Ancient ?

I believe that all DTs are of Spanish origin. The Ancients had no reason to
construct such things because they were the top of the food chain in their day.
There were no peoples in direct competition with them, so no need to put in
any DTs to protect their "workings". The first REAL vandals were the Spanish
who came along many centuries later.

thanks shortstack, thats a great thought. i like it.

i really didnt think of this as a death trap. but iam sure if you went digging around under there it would become one for sure. ill have to get up there and see what kind of signs are on the ground close to there. to see if they are indeed trying lure you in, to get you to dig there. its wasnt really a fair question,because you guys didnt get to see the whole picture, and whats on the other side of the mountain. on the other side of the mountain i found what i thought might be mayan related.

Look under top outside boulder, you see a triangle and small block letter t? They are white look at white line going down the stone and see where it takes you.
Good luck

thanks peralta, good eye on spoting the white shaded marks. i still havent figured out yet what the white marks mean yet,i seem to find very few of those.

D,tth, I would not dig under the figure. In my limited work on ancients I have found that stone or carved heads or bodies with headgear always are looking at least 90 degrees off, and not always in direction of eye. I have two that are profiles with the goods behind them at a distance. Shadow signs with headgear can look the right way. Thanks, R.

thanks hoofer for that info., I don't know anything about the ancients, or the Spanish for that matter. but I do believe now that most of the stone work around where iam at was done by them. then others came along and added stuff and reworked things. I don't believe the Spanish would waste that much time doing all that stone work that is out here. plus a lot of it doesn't follow the rules that the experts on here say that's the way it is. for me its very hard to work thru it all. I think this place was a very important meeting place for some group or groups. all most amphitheater like. I almost get the feeling the ancient stuff is super deep. just a gut feeling. would you happen to know? thanks for the input.

That's a really intricate arrangement of boulders and rocks in the hoyo photo. BUT, did the Ancients use hoyos or is that purely a Spanish technique?? I'm thinking Spanish.

I have no ideal shortstack, but I think it and a lot of other stuff out here was done by someone other than the spainsh, I think the just raided everything out here,changed somethings and added there own markers at there cache sites. theres just so many worked stones and arrangements out here,hoyos everywhere. but I really don't know.

I believe the Spanish marked this side with the round dot,which from what I have read means gold?

sure wish I could make this out.<img src=""/><img src=""/>

Dog,remember never to dig anywhere till you triple check every clue.I have met people that stay in one spot digging and they don't have the true can't tell them anything, they won't believe you and you might get them mad.

6113 007.jpgbbbbbbbbb.webp61613 028.jpgblkwht.webpthere is a face far left and thestone next 2 it looks like the 1 u have marked center of other pic the 1 that jesus far left is staring at numbers in top circle and a number 3 looks like?and just a couple more faces.

good eye on that stuff hadji009. its a nice ridge line with some nice stone and shadow signs, I think the place of intrest is to the right. I looked, but haven't found the hidden opening, yet. but I think the Mayan or some group was here first.

Hey, Dog:
The bird is perched; not flyng or walking. It's arrived. The snakes head is higher than it's tail......follow the direction of the head. Measure the distance from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. That's your distance measurement. See if there's a multiplier on that stone with the snake. The bird and snake are looking / heading in the same direction.

Even if it IS an Ancient site, follow the Spanish signs. They were the last there and changed things at least a little bit.

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