Alfred Lewis Discovery at the old Mammoth Mine 1949 - 1950

mick..nice try but i dont think gold in the pic is pure placer gold and probably not from this area....that gold came from a river or stream and had been carried a ways judging from the smooth texture...most placer gold around here is from dry washes and it doesn't have time to get rounded and smooth....nobody is going to believe that is placer that got compressed into a quartz vein....we may be a bunch of dumb hillbillies but we aren't completely ignorant

The largest gold deposit known on this rock (is over in africa) and is an old placer that was metmorphosed a bit and was initially thought to be lode mineralization. Go figger ...

The largest gold deposit known on this rock (is over in africa) and is an old placer that was metmorphosed a bit and was initially thought to be lode mineralization. Go figger ...
maybe so but we aint talking about africa here...what mick is saying didnt happen here...end of story


A google pic is worth 10 thousand scoffs, My gold is worth 10 thousand USD!

Thats the difference


" Your " gold has black sand which shows how is from an alluvial placer deposit and not from quartz ore . Maybe you were confused about the " placer " name that gave Waltz to his mine . The " placer " was not alluvial gold that was cemented in quartz , but a common gold in quartz outcrop .
You know nothing about that place , because if you knew , you would know that place is still covered up like Waltz described and has a juniper on top .
Another thing that you don't know , is how just bellow this covered outcrop is a walled up tunnel , the known tunnel from the Perfil mapa and from the Waltz clues . Waltz never opened that tunnel but only worked the outcrop above . The " placer " is the end of the gold vein on that mountain side and is on the lip of the cliff .
There are many things which you don't know about the " placer " and the " quartz " mines .

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" Your " gold has black sand which shows how is from an alluvial placer deposit and not from quartz ore . Maybe you were confused about the " placer " name that gave Waltz to his mine . The " placer " was not alluvial gold that was cemented in quartz , but a common gold in quartz outcrop .
You know nothing about that place , because if you knew , you would know that place is still covered up like Waltz described and has a juniper on top .
Another thing that you don't know , is how just bellow this covered outcrop is a walled up tunnel , the known tunnel from the Perfil mapa and from the Waltz clues . Waltz never opened that tunnel but only worked the outcrop above . The " placer " is the end of the gold vein on that mountain side and is on the lip of the cliff .
There are many things which you don't know about the " placer " and the " quartz " mines . looks to be 1-2 oz of placer gold

" Your " gold has black sand which shows how is from an alluvial placer deposit and not from quartz ore . Maybe you were confused about the " placer " name that gave Waltz to his mine . The " placer " was not alluvial gold that was cemented in quartz , but a common gold in quartz outcrop .
You know nothing about that place , because if you knew , you would know that place is still covered up like Waltz described and has a juniper on top .
Another thing that you don't know , is how just bellow this covered outcrop is a walled up tunnel , the known tunnel from the Perfil mapa and from the Waltz clues . Waltz never opened that tunnel but only worked the outcrop above . The " placer " is the end of the gold vein on that mountain side and is on the lip of the cliff .
There are many things which you don't know about the " placer " and the " quartz " mines .

Already showed you the tunnel of the Perfil map, the Trail and the church as you say. The Dutchman never mentioned placers period. The walled up tunnel below has been found and a 1857 penny inside. And Ruth's body was found as described just not were some have said.

And Dave once again show his lack of knowledge as usual.
knowing 2oz's of gold could not cover a 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.


Already showed you the tunnel of the Perfil map, the Trail and the church as you say. The Dutchman never mentioned placers period. The walled up tunnel below has been found and a 1857 penny inside. And Ruth's body was found as described just not were some have said.

And Dave once again show his lack of knowledge as usual.
knowing 2oz's of gold could not cover a 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.


lol...if that is an 8.5x11 sheet of paper...the least you could have done would be to photoshop a quarter onto the pic you found online for reference..may as well come clean mick...your cold busted:occasion14:

lol...if that is an 8.5x11 sheet of paper...the least you could have done would be to photoshop a quarter onto the pic you found online for reference..may as well come clean mick...your cold busted:occasion14:

Sorry Dave

The pic was taken on my kitchen table


You might have missed the truth. All along I have been clear, sincere, honest and transparent about everything. Go back and start reading from my first post.

Your question "So what keeps you trying to discourage everyone from looking?" is based in a false premise.

Let me explain for you. I am not trying to discourage anyone. You might recall how I arrived here, and that ever since my quest has been to investigate this thing. I have reported clearly my findings, interpretations, and conclusions as they arise, despite attemps by some to thwart/distort the truth and facts. So it is not logically possible to answer that poorly constructed question. I have explained why. Your turn amigo, provide the standard to which such compariaon is to be made.

Con your memory is failing you, for I was the very first person here that TRIED the friendly approach to your first questions posted. You wished to be unfriendly, so that is fine with me too. Does that ring a bell for you? If not you may go back and re-read the old posts, look for your first questions posted in this part of the forum. You are still not being honest with me, nor anyone here so why would anyone bother to go to any trouble on your behalf? Besides, the information is so easy to find out that anyone could find it with no trouble. Why would you even want to know where to get an ore specimen comparison done anyway, since you are ready to conclude that the LDM was one of any of the hundreds of old holes in the ground dug in the mountains around the area? Didn't you also say that the LDM is the old Mormon Stope too? So why bother trying for scientific proof? :dontknow:

This has gone completely off topic, and has derailed what WAS originally a very interesting discussion. Thanks to those who derailed it, and I take the blame for my part in that. I won't post any further in this thread since it seems to attract the wrong kind of attention. Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. I leave you with some virtual coffee, sorry no sock coffee tonight. Keep an eye out for those "padres", they can be sneaky little devils! :tongue3:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Con your memory is failing you, for I was the very first person here that TRIED the friendly approach to your first questions posted. You wished to be unfriendly, so that is fine with me too. Does that ring a bell for you? If not you may go back and re-read the old posts, look for your first questions posted in this part of the forum. You are still not being honest with me, nor anyone here so why would anyone bother to go to any trouble on your behalf? Besides, the information is so easy to find out that anyone could find it with no trouble. Why would you even want to know where to get an ore specimen comparison done anyway, since you are ready to conclude that the LDM was one of any of the hundreds of old holes in the ground dug in the mountains around the area? Didn't you also say that the LDM is the old Mormon Stope too? So why bother trying for scientific proof? :dontknow:

This has gone completely off topic, and has derailed what WAS originally a very interesting discussion. Thanks to those who derailed it, and I take the blame for my part in that. I won't post any further in this thread since it seems to attract the wrong kind of attention. Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. I leave you with some virtual coffee, sorry no sock coffee tonight. Keep an eye out for those "padres", they can be sneaky little devils! :tongue3:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Hermano Oro,

Might I suggest that you keep posting in this thread, as most of us are skipping over and only reading yours and Dave's responses anyway :laughing7:

Mick, jokes can sometimes be taken too far. You would be a good comedian if you only knew where the punch line was supposed to end. I still like you brother, but I might be the only one left...c'mon man. It's not funny anymore.

Dave, do you think it's in the realm of possibility that the matchbox was made from ore that came out of the Mormon stope (oops..EDIT...Mammoth/Goldfield...and I know the problem of the type/temp of quartz)...I know that's heresy, it's just that the inscription on it kind of lines up. I've heard two stories, one that Dick Holmes had the matchbox made and then later sold it, which was then bequeathed back to Brownie...and one that says the matchbox was made from ore that Holmes sold.

I don't know which story is the truth, or somewhere in between.

Like any heretic, I know where this the stake (not by Dave or Roy, I hope:icon_salut:)...but it's just an honest question. Best regards, Jim

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Nice find! Gratz!

Could you please post a pic of the ore before you bust it up? Thanks


After several hours of looking I guess this is a pic of the ore. I was expecting to see gold in rotton quartz, not gold in solid quartz. If that is the ore, it amazes me how you can pound the gold out of that quartz without flattening the grains...

Con your memory is failing you, for I was the very first person here that TRIED the friendly approach to your first questions posted. You wished to be unfriendly,
your false opinion. Stop trying to impute your misunderstandings on others.
so that is fine with me too. Does that ring a bell for you? If not you may go back and re-read the old posts, look for your first questions posted in this part of the forum.
You go look. You never understood them to begin with, perhaps another go around will clear it up for you. You went on the attack because you didn't like the questions.
You are still not being honest with me, nor anyone here so why would anyone bother to go to any trouble on your behalf?
So I guess you are calling me a liar? show me where you think I have not been honest.
Besides, the information is so easy to find out that anyone could find it with no trouble. Why would you even want to know where to get an ore specimen comparison done anyway, since you are ready to conclude that the LDM was one of any of the hundreds of old holes in the ground dug in the mountains around the area? Didn't you also say that the LDM is the old Mormon Stope too? So why bother trying for scientific proof? :dontknow:
You misunderstand asking a question and conflate it with making a claim.
This has gone completely off topic, and has derailed what WAS originally a very interesting discussion. Thanks to those who derailed it, and I take the blame for my part in that. I won't post any further in this thread since it seems to attract the wrong kind of attention. Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. I leave you with some virtual coffee, sorry no sock coffee tonight. Keep an eye out for those "padres", they can be sneaky little devils! :tongue3:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

So once again, you fail to put up your part. make some drama and run, your go to MO. I find that a fail.

View attachment 1563743

After several hours of looking I guess this is a pic of the ore. I was expecting to see gold in rotton quartz, not gold in solid quartz. If that is the ore, it amazes me how you can pound the gold out of that quartz without flattening the grains...

Gold in rotten hematite quartz has only the Peralta mine which is depicted in the Gonzales-Clark map .

View attachment 1563851

your false opinion. Stop trying to impute your misunderstandings on others. You go look. You never understood them to begin with, perhaps another go around will clear it up for you. You went on the attack because you didn't like the questions. So I guess you are calling me a liar? show me where you think I have not been honest. You misunderstand asking a question and conflate it with making a claim.

So once again, you fail to put up your part. make some drama and run, your go to MO. I find that a fail.

No ma'am. Your snotty and snide remarks showed me where you want to go. I merely repaid your insolence in kind. Don't like it? If you don't like the taste, why shovel it out?

Anyone here could tell you how to get an ore specimen comparison done BTW. In fact it has been explained in previous threads, if you like to read the older posts.

And yes I do run away from BS artists, especially the type with hidden agendas. It is a colossal waste of time to try to discuss anything with them. I value my time. Can you contribute to the actual topic of this thread? Alfred Lewis Discovery at the old Mammoth Mine 1949 - 1950.

Apologies to the thread owner for once again having to post OFF topic.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

No ma'am. Your snotty and snide remarks showed me where you want to go. I merely repaid your insolence in kind. Don't like it? If you don't like the taste, why shovel it out?

Anyone here could tell you how to get an ore specimen comparison done BTW. In fact it has been explained in previous threads, if you like to read the older posts.

And yes I do run away from BS artists, especially the type with hidden agendas. It is a colossal waste of time to try to discuss anything with them. I value my time. Can you contribute to the actual topic of this thread? Alfred Lewis Discovery at the old Mammoth Mine 1949 - 1950.

Apologies to the thread owner for once again having to post OFF topic.

:coffee2: :coffee2:
NP Roy, I get a lot more from your posts than hers'/his(?). No idea if man or women, IMO your posts add and theirs doesn't. Again just my opinion.

WELCOME TO TREASURENET Orewhisperer! :hello2: :occasion14: :thumbsup:

Thanks to Audigger for the kind (and undeserved) words, I will try to do better.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

No ma'am. Your snotty and snide remarks showed me where you want to go. I merely repaid your insolence in kind. Don't like it? If you don't like the taste, why shovel it out?

Anyone here could tell you how to get an ore specimen comparison done BTW. In fact it has been explained in previous threads, if you like to read the older posts.

And yes I do run away from BS artists, especially the type with hidden agendas. It is a colossal waste of time to try to discuss anything with them. I value my time. Can you contribute to the actual topic of this thread? Alfred Lewis Discovery at the old Mammoth Mine 1949 - 1950.

Apologies to the thread owner for once again having to post OFF topic.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

You went off the topic rails on post #8 and then doubled down in #10 and never looked back.

It is a shame it seems you can't post in a logical fashion about facts rather than digress into personal smears in an attempt to dicredit anyone who questions anything, and imputing all sorts of false claims onto others. Enjoy your miserable self, I grow tired of you. Stay off my posts and you won't have to keep embarassing yourself. Thanks in advance amigo.

could this be waltzers stone cabin foundation? its all in the same places as those photos before

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