I'm good, thanks. You?
Projection is not Understanding, nor is it Reality.
I see the word Narcissist comes up a lot in conversation lately. I find I must agree. In my opinion, we're witnessing the extreme self-destructive behavior of narcissistic collapse.
When a Narcissist loses their narcissistic supply they self implode, often figuratively burning their own house down in their uncontrollable zeal for vengeance.
Below are 11 signs of narcissistic collapse:
1. Impulsive Behaviors
Impulsivity is a trademark characteristic of narcissism. When a narcissist’s overinflated confidence is injured, they may ignore advice and make impulsive decisions to show they are always right. Impulsive behaviors, such as impulse buying or excessive spending, help them counteract challenges to their ego.
2. Depression
Depression and narcissism often go hand-in-hand. Narcissists frequently have trouble regulating their emotions, which can cause depressive episodes when they cannot cope with a challenge to their self-worth. The narcissist’s access to supply dwindles during a narcissistic collapse, contributing to these low moods.
3. Gaslighting
Narcissistic gaslighting is a narcissistic manipulation tactic used to distort a person’s reality or memory. A narcissist may gaslight others when they feel threatened to divert attention from their shortcomings. When a narcissistic collapse occurs, they use this tactic to hurt the person questioning them.
4. Mental Breakdowns
A narcissist may have a breakdown if their supply is cut off and they feel vulnerable, embarrassed, or out of control. Narcissistic breakdown symptoms can include rage, impulsive destructive behaviors, or other ways of showcasing intense mental suffering. A narcissist will lash out at you in any way they can or hurt themselves to cope with the shame.
5. Anger Outbursts & Rage
Rage outbursts are commonly seen during a narcissistic collapse episode. In the narcissist’s mind, it is easier to be angry than deal with the uncomfortable emotions of embarrassment, rejection, or shame. Rage is especially typical with vindictive narcissists.
6. Smearing Someone’s Reputation
A narcissistic smear campaign may happen after a narcissist relationship ends, especially if they lose control of or access to supply. Smear campaigns are intended to harm a person’s social, familial, or professional reputation. The narcissist may do so by saying the victim is “crazy” or “unstable.” A smear campaign ensures the narcissist maintains control of the narrative and that their image is sustained.
7. Self-Harm Behaviors
A covert narcissist may engage in self-harming behaviors when they feel slighted, such as extreme weight loss or shaving their head. By doing so, the narcissist can maintain control and regain attention or sympathy during a narcissistic collapse.
8. Making Accusations
During a narcissistic collapse, a narcissist may make untrue accusations toward another person to deflect from their own behaviors. Such allegations distract from a narcissist’s mistakes or faults if they are called out. In this way, they avoid feeling ashamed or embarrassed if they can place blame on their victim.
9. Intense Anxiety
Narcissists may experience anxiety during a narcissistic collapse, possibly as irritability, increased distressing thoughts, teeth grinding, or paranoia. Anxiety may develop if they fear certain behaviors will be exposed or they are ignored, lose control, or receive too little attention.
10. Stonewalling
Stonewalling refers to a narcissist’s refusal to communicate with others, allowing them to preserve control by making their challenger feel guilty, confused, or stressed. The narcissist wants their victim to respond and engage with them so they can twist the situation in their favor and recover from a collapse.
11. Suddenly Ending a Relationship
A narcissist may end a relationship if it fails to meet their needs. This action, or the “narcissistic discard,” is often considered the final stage of narcissistic collapse. If the narcissist realizes their supply is being cut off, they move on to their next victim but remain involved in the person’s life by spreading a smear campaign or hoovering.
Eye opening, isn't it? I've certainly observed those signs on this thread, but not coming from the OP.
Have you considered Counseling?