Franklin, you do realize that nearly every great discovery was first based on the "founded existence" of the pursuit, yes? You keep referencing great recoveries like the Atocha and such as if you're oblivious to "the fact" that all of those recoveries were actually well documented by "very credible source" and that they were "known to actually exist." In other words, their pursuit was based on cold hard credible fact, not romance, speculation, rumor, he-said-she-said, creative and manufactured evidences, and lore. The people who made those discoveries operated on "established facts." They didn't operate on manufactured evidences, speculation, or creative emotion, etc., etc. Nothing wrong with exploring "the unknown" but it is HUGE ERROR to start operating solely on passion and emotion and the simple thrill of the chase. And it's even a much bigger error to start posting a bunch of false facts that are based solely on those emotions, personal thrill of the chase, and blind passions. Doing this is exactly the same as penning a fiction work and promoting it to be true.