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WHAT "evidence" do you want...? Charlie Button ALREADY stated that one of his sub-editors wrote it! Button was EDITOR/OWNER of the Newspaper (which became the NEWS-ADVANCE).
"Google" For Good and Bad, Civil War Editor was Man of HIS times
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, I reckon its not a goose, Bigscoop.

Your train is off its track again!
Crypto, you are always posting bon mots that carry no weight or substance.
If you have genuine information that is germane to the discussion, bring it forth.
Or as Duke Ellington would say, "Take the "A" train".

John William Sherman was known as a writer of ...? (YOUR thought here). (IMHO... FACTION!). Heh...
Plays for that Lynchburg thespian group that he and Giles Ward were members.
Reckon he was familiar with Shakespeare's "TWO MEN FROM VERONA" from whence the "the flame is worth the candle" reference came?

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Plays for that Lynchburg thespian group that he and Giles Ward were members.
Reckon he was familiar with Shakespeare's "TWO MEN FROM VERONA" from whence the "the flame is worth the candle" reference came?
That is CORRECT! "GW" was PRESIDENT of the Group...

From the OP, "James Beverly Ward"; DYK...? He had a SON, James Beverly Ward, Jr.

AND! "JB" & family lived MAINLY in the Forest, Va. area... WEST of Lynchburg, Va. "JB" came into town for church & Masonic meetings...

From the OP, "James Beverly Ward"; DYK...? He had a SON, James Beverly Ward, Jr.
James Beverly Ward's children, all born before the "2nd year of the Confederate War":
James Beverly Ward Jr, born 1842
Ella Risque Ward, born 1844
Adeline Virginia Ward, born 1846 (She gave the interview to Martha Rivers Adams about her father as the author of BEALE PAPERS)
John Gordon Ward, born 1850
Ferdinand Kennerely Ward, born 1852
Annie Morriss Ward, born 1853 (Her husband, William D Johns, worked at Adams Bros & Paynes, on whose letterhead , J B Ward applied in 1884 for copyright as agent for the Beale Papers. * Remember, this was shortly after the death of Francis Buford, that last person who confirm or deny Beale's stay at Buford's Tavern)

After "JB"'s father died (Giles Ward), his mother was all alone at Hunter's Hill, the Plantation/Farm that her father, James Beverly Risque "willed" her... SO! "JB" & family moved in with her... WHEW!

James Beverly Risqué died 1843
Giles Ward died 1850
James Beverly Ward and wife Harriet moved back from St Louis to Lynchburg in 1843.
I have not found when Adeline Eliza Risqué Ward died, but it seems JB Ward stayed on at Hunter's Hill after that.
Rebel-KGC, can you fill in the blanks ?

Well let's see. Botton thought his editor wrote it, Ward's daughter was of the mind that her father wrote it, etc., etc.,........seems nobody knew for sure who wrote it nor could they confirm their personal notions/opinions. Seems pretty consistent with the narration to me......"Author unknown". :laughing7:

More like authors. You have seen my list and the reasons why I believe they were involved.
Now we know Sarah Mitchell Morriss died at James Beverly Ward's house, and Robert Morriss passed away at his nieces house after talking to this "unknown author" during the "2nd year of the Confederate War".
Who was the niece?
Ella Risqué Ward would have been just 19, Adeline Virginia Ward, 16, Annie Morriss Ward, 10.
But all would have known "uncle" Morriss, including J B Jr, 21, John Gordon Ward 12, and Ferinand Kennerley Ward, 9.
If the "unknown author" spoke to Morriss during the "2nd year of the Confederate War", these children of Ward would have been aware of that meeting.
Adeline Virginia Ward McVeigh told the newspaper reporter, Martha Rivers Adams, in the 1930's, that her father was the author of the Beale Papers, NO mention of an "unknown author" meeting with "uncle" Morriss, and she had never seen "the iron box".
Than there is Charles W Button who said John William Sherman, his sub-editor wrote it.
AS I have posted, they are but two of those behind the creation of the Beale Papers.
What is consistent, is the total lack of outside collaborating evidence that can prove anything written in the Beale Papers actually ever happened- from Beale meeting Morriss, finding gold and the mine, the letters telling of the perilous adventure and staying at Buford's Tavern, to this "unknown author" who brought the manuscript to James Beverly Ward.
Remember, Ward applied for copyright after the last eyewitness to events had passed away.

James Beverly Risqué died 1843
Giles Ward died 1850
James Beverly Ward and wife Harriet moved back from St Louis to Lynchburg in 1843.
I have not found when Adeline Eliza Risqué Ward died, but it seems JB Ward stayed on at Hunter's Hill after that.
Rebel-KGC, can you fill in the blanks ?
Will try...

More like authors. You have seen my list and the reasons why I believe they were involved.
Now we know Sarah Mitchell Morriss died at James Beverly Ward's house, and Robert Morriss passed away at his nieces house after talking to this "unknown author" during the "2nd year of the Confederate War".
Who was the niece?
Ella Risqué Ward would have been just 19, Adeline Virginia Ward, 16, Annie Morriss Ward, 10.
But all would have known "uncle" Morriss, including J B Jr, 21, John Gordon Ward 12, and Ferinand Kennerley Ward, 9.
If the "unknown author" spoke to Morriss during the "2nd year of the Confederate War", these children of Ward would have been aware of that meeting.
Adeline Virginia Ward McVeigh told the newspaper reporter, Martha Rivers Adams, in the 1930's, that her father was the author of the Beale Papers, NO mention of an "unknown author" meeting with "uncle" Morriss, and she had never seen "the iron box".
Than there is Charles W Button who said John William Sherman, his sub-editor wrote it.
AS I have posted, they are but two of those behind the creation of the Beale Papers.
What is consistent, is the total lack of outside collaborating evidence that can prove anything written in the Beale Papers actually ever happened- from Beale meeting Morriss, finding gold and the mine, the letters telling of the perilous adventure and staying at Buford's Tavern, to this "unknown author" who brought the manuscript to James Beverly Ward.
Remember, Ward applied for copyright after the last eyewitness to events had passed away.

It's just your personal theory with nothing to directly connect any of these people to the narration. Also, none of these people offer any confirmation or certainty as to who actually wrote the narration, theirs just being personal and uncertain opinions after the fact and that's all they are. But what all of it does suggest is that there was, perhaps, more interest in the discovering of those details back in the day then previously thought. Apparently, the true identity of the author wasn't even clear back then, just as it still isn't today. Doesn't matter what each of us can craft in our own heads in trying to explain the mystery. All that matters is what can be verified and confirmed and that confirmation is still seriously lacking in every theory, even yours.

Those claiming the story to be true is very conspicuous by its absence.
...and we have the remaining unsold copies destroyed in a fire after complaints of family names being used in that dime novel pamphlet.
That, in itself creates suspicion of the Beale Papers being a true story of adventure and treasure.

James Beverly Ward's children, all born before the "2nd year of the Confederate War":
James Beverly Ward Jr, born 1842
Ella Risque Ward, born 1844
Adeline Virginia Ward, born 1846 (She gave the interview to Martha Rivers Adams about her father as the author of BEALE PAPERS)
John Gordon Ward, born 1850
Ferdinand Kennerely Ward, born 1852
Annie Morriss Ward, born 1853 (Her husband, William D Johns, worked at Adams Bros & Paynes, on whose letterhead , J B Ward applied in 1884 for copyright as agent for the Beale Papers. * Remember, this was shortly after the death of Francis Buford, that last person who confirm or deny Beale's stay at Buford's Tavern)
I think that they had @ 11 kids; some died after birth; will have to look for the R & I...

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