That is your interpretation of what the "unknown author" is really telling the reader, that is not what everyone believes.
"as I have already said...a short time devoted to the subject can injure no one"- The Beale Papers
"devote only such time as to be spared from your legitimate business to the task"-The Beale Papers
"again, never...sacrifice your own and your family's interest to what may prove an illusion"-The Beale Papers
It may not be what everyone believes, but the interpretation of the "unknown author's" intended message becomes quite clear after three very specific warnings.
Then there is this:
"The gentleman I have selected as my agent...was ignorant of this episode of Mr Morriss" career, until the manuscript was placed in his hands"- The Beale Papers
Was this included to keep James Beverly Ward free from law suites of those who disregarded the
obvious purposeful discrepancies in the plausible "factual" information to those of 1885 Lynchburg, and ignored or didn't understand the three posted disclaimer "warnings" and lost their legitimate business or squandered their money searching for this "may prove an illusion" treasure??
Also with the author remaining "unknown", he was free from legal action, he post the warning after all that it "may prove an illusion".
REMEMBER: All that is known about the Beale story is based on the word of the "unknown author" that he was told this by Robert Morriss during the "2nd year of the Confederate War".
There exists NO evidence outside of The Beale Papers that can prove that anything in the story actually ever occurred outside of the author's imagination.