Kentucky Kache
jeff of pa said:The Absolute Meaning of Life ?
Humm even if there was a "Big Bang"
Something had to Exist to Create It
& Who/What Created That ?
Sometime when your Completly Relaxed
Think about "UP"
How far does it Go & What's at the Top ?
& If there is a top
What is on the Other Side ?
If the Top Lasts Forever UP May also
& What is Forever ?
Also think about Absolutely Posatively NOT BEING.
Makes no sense at all Does it.
How can We Not BE for a Trillion Years?
a Trilloin Years would go
by in a Trillionth of a Second.
Sorry My Brain Hurts![]()
So if everything depended on our understanding it, then we'd have to determine that we didn't come from anywhere. Therefore, maybe we are not actually here. Yet, here we be. It's as simple as believing in a creator. We can't understand eternity with our human minds, all we can do is trust and believe until we ARE shown.