ancient aliens??

Shortstack said:
Joshuaream wrote of "classic three sided pyramids"........ :icon_scratch:

The Egyptian pyramids are triangle shape, pointy on top... Pyramids/Temple mounds from the Americas are usually trapezoidal, four sided, generally flat on top.

The stone material used in the construction of those cities was not granite. It is a type of volcanic product referred to a blue stone. As a side note, don't confuse building stone with gemstone. Sapphire is the next hardest gemstone to diamond and one test for a diamond is if it will scratch sapphire. As another side note, granite was not formed by pressure from a molten state. That can easily be verified by melting a piece and then trying to reform it. You can't do it, but don't take my word for it; try it yourself.

And the classic pyramids are 4-sided structures.

creek astronaut said:
Kentucky Kache,what great scientific wonders are you refering to that are done today?what ancient records are you refering to?the human records for building the great pyramid of giza for example are hyrogliphics,and in those hyrogliphics are many references to cellestial beings.since the beginning of written history,paintings on cave walls,the bible etc... there has been reference to cellestial beings.I started this thread to get opinions and to see if anyone could debunk any of this theory.I, like alot of other folks find it diffficult to explain many of the things that happened thousands of years ago.IMO humans were involved in every ancient engineering feat known to man but you cant seriously think or believe that humans had the capability,without some kind of intervention from something or someone other than human to put hundreds of precisely made 400 ton blocks of granite in a place that is over 10000 ft elevation and the nearest quarry for this granite was many miles away.jmo.

What great scientific wonders am I referring to that are done today? Are you serious? Just look around you.

The ancient record I'm referring to is a book we call the Bible. Yes, it's a history book. It's much more besides, but it is a history book. And it gives us the account of the very first civilization, and the names of it's founders. And it says they became great and mighty, men of renown. It says they became ARTIFICERS. That's the same time period Jesus spoke of when he said, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be...and one of the things he mentioned them doing was BUILDING. Yes, I DO think they became scientifically advanced by human ability, with help from the dark side, and achieved all those things. We even have ancient writings talking about nuclear weapons and what sounds to me like robots, etc. And we have all those things today, as well. As it was in the days of Noah.

I think the depictions you're talking about on cave walls are space men, for sure. And do we not have the same today? They are earthlings.

The Bible speaks of spiritual beings...not E.T.

Shortstack said:
And the classic pyramids are 4-sided structures.

Sorry, I was talking about any one of the four sides being a triangle. Any one of the sides of a pyramid from the Americas is usually a four sided trapezoid (sometimes all of them are equal, but often they are two sets of different trapezoids.)

joshuaream said:
Shortstack said:
And the classic pyramids are 4-sided structures.
Sorry, I was talking about any one of the four sides being a triangle. Any one of the sides of a pyramid from the Americas is usually a four sided trapezoid (sometimes all of them are equal, but often they are two sets of different trapezoids.)

OK, now we're on the same page. :thumbsup:

Hey, KK, the spiritual beings mentioned in the Bible were E.Ts. They were not of this earth, which is the definition of extraterrestrial. As I've written in other threads, God is an E.T. He is THE E.T. And, YEP, the Bible is definitely a history book. But, we must be very careful at this point, because the scientific proofs found supporting a young earth and intelligent design is a red flag that gets people yelling "religion" which it is NOT. One does not have to be religious to look at the science and see the truth.

Shortstack said:
joshuaream said:
Shortstack said:
And the classic pyramids are 4-sided structures.
Sorry, I was talking about any one of the four sides being a triangle. Any one of the sides of a pyramid from the Americas is usually a four sided trapezoid (sometimes all of them are equal, but often they are two sets of different trapezoids.)

OK, now we're on the same page. :thumbsup:

Hey, KK, the spiritual beings mentioned in the Bible were E.Ts. They were not of this earth, which is the definition of extraterrestrial. As I've written in other threads, God is an E.T. He is THE E.T. And, YEP, the Bible is definitely a history book. But, we must be very careful at this point, because the scientific proofs found supporting a young earth and intelligent design is a red flag that gets people yelling "religion" which it is NOT. One does not have to be religious to look at the science and see the truth.

I gotta disagree on the E.T. thing. Cain and Abel were of two different seeds and their two races mixed. That's what it says all the way through.


God and His angels existed before He made the earth. Therefore they are "not of this planet" ergo, E.Ts.

Soooooo. Ancient aliens DID come to this planet......................after the head E.T. spoke everything into existence.

Shortstack said:

God and His angels existed before He made the earth. Therefore they are "not of this planet" ergo, E.Ts.

Soooooo. Ancient aliens DID come to this planet......................after the head E.T. spoke everything into existence.

They did not seed the earth. Cain and Seth did. Above I said Abel, but I should have said Seth. People believe that beings from another planet came and taught us and mingled into our race.

One thing that too many people don't understand. When Adam and Eve were created, they came into existence as young adults with full knowledges needed. Adam had the "job" of naming everything else in existence. It was when they acquired that extra knowledge that was not meant for them, that they were expelled from Eden. That knowledge they held was passed on to their offspring and that was the basis of the amazing things we see that was done. The original inhabitants were far more knowledgeable that we think possible. That old saying," they've forgotten more than we'll ever know," is almost correct. Some of that "forbidden" knowledge was certainly based in advanced scientific principles.

Shortstack said:
One thing that too many people don't understand. When Adam and Eve were created, they came into existence as young adults with full knowledges needed. Adam had the "job" of naming everything else in existence. It was when they acquired that extra knowledge that was not meant for them, that they were expelled from Eden. That knowledge they held was passed on to their offspring and that was the basis of the amazing things we see that was done. The original inhabitants were far more knowledgeable that we think possible. That old saying," they've forgotten more than we'll ever know," is almost correct. Some of that "forbidden" knowledge was certainly based in advanced scientific principles.

Yes, the tree of knowledge was to make wise. And they traded God wisdom for world/science wisdom, and built great civilizations. It's been a mess ever since.

Got THAT right. :thumbsup:

We have a record of the first city ever built. It was built by Cain. He named the city after his son, Enoch (there are two Enoch's). I believe that city was what would later be named Egypt. Enoch (not the one who walked with God) built the pyramids. That same lineage became artificers, etc. It was a great age of scientific advancement. Then many years later, that world was destroyed, with only a handfull of survivors. The survivors had to start all over again. It wasn't long until they started moving about and rediscovering the remains of what had been. One group came upon a great city. This group was headed by a man named Mizraim, who was a son of Ham and grandson of Noah. So, this great city was named Mizraim, which means Egypt. So, it was not called Egypt before the Flood. This is a record. The facts and figures are there, no matter who chooses to overlook them.

There's a structure in Egypt where only the High Priests were allowed to enter. On the walls of that inner sanctum are carvings of obvious light bulbs complete with their heavy cabling. Today's Egyptologists claim that those carvings are representative of the scent of the Lotus bloom emanating from the flower. With such open STU-PIDITY how in the world can the truth be brought out? That guy who's the head of Egypt's archaeological division CAN'T be that dumb. He has to be part of the cover-up. The one I'm talking about is the guy who is always on TV in any documentary being filmed in Egypt.

lostlake88 said:
Shortstack said:
There's a structure in Egypt where only the High Priests were allowed to enter. On the walls of that inner sanctum are carvings of obvious light bulbs complete with their heavy cabling. Today's Egyptologists claim that those carvings are representative of the scent of the Lotus bloom emanating from the flower. With such open STU-PIDITY how in the world can the truth be brought out? That guy who's the head of Egypt's archaeological division CAN'T be that dumb. He has to be part of the cover-up. The one I'm talking about is the guy who is always on TV in any documentary being filmed in Egypt.

:laughing7: rELIGION? :dontknow:

Those carvings of light bulbs are part of a mural of people performing scientific functions. The priests were the only people allowed to enter that chamber because of the information presented in the different carvings was reserved ONLY for those priests. Apparently, those priests used their scientific knowledge to appear as godly and superior to the common masses and thus, control the people with their "powers". Use the old example of going back in time and showing one of the common folks a disposable cigarette lighter. To us it's a simple piece of throwaway technology, but to them a magical "thing" and we would be revered as the controller of that magic...............reverred or feared and then executed. ;D

Carefull Some of these Posts are Getting Close
to Quoting Scripture (preaching).
I Was very Tempted to remove some already.

Keep The Preaching in the Religon Forum Please.

Shortstack said:
Those carvings of light bulbs are part of a mural of people performing scientific functions. The priests were the only people allowed to enter that chamber because of the information presented in the different carvings was reserved ONLY for those priests. Apparently, those priests used their scientific knowledge to appear as godly and superior to the common masses and thus, control the people with their "powers". Use the old example of going back in time and showing one of the common folks a disposable cigarette lighter. To us it's a simple piece of throwaway technology, but to them a magical "thing" and we would be revered as the controller of that magic...............reverred or feared and then executed. ;D

Sacred knowledge, in my opinion, was probably protected only after it was lost (or at least the memory of it). To those who were born after the Flood those things would have seemed like magic, or divinity. They would have been told stories of men flying through the air. What would their primitive minds make of that? They had to have been gods if they flew, so they pictured winged men flying and worshipped them as gods. They heard stories of how objects could be made to move and walk and perform tasks like people. Only gods could do that. These accounts are still with us. We call them mythology. Interestingly, they come from the very people and places I'm talking about. Now WE have the same kind of advanced scientific civilization that was lost to them, yet we still call their writings myth. To me they're nothing but history that was misunderstood.

Great thought provoking thread Greg, it's a shame it deteriorated into religous opinions and propaganda that have really nothing to do with the topic.

Given enough time humans will travel further into space than the moon. The logistics involved are very daunting but not absolutely impossible. The mars exploration will no doubt give great insight to deep space travel. Once we figure out how to survive the trip the rest is very workable. Currently, the big issue is the time/distance to other star systems. As we continue to evolve perhaps we will develop a even higher intelligence to over come these obstacles. To get back to the original topic - ancient aliens. When in our future we discover new worlds with intelligent lifeforms they will no doubt refer to us in their as aliens from another planet. If deep space travel is reasonably possible for us who can state with conviction that we were not visited by aliens in our past.

If you do enough research it is difficult not to conclude that they've been here and are here now. The Drake Equation estimates the number of civilizations in our galaxy that could potentially communicate with us right now. This page ( has a calculator where you can plug in your own values...using the default values the number is 1,000 civilizations.


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