Along the Royal Trail with Lost Horse

Trail blazing

Trail blazing on the weekends crawling through the brush –
Eyes always open for snakes.
After spending some time creating trails, and working my way to one pile
to the next, hoping something would show up –

What I need are Iconic Treasure Markers – are they here?

As you can see this kind of research can take a couple of years to collect data
and then analyze to see if any of it makes any sense.

After a while the body starts to take its toll.
Hands and arms all cut and scratched up – knees sore and bruised.
The feeling of being trapped in the briers – looking out for ticks and snakes.
This kind of fun, is only for the most adventuress person...

Lost Horse,

To Be Continued...

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Hello L.H. I have found that just-about anything that stings and or bites have a protein base and can be neutralized quickly with a small amount of white vinegar. I just use a very small bottle and keep it in my shirt pocket, it may help with scratches but I would be very careful it may get pretty uncomfortable. Would you mind if I posted what I think is a map that came from your post that's been posted before

Hello dsty
This is a public forum, and you can post anything you would like.
Thanks for the info on soothing bites – I sure have had my share of them

Lost Horse

Hi Lost Horse,

In the case of the image you have shown....
What do you think was employed to prevent the future growth of vegetation/trees/bush for years to come ?

I believe what went on here back in the day,
was the basic out line was dug and scraped down to the hard rock (Granite)
Very little top soil

In its day I don’t believe to mush detail was added,
only to prevent to many people from spotting it.

There is a lot of factors involved here.
At one time this Marker became totally lost to the human eye.
Totally covered up to the point it could not be seen or found.
It was only due to a large brush fire that went through here
back in the late 60s did it revile its self again.

As you can see it was created on a steep slop,
water washing down to a steep wash like tributary
and also it was created on the shading side of this ridge.

As the years go by the rain washes off any chance
of to much vegetation growing back to soon.
only areas where the dirt has accumulated gave the vegetation
a chance to grow back,
the out line today is still hard rock not much over burden.

Lost Horse

Hi Lost horse. Looking forward to more of your post.


The Journey Continues

Hello Trackers,
It turns out I had been searching for a couple of weeks,
and nothing was turning up. The only thing that started to show up,
was my doubt, to the ability of tracking anything.

By this time it was getting into early summer, and the mornings were cool,
but by noon, the sun starts to blaze.
But by then, I find my self hiding in the shade of the tall brush
that blankets the whole canyon.

One weekend while creating my rabbit hole trail through the brush,
all my hard work finally pays off.

I find my Second Iconic Marker, The Hoyo.

The Hoyo

The Hoyo, is a basic Eye Catcher Marker -
Its also a Trail marker for the reason that they all show direction.

It can be seen high up and from far away, to very small and low to the ground.
They are a common marker, and so have been used
as a Treasure Trail Marker, as an Inward Trail Marker.

The hole in the rock with the Sun Light shinning through,
is made to catch your Eye – Here I am – Come check me out.
Once there, what your looking for is direction.
And so we start to interpret what mite be the message to our next step.

I cleaned up the area so to get some good photos

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Starting Point,

So I will need a Staring Point.
Even though I have not found an Alpha Marker to start my Search,
If you were to find one, you would most likely find a Hoyo nearby.

I will use this Hoyo, as my starting point, and start to follow its direction.
And see where it will lead me, at this point, I need more Iconic Markers
and Intelligent Design to show up, if this is going to make any sense.

This rock structure most likely will have massages all over it.
Unfortunately, they can not be seen due to all the false shadows
created by the surrounding brush.


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Using the Intelligent Design Method,

we start to interpret, what mite be its message to our next step.
we can follow the direction it gives, by looking at the Shape of the Main Hole,
and following it’s instructions given to us by the Hoyo

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As you can see, the hole is low to the ground,

and common for a treasure marker to be low or small in size.
and also this one has a Pointer to it.

Pointing the Direction we must follow – And at this point I don’t know how far,
so I will just go in that direction hopefully not for long, until I find something.

But for now, its time to go home and regroup and analyze the photos of the day.

Lost Horse,

To Be Continued...

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The Journey Continues

Hello Trackers,

After finding the Hoyo, you can imagine how I wanted the weekend
to come, so to get back out on the trail again and continue the search.
I knew that the Hoyo was a positive sign that I mite be on to something.
Not knowing what was going to show up next, but it didn’t matter, I was excited.

After gathering up my supplies and heading out to the site,
I start to wade through the brush with a new since of excitement
to the next noticeable pile of rocks, that looked like it had been worked - “Manipulated”

It wasn’t long before I came across this small Square Rock,
that stood all by itself, the brush had grown around it.
And on one side, was the face of an Owl.

Our Third Iconic Marker, The Owl.
With old brush growing all around it, just waiting for someone to notice it.

The Owl Marker is an important Iconic Treasure Markers.
Giving us conformation, we just mite be on the Kings Treasure Trail.
This is what I have been looking for.
Giving me confidence and making me forget all the rough hard work
that I had gone through, just to get to this point of the trail.

The Owl

The owl Symbol is a very old symbol going back thousand of years.
Through the ages the Owl Symbol meaning was used for,
Secret Knowledge and the Underworld.

And is still in use today by secret society. Look up “Bohemian Grove
One of the oldest symbol of the owl goes back to Babylonian
to The Goddess Lilith - Adam’s First Wife

But for the most part it seems that during this Spanish era
the Owl Symbol represents the Goddess Minerva


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Finding the Owl,

Maybe our next Iconic Marker if we find one,
will bring us into some secret knowledge that something is buried.

As I look at the Design of this Owl Marker –
I noticed that the Right Eye is opened, and the Left Eye is closed.

like the Hoyo that gave us Direction – using the Intelligent Design Method.
This time, we follow the Eye that is Opened – This would be the correct Direction.
So again we take notice of the Direction, and start to head out continuing our search.

Not knowing how far, but looking out for the next Iconic Treasure Markers,
put together with Intelligent Design - What will we find next?

It was Intelligent Design, leading us to these Iconic Treasure Markers,
this is a Great Start. But the Intelligent Design and Iconic Symbols,
Must Continue, as we progress along our Treasure Trail.

Lost Horse,

To Be Continued

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The Journey Continues

Hello Trackers,
As you can imagine the week felt like it would never end.
Finally, the week comes to and end, and again after gathering my supplies,
I head out.

Leaving from the Owl, I take out my compass and take note of my new direction.
One of the main reasons for doing this, is because, trying to make my way through this thick brush,
its easy to loose track of which way your going.

I start to wade through the brush In the direction of the owl’s opened eye.
After a while, half the day had gone by, and the day was getting really hot.
Cutting my way through brush, I get to a point, where I could see this large pile
of rocks through the brush, that were not to far away.
And it wasn’t long before I reached this area and came across this large pile
of granite boulders.


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As I worked my way in closer, and spent some time cleaning up the area.

I could see that theses boulders were created - placed in the shape of a circle.
And in the Center being Protected was...

Our Fourth Iconic Treasure Marker, the Bird Nesting.

The Nest

Representing something Protected or being Buried.
This meaning – Protected or Buried – can also be Turtles laying eggs.
Or a Snake laying eggs can mean, what is buried is in the tunnel.
If you were to look into the snakes mouth, its a long dark tunnel.

But there is something more to this message.
I have found that anytime something is laying down “Resting”
Not just a possible Camp Site, but means a VISTA POINT.
A place to STOP, Rest, and take your time to look around. This is very important.
There is something going on they want you to see or tell you.

So here we go, The Owl symbol (meaning) was -
to bring us into, some secret knowledge that something is buried.
Also this makes it our 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] Vista Point.

I spent some time cleaning up the area so to get some good photos.


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Birds, Turtles, Snakes lay Eggs

Symbolically The Golden Yoke of the Egg gives Life.
And so does the Golden riches of Gold - So we better keep them both protected.

The Bird Nesting Marker seems simple enough.
But there is really a lot going on here.
This is one busy place when it comes to secret messages.

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As we take a closer look, we can see in the Nest with the Bird,

there is a small Stone Heart –
What worries me, is that this Small Stone Heart is Black in Color.

This small marker believe it or not, has a lot to tell us about this location.
What we have to do is figure out what does it all mean.
Could it be telling us there is a Death Trap, in opening up this Treasure site?
Or does it have some other significant message that its trying to tell us...

Lost Horse,

To Be Continued...


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The Journey Continues

Hello Trackers,

Because of the Black Heart Marker,
I start to look at everything very carefully,
and around the other boulders making up this Nesting Place.

Being that the Bird Marker is our Main Marker here,
I take notice of the Iconic Marker, and I am looking for intelligent Design.
This gives us Direction to our next move.

I noticed while looking at the Bird Marker,
which way it was pointing, and what was it looking at.


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My eyes start to focus on one of the largest boulder nearest me.

The Sun and shadows start to make strange shapes.

Take note that this is my First Pareidolia image – a Sun and Shadow Sign.

Pareidolia - The imagined perception of a pattern or meaning where it does not actually exist -
seeing patterns in random data, Like seeing shapes in clouds.

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Looking over these boulders checking out the details,

I start to realize that there are no more Directional Markers.

The last Marker is the Bird and its pointing to the Shadowed Padre,
who looks like he is offering or placing something in the nest -
Is this the end of our Trail?

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I know what you are thinking...

If you were to start digging,
Thinking your going to find the treasure buried here, you would be wrong.
And also by doing so, destroying any chance of finding the real king’s treasure.

How do I know this,
Using a Cave Finder, made by OKM in Germany.
Their 3D software photos confirmed this – which makes it even more puzzling.

My perception:
I believe this was done on purpose.
Digging up this site - Maybe this was intended by the creators –
In doing so, you will have destroyed, and broken the link,
to continue following the real treasure trail.
Not just for you, but for any others that come along in the future,
following the markers to this spot. Making it a dead end for everyone.

Leaving behind a black heart,
where it could be found, “in the nest” as we know, This was a warning sign.
Is the Bird Marker really just pointing to the Padre?
Could there be something else involved going on?
There must be Intelligent Design hidden somewhere
among these boulders, that give us direction.
This is where the newbie would lose all hope.

Lost Horse,

To Be Continued...

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The Journey Continues

Iconic symbols vs Pareidolia images

Beware of Pareidolia images -
Originally Posted by: Rangler
Sep 13, 2013 - #186

Pareidolia and fractals go hand in hand on understanding the quicksand
that is Pareidolia ~!
the code-makers knew problem of P and hoped and tried to get you lost in it..
like many here are right now...300 years later.
the only antidote is "confirmation"

oro mandate

Understanding the Process...
One way you can truly understand this is if I were to tell you,
that we are only Half Way to our Treasure Site.

So this is just a fail-safe way, created by the Artist to protect the Treasure.
Seeing is believing.

Making the Shadowed Padre, Larger than everything else.
Making it stand out - who looks like he is offering or placing something
in the nest - would make you think, this is the end of our trail.
And count on that your Greed, would get the better of you.

When in fact, Its the Small Heart Marker that is the true way.

The Heart Marker Means – What your Heart Desires.

Being Black in Color – Represents, well think of it this way.
Someone who has a Black Heart is a -
Deceiver, Deceitful, a Liar, Trickster, one that cant be trusted.
Well I think you get the point of this Message.

As we move along you will see how this holds true.

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