Poor attempt to dodge a simple question, so since you can't be bothered to give an honest answer, I can't be bothered to tell you where to look for the ore comparison. Find it yourself.
Babymick congratulations on your great gold mine, hope you are making millions. I don't understand why you bother trying to get me to believe that you have the LDM, when you have no respect for my word on anything anyway. Besides,
the only opinion that matters is your own right? And since you are rolling in gold, does it even matter what name your mine is called?
My word doesn't carry that much weight Mick, it won't even get you a cold beer at Captain's in AJ. And even if I stared at your photos under a microscope and compared them to the photos of the famous matchbox, the cuff links etc, I am not a geologist -
I could be fooled. Oh I have learned some of geology over the years but am still very much a student, you would be better off to get a real geologist to do an ore comparison, if you were really serious about wanting to PROVE that you have found the Lost Dutchman's gold mine. If you can convince guys like Tom Kollenborn, Clay Wurst and Bob Corbin that your mine is the LDM, that will carry a LOT of weight. But you are wasting your time on me.
My blessing won't get you anywhere.
I will tell you this - check your own assays, if they are coming out similar to the one done by Joe Porterie, you are possibly in the ballpark. That won't seal the deal but it would help your case. Look for a high gold to silver ratio - if there is a LOT of silver to the amount of gold, then chances are your gold is not coming from the Lost Dutchman mine. It should be in the range of 300 to 1, that is at least 300 ounces of gold to 1 ounce of silver. Not specifically 300 oz per ton AU, that RATIO is important to keep in mind. More silver than that is pointing to a different type of gold deposit entirely.
Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.