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As was this disclaimer:
"I would sat a word to those who may take an interest in them...it is, devote only such time as to be spared from your legitimate business to the task, and if you can spare no time, let the matter along".-THE BEALE PAPERS
AND this additional disclaimer for those who believe the "perilous adventure" actually happened:
"Again, never, as I have done, sacrifice your own and family's interest to what may prove an illusion".- THE BEALE PAPERS

What is the "unknown author" really telling the reader of 1885 Lynchburg?
To take notice of the purposeful discrepancies in the plausible information that are peppered throughout the narrative text that "may prove an illusion".
Good question... hmmm.

That is your interpretation of what the "unknown author" is really telling the reader, that is not what everyone believes.
"as I have already said...a short time devoted to the subject can injure no one"- The Beale Papers
"devote only such time as to be spared from your legitimate business to the task"-The Beale Papers
"again, never...sacrifice your own and your family's interest to what may prove an illusion"-The Beale Papers

It may not be what everyone believes, but the interpretation of the "unknown author's" intended message becomes quite clear after three very specific warnings.

Then there is this:
"The gentleman I have selected as my agent...was ignorant of this episode of Mr Morriss" career, until the manuscript was placed in his hands"- The Beale Papers

Was this included to keep James Beverly Ward free from law suites of those who disregarded the
obvious purposeful discrepancies in the plausible "factual" information to those of 1885 Lynchburg, and ignored or didn't understand the three posted disclaimer "warnings" and lost their legitimate business or squandered their money searching for this "may prove an illusion" treasure??
Also with the author remaining "unknown", he was free from legal action, he post the warning after all that it "may prove an illusion".

REMEMBER: All that is known about the Beale story is based on the word of the "unknown author" that he was told this by Robert Morriss during the "2nd year of the Confederate War".
There exists NO evidence outside of The Beale Papers that can prove that anything in the story actually ever occurred outside of the author's imagination.

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That is why everyone is here. We are trying to find and discuss the information you are seeking but you keep telling us about there is no evidence. If we do not post and talk to each other about possibilities then you will never find that information you want. We already know there is no information to prove the Beale Treasure Story happened that is what we are looking for and discussing. What you are continually posting we already have that down as a given until proven so let us continue so we can find the proof. We do not need to keep crossing your speed bumps.

AND! It may well be, that John William Sherman of the DAILY VIRGINIAN interviewed the "UK Author" (Maj. Ferdinand Hutter) and wrote the "JOB PRINT" (aka Beale PAPERS Pamphlet)...

Gonna go & look for BEALE CROSSING Signs & get some BBQ, SOON!

Would be nice if the graves of Robert & Sarah MORRISS could be found; or even Robert MORRIS, ex-Mayor of Lynchburg, Va. in 1813...

Still searching. It takes a lot of time to find the unknown.

... We are trying to find and discuss the information you are seeking but you keep telling us about there is no evidence. If we do not post and talk to each other about possibilities then you will never find that information you want. We already know there is no information to prove the Beale Treasure Story happened that is what we are looking for and discussing...
After 130+ years after the publication of the Beale Papers. with professional and amateur researchers and codebreakers discussing every "possibility" and still NO evidence has been found, as you have concurred, that the Beale Treasure Story ever happened, I do not understand the issue you seem to find with my posts.
Is it the Risqué extended family bloodline connections found in the narrative text, the purposeful discrepancies of plausible "facts ,or the obvious "disclaimers" written by the "unknown author" with which you take issue?

In discussing the Beale story, not everyone approaches the subject from the same viewpoint.
My area of research concerns the narrative texts relation to Ward's (Risqué) extended family to the story, there are many connections, AND the relevance of the work to the buyers of 1885 Lynchburg for which the pamphlet was targeted and marketed, and the response that caused the base price of 50 cents to be lowered to 10 cents with the remaining unsold copies to be burned in a stove.

While possibilities become endless as proven on several of these threads, and provide a multitude of "what if's?", they are not proof of anything, just wishful speculation, that may be full of sound and fury, but in the end signify nothing.
...they are, what you refer to, as the real "speed bumps".

The copies were not burned in a stove. Prove it?

"During this period rumors of Indian outrages and massacres were current, but no mention of Beale's name ever occurred. What became of him and his companions is left entirely to conjecture"- The Beale Papers
In addition to a veiled reference to the massacre by Indians of Ward's great uncle, John Pickrell Risqué, while inspecting Arizona gold mines in 1882, it also created additional plausible belief on why Beale and his party never returned.
Now, remember the work was presented to the Lynchburg buying public in 1885, and the newspapers of that time carried lurid tales of Indian massacres to justify the US government's Western Indian Wars.
Nine years before the pamphlet's publication was the largest massacre and outrage reported in the Eastern press, that of the massacre of Custer and the 7th Cavalry.
This is just another bit of plausible information in the Beale Papers that is "left entirely to conjecture".

The copies were not burned in a stove. Prove it?
"Unsold copies of the Beale Papers Pamphlet WERE destroyed by FIRE...in pot bellied stoves..."
- Rebel-KGC, post # 182, Page 13 of this thread
Does Rebel-KGC also have to prove it about the stoves?

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Yes, you quote other posters without substantiating it yourself, you should prove it.

"Unsold copies of the Beale Papers Pamphlet WERE destroyed by FIRE...in pot bellied stoves..."
- Rebel-KGC, post # 182, Page 13 of this thread
Does Rebel-KGC also have to prove it about the stoves?
LOL! Nothing but ashes, now...

"Amongst his guests and devoted personal friends Jackson, Clay, Coles, Witcher, Chief Justice Marshall..." The Beale Papers

The above names would have been familiar to those in 1885 Lynchburg by various associations in that city's past.

Andrew Jackson attended a banquet in Lynchburg in 1815, hosted by James Beverly Risqué and other businessmen, Pascal Buford was in attendance, Rev Charles Green Clay gave the invocation, and Jackson stayed at the nearby home of Thomas Jefferson.

Col Issac Coles was a famous Virginian of the Revolutionary War and died in 1813, the year Robert Morris was Mayor of Lynchburg.
Capt William Witcher, another famous Virginian of the Revolutionary War, died 1803, the year Robert Morris married Sarah Mitchell while still in Lowdoun county, Virginia.

In 1812, Chief Justice John Marshall conducted an Expedition by batteau of the James River from Lynchburg to Kanawha as a study of the navigation problems concerning the construction of the James River Canal.

The only mention of the above listed men as guests and/or friends of Robert Morriss appear ONLY in the quoted line from the Beale Papers.
...and everything in the Beale Papers is based on the hearsay of the "unknown author" that was in the finished manuscript presented to Ward.

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just saw this JBW thread so
i thought i would copy these 3 posts from
just to keep JBWs stuff together, if i find anymore JBW ill
post here,so as not to muck up the other thread to much

post #1
i think this would be some interesting reading,if
it wasnt so hard to read LOL
if the links dont work go to link, choose campbell co.
defendant morriss.search
Virginia Memory: Chancery Records Index

both of these cases are in lynchburg, im having a hard time
reading the pdfs, i think this RM owes $ on land and buildings

court robert morriss sued by John Dinwiddie 1820
Plaintiff John Dinwiddie Defendant robert morriss
a list of 12 surnames
Virginia Memory: Chancery Records Index - 031-1821-012

court robert morriss sued by Manoah C Darnell 1821
Plaintiff Manoah C Darnell Defendant robert morriss
a list of 3 surnames
Virginia Memory: Chancery Records Index - 031-1821-023

and a James B Ward ETC, dates in pdf 1849- 1871, i cant tell if JBW is
being sued and acting as lawyer or acting as lawyer for ect.this is in
lynchburg too, so hard to read

Plaintiff William J Price SURVPARTNER,Defendant(s) James B Ward ETC
and a list of 17 surnames
Virginia Memory: Chancery Records Index - 031-1872-036


post #2

i remember seeing the Lefwich, i havent tried to read it
i think i need new bifocals, anyway i have run into the
bell name quite a few times, anyone know who that is
Garry sorry ive sorta mixed the thread up, maybe we
should start a thread the BEALE PLAYERS ECT. LOL

BEDFORD CO 1860-051
David Crenshaw
James B Ward & WIFE ETC

Virginia Memory: Chancery Records Index

Virginia Memory: Chancery Records Index

post #3

trying to read some of it tough going
pg 15 is interesting
Virginia Memory: Chancery Records Index


http://Virginia Memory: Chancery Records Index - 019-1860-051

Look up Anzoletta Saunders or David Saunders Sr. and David Saunders Jr. in Bedford County. A lot of good reading and the Will of William Warwick.

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