Along the Royal Trail with Lost Horse

Lost Horse,

Thank you for taking the time and enerogy to post and for allowing us to journey with you. When I was in a hospital bed last summer with a broken leg, i followed your posts with great anticipation and was very encouraged by them. The journey is so much more than finding treasure! And i want to encourage you to continue your wonderful thread. i assure you there are many, many people who are benifiting from your insights and we greatly appreciate all you've done!

BRAVO Brent!! And Lost Horse, Thank You for All You have shared! td

"It’s hard for those who are in the know, to give up any information
For some reason unknown to me, they like to keep their cards close to their chest
But it also shows me how greed can corrupt the mind in
Thinking they have some kind of secret knowledge
But it’s really an illusion that they are living in

"I have tried to share my knowledge of many years of field work through this thread
I even posted Marker by Marker so you can enjoy the experience
And even a MAP so you and other can see how it was set up
I have put all my cards on the table for all to see

"I have out grown the information that comes from this so called thread… "

Lost Horse,

I appreciate you sharing your research. Thank you for putting your cards on the table for us to see.

I wish others would show their cards as you do, for the student to benefit.

Seldom was any knowledge given to keep, but to impart.
The grace of this jewel is lost in concealment.
Bishop Hall

Write a book, dude!

That is where the real $$ is at!

No hot sun,
No blisters,
No poachers,
No govt. boys,

I'm bummed out. I havent searched for this thread in a while, and I was hoping for more pics and interesting things to read.

Lost Horse

I wish I had the abillity that you are blessed, with talking to others using words on paper, sorry I don't have the knowledge, and thank you for the trails you alowed others to follow, but I was interested in cache and trying to understand how Spain Sectioned off the areas, built trails, most / all of yours I think, pertains to Royal Trails. Mines and such, those that I have followed are cache sites and I really do feel, because the drill holes, and distance / direction used seems to indicate one league sections set up for settlement, everything is some how conected to waterways, with corner markers and I have not had any help connecting the dots, no one is interested. God Bless you

Hello Lost Horse, it is my opinion that the lurkers may only those who have a interest in whats going, kinda like a football game, lots of folks are interested numbering in the 10s of thousands and only 150 players involved, some are probably writting a book, not very many are really interested in getting involved in the game, too much work, too hard, don't have time, just like to watch, theres a few that are interested, First thing they need to do is in my opinion is to get involved in Royal Trail, because of the likelyhood of there be a reward at the end. It is MY honest opinion that the cache sites are gone, The Spanish after the settlement issue was solved They gathered up what they could carry off and left. Then came the Goverment military with the help of those that knew the method of reading sign and they gathered up the remaining loot, look at the 1st mint location, 2nd mint location, the 3rd, 4th and fifth, dates, Fort Knox, New Orleans, Denver, Nevada, S.F. all are along the Old Military Trail. Those things are not a secret, You have earned a well deserved rest. Have you found that they used the Metric system for dictance and Magnetic rather than Grid. Thank you for all that you have done, very possible that no one will use it but it is a part of history and now its recorded. Thank you. Ernie

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Just went through this whole thread again. Was helped by reading it and also realized we've put too small a boundary on our own may be much bigger than we first thought. That Lost Horse took the time to post the progression of this site will help lots of people who won't say anything. As to negative reactions, I can only say that there are some things in life that you have to believe to see, rather than the other way around. I am neither an archaeologist, nor a treasure hunter. I accidentally stumbled onto a site. We worked it two years before finding a small skull or face carved on one of the more prominent hearts...and THAT finally cemented my ability to believe that what we had was historical. There were just too many coincidences. We have a long way to go, but we will get there quicker because of this great thread. Thanks Lost Horse.

Hi Everyone
There has been in the past, that some of you have always believed
that there was more to the History we have been told or taught in schools

And through your research in the field has told you differently -
But it was hard to convince the rest of the world of this Idea

Well finally the History Channel is changing that thought pattern to see the New History of our Country.

Check out -Channel H2 - Friday Nights and watch "America Unearth "

You mite find that they mite cover the areas you are Researching
And give you a better idea of what you have been Documenting.

Lost Horse

Thanks for the info Lost Horse, you have given so much and I thank you. I will try to order a copy of the "America Unearth " I don't have the legs that will take me very far anymore but thanks to you and others I can keep up with progress

Something that I have been wanting to share for a long time, just recently a site that I had looked at was featured on TV about a Frog Rock South of Ada Oklahoma on lighting ridge road, it was just a profile of a frog that was about 5 ft high features that stood out to me was the eyes and I lookes at O = 15 went to Genesis (1st book ) chapter 5 and verse 15 which indicates 65 which very possible = paces. Lots of frogs was featured on the site, look at the turtles, eagles, podum, rabbits and other such creatures, I think they are corner markers, I don't know if the leagues were divided into 4 or 1.25 mile each. There's trail markers, corner markers. Good hunting folks

Hello Lost Horse, I really do want to keep your site toward the top because of the information it contains and allowing me and others to travel along with you, I would like to visit with you about Monuments and Corner markers, things that I believe to be true is the distance between the corner markers ( head high ) and the ones thats found between them I posted 1320 = 1/4 mile (7 Cordel = 1326 ) feet between them and they seem to be around waist high, the ones that are knee high seem to be the measured cordell or fractions of them,the closer one gets to a cache site, have you measured any of your monuments, compass degrees and distance. Theres so much more to learn and a couple of others are helping but its slow progress

Hi Everyone

Yes, I am still around
I have been spending lots of time in the field.
Just recently my motor in my SUV gave out so it’s in the shop getting a new rebuilt motor put in
So as you can see I have some time to get off my feet and do so research
I came across this You Tube Interview of this guy named Mark Clayton from Canada

Who used Spanish Markers in his field of work to find the Kings Treasure or Vault in Arizona.

I think you will find this very interesting as he describes and talks about his views of some of these Markers
that lead him to the area of interest which a lot of us have seen in the Field

Go to You Tube and Type in - Mark Clayton discovers the Dutchman's mine

Until Later, Stay Safe,
Lost Horse

thanks lost horse, that was a good interview. if you have anymore info. on links, please post them, iam interested. thanks.

Another Bump, Anything for distance / directions between markers that you can share, justa estimate would help us that have caught the bug. Thanks

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Hi Everyone

Here is some info you should take note

For those who do field work this is a must to watch
H2 is doing a show on The "P" word - Pareidolia / Apophenia

I believe that this is very important to watch
To know thy self will help you in the fields of clouding reading you mite say
and how and why you could get lost in your interpretation when it comes to viewing Spanish Markers

Knowing your Mind and how it works can only help you grow in the field when it comes to of Spanish Markers

Next Saturday 7/27/2013
Channel - H2
Time : 10: 00 pm - Check your local listings
Series: Your Bleeped Up Brain
Subject is on - Pareidolia - Apophenia

Later - Lost Horse

Thank you, Lost Horse, for that information. I saw the commercial for the show, but didn't write down the info. I DO remember thinking, " Dang. Now THAT is a real coincidence." But, of course, I don't believe in coincidences, but "fate" has a predetermined course it must follow. 8-)

I probably won't watch the program, though, because I've never believed that psychologists and other "thought" doctors can pigeon-hole everyone into neat, little boxes since no 2 people in the world are alike in any way, shape, or form. And certainly not THOUGHTS. LOL

Have a good day. :coffee2:

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