ancient aliens??

Those default values are way too optimistic and it doesn't take much to reduce
that figure to less than 1, indicating that many galaxies or even universes have to
be considered about the possibility of another single ET race.

The Beep Goes On said:
If you do enough research it is difficult not to conclude that they've been here and are here now. The Drake Equation estimates the number of civilizations in our galaxy that could potentially communicate with us right now. This page ( has a calculator where you can plug in your own values...using the default values the number is 1,000 civilizations.

Anything is possible when you are trying to sell books.
There should be Government control to expose these charlatans and protect the public.

thirty7 said:
Great thought provoking thread Greg, it's a shame it deteriorated into religous opinions and propaganda that have really nothing to do with the topic.

Our discussing historical figures and places; as well as scientific facts do not constitute religious dialog. Why are you afraid of facts?

Shortstack said:
thirty7 said:
Great thought provoking thread Greg, it's a shame it deteriorated into religous opinions and propaganda that have really nothing to do with the topic.

Our discussing historical figures and places; as well as scientific facts do not constitute religious dialog. Why are you afraid of facts?
I've read all of your posts and seen no evidence of facts, scientific or otherwise.
I have seen abuse towards a scientist( in Egypt).
Gross distortion of facts to support religious beliefs.
Outright falsehoods of a pseudo scientific nature.

Kentucky Kache,Am i serious??lol.All the advancements in technology of today can be explained,i can easily tell you how a light bulb works or how a nuclear powered aircraft carrier works.but you and I can not explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago.

This thread was not meant to get biblical.I know it crosses over into religion to a degree,I only wanted to spark some thought and discussion.For me its the engineering,mathematical,and archaeoligical aspects of this theory that I am interested in.If you want to go adam and eve,I guess thats fine but I think that is not the heart of this thread.

BIG61AL said:
Given enough time humans will travel further into space than the moon. The logistics involved are very daunting but not absolutely impossible. The mars exploration will no doubt give great insight to deep space travel. Once we figure out how to survive the trip the rest is very workable. Currently, the big issue is the time/distance to other star systems. As we continue to evolve perhaps we will develop a even higher intelligence to over come these obstacles.

Absolutely & When we Do we Will Colonize
the Moon & Mars & Create an Atmosphere, Who Knows
maybe one day a million
years from now, on Mars this same Debate
will go on with People Saying the exact same thing
about the 3rd. Rock from the sun
what ever they will have Named it.
with People saying there could never
be life or water anywhere but Mars.

& They will insist the "Face on Mars" Is only
10,000 years old built by Slaves.

"The universe is not stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine."

Drake was a Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and Astrophysics and this equation is science's best guess. Disagreements concerning the values are, of course, ongoing. This is probably a better link -

Look at the cover of National Geographic this month. We are finding planets hand over fist...most within 400 light years.

The truth is out there - usually right in front of your face - you just have to have command of enough information and knowledge to make and verify your own connections. Life seems to be a bit funner when you don't subjectively limit your reality. It is not important what others believe.

jeff of pa said:
People Saying the exact same thing
about the 3rd. Rock from the sun
what ever they will have Named it.

3rd. Rock from the sun.....Dick, Sally, Harry, Tommy is that you? :dontknow:


Sorry couldn't resist, it immediately comes to mind when I hear 3rd Rock From the Sun.............

jeff of pa said:
Carefull Some of these Posts are Getting Close
to Quoting Scripture (preaching).
I Was very Tempted to remove some already.

Keep The Preaching in the Religon Forum Please.

I agree Jeff, I was afraid this thread would be deleted or moved to the Religon forum, I don't care much for that place. More arguing than the politics forum..

Shortstack said:
thirty7 said:
Great thought provoking thread Greg, it's a shame it deteriorated into religous opinions and propaganda that have really nothing to do with the topic.

Our discussing historical figures and places; as well as scientific facts do not constitute religious dialog. Why are you afraid of facts?

Facts? Nothing you've posted is a proven fact. You're the one who sounds afraid, trying to reason away the unknown with pseudo scientific speculation.

creek astronaut said:
Kentucky Kache,Am i serious??lol.All the advancements in technology of today can be explained,i can easily tell you how a light bulb works or how a nuclear powered aircraft carrier works.but you and I can not explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago.

Why can't we explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago? We are given more historical detail about that than probably anything in our modern history books. And that was my purpose for the passages from the book so many people love to hate. I was giving an account of the origins of technology. I also mentioned the works we call mythology. No one seemed to be offended by that. Strange.

We have the structures the ancients left behind, and there's no way those things could have been built by people fresh out of the cave. Markings on artifacts show signs of high tech machining comparable to what we have today. So, by writings, by artifacts, by building techniques, we can explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago, and it was achieved exactly like it's achieved the mind of man, not the mind of aliens.

Kentucky Kache said:
Why can't we explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago? We are given more historical detail about that than probably anything in our modern history books. And that was my purpose for the passages from the book so many people love to hate. I was giving an account of the origins of technology. I also mentioned the works we call mythology. No one seemed to be offended by that. Strange.

If I Were to try & Explain, I Would
Be starting What I'm Hoping dosn't Happen :tongue3:

jeff of pa said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Why can't we explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago? We are given more historical detail about that than probably anything in our modern history books. And that was my purpose for the passages from the book so many people love to hate. I was giving an account of the origins of technology. I also mentioned the works we call mythology. No one seemed to be offended by that. Strange.

If I Were to try & Explain, I Would
Be starting What I'm Hoping dosn't Happen :tongue3:

Does that mean you acknowledge where the true explanation comes from?

Kentucky Kache said:
jeff of pa said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Why can't we explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago? We are given more historical detail about that than probably anything in our modern history books. And that was my purpose for the passages from the book so many people love to hate. I was giving an account of the origins of technology. I also mentioned the works we call mythology. No one seemed to be offended by that. Strange.

If I Were to try & Explain, I Would
Be starting What I'm Hoping dosn't Happen :tongue3:

Does that mean you acknowledge where the true explanation comes from?

All I Can say is Huh ? :D

But I'm Afraid of you Clarifying :D

Kentucky Kache said:
jeff of pa said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Why can't we explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago? We are given more historical detail about that than probably anything in our modern history books. And that was my purpose for the passages from the book so many people love to hate. I was giving an account of the origins of technology. I also mentioned the works we call mythology. No one seemed to be offended by that. Strange.

If I Were to try & Explain, I Would
Be starting What I'm Hoping dosn't Happen :tongue3:

Does that mean you acknowledge where the true explanation comes from?

Let's try it this way.

If you are saying it is the same as saying

Zeus :
lord of the sky, the rain god. His weapon is a thunderbolt which he hurls at those who displease him.

Was The Top Fighter Pilot of his Time.
Sort of like the "Red Barron"

Hades After the overthow of their Father Cronus he drew lots with Zeus and Poseidon, another brother, for shares of the world.
He is also the god of wealth, due to the precious metals mined from the earth.
May have been a President

Hestia was just a head nurse the symbol of the house around which a new born child is carried before it is received into the family.

He is the god of music, playing a golden lyre. (Rock Musicion
in a Band like the Beetles Very Popular) The Archer, far shooting with a silver bow.(Loved Archery) The god of healing who taught man medicine. (Taught Medicine
at the University) The god of truth, who can not speak a lie.
(Thought of as George Washington to us)
One of Apollo's more importaint daily tasks is to harness his chariot with four horses an drive the Sun across the sky.
(Also a Pilot of a 4 Engine Transport Plane)

Aphrodite a hooker or just Very Friendly'
Maybe 900 # Girl from their late night TV Back then.

Etc. Etc.

& Because of Time Differences they were

Memoralized this way by those who didn't
know what these things were,
Plus several hundred Thousand years ago in
the Last Civilation they may
have Called a Plane a Chariot & It certainly
would not have been in English

I get your Contentions
& Believe it Entirely Possable

You can disrespect me all you want. But I guess you already knew that.

Kentucky Kache said:
You can disrespect me all you want. But I guess you already knew that.

i don't want to
or even try to
disrespect anyone.

thirty7 said:
Shortstack said:
thirty7 said:
Great thought provoking thread Greg, it's a shame it deteriorated into religous opinions and propaganda that have really nothing to do with the topic.

Our discussing historical figures and places; as well as scientific facts do not constitute religious dialog. Why are you afraid of facts?

Facts? Nothing you've posted is a proven fact. You're the one who sounds afraid, trying to reason away the unknown with pseudo scientific speculation.

Apparently you've never picked up a physics book so here's some specific info for you to chew on:

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that "disorder" in a closed system must increase with time, but the "big-bang" idea states that the primeval explosion (which would certainly have been the ultimate in disorder) has somehow increased the "order" of the whole universe with time. Also, the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum states that pure radial motion (in the primeval explosion, all products would move radially outward from its center) cannot give rise to orbital motion; yet planets, stars, and galaxies somehow all managed to start to rotate in vast orbits around different centers throughout the universe. One of the flawed scientific evidences is the misconception that the universe is expanding This has been proved incorrect by the red shifts of stellar light that have been shown to not be indicative of increasing distances and recession velocities. Another flaw in the theory was found when astronomers recently discovered a super-cluster nearly two and a half billion light years long. For this to grow to such a scale under the force of gravity alone would have taken more than 100 billion years. Five times longer than the big bang model allows.

Decaying Magnetic Field- The decay of the dipole geomagnetic field (with a half-life of only 1400 years) argues for an Earth of less than 10,000 years; even if extrapolated back to 7,000 years (5 half-lives or 2 the fifth power), the strength of the Earth's magnetic field would have been 32 times as strong as it is today! This rebuttal of the dynamo theory is the result of the compilation of over 130 years of data by Dr. Thomas G. Barnes.

Human Population Growth- The present world population of around 6 billion people could be generated in only 4,000 years beginning with an initial population of only 2 people (not eight) and an annual growth rate of only 0.5% (not the current 2%).


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