Hal Croves
Silver Member
I am dizzy from trying to keep up with this thread.
waltz, was an antique at the time of this agreement...since there was no social security, an old man traded off his property for physical accommodation at the end of his life.
to be comfortable at the end of his life.
Dead on. So, why wasn't the agreement enforced? Why wouldn't the Starars insist that Waltz Walzer recover at their home. Even if the Starar home was slightly damaged in the flood, after a few weeks they should have been prepared and chomping on the bit to get control over over the old man (and what he might reveal to others). Forget the mine, there was land to be had with one signature and a pending death. It smells like something bad. I think that Julia and others may have worked to keep Waltz from the Starars. That is speculation, but long term, it would have been inappropriate for Waltz Walzer to stay with a woman who was not white. That is, if Julia was something other than white. I am honestly not sure anymore.
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