lost horse,
your the greatest, your insight, your pics, are impecable, I know from the hunt we were both on, your on the correct path, let no one discourage you...everthing you have stated is confirmed by my own knowledge, proved over and over again in the field.
1. the spanish heart is just that "spainish~! for springer not to know that shows his depth of knowledge
is suspect. the hearts are intergral to the monument...not some party -that -might have done, all hearts of spainish design have their own built in in confirmation marks or clues..for instance if an omega monument element or two points to the dig spot and you dig down 2 feet or so and find a heart shaped rock, you can G.D. Guarantee it is a Spanish heart ~!..not some alien or previous interlopers...work
2. springers attempts to confuse the treasure hunter is ludicris and damaging if you listen to his rethoric
3.the heart is only used to convey one thing,,"gold" and it is used many times as a very subtle pointer...
together with a hoyo [which means THE mine or CACHE-so follow closely to the information provided.
4.the owl tells you you are within close boundries of the Cache or Mine.
As for a newbie trying to tell you that the Pack Mule signs was not a Mule, well that is inexperience talking as the 'pack mule' is more cleverly disguised than any onther sign, only a tiny percentages of pack mules will have the tell tale ears placed on the monument. It is proximity that makes the Mule Pack
true and real..in context with the other signs, The mule pack is found between other real and confrimed signs, never out there by its self..[this was one of the last signs to be broken]
And if seen in the oppisite direction, other signs will be seen in the pack mule pile that are important as well.
It is easy for arm chair trackers, newbees or deniers to shoot arrows in to the backs of the pioneers..
as they are OUT IN FRONT - AND MAKE EASY TARGETS as they go out on limbs and prove things on the ground which dont also show up in the pics..
I only know just a few things to be real, correct and true, and high on that list is LOST HORSE and her ability to PHOTO-TRACK AND EXPLAIN THE TRAIL-
as Dign once said..."keep up the good work"
oro tommorow