A preschool teacher has an easier time with 4 year Olds than the poor mods that have to police this thread !! I still can't understand what the purpose of this thread is.....I come and check every once in awhile to see if I can actually determine what the hell this rambling is about.....yes I'm guilty of lurking around this train wreck of a post.....people banned, multiple aliases for others, bickering, arguing, insulting, and no direction or actual discussion of any one theme or topic. It's a place for adults that have no sense of what the term "family friendly" especially the friendly part. There is hardly a page here that dosent have some derogatory or insulting comments. I've never seen the moderators have this much interaction on any other thread !! Every third page has a warning from moderators scolding someone for not playing nice, or breaking the rules, or comments that are insulting to others. It like babysitting a bunch of.....well I better not sink to the same level, and act a fool either. Anyway it's hard to believe that this train wreck is still crashing and getting attention.....does anyone ever treasure hunt anymore....what the hell is the point of all this disjointed arguing....is there really anything that someone is trying to convey ?? Because I don't see any real content in all this crap !! Stop wasting your breath here and get out and do something worthy of a real post, and not fight club forum !!this has been some of the most immature ramblings from real adults and it's disgusting. But like most things in life now....its just my opinion....you people go on and continue doing whatever it is that's keeping everyone commenting here ?? I'll continue on my way and go get some more gold and treasure while you guys act like children and clog up t-net with crap !!
Seeeee yaaaa !!