Hello Lost Horse, it is my opinion that the lurkers may only those who have a interest in whats going, kinda like a football game, lots of folks are interested numbering in the 10s of thousands and only 150 players involved, some are probably writting a book, not very many are really interested in getting involved in the game, too much work, too hard, don't have time, just like to watch, theres a few that are interested, First thing they need to do is in my opinion is to get involved in Royal Trail, because of the likelyhood of there be a reward at the end. It is MY honest opinion that the cache sites are gone, The Spanish after the settlement issue was solved They gathered up what they could carry off and left. Then came the Goverment military with the help of those that knew the method of reading sign and they gathered up the remaining loot, look at the 1st mint location, 2nd mint location, the 3rd, 4th and fifth, dates, Fort Knox, New Orleans, Denver, Nevada, S.F. all are along the Old Military Trail. Those things are not a secret, You have earned a well deserved rest. Have you found that they used the Metric system for dictance and Magnetic rather than Grid. Thank you for all that you have done, very possible that no one will use it but it is a part of history and now its recorded. Thank you. Ernie