Alfred Lewis Discovery at the old Mammoth Mine 1949 - 1950


You went off the topic rails on post #8 and then doubled down in #10 and never looked back.

It is a shame it seems you can't post in a logical fashion about facts rather than digress into personal smears in an attempt to dicredit anyone who questions anything, and imputing all sorts of false claims onto others. Enjoy your miserable self, I grow tired of you. Stay off my posts and you won't have to keep embarassing yourself. Thanks in advance amigo.

Sorry Con, this is a public forum, you don't get to order me or anyone else as to where to post. And thanks, I do enjoy myself!

To all,

I found the mention of finding timbering in the old workings most remarkable, for most pre-Anglo mining has little or no timbering at all. I would love to know the age of the timbers.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

View attachment 1563743

After several hours of looking I guess this is a pic of the ore. I was expecting to see gold in rotton quartz, not gold in solid quartz. If that is the ore, it amazes me how you can pound the gold out of that quartz without flattening the grains...

ahhh hammer


View attachment 1563743

After several hours of looking I guess this is a pic of the ore. I was expecting to see gold in rotton quartz, not gold in solid quartz. If that is the ore, it amazes me how you can pound the gold out of that quartz without flattening the grains...

Mr Lucky

Your missing the concept, Even though the gold is in the Quarts, Its not in the Quarts, Look carefully at the strata of The matrix. The gold is Compressed between the layers of Quarts, Once cracked and the gold removed there is not one speck
left in the Quarts it just the rocks. Read the early story Joe posted and it tells the story of this. It's a early story before it got all got contained.


ConceptualizedNetherlandr wrote

Yeah it is pointless to try to have a discussion with someone that can't give an honest answer to a simple question. I guess that dishonesty is what they teach in the Society now though? :dontknow:

Mick - you have not read my posts, clearly or you would not have said that. I have been saying for some time that the LDM legend is a MIX of several different and unrelated lost mines. Maybe you read it and forgot. This mixing of tales has helped keep the lost mine from being found, because no place on Earth will fit the mixed up clues and maps. By the way, our friends are right - your gold has no matrix stuck to it, besides being rounded from being in the stream bed - which is a dead giveaway for a placer. Why is it so important for folks to believe that you have the LDM? Isn't the gold valuable by itself? I don't get that. But if you are dead set on the fame and honor of being THE one who found the LDM, why not write a book? It is a sure thing that a lot of folks will buy the book and believe you. Or you could notify the news media, have a press conference to announce it, that would certainly get a good amount of fame and people who agree with you. You are far from dead in the water, just because some guy like me on the internet wants more proof. There will always be some guy that won't agree with you no matter what proof you have.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:


There's always a reason for my madness, I'm already famous, I ate 26 tacos from toco johns, Jumped 13 garbage can on my peddle bike. And 7000 views on YouTube for Tie my pecker to a tree! But you don't get it because you list the obvious things.

Don't get me wrong all those are good, I'd take anyone of those. Just maybe I'm only looking for Vintacation for Travis!

Offer still stands


tortilla mountain

Correct Dave,

So you been to the tunnel and foundation. Now Ruth camped at the very end of Perfil Map trail, 500 yards or so. So why
was his body and skull found 1000's of yards further south of camp. When all he had to do is walk 500 yards North.

Because the body was not found at the precived location.

The thing is there was a claim all ready filed on the location of the Perfil years before Ruth came along, So if he was shot
it probably was a legally justified shooting for claim jumping in those days. But I believe he died of his own fate.



There's always a reason for my madness, I'm already famous, I ate 26 tacos from toco johns, Jumped 13 garbage can on my peddle bike. And 7000 views on YouTube for Tie my pecker to a tree! But you don't get it because you list the obvious things.

Don't get me wrong all those are good, I'd take anyone of those. Just maybe I'm only looking for Vintacation for Travis!

Offer still stands


I appreciate the offer, but would rather not know too much detail, it is enough for me to understand your reasons. If I knew exactly your site, and you returned there to find someone had been a-digging, you would know it had been ME. I love digging the gold but I don't dodge lead so good these days.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

I appreciate the offer, but would rather not know too much detail, it is enough for me to understand your reasons. If I knew exactly your site, and you returned there to find someone had been a-digging, you would know it had been ME. I love digging the gold but I don't dodge lead so good these days.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:


Leads not a bad investment either it's up over 2000 a ton.

Have A Good Day


Yes, I posted that photo, in color with the rest. Or the old church as some suggest.

Its part of the Perfil Map.

That Ruth had


my apologies then. A person I know sent me those pictures with captons telling me they were digging around in that area.

my apologies then. A person I know sent me those pictures with captons telling me they were digging around in that area.

No apology needed I posted them so people could check it out. It's the Perfil Map route Ruth had on him, I think there was a claim filed on it before Ruth even came to the area. It's not part of the Peralta maps. But I think it's a Gonzales mine holding Since they claim Ruth got it from a Gonzales family in Mexico. But the map is spot on if you inter from the North to South.


Keep us us posted on your friends Adventures.

Here is the Original Trail



Good Hunting


Mr Lucky

Your missing the concept, Even though the gold is in the Quarts, Its not in the Quarts, Look carefully at the strata of The matrix. The gold is Compressed between the layers of Quarts, Once cracked and the gold removed there is not one speck
left in the Quarts it just the rocks. Read the early story Joe posted and it tells the story of this. It's a early story before it got all got contained.


I understand how you say it formed, I'm just having a hard time getting my mind around it.

Quartz is formed from molten magna (massive deposits) or deposition from hot aqueous silicic acid solutions (quartz 'veins'). The gold is obviously from a placer deposit at some time in its existence as evidenced by it being in individual grains with rounded corners. And somehow the two were combined in a metamorphic process without producing any metamorphic changes in the quartz or gold. Is almost like mother nature cracked the rock open, had a placer deposit form in the crack with only gold and no impurities (like black sand) and then closed it up and applied just enough heat and pressue to hold the whole thing together without changing either the quartz or gold grains. I would think the metamorphic conditions neccessary to hold the rock together would have, at the very least, turned the quartz rotten. Amazing.

Is your ore to do with as you like, but I would strongly urge you to donate some to a university with a good mining and geology department. Your ore could add to the sum total of man's knowledge, which (in my opinion) is more valuable than the gold itself. Plus the donation is tax deductable.

I understand how you say it formed, I'm just having a hard time getting my mind around it.

Quartz is formed from molten magna (massive deposits) or deposition from hot aqueous silicic acid solutions (quartz 'veins'). The gold is obviously from a placer deposit at some time in its existence as evidenced by it being in individual grains with rounded corners. And somehow the two were combined in a metamorphic process without producing any metamorphic changes in the quartz or gold. Is almost like mother nature cracked the rock open, had a placer deposit form in the crack with only gold and no impurities (like black sand) and then closed it up and applied just enough heat and pressue to hold the whole thing together without changing either the quartz or gold grains. I would think the metamorphic conditions neccessary to hold the rock together would have, at the very least, turned the quartz rotten. Amazing.

Is your ore to do with as you like, but I would strongly urge you to donate some to a university with a good mining and geology department. Your ore could add to the sum total of man's knowledge, which (in my opinion) is more valuable than the gold itself. Plus the donation is tax deductable.

I had three very good people look at it from the South Dakota Shool of Mines, They all agreed they never seen nothing like it.


Well here you go Oroblanco, but you woun't believe it and ask the same question again next month.

View attachment 1562356

This come from the same ore I posted, That paper it's on is a standard size 8.5x 11 copy paper.
12.4 oz just got back 10 days ago with about 600 pounds of ore to bust up yet.

Here's to not believing I guess. And it's not in California white Quarts.


Here is some Eastern Superstition gold right out of the ground. Not cleaned. Soak it in 1/3 vinegar 1/3 salt and 1/3 water overnight. And it looks like this
Your gold looks good to me Mick
I thought the off color was due to a copper content. I was wrong. I gave some to Greg and he later had it tested. 79% gold 20% silver. I had some gold from the Western Superstitions and it had that same off color.

View attachment 1566998
Here is some Eastern Superstition gold right out of the ground. Not cleaned. Soak it in 1/3 vinegar 1/3 salt and 1/3 water overnight. And it looks like this
View attachment 1566999
Your gold looks good to me Mick
I thought the off color was due to a copper content. I was wrong. I gave some to Greg and he later had it tested. 79% gold 20% silver. I had some gold from the Western Superstitions and it had that same off color.


Thanks for the weigh in Frank.
I'll get to soaking it in your secret formula,

Take Care


Here is the Original Trail

View attachment 1565209

Good Hunting


Mick, Is that a walled up collapsed entrance or the foundation from an old house?

It looks intriguing to say the least! I'd be pulling out those boulders and digging if I were you!

If you need any help let me know I'm just a stone throw away from up there...

Nice find!

Mick, Is that a walled up collapsed entrance or the foundation from an old house?

It looks intriguing to say the least! I'd be pulling out those boulders and digging if I were you!

If you need any help let me know I'm just a stone throw away from up there...

Nice find!

Its a foundation and yes I thought the same on a collapsed tunnel, But it's pretty full and tight, so it just might be some kind of food storage at one time.


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