Hello Shortstack,
I will try to answer some of your questions the best I can,
Lost Horse. Apparently you and rangler are acquaintances,
by your comments, and have been in the field together at least once or twice
I first meet rangler here on line - Treasure Net - Then a friend of mine
Gray Wolf introduce us, and I still consider him a friend.
We spent about two weeks together doing day hikes.
I must say he is very knowledgeable in this subject,
and got me to see things that kept me on track to this day –
I have to give him credit for that.
Doesn’t mean we agree on everything - but then we don’t have to, to be friends.
my question is, are you two working on different codes??
You write that you're learning the codes' meanings
and seem to still be working them out
Two different Personality = two different Styles – Same codes.
the foundation of the codes are the same.
We are after the same Iconic Treasure Markers.
Which have proven themselves over and over again to lead us to our goal.
I am always learning new stuff – but only show the basics on line
to get someone started in the right direction you mite say.
rangler claims that he has decoded the Spanish codes
as well as the Jesuit codes.
I can not answer for Rangler – I can only speak for myself.
I am not a Treasure Hunter – Rangler I believe is.
My Style is Archeology / Photo Journalist.
I am not after the Treasure – but after the Treasure sites.
I gather data and move on to the next one, then compare information
to see how they are related to one another.
I have no problem sharing information as you know
But at the same time I consider myself a Guardian.
Sooo, just how many Spanish era codes ARE there?
Different era’s – Lots if you look back in history.
But general speaking the same code.
The era I look at mostly Jesuit / Franciscan / Mexican.
The coding system was past down through the ages with some variations.
The Mexican era can be very sloppy, no one looking over their back.
I do everything by visualization.
I do not spend my time with measuring anything or with sacred geometry ect.
If I wanted to locate the vault or Mine in a yard or site,
I use 3D ground radar equipment – its faster than spending days
trying to figure out the lay out, and trying to measure some triangle ect.
Grid the area off - take your shots – done - Document what is underground.
The best place to keep your treasure safe, is where it was stored.
Getting lost in sacred geometry is like getting lost in Pareidolia.
Its really not necessary to know any of that stuff to find a Treasure site.
But if you enjoy that part of the puzzle I say go for it.
But do know the local history of the area you are searching...
I hope this helped clear some things up for you,
Lost Horse