A SAD DAY... Big Brother IS Watching...Some advice for you all.

golden silver

Silver Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Golden Thread
Hampton Roads, VA.
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bounty hunter sharp shooter 2, minelab sovereign xs 2a pro
Today was a sad and alarming day for me guys. I know some of you have your own stories to tell but now I Golden Silver have one of my own. Are you sitting down? Today I was interogated by NCIS. To those who do not know that is the Military's form of the FBI. I will try and make this brief but it probably won't be.

At first I did not know why I was there but then I remembered another member of this forum telling a story about getting pulled aside at his bank and asked questions by the FBI. I have to be honest I am not sure I bought the story completely until now. They began by asking me my backround information and asked me if I handle a lot of money on the regular basis. I said that I did. Then they proceded to ask how many bank accounts that I have and I was up front and honest. I told them about 10 and where I had them. They asked me why I had them and I explained this hobbie. I am sorry but In this instance I think I am allowed to break rules #1 and #2 of CRHing. It is noteworthy to mention that they were stone faced and serious durring the entire questioning. I was very nervous but stayed straight faced and tried to appear calm because I knew if I was jittery they would be suspicious of my nervousness. They asked me how much a week I went through and how much money per year have I gone through. I said that I was not completely sure but it was over $200,000. Can you believe this guys but they new exactly how much I had gone through. They said it was more like $300,000. What they did next shocked me even more. They pulled out of a black bag a box full of torn wrappers. Lo and behold it was one of my boxes I had thrown away months ago in a dumpster. They had it in their possession. They then asked me if I had been to Harper Ferry West Va. and I said yes. Believe it or not they knew all the road trips I had been on and where. They asked if I had gone to Casinos and I said that I had not. They found it very odd that I did the amount of searching that I had done and that it was actually worth my time. I said that it was worth my time and that I plan on selling some for a down payment on a house. I explained my plans only because they asked what I was doing with the coin. I repeated over and over again that it was just a hobbie and that I am a sailor working to provide for my family and do this to help me save for the future. To show the extent of how much they know...they knew that when tellers asked me what I do with the coin I change stories and don't tell the truth like so many on this website. They knew that sometimes I would dump several thousand at different banks on the same day. All of this drew attention to them.

The Climax of the story and the most shocking part I think is that they followed me to my home. They wanted to come in and see my silver stash. I would not believe it if it did not just happen to me this morning. My wife is in disbelief and my Dad says we do not live in the same country anymore. It has not been the same country for a while now.

So a word of caution If this happened to me it is just a matter of time that someone is knocking on your doors. Be prepared. Another scary thing is that they showed me a law on paper that gives them the right to confiscate property (or in other words silver) if they feel you have carried out an illegal bank transaction which according to the law means several back to back transaction exceding $10,000 or more. I can provide the exact copy of this law and the wording to anyone who wishes to know it.

So what you thought they did not know about you they most certainly do.

...They know what you buy and when and where you buy it.

...They know where you search on the internet.

... They know where you live and work and where your family is.

... They can hear your phone conversations

... They can hear conversations inside your house via your cell phone even if you are not talking on your cell phone or when it is turned off. (So take your battery out if you want privacy at all).

This was a Sad and Scary wake up call of a day for me hope it does not happen to you. In the end they said they were satisfied that I was not a terrorist and would move on but I am still in shock. What a welcome back to the Great U.S of A!! God Bless.

Golden Silver

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Treasure_Hunter said:
I agree with Giddyup, I think because of Golden Silver's searching he raised some red flags and that is what caused it.

I think the seizure laws that are in place are a violation of our rights, the government can seize sums of money in excess of $10,000 found in your car on a traffic stop and you have to prove it is yours, instead of them proving it is not... just like the Patriot Act, we are losing freedoms guaranteed in the Constitition in the name of protecting our freedoms from others.....

I also do not think Giddyup is a FED, just another TN member just like the rest of us, contrary to what some people may think Feds are not stupid bumbling fools.........

Hey...what are you implying here?? I thought you were sticking up for me....

giddyup99 said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
I agree with Giddyup, I think because of Golden Silver's searching he raised some red flags and that is what caused it.

I think the seizure laws that are in place are a violation of our rights, the government can seize sums of money in excess of $10,000 found in your car on a traffic stop and you have to prove it is yours, instead of them proving it is not... just like the Patriot Act, we are losing freedoms guaranteed in the Constitition in the name of protecting our freedoms from others.....

I also do not think Giddyup is a FED, just another TN member just like the rest of us, contrary to what some people may think Feds are not stupid bumbling fools.........

Hey...what are you implying here?? I thought you were sticking up for me....

I am, my last comment is not directed to you at all..... :icon_thumright:

Maybe it had to do with you being across seas that raised the flags along with your cash transactions proior to leaving? Didn't you just get back from Europe?

Giddy, Fed or not we welcome you here. Sorry. I have nothing to hide either way. Heck, if all Feds CRH ed like you we probably would not have over a hundred responses to my predicament. I don't think you are bumbling idiot (spy yes) but not an idiot. Welcome sincerely to a very fun and interesting forum full of money laundering criminals, thugs and theives.

golden silver

golden silver said:
Giddy, Fed or not we welcome you here. Sorry. I have nothing to hide either way. Heck, if all Feds CRH ed like you we probably would not have over a hundred responses to my predicament. I don't think you are bumbling idiot (spy yes) but not an idiot. Welcome sincerely to a very fun and interesting forum full of money laundering criminals, thugs and theives.

golden silver

Thats the best post Ive read in a while!!!!!

:hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:
:icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

golden silver said:
Giddy, Fed or not we welcome you here. Sorry. I have nothing to hide either way. Heck, if all Feds CRH ed like you we probably would not have over a hundred responses to my predicament. I don't think you are bumbling idiot (spy yes) but not an idiot. Welcome sincerely to a very fun and interesting forum full of money laundering criminals, thugs and theives.

golden silver

Yep - you've already been through the wringer. You are good to go, its these other guys I'm worried about now...lol.

I love internet communication. If you don't leave an emoticon or an "lol", everyone assumes you are serious, arrogant, rude, sarcastic, etc.

Thanks for the welcome - I've been a lurker a while, and have enjoyed reading, learning from (and laughing at) posts. Outside from the whole felon thing, you guys seem like a pretty good group.

I'll continue to frequent and add to the discussion when I can. You guys will be the first to know if I ever hit the dream box, or get arrested for trying....

WOW!! this is one hot thread. I have to put in my two cents. I agree with what Giddyup has posted. I also think they investigated Golden Silver because he was doing a lot of under $10K transactions, so from his bank records, it may have looked like he was trying to avoid the reporting of his transactions, by keeping them under the $10K amount. All the big volume searchers may eventually be investigated. CRH'ers have nothing to worry about. Keep doing what you are doing. If you are not actually laundering money, funding terrorist activities, or some other illegal thing, don't worry about it. I do think everyone needs to be more honest with the bank tellers when they ask what you are doing. If you lie or change your story every time, you could be guilty of causing the bank to file a false report which would put you in violation of the title 31. You don't have to say you are looking for silver, just say you are looking for or saving, or collecting old coins, and tell them the same thing everytime. Just my two cents.

Golden Silver,
Now that you have passed the investigation test. I would think you should take it to the next level. You should aim for $1,000,000 this year. That's only 2000 boxes of halves. 39 boxes a week would get you there.

Silver Miser


I was just going to follow the discussion but have to add a bit - for one thing, it is none of the teller's business what we do with our money. They have no legal right to know. Of course this whole point is rather moot for myself, as I never have any money to be raising the eyebrows of any bank tellers, but if they did ask and I didn't feel like telling them, I would tell them it is none of their business.

The next thing is this - I just wonder how many terrorists have the authorities caught by monitoring the bank transactions of 300 million American citizens? Think it is a lot? ??? ::) :dontknow:

One last thing here - this is a public forum, anyone who does not think that Feds, state investigators and even private clubs and corporations are in fact reading and following what we post is deluding themselves. We can joke about 'Big Brother' watching, and often forget that what we say here IS absolutely open to the public, and that public includes every legal and illegal authority with access to the internet. I found out some time ago that we have such "monitors" here and on virtually every internet forum, which is not supposed to bother you unless you are doing something illegal, but in my opinion this constant and widespread survelliance has gone way too far invading our privacies. Sooner or later the public is going to get as fed up with it as I am, and it will have to be stopped.

First, I have to say - if someone was an official, they would lurk - and post when its convenient for them - come one guys, think about some other folks that "popped up" and turned out to be, without a doubt, archies and some other folks we really didn't expect to post - haven't we?


Without a doubt, your timing is not the best - I have yet to decide whether or not that's by accident or by design. Time will tell.

I, for one, have personal knowledge of some "bad" cops - having lots of experience with a few states and I-10. They pull you over, end up confiscating all your money and your goods, arrest you, and then, down the line, they drop the charges - right after they have sold your stuff, and the cops and the judge get a legal percentage. I guarantee you that it will cost you more to try and retrieve your stuff than it was worth. Its a racket.

The statement about the tin hats is either insulting or naive, not sure which at this point - but anyone who has had such an encounter knows how it really works.

Cashing in or buying coin does not, nor has it ever, stopped a bank from doing their records correctly. Period, end of story. Its a poor excuse for one of 2 things - harrassment of citizens - or - a bank that is not doing its correct paperwork. Of course, there are a few more possibilities, but they are further down the line than the very first.

We are very familiar with being "investigated" - mostly because of our military connections - including personal FBI visits to our home - they don't go the way that golden silver's encounter went.

I am concerned that, if you are just a lurker who has decided to join Tnet, that you have the attitude that taking away constitutional rights is in any way, a good thing - even if it means someone gets killed by a terrorist - even if 3000+ people get killed by terrorists on our own soil.

I do not want to trade my constitutional rights (any of them) for safety.


Personally I Think you just got 2 Feds
who Didn't know enough about Coin Roll Hunting,
& You taught them about it.

mrs.oroblanco said:
The next thing is this - I just wonder how many terrorists have the authorities caught by monitoring the bank transactions of 300 million American citizens? Think it is a lot? Huh Roll Eyes dontknow

Well if you think they are looking for just terrorists, you are kidding yourself. Please educate yourself before commenting again.

mrs.oroblanco said:
First, I have to say - if someone was an official, they would lurk - and post when its convenient for them - come one guys, think about some other folks that "popped up" and turned out to be, without a doubt, archies and some other folks we really didn't expect to post - haven't we?

This would be the absolute worst time for someone monitoring this bunch to start interjecting him/herself into conversation. Like I said before. They would either lurk and never say anything...or post enough and front enough to be a respected member of the board to gain the trust of all the members.

mrs.oroblanco said:

Without a doubt, your timing is not the best - I have yet to decide whether or not that's by accident or by design. Time will tell.

I, for one, have personal knowledge of some "bad" cops - having lots of experience with a few states and I-10. They pull you over, end up confiscating all your money and your goods, arrest you, and then, down the line, they drop the charges - right after they have sold your stuff, and the cops and the judge get a legal percentage. I guarantee you that it will cost you more to try and retrieve your stuff than it was worth. Its a racket.

There are lots of bad people in every profession. Its human nature. There are bad/dishonest CRH'ers out there.

mrs.oroblanco said:
The statement about the tin hats is either insulting or naive, not sure which at this point - but anyone who has had such an encounter knows how it really works.

It is only insulting to those of whom it applies.

mrs.oroblanco said:
Cashing in or buying coin does not, nor has it ever, stopped a bank from doing their records correctly. Period, end of story. Its a poor excuse for one of 2 things - harrassment of citizens - or - a bank that is not doing its correct paperwork. Of course, there are a few more possibilities, but they are further down the line than the very first.

You can't just look at it as buying a box of pennies. Look at the volume done here. If you are cycling through $300k in coin, in similar time periods, don't be surprised if you get questioned on it. This is not harassment, the bank is REQUIRED to report ANY transaction they feel is suspicious. They are absolutely required to follow the the BSA and other Federal reporting requirements...or they don't get to be a bank anymore. Have you worked inside a bank??

mrs.oroblanco said:
We are very familiar with being "investigated" - mostly because of our military connections - including personal FBI visits to our home - they don't go the way that golden silver's encounter went.

I am concerned that, if you are just a lurker who has decided to join Tnet, that you have the attitude that taking away constitutional rights is in any way, a good thing - even if it means someone gets killed by a terrorist - even if 3000+ people get killed by terrorists on our own soil.

I do not want to trade my constitutional rights (any of them) for safety.


I have more to say, but I need to go to work now....I'll check back in later.

okay.....lots of good info was gained from GS's encounter. i feel that what Treasure Hunter posted about the Bank Security Act (BSA) was what put GS on the radar.
Multiple currency transactions must be treated as a single transaction if the financial institution has knowledge that: (a) they are conducted by or on behalf of the same person; and, (b) they result in cash received or disbursed by the financial institution of more than $10,000. (31 CFR 103.22)
that and the answers the tellers gave the Feds when asked if they knew what he was doing with all the coin and they said "i don't know, he told me he collects coins" then another teller from another bank " i'm not sure, he said he uses them for poker games" and the next "he said he gives them away as gifts to the grandchildren" and the next "he said he wants to fill his tub and roll around naked in them" :laughing7: is what raised some flags.
i think that our boredom of the "same old question" and our lack of continuity in our answers may be coming back to haunt us. we know we are doing nothing wrong, but if i was on the outside looking in and see a guy moving large amounts of coin in multiple transactions from 10 different accounts and never giving the same explaination twice, i too would be suspicious.
i suspect that we will be seeing more posts from others getting the same treament in the future.

Tag post, please ignore.
hello MrsOroblanco.....i remember you from other forums. just so you know....once you post on a topic you can hit the "replies" button at the top of the list of forums and every time a topic you posted on recieves another post, it will show up in that list and you won't have to search for the topic, you can just click on it and there are the new replies. :thumbsup:

golden silver said:
Welcome sincerely to a very fun and interesting forum full of money laundering criminals, thugs and theives.

golden silver

Haha, now thats funny GS!


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I can see where things would look fishy to the bank(s), they only have part of the story. Pick up bank - “Boy this guy comes in with a lot of cash buying coins, wonder where he gets all that money from? Maybe we should follow banking regulations and file a report.” Dump bank - “Boy this guy brings in a lot of coins for deposit, where does he get them from? Maybe we should follow banking regulations and file a report”. I personally don't agree with many of these regulations, I think they are unconstitutional. However, I wouldn't expect a bank employee to not follow regulations. We, as voters, need to make a stand on these issues.

But once the Feds get involved they would have the needed access to all accounts and see the same money (for the most part) going in and out. I'm having trouble thinking that there isn't something more in this situation that Golden Silver isn't even aware of.

mrs.oroblanco said:
10995--Federal seizure of all communications media in the US;
10997--Federal seizure of all electric power, fuels, minerals, public and private;
10998--Federal seizure of all food supplies and resources, public and private and all farms and equipment;
10999--Federal seizure of all means of transportation, including cars, trucks, or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and water ways;
11000--Federal seizure of American people for work forces under federal supervision, including the splitting up of families if the government so desires;
11001--Federal seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private;
11002--Empowers the Postmaster General to register every single person in the US
11003--Federal seizure of all airports and aircraft;
11004--Federal seizure of all housing and finances and authority to establish forced relocation. Authority to designate areas to be abandoned as "unsafe," establish new locations for populations, relocate communities, build new housing with public funds;
11005--Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, both public and private;
11051--Provides FEMA complete authorization to put above orders into effect in times of increased international tension of economic or financial crisis (FEMA will be in control in case of "National Emergency").

I know this may seem a little crazy, but I have simple ways to deal with the gov. trying to confiscate my property as is mentioned above.

They want my phones, they can have them. After I take them "apart" that is.
They want my gas or electric generators, take em. Hopefully they can fix them after I light them up.
They want my vehicle, they can have it. After I've rendered it useless.
You can see my train of thought here.

Just my 2 cents. Hopefully, it never comes to that, but you never know. When that day comes, I plan to ride off into the sunset and start anew.


golden silver said:
Welcome sincerely to a very fun and interesting forum full of money laundering criminals, thugs and theives.
golden silver

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giddyup99 - you're welcome here, whether you are a "fed" or not... ;D

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