ANCIENT VOICES: Ditlihi's Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest

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Here is a little more to this story,to help show how dangerous these groups are if you join in with them. Dog has a neighbor that lives about 600 yards away. The closest neighbor . Its a lady that owns the house and a small guest house on the property she rents two a male persons. Both are tied into this. Dog believes this male was one of the hackers of these group, because he would come across dog speakers telling him he wasn't one of the main characters that planned his attempted murder. He said he wasn't responsible for that part. Well anyways Dog told me he had hung himself inside the guest house, according to a Detective that came to Dogs house to find out some info. on his death. Dog told the detective that a few day before this guy hung himself . When the lady came home from work , she would not drive onto her own property. The guy had the gate open for her holding it. But she stood in front of her car with her arms crossed for well over a hour. Dog was outside working on his cars. These two where not romantically involved,just a renter, she has a boyfriend . Dog believes he was part of the pedophile ring. A person had sent him a video of some people(no names to be given out) that use the Dark web. And he thinks was it a suicide or murder . Because the lady that owns the property left and hasn't been back. You would think if it was suicide, she would still be there. Dog prays for this person every day,that they the strength to get away from these people.They are not going to make her rich. They are going to kick her to the curb when they are done with her. Dog thinks they are going to slowly poison her. Pray for her if you care. Maybe she can change. They say its hard for a narcissistic to do that. And hard to break free from cults.

Here is a little more to the story. This person had told dog she had met with this person in Colorado when she was living there. She said it called the Taj Mahal because of how lavish and luxurious it is at that place. She said she told them that when a person has nothing to lose , that is not a person you should go after,meaning dog. She said she also told them they are not as smart as they think they are. Narcissistic .

Down in the boarder town of Columbus NM. they has a celebration every year. So dog goes down there. In this RV park he see this person and this person see's him. This person takes off and goes into to the most expensive motor home in the park. The symbols that were stuck in the ground outside this motor home was sad if you know what it means,it was the only motor home in the park that had objects placed in the ground. Plus dog said the outfit this person had on was nothing like the clothes this person wore for over the two years they were staying on his property . Its sad what this person has become,or maybe was all ready like that,just hidden from dog. He prays for this person every morning. He was very blind to the existence of this stuff. He has been studying on it now, in hopes he can educate people on the dangers of these groups. It truly is sad.

Its bad down in the boarder towns. About a month before this person sent these people after dog. This same group of people had beat this young girl so bad she had kidney damage. After she got out of the hospital her family took her in hiding out of town. If dog had a wife and kid,he would have had to have done the same thing,packed up and moved. The towns people are so sick of this. Its a group of rich white people controlling things using the cartel and corrupt police as there enforcers.

Not even a month ago this person and one of their gang members made death threats to dog on face book. He couldn't believe that they did that on social media. They removed some of it,but it was to late dog already captured it. They want him dusted bad. The person that was staying on dogs property spill the beans on their plan and named names of some of the people involved. You would know who they are. This person was in a panic that their plan didn't work out,that dog sniffed it out. This person was only worried about themselve. Thru everyone else under the bus.

The people in this town are tired of being threatened by these groups. They just want to raise their families without being terrorized and forced to do things that they want no part of.

Twisted Sister With Mariachi were not gonna take it


Speaking of Drones, this person that made the death threat to dog on face book has a drone. A person came on there and said he was a peeping Tom. I guess he must fly it up above people yards. Another thing they like doing if they get you poised is push for the paranoid angle to try and push you over the edge. Its part of their gas lighting. Dog made the mistake of giving this person a set of keys to his house. After the Cops kicked this person of his property . He would go to town and come back and find things missing,then go to town,come back and the items would be put back. That all stopped when their one gang member hung himself or was hung by someone . Its all part of their many gas lighting techniques they use try to make you paranoid . Along with their hacking of phones TV and computers. They do it so much it wont even phase you anymore . I will have to post some Narcissistic videos it fits them to a tee. They say all cult leaders are Narcissistic .

My bad. The OP may have been coerced by this bad group. The OP told me they where going to do some very bad things to the OP if there was no going along with it. The OP said this group believes all treasures belong to them and said they are based out of Utah . The OP said something was set in motion against me and the OP couldn't undo it. The OP told me they were going to go to law enforcement and tell them about everything and everyone . I sure hope the OP did that. I have no ideal what kind of story was cooked up about me or what i did but iam sure it was false, and i hope this group realized this by now. I dont believe any of these treasures are mine and never will be. I do appreciate the work that was left behind and want to see more of it and learn more about it. What set this all off was me telling the OP that they had to move on and take up resident some where else. Over two years of free living with nothing expected in return was enough for them to get back on their feet. Sure makes me want to never help anyone again. I sure hope the info. i passed on will help the good of humanity in some way. I sure hope that bad group in Utah doesn't benefit from it.

So much fear.

What did you do to make you so afraid? What are you trying so hard to cover up?

Something smells here.

???. I can tell what crew you are running with .You guys give it away .You will have better luck on that thread.

I'm good, thanks. You?

Projection is not Understanding, nor is it Reality.

I see the word Narcissist comes up a lot in conversation lately. I find I must agree. In my opinion, we're witnessing the extreme self-destructive behavior of narcissistic collapse.

When a Narcissist loses their narcissistic supply they self implode, often figuratively burning their own house down in their uncontrollable zeal for vengeance.

Below are 11 signs of narcissistic collapse:

1. Impulsive Behaviors
Impulsivity is a trademark characteristic of narcissism. When a narcissist’s overinflated confidence is injured, they may ignore advice and make impulsive decisions to show they are always right. Impulsive behaviors, such as impulse buying or excessive spending, help them counteract challenges to their ego.

2. Depression
Depression and narcissism often go hand-in-hand. Narcissists frequently have trouble regulating their emotions, which can cause depressive episodes when they cannot cope with a challenge to their self-worth. The narcissist’s access to supply dwindles during a narcissistic collapse, contributing to these low moods.

3. Gaslighting
Narcissistic gaslighting is a narcissistic manipulation tactic used to distort a person’s reality or memory. A narcissist may gaslight others when they feel threatened to divert attention from their shortcomings. When a narcissistic collapse occurs, they use this tactic to hurt the person questioning them.

4. Mental Breakdowns
A narcissist may have a breakdown if their supply is cut off and they feel vulnerable, embarrassed, or out of control. Narcissistic breakdown symptoms can include rage, impulsive destructive behaviors, or other ways of showcasing intense mental suffering. A narcissist will lash out at you in any way they can or hurt themselves to cope with the shame.

5. Anger Outbursts & Rage
Rage outbursts are commonly seen during a narcissistic collapse episode. In the narcissist’s mind, it is easier to be angry than deal with the uncomfortable emotions of embarrassment, rejection, or shame. Rage is especially typical with vindictive narcissists.

6. Smearing Someone’s Reputation
A narcissistic smear campaign may happen after a narcissist relationship ends, especially if they lose control of or access to supply. Smear campaigns are intended to harm a person’s social, familial, or professional reputation. The narcissist may do so by saying the victim is “crazy” or “unstable.” A smear campaign ensures the narcissist maintains control of the narrative and that their image is sustained.

7. Self-Harm Behaviors
A covert narcissist may engage in self-harming behaviors when they feel slighted, such as extreme weight loss or shaving their head. By doing so, the narcissist can maintain control and regain attention or sympathy during a narcissistic collapse.

8. Making Accusations
During a narcissistic collapse, a narcissist may make untrue accusations toward another person to deflect from their own behaviors. Such allegations distract from a narcissist’s mistakes or faults if they are called out. In this way, they avoid feeling ashamed or embarrassed if they can place blame on their victim.

9. Intense Anxiety
Narcissists may experience anxiety during a narcissistic collapse, possibly as irritability, increased distressing thoughts, teeth grinding, or paranoia. Anxiety may develop if they fear certain behaviors will be exposed or they are ignored, lose control, or receive too little attention.

10. Stonewalling
Stonewalling refers to a narcissist’s refusal to communicate with others, allowing them to preserve control by making their challenger feel guilty, confused, or stressed. The narcissist wants their victim to respond and engage with them so they can twist the situation in their favor and recover from a collapse.

11. Suddenly Ending a Relationship
A narcissist may end a relationship if it fails to meet their needs. This action, or the “narcissistic discard,” is often considered the final stage of narcissistic collapse. If the narcissist realizes their supply is being cut off, they move on to their next victim but remain involved in the person’s life by spreading a smear campaign or hoovering.

Eye opening, isn't it? I've certainly observed those signs on this thread, but not coming from the OP.

Have you considered Counseling?

I'm good, thanks. You?

Projection is not Understanding, nor is it Reality.

I see the word Narcissist comes up a lot in conversation lately. I find I must agree. In my opinion, we're witnessing the extreme self-destructive behavior of narcissistic collapse.

When a Narcissist loses their narcissistic supply they self implode, often figuratively burning their own house down in their uncontrollable zeal for vengeance.

Below are 11 signs of narcissistic collapse:

1. Impulsive Behaviors
Impulsivity is a trademark characteristic of narcissism. When a narcissist’s overinflated confidence is injured, they may ignore advice and make impulsive decisions to show they are always right. Impulsive behaviors, such as impulse buying or excessive spending, help them counteract challenges to their ego.

2. Depression
Depression and narcissism often go hand-in-hand. Narcissists frequently have trouble regulating their emotions, which can cause depressive episodes when they cannot cope with a challenge to their self-worth. The narcissist’s access to supply dwindles during a narcissistic collapse, contributing to these low moods.

3. Gaslighting
Narcissistic gaslighting is a narcissistic manipulation tactic used to distort a person’s reality or memory. A narcissist may gaslight others when they feel threatened to divert attention from their shortcomings. When a narcissistic collapse occurs, they use this tactic to hurt the person questioning them.

4. Mental Breakdowns
A narcissist may have a breakdown if their supply is cut off and they feel vulnerable, embarrassed, or out of control. Narcissistic breakdown symptoms can include rage, impulsive destructive behaviors, or other ways of showcasing intense mental suffering. A narcissist will lash out at you in any way they can or hurt themselves to cope with the shame.

5. Anger Outbursts & Rage
Rage outbursts are commonly seen during a narcissistic collapse episode. In the narcissist’s mind, it is easier to be angry than deal with the uncomfortable emotions of embarrassment, rejection, or shame. Rage is especially typical with vindictive narcissists.

6. Smearing Someone’s Reputation
A narcissistic smear campaign may happen after a narcissist relationship ends, especially if they lose control of or access to supply. Smear campaigns are intended to harm a person’s social, familial, or professional reputation. The narcissist may do so by saying the victim is “crazy” or “unstable.” A smear campaign ensures the narcissist maintains control of the narrative and that their image is sustained.

7. Self-Harm Behaviors
A covert narcissist may engage in self-harming behaviors when they feel slighted, such as extreme weight loss or shaving their head. By doing so, the narcissist can maintain control and regain attention or sympathy during a narcissistic collapse.

8. Making Accusations
During a narcissistic collapse, a narcissist may make untrue accusations toward another person to deflect from their own behaviors. Such allegations distract from a narcissist’s mistakes or faults if they are called out. In this way, they avoid feeling ashamed or embarrassed if they can place blame on their victim.

9. Intense Anxiety
Narcissists may experience anxiety during a narcissistic collapse, possibly as irritability, increased distressing thoughts, teeth grinding, or paranoia. Anxiety may develop if they fear certain behaviors will be exposed or they are ignored, lose control, or receive too little attention.

10. Stonewalling
Stonewalling refers to a narcissist’s refusal to communicate with others, allowing them to preserve control by making their challenger feel guilty, confused, or stressed. The narcissist wants their victim to respond and engage with them so they can twist the situation in their favor and recover from a collapse.

11. Suddenly Ending a Relationship
A narcissist may end a relationship if it fails to meet their needs. This action, or the “narcissistic discard,” is often considered the final stage of narcissistic collapse. If the narcissist realizes their supply is being cut off, they move on to their next victim but remain involved in the person’s life by spreading a smear campaign or hoovering.

Eye opening, isn't it? I've certainly observed those signs on this thread, but not coming from the OP.

Have you considered Counseling?
I understand why you call yourself a Tragic Wagon. Your writing style reminds me of someone who has all kinds of different alias that they use on t-net, that use to stay at dogs place. Dog would always try and calm that person down with their daily explosion of what was posted on t-net. Narcissistic cant take criticism , its Tragic for them. Super high egos . Take some writing classes ,it may help.

Dude....this is the weirdest thread ever. 😳 what the hell is the point of this thread ?? Anybody have an idea ?? Lots of disjointed rambling for 54 pages ??

I understand why you call yourself a Tragic Wagon. Your writing style reminds me of someone who has all kinds of different alias that they use on t-net, that use to stay at dogs place. Dog would always try and calm that person down with their daily explosion of what was posted on t-net. Narcissistic cant take criticism , its Tragic for them. Super high egos . Take some writing classes ,it may help.

Again, I'm good, thanks.

Does it help Dog to refer to himself in third person?

I am aware of a study that shows referring to oneself in third person actually helps regulate emotions.

The researchers imply that referring to yourself in the third person leads people to think about themselves similarly to how they think about others. This can help people gain just enough psychological distance from their experiences to help them regulate their emotions, and may constitute a relatively effortless form of self-control.

Does Dog have difficulty with self control?

???. I can tell what crew you are running with .You guys give it away .You will have better luck on that thread.

I understand why you call yourself a Tragic Wagon. Your writing style reminds me of someone who has all kinds of different alias that they use on t-net, that use to stay at dogs place. Dog would always try and calm that person down with their daily explosion of what was posted on t-net. Narcissistic cant take criticism , its Tragic for them. Super high egos . Take some writing classes ,it may help.
You do give yourself away, especially making negative comments about others in this forum,
{who you more than likely really don't know}, which attitude & comments are totally out of line.

Just for a little clarity, how do you know so much about dog's home & supposed life circumstances,
{which do sound pretty serious & rough, to put it mildly} unless...
You are him, or say the OP you refer to.
Have you had counseling?

Wagon and Light....FyI.... It violates our rules to use multiple accounts and it also violates our rules to act as proxy for banned members.

If this problem between you continues I can resolve it quickly.

Wagon and Light....FyI.... It violates our rules to use multiple accounts and it also violates our rules to act as proxy for banned members.

If this problem between you continues I can resolve it quickly.
10-4. I figured out what proxy means. It took awhile but i got it.

Wagon and Light....FyI.... It violates our rules to use multiple accounts and it also violates our rules to act as proxy for banned members.

If this problem between you continues I can resolve it quickly.

I didn't realize there was a problem, Treasure Hunter. I was simply trying to help, it takes a village and all that. But thank you for reminding us All of the Rules. You are 100% correct, as usual.

His mental health is Not My Responsibility. I shall not lollygag here any longer.

Enjoy your day. 👍

I didn't realize there was a problem, Treasure Hunter. I was simply trying to help, it takes a village and all that. But thank you for reminding us All of the Rules. You are 100% correct, as usual.

His mental health is Not My Responsibility. I shall not lollygag here any longer.

Enjoy your day. 👍
As long as our rules are followed all is good....

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