A "Reasonable" Theory

After a little research into the "possibilities" here's what I think "might" actually be the case in regards to the TJB of Richmond and his status as being a free man of color. It is very possible that his father was a white man and his mother of a different race. During the period, from what I have gathered so far, in the case of obtaining a "free man of color status" for children born from an interracial affair, this all fell upon the father and the child's established attachment to his Sir name. Many plantation owners/slave owners fathered children with their slaves, as we all know, but it was entirely up to the father/owner of the slaves/effected children to decide to pursue "free person of color status" for that child. What I can't find out is what was required in doing so?
Looking at the Life of Thomas Jefferson (MANY slaves at Monticello); once slave reached the age of 21, he/she was "free", unless retained by the slave-owner; (Thomas Jefferson/Sally Heming); her sons with him were "free" at 21 years of age. One son died before the CONFEDERATE WAR; two sons fought for ALL-WHITE Units of the Yankee Army... they were light-skin blacks. Beverly (aka Tom in TJ's Farm Book) was a "POSSIBLE" TJB "darkened as if exposed to the sun" and rumored to have been a SERVANT to Lewis & Clark on their Expedition of Discovery. Beverly (aka) TJB was ALREADY "experienced" & "knew" the way WEST; HA!

If you read the article it is a complicated issue-freeborn, freeman, freedman.
I still find it curious that his parents are not listed, only that he was freeborn of color in Richmond City,1823.
Someone had to confirm this.
Either he was the son of a freeman of color, or the son of plantation owner who bestowed the freeborn designation.

He appears to have been educated, so where was he raised?
If he was TJ's son... TJ and others at Monticello educated him VERY well. In 1823, Beverly/Tom was FREE & disappeared; he was raised at Monticello, with his mother, Sally Heming & father, Thomas Jefferson.

If you read the article it is a complicated issue-freeborn, freeman, freedman.
I still find it curious that his parents are not listed, only that he was freeborn of color in Richmond City,1823.
Someone had to confirm this.
Either he was the son of a freeman of color, or the son of plantation owner who bestowed the freeborn designation.

He appears to have been educated, so where was he raised?

"complicated"...yes! And I agree, he was educated and of some position. I can't make heads or tails out of the actual process, though? But one would think it would have to be a court/legal matter, and if so, then that information would have been recorded somewhere, somehow?

Per "Post" # 42; AFTER Sally Heming was freed by Thomas Jefferson, she went to live with one of their (SH & TJ)'s sons in Charlottesville, Va. He had a "House" on East Main Street by the BIG old tree, & Sally was buried by that BIG old Tree (bigger, now), with her grave-site covered over by a parking lot of the BIG hotel "above" Center-town. There SHOULD be a "Marker" placed up there, indicating the "general area" of her grave-site in MHO.

Per "Post" # 42; AFTER Sally Heming was freed by Thomas Jefferson, she went to live with one of their (SH & TJ)'s sons in Charlottesville, Va. He had a "House" on East Main Street by the BIG old tree, & Sally was buried by that BIG old Tree (bigger, now), with her grave-site covered over by a parking lot of the BIG hotel "above" Center-town. There SHOULD be a "Marker" placed up there, indicating the "general area" of her grave-site in MHO.

But how is any of this related to the subject of TJB?

But how is any of this related to the subject of TJB?
LOL! Beverly/Tom, son of Thomas Jefferson & Sally Heming was considered by some to BE TJB... at 21 in 1823, he DISAPPEARED until later, during the CONFEDERATE WAR, fighting for the YANKS! In 1823, was HE in Richmond, Va. as Alderman TJB...? Dunno.

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Letters SCRAMBLED, would be TJB; TJ loved doing that... Thomas Jefferson's Beverly! Heh...

Here is an excerpt concerning the Richmond Howitzers during the Civil War and a link to more information regarding the unit. It is unclear where TJB participated in all of this but in the following excerpt it is made clear that in the closing days of the war a portion of them were heading to Lynchburg, but as to why it isn't made clear?

"The Army of Northern Virginia, including the Howitzers, evacuated its lines in front of Richmond and Petersburg on the night of April 2, 1865, and marched westward. The men of the 2nd Company resumed their duties as infantrymen and fought the enemy in several skirmishes. The 3rd Company saw only minor skirmishing near Deatonsville on April 6 during the Appomattox Campaign. After participating in an engagement near Appomattox Court House on April 8, the men of the 1st Company separated from the army to march toward Lynchburg. They disbanded the following day near Red Oak Church and buried their cannons in a nearby ravine. The 2nd and 3rd companies, meanwhile, surrendered with Lee's army at Appomattox on April 9, 1865."


If you read the article it is a complicated issue-freeborn, freeman, freedman.
I still find it curious that his parents are not listed, only that he was freeborn of color in Richmond City,1823.
Someone had to confirm this.
Either he was the son of a freeman of color, or the son of plantation owner who bestowed the freeborn designation.

He appears to have been educated, so where was he raised?

This is my point, in order for him to have been designated freeborn, freeman, etc., then either his point of origin, or point of documented status, would have to have been established. I find it odd that his parents are unknown, especially since it appears that he wed a white woman from a reputable family? Where is his prior history?

LOL! The "WHY" is very simple... Lynchburg, Va. became the LAST state capital of VIRGINIA, April 6-10, 1865; April 6th was "moving" day... April 7-10, 1865 were "OPERATIONS days"... BUT! As the Yanks advanced towards L'burg, Va., Gen. R.E. Lee, CSA threw himself & his Rebel army in front of the Yanks... and SURRENDERED on April 9th, 1865. REBEL Gov't & REB Officers with VMI "ties" were safe for ONE day, to "hide" RICHMOND STORES (Bank of Virginia $$$$$$$$$$$ & CSA Treasury $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the WESTERN portion of VIRGINIA (Lexington, Va. & VMI). DANG Yank, "Black Dave" Hunter had burned down Lexington & VMI previously; was getting ready to "take" L'burg... BUT! CSA Gen. J. Early kicked Hunter's arse BACK to Bedford County, then past Roanoke County... ALL the way to WEST VIRGINIA via the Great Western Road. NOW, you KNOW!

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I "know" only what documents and records indicate, I have seen nothing of the such to confirm anything concerning $$$, treasury, etc. Rumors, theories and speculations, yes, but nothing that actually backs any of that up as a matter of fact. Wish it existed, though.

I "know" only what documents and records indicate, I have seen nothing of the such to confirm anything concerning $$$, treasury, etc. Rumors, theories and speculations, yes, but nothing that actually backs any of that up as a matter of fact. Wish it existed, though.

Wish no longer because it does exist. The documents and records are all wrong. That is only what the men in charge wanted everyone to find everything else was burned in Danville, Va. according to records but they are wrong also. I believe the records and documents are still in Danville, Va in a 36 ft. by 36 ft. vault. Two streets in Danville, Va. will lead you to the vault and one of those streets is Buford.

There is also something going on in Lynchburg, Va. at the home of James Beverly Risque. I have not been able to figure it out yet, but I will. Strange, I wish I could tell you what it is but without the clear meaning it would be meaningless. Someone in Lynchburg in the early 1960's knew something about what it all means but I can not even find out, who that person is, at least not yet as there are no records past 1983. Shame records for over 200 years has been kept but there are no Campbell County Records on constuction or work permits before 1983. Almost seems ridiculousness.

By the way the State Archaeologist has not been able to get in contact with the property owners yet. I may have to try myself.

My friend and partner found the "Secret of Secrets" almost seven years come this March 15. Why in the HEck won't people let anyone do what needs to be done. I tried saving this sorry countries' a** but they won't listen. What is wrong with Washington is there are too many nuts and no warden to look after the sorry bunch.

A few minutes ago I sent out a message for Senator Warner. So far no one in Washington will listen. Makes a person want to just go lie across the entrance until they listen. But all they know how to do is threaten a private citizen trying to help them with JAIL. That's the way life is February 15, 2018

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If the documents and records are all wrong then there has to exist other "official and credible" source documents and records to confirm that they wrong. Otherwise, just more speculation based on rumor, propaganda, he-said-she-said, etc. Right.

No not really. I have it in writing only no one will believe the source.

This is what I believe the Beale Treasure is all about anyway. I went from the Beale Treasure in search of funds or another treasure in Danville, Va. I then went back after the Beale Treasure to get funds to recover what I found in Danville, Va. I have gone back and forth about three times to each but I have been unable to recover either one. But someday someone will recover these enormous treasures.

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No not really. I have it in writing only no one will believe the source.

And why do you think they won't believe that source? Look, per example, even today there are those who still believe that nearly every portrait with a hand stuck in a vest is a sign of KGC, which if they had even bothered to study portrait photography and it's history they would know that it is a ridiculous conclusion. But they want to believe in such things and so they do. In truth however, there are many such classic forms of portrait photography that became popular among the general masses for a variety of reasons, none of them having anything at all to do with the KGC.

No not really. I have it in writing only no one will believe the source.

This is what I believe the Beale Treasure is all about anyway. I went from the Beale Treasure in search of funds or another treasure in Danville, Va. I then went back after the Beale Treasure to get funds to recover what I found in Danville, Va. I have gone back and forth about three times to each but I have been unable to recover either one. But someday someone will recover these enormous treasures.

Or, they just don't exist and never did?

Oh but they do exist.

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