, I been laying low for awhile. Yea, I like your system of hunting and measurement's. i will start measuring the heights of them ,and record them. thanks.

Hello dtth, Theres so much of this stuff thats speculation, some recorded, some thats been verified in the field, some thats never been explored YET. Its my belief that there's at least two different types of measurements, one for caches that may use the King Royal Measurement's, There's some interesting methods that Gale Shaffer's book Waybill To Lost Spanish Mines and Treasure has in it they are as follows, Labor = 174 acres and its my belief that the acre is 208 feet X 174 = almost - 7 - miles which is interesting , league = 2.60 miles , a manzana = 1.833 and I didn't write that down but it may be a yard for a unit measurement, a Suerte = 522 X 276 vara, or 511.06 x 255.53 yards ( 1.833 ? ?? ) I didn't write that down either but it may be 70 miles, he also wrote down a vara as being 32.99 inches is what I use. Anyway it may be that the Spanish Measurement that was used for Land Measurement's, Cache sites they used Royal Measurements, and something else for Mines and Vaults would fit for the 3 things that seem to fit everything also the compass that was posted shows 8 degrees which may also be used at the 1st corner moument which if you had something ( a line of travel ) West and North would be the desired direction of travel for two groups of surveyors and the other degree may point to the North East corner marker of the section that has the cache site, it would also make a turkey track, follow the middle toe, Sure wish I had the Royal Measurements, The other measurement could be trail markers / corner markers / monuments markers. Anyone else want to chime in, Lost Horse, Desert Moon, Thom Lamar, Rangler, anybody ????:dontknow:

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View attachment 867407 View attachment 867408

I Need Help With This One.

2 Heads

First One in Center of a Stack (White Head) Looking East @ 4' High. Second One, in a Cave in San Diego Looking South. Height @ 20'

Both Heads have The Same Distinctive Unique Shape

(I also have a lot of photos of carved drawings and adobe filled holes in this cave)

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John, your pictures are in terrible shape. Im gonna take your word for it. I have found priest very close to a false entrance and also used as a map. I find thr priest in many places, but usually in the shadows. The shadow knows john. winning.webpYou will see a heart and a mine sign along with a Y here. Just one example for your john. Im sure you have your own. I took great pains to get this close and the right angle so the picture would come out. Elevation plays a role here. The priest is the mountain, and the symbols represent where they are in reference to the mountain. This sign has to be viewed up close. This marker is very close. But my pockets are empty, so not close enough. Nice picture though.

Folks have confused this picture with another site. This has been duplicated across the valley in another spot where a vault was found along with more. Im just glad I got a picture of it before it gets destroyed.

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