Alfred Lewis Discovery at the old Mammoth Mine 1949 - 1950

Well here you go Oroblanco, but you woun't believe it and ask the same question again next month.

View attachment 1562356

This come from the same ore I posted, That paper it's on is a standard size 8.5x 11 copy paper.
12.4 oz just got back 10 days ago with about 600 pounds of ore to bust up yet.

Here's to not believing I guess. And it's not in California white Quarts.


Maybe that's the result of a " first hand " pan from 600 pounds of dust .

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.... To me that makes no sense, and in my opinion it would not matter what name the mine is called, if it has plenty of gold, I could not care less if it was the LDM or the lost Adams or the Pink Bunny Slippers mine, since it is the gold I am after anyway....

Truer words were never spoken!

If I ever find the LDM, when I file the claim I'm naming it the 'Pink Bunny Slippers' mine :)

Well here you go Oroblanco, but you woun't believe it and ask the same question again next month.

View attachment 1562356

This come from the same ore I posted, That paper it's on is a standard size 8.5x 11 copy paper.
12.4 oz just got back 10 days ago with about 600 pounds of ore to bust up yet.

Here's to not believing I guess. And it's not in California white Quarts.


Nice find! Gratz!

Could you please post a pic of the ore before you bust it up? Thanks

Poor attempt to dodge a simple question, so since you can't be bothered to give an honest answer, I can't be bothered to tell you where to look for the ore comparison. Find it yourself.
I understand. You surrender.
Babymick congratulations on your great gold mine, hope you are making millions. I don't understand why you bother trying to get me to believe that you have the LDM, when you have no respect for my word on anything anyway. Besides, the only opinion that matters is your own right? And since you are rolling in gold, does it even matter what name your mine is called?

My word doesn't carry that much weight Mick, it won't even get you a cold beer at Captain's in AJ. And even if I stared at your photos under a microscope and compared them to the photos of the famous matchbox, the cuff links etc, I am not a geologist - I could be fooled. Oh I have learned some of geology over the years but am still very much a student, you would be better off to get a real geologist to do an ore comparison, if you were really serious about wanting to PROVE that you have found the Lost Dutchman's gold mine. If you can convince guys like Tom Kollenborn, Clay Wurst and Bob Corbin that your mine is the LDM, that will carry a LOT of weight. But you are wasting your time on me. My blessing won't get you anywhere.

I will tell you this - check your own assays, if they are coming out similar to the one done by Joe Porterie, you are possibly in the ballpark. That won't seal the deal but it would help your case. Look for a high gold to silver ratio - if there is a LOT of silver to the amount of gold, then chances are your gold is not coming from the Lost Dutchman mine. It should be in the range of 300 to 1, that is at least 300 ounces of gold to 1 ounce of silver. Not specifically 300 oz per ton AU, that RATIO is important to keep in mind. More silver than that is pointing to a different type of gold deposit entirely.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

As far as I can tell, most of the "Lost Mines" have been found since 1890, but got different names as the finders did not know about the "Lost Mine/Diggings". I fully believe that when/if the LDM is found, it will also turn out to be the grave site of Weisner. Silly me I believe the story I read back in 1963 at the Florence Women's Club Library. Watlz put the remains of Weisner into the shaft they had started and then put lugs over it and covered it with dirt. That also meshes with the story he told about covering his Mine with logs and then dirt, that I didn't hear until on the Forum here. Am I correct? No Idea that is why I always thought that Waltzer was the one to back track and try to run down for his mine. Just my 2 cents.

Nice find! Gratz!

Could you please post a pic of the ore before you bust it up? Thanks

I did it's posted under another thread on this form, Can't remember which on but it's there.


Maybe that's the result of a " first hand " pan from 600 pounds of dust .

Lots more to go. But it sure is'nt a small tiny cropped google earth pic. For sure!


i'd say the first lesson mick needs to learn is how to tell the difference between lode gold and placer gold..the pic he posted is definitely placer gold

What ever Dave,

You saw the Ore it's not a load, it's easy busted apart and the gold falls out. It's called cobbing Dave, for a guy that claims he was in the mining industry your knowledge is better used in a Tool shed, then in practice.

To many things you say tells me your not what you say most of the time.


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Poor attempt to dodge a simple question, so since you can't be bothered to give an honest answer, I can't be bothered to tell you where to look for the ore comparison. Find it yourself.

Babymick congratulations on your great gold mine, hope you are making millions. I don't understand why you bother trying to get me to believe that you have the LDM, when you have no respect for my word on anything anyway. Besides, the only opinion that matters is your own right? And since you are rolling in gold, does it even matter what name your mine is called?

My word doesn't carry that much weight Mick, it won't even get you a cold beer at Captain's in AJ. And even if I stared at your photos under a microscope and compared them to the photos of the famous matchbox, the cuff links etc, I am not a geologist - I could be fooled. Oh I have learned some of geology over the years but am still very much a student, you would be better off to get a real geologist to do an ore comparison, if you were really serious about wanting to PROVE that you have found the Lost Dutchman's gold mine. If you can convince guys like Tom Kollenborn, Clay Wurst and Bob Corbin that your mine is the LDM, that will carry a LOT of weight. But you are wasting your time on me. My blessing won't get you anywhere.

I will tell you this - check your own assays, if they are coming out similar to the one done by Joe Porterie, you are possibly in the ballpark. That won't seal the deal but it would help your case. Look for a high gold to silver ratio - if there is a LOT of silver to the amount of gold, then chances are your gold is not coming from the Lost Dutchman mine. It should be in the range of 300 to 1, that is at least 300 ounces of gold to 1 ounce of silver. Not specifically 300 oz per ton AU, that RATIO is important to keep in mind. More silver than that is pointing to a different type of gold deposit entirely.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

You don't seem to grasp the concept, The whole story or the ledgen been twisted, since day one, All of it. Except Julia.


What ever Dave,

You saw the Ore it's not a load, it's easy busted apart and the gold falls out. It's called cobbing Dave, for a guy that claims he was in the mining industry your knowledge is better used in a Tool shed, then in practice.

To many things you say tells me your not what you say most of the time.

babymick1 least i don't paint 2x4's with gold spray paint and try to pass them off as gold bars...that pile of gold you posted is worn and rounded like placer gold after it has traveled down a stream for quite a ways....i've crushed many gold bearing rocks and seen alot of gold come out of them but i've never seen gold come directly from a rock rounded and weathered...and you didn't either...that gold you posted is definitely placer gold..and if you are a lapidary like you lapidary would crush jewelry rock up for the's worth 10 times as much for lapidary..may as well fess up mick...we got you this time...where did you steal that pic?

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Well here you go Oroblanco, but you woun't believe it and ask the same question again next month.

View attachment 1562356

This come from the same ore I posted, That paper it's on is a standard size 8.5x 11 copy paper.
12.4 oz just got back 10 days ago with about 600 pounds of ore to bust up yet.

Here's to not believing I guess. And it's not in California white Quarts.


What a fraud!!! That is most certainly alluvial placer gold.
Have you no shame?

Poor attempt to dodge a simple question, so since you can't be bothered to give an honest answer, I can't be bothered to tell you where to look for the ore comparison. Find it yourself.

Babymick congratulations on your great gold mine, hope you are making millions. I don't understand why you bother trying to get me to believe that you have the LDM, when you have no respect for my word on anything anyway. Besides, the only opinion that matters is your own right? And since you are rolling in gold, does it even matter what name your mine is called?

My word doesn't carry that much weight Mick, it won't even get you a cold beer at Captain's in AJ. And even if I stared at your photos under a microscope and compared them to the photos of the famous matchbox, the cuff links etc, I am not a geologist - I could be fooled. Oh I have learned some of geology over the years but am still very much a student, you would be better off to get a real geologist to do an ore comparison, if you were really serious about wanting to PROVE that you have found the Lost Dutchman's gold mine. If you can convince guys like Tom Kollenborn, Clay Wurst and Bob Corbin that your mine is the LDM, that will carry a LOT of weight. But you are wasting your time on me. My blessing won't get you anywhere.

I will tell you this - check your own assays, if they are coming out similar to the one done by Joe Porterie, you are possibly in the ballpark. That won't seal the deal but it would help your case. Look for a high gold to silver ratio - if there is a LOT of silver to the amount of gold, then chances are your gold is not coming from the Lost Dutchman mine. It should be in the range of 300 to 1, that is at least 300 ounces of gold to 1 ounce of silver. Not specifically 300 oz per ton AU, that RATIO is important to keep in mind. More silver than that is pointing to a different type of gold deposit entirely.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Ohh I would' think your word has no weight, When you go out of the box you seem to bring out the best of you. But then
you jump back into the box on all you read or heard from others at the dutchy thing. And reality leaves your tree of thought. Your where Ruth body and head was found was very good. Now take the couple gold nuggets found with him would tell you it was'nt a load mine as Dave suggest it was and many others. Otherwise Ruth would have never had nuggets. Not to mention Ruth's map was north of his camp, So why was he south, no reason to be there at all.

But A'm I always right,no. But I have produced more straight answers being out of the box then most have Since Ruth.


Ohh I would' think your word has no weight, When you go out of the box you seem to bring out the best of you. But then
you jump back into the box on all you read or heard from others at the dutchy thing. And reality leaves your tree of thought. Your where Ruth body and head was found was very good. Now take the couple gold nuggets found with him would tell you it was'nt a load mine as Dave suggest it was and many others. Otherwise Ruth would have never had nuggets. Not to mention Ruth's map was north of his camp, So why was he south, no reason to be there at all.

But A'm I always right,no. But I have produced more straight answers being out of the box then most have Since Ruth.

aye are a legend in your own mind:occasion14:

ConceptualizedNetherlandr wrote
I understand. You surrender.

Yeah it is pointless to try to have a discussion with someone that can't give an honest answer to a simple question. I guess that dishonesty is what they teach in the Society now though? :dontknow:

Mick - you have not read my posts, clearly or you would not have said that. I have been saying for some time that the LDM legend is a MIX of several different and unrelated lost mines. Maybe you read it and forgot. This mixing of tales has helped keep the lost mine from being found, because no place on Earth will fit the mixed up clues and maps. By the way, our friends are right - your gold has no matrix stuck to it, besides being rounded from being in the stream bed - which is a dead giveaway for a placer. Why is it so important for folks to believe that you have the LDM? Isn't the gold valuable by itself? I don't get that. But if you are dead set on the fame and honor of being THE one who found the LDM, why not write a book? It is a sure thing that a lot of folks will buy the book and believe you. Or you could notify the news media, have a press conference to announce it, that would certainly get a good amount of fame and people who agree with you. You are far from dead in the water, just because some guy like me on the internet wants more proof. There will always be some guy that won't agree with you no matter what proof you have.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Lots more to go. But it sure is'nt a small tiny cropped google earth pic. For sure!



IMO , a small tiny cropped GE pic that I post , is valuable millions more than your panned gold . Every time I post a pic , you can see how is exactly what I wrote about . least i don't paint 2x4's with gold spray paint and try to pass them off as gold bars...that pile of gold you posted is worn and rounded like placer gold after it has traveled down a stream for quite a ways....i've crushed many gold bearing rocks and seen alot of gold come out of them but i've never seen gold come directly from a rock rounded and weathered...and you didn't either...that gold you posted is definitely placer gold..and if you are a lapidary like you lapidary would crush jewelry rock up for the's worth 10 times as much for lapidary..may as well fess up mick...we got you this time...where did you steal that pic?

No Dave,

100 percent truthful, every post every time! Your right about the gold though, it's not in the rock it's placer gold that got Compressed into the quarts Vien at another time. And if you look back at early articles written you'll find it as rose Quarts and the gold fell free from the rock without much effort. The lie's are woven into the Ledgen not me. Your all capable of Common Since start useing some and you'll realize and start seeing through Real Eye's that most of all the books, manuscripts, gold samples, match cases are just a way to attach them selves to the ledgen.

Babymick1 aka Wayne R. Mickelson


IMO , a small tiny cropped GE pic that I post , is valuable millions more than your panned gold . Every time I post a pic , you can see how is exactly what I wrote about .


A google pic is worth 10 thousand scoffs, My gold is worth 10 thousand USD!

Thats the difference


What a fraud!!! That is most certainly alluvial placer gold.
Have you no shame?

What a horrible thing to Say. Gambranus

And you are the most upmost unimportant poster to date, but I'll bet your good a trail-house repair.
And a shoe in at curb side garbage collection, You are Avery unique Gambranus, spilling with knowledge.


ConceptualizedNetherlandr wrote

Yeah it is pointless to try to have a discussion with someone that can't give an honest answer to a simple question. I guess that dishonesty is what they teach in the Society now though? :dontknow:

You might have missed the truth. All along I have been clear, sincere, honest and transparent about everything. Go back and start reading from my first post.

Your question "So what keeps you trying to discourage everyone from looking?" is based in a false premise.

Let me explain for you. I am not trying to discourage anyone. You might recall how I arrived here, and that ever since my quest has been to investigate this thing. I have reported clearly my findings, interpretations, and conclusions as they arise, despite attemps by some to thwart/distort the truth and facts. So it is not logically possible to answer that poorly constructed question. I have explained why. Your turn amigo, provide the standard to which such compariaon is to be made.

Mick - you have not read my posts, clearly or you would not have said that. I have been saying for some time that the LDM legend is a MIX of several different and unrelated lost mines. Maybe you read it and forgot. This mixing of tales has helped keep the lost mine from being found, because no place on Earth will fit the mixed up clues and maps. By the way, our friends are right - your gold has no matrix stuck to it, besides being rounded from being in the stream bed - which is a dead giveaway for a placer. Why is it so important for folks to believe that you have the LDM? Isn't the gold valuable by itself? I don't get that. But if you are dead set on the fame and honor of being THE one who found the LDM, why not write a book? It is a sure thing that a lot of folks will buy the book and believe you. Or you could notify the news media, have a press conference to announce it, that would certainly get a good amount of fame and people who agree with you. You are far from dead in the water, just because some guy like me on the internet wants more proof. There will always be some guy that won't agree with you no matter what proof you have.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

No Dave,

100 percent truthful, every post every time! Your right about the gold though, it's not in the rock it's placer gold that got Compressed into the quarts Vien at another time. And if you look back at early articles written you'll find it as rose Quarts and the gold fell free from the rock without much effort. The lie's are woven into the Ledgen not me. Your all capable of Common Since start useing some and you'll realize and start seeing through Real Eye's that most of all the books, manuscripts, gold samples, match cases are just a way to attach them selves to the ledgen.

Babymick1 aka Wayne R. Mickelson
mick..nice try but i dont think gold in the pic is pure placer gold and probably not from this area....that gold came from a river or stream and had been carried a ways judging from the smooth texture...most placer gold around here is from dry washes and it doesn't have time to get rounded and smooth....nobody is going to believe that is placer that got compressed into a quartz vein....we may be a bunch of dumb hillbillies but we aren't completely ignorant

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