A Little More Silver In Spite of a Confrontation With a Very ANGRY Woman.....


Silver Member
Jun 20, 2014
Granite, Maryland
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Omega 8000
Teknetics Delta 4000,
Deteknix XPointer,
Fiskar's Big Grip Digger & my old Army Trench shovel for the tough jobs
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I hit one of my standby sports fields this afternoon for a few hours. Not long into the hunt a very unattractive woman with a bad attitude and her little dog approached me in a very rude and angry way. The dog seemed cool but she sure didn't. She got all up in my face and started hurling false accusations at me before I could even say a word.

She accused me of digging holes so big that when she "walk over one" "she sink" (her words not mine). I've never once seen that woman anywhere near that field in all the times I've been there. I'm not convinced she could even make it across that field. She wasn't exactly the athletic type if you get my drift.

After POLITELY informing her that I'm very good at what I do and never leave holes in any field to no avail, I reached into my wallet, pulled out a 50 dollar bill and told her if she could find just ONE hole in that field left by me it was hers, no questions asked.

She declined my challenge as expected. I pride myself on digging neat plugs and carefully replacing them so you can't even tell. If it's too dry I don't dig; period. I always respect the field and try to leave it better than I found it.

After listening to her whine a little more I finally told her that we both know she's lying, that she never sunk in any holes and that I would appreciate her minding her business and I'll mind mine, just as I was before she tried to pick a fight with me. I said if she has a problem with that she's welcome to call the cops and I'd be more than happy to discuss the situation with both she and them.

I also informed her of the HUGE amount of trash I've gotten off of the field including large hunks of glass, huge nails and other sharp metal debris, thus preventing potential accidents and injuries to the kids who play there. Then I smiled, bid her goodbye, wished her a nice evening and walked away. Apparently that was the end of that because no cops showed up.

She was SO rude. I'm the nicest guy in the world but I don't take any crap off of anybody; especially when I haven't done a damn thing wrong.

I talk to many people on that field all the time and everyone gets along just fine. I let the little kids follow me around and give them coins I dig up. It only takes one busybody to start unnecessary trouble.

So anyway, I went back to my hunt and after digging another pile of clad and trash, I got a nice high hit and dug up a little silver piece with the letter "M" on it (or "W", depending on which way you look at it). Not two minutes later about 5 feet away I dug up another one with the letter "C", one marked "Ale S.925" and the other .925.

I looked up the marks and apparently this is Pandora Jewelry and the "ALE" stands for "Algot Enevoldsen", the father of Per Enevoldsen, founder of Pandora Jewelry (according to their website). Their stuff looks pretty pricey from what I've seen so far.

Tiny .925 Silver Letters Aug. 15 2015 002.JPG Tiny .925 Silver Letters Aug. 15 2015 003.JPG

These things look like they were either part of a necklace or bracelet. They're small but nice and heavy. They definitely saved the hunt today and I'm real happy with them. I looked around for more but they were nowhere to be found. I was hoping whoever lost them had a really long name.

Then there was the clad; the oldest coin being a 1962 penny and a flower hairpin :

Tiny .925 Silver Letters Aug. 15 2015 001.JPG

Overall, a pretty good little hunt in spite of the unfortunate episode with the angry woman. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. I've had a few minor incidents but this is the first time anyone just started jumping all over me out of the blue like that.

Thanks for lookin' & HH

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Upvote 29
The good captain is onto something. Here she is watching him detect--there was love in the air since she discovered he was sporting the tall man's shaft LOL! :laughing7:

That picture's just nasty.
Oughta' be a law against appearing in public that way.

And in defense of my accoster and for the sake of full disclosure, she wasn't nearly as bad as that picture.

we can all hope the beast loses her ring, assuming there was a dope who married that. she can look you up to find it. one thing is for sure---- she is a Hillary voter!!!!!!. we all run into these pathetic witches so just be glad YOU didn't marry her.

Congrats on some nice finds! You handled the situation with the woman better than most. I would have probably knelt down and addressed her dog by saying "Hey little fellow, why don't you lead your owner back home before she gets an earful that she cannot handle!".;D


one thing is for sure---- she is a Hillary voter!!!!!!

I know a guy who knows a guy DEEP on the inside inside the system of psychotic freaks who REALLY run things. These are the puppet masters of the bought and paid for politicians.

The word is, Hillary will NEVER be president of anything but her own ego and lust for power. This was decided well over a year ago. I heard it back in January. I was told that if she ran she would be taken down almost immediately and so far, the prediction is spot on. She's already under criminal investigation. She'll never recover from this. No one's even showing up for her pathetic "rallies". The media never shows the hundreds of empty seats but you can find plenty of pics online.

Besides, she sucks anyway. She was a loser in 2008 and she's still a loser who pretends to be some kind of feminist icon, yet married her way up to a serial cheater who's spent the last 40 years publicly betraying and humiliating her. She's never had the guts to cut him loose as so many of us have done with cheating spouses. She craves the power that comes with being "married" to an ex president.

She has very serious issues and will never be allowed to have her finger on the nuclear trigger.

She may try playing the victim card as some kind of last ditch effort but it won't work. She's out. It's already been decided. It was decided last time that she would back out and endorse Obama. They both disappeared for about 18 hours and she publicly endorsed him in exchange for a cabinet position. She did it the very next day.

You heard it here first. This guy has never been wrong so far. He said Romney was out last time around too even when it was looking good for him. It's all a big show. They still allow voting so the masses continue to believe that their opinions matter. They don't.

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Angry/confused spectators. I run into a few a year. Have you ever been told that 'the squirrels have more sense than you do'? haha that was a good time...

Angry/confused spectators. I run into a few a year. Have you ever been told that 'the squirrels have more sense than you do'? haha that was a good time...

I haven't heard that one.... yet.

Nice finds...and nice job on the outraged onlooker.

I LOVE when those kind of confrontations get to the point where someone tells me: "I'll call the Cops on you!!!"

That's when I say: "Tell them I'll be right here waiting"...and flip out my wallet badge. :laughing7:

Funny...I've never had ANY conversations that lasted one word past that point.

Had a similar incident happen yesterday.. Lady didnt like me hunting empty lot 75' away from her House. Old house lot owned by school system. Her house is 20' from the road.. She musta have a fits over people walking on the sidewalk infront of the house.

It's such a shame some MD'ers out there are TERRIBLE at what they do or try to do. Last night I went to my back yard field to detect for the first time. One of my neighbours was out waslking their dog and shot me a picture and told me they were only finding Keys... We got to the park the next day and to my amazement HOLES EVERYWHERE. Completely botched holes and being the 1 MD'er at the park it made me look bad. Top grass was all dead and everywhere, 30% of the soil was left out and exposed.... My holes are perfect and round and about 8" across. I dared one guy that was rousing me if he could find a hole from me, I would give him my freshly dug 1901 IHC penny. He accepted and looked for the better part of 40 minutes, not a hole found (Minus the old holes by the other less considerates....) - Few ruin it for many.

Crazy how people have so much to say. Unless they own the land they should keep their trap shut EVEN if you were breaking a law or what have you. I feel that if you pay taxes you should be entitled to use parks to metal detect so long as you don't rip em apart for the next guest, after all your money goes towards them. That is also why I keep the trash on me so if there is ever a problem I can just ask if they would like their nails and trash put back in the ground then.

sounds like you dealt with her in a very diplomatic and polite way! I especially like the offer of 50 bucks!

I'm now convinced that I have definitely struck a nerve with this thread.
This one now holds my my record for "likes". I'm flabbergasted.

Who'da thought??

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Some people just don't like what we do, to bad for them keep up the good work brother and congrats on your finds ..

Sounds like the lady "Wanted Your Body" LOL

Nice finds! You handled that situation very well. It's a shame that some people can be so rude. Have you run across any moles digging tunnels in that area? I know you can step on one of those and "sink in" so maybe she did that and could only think to blame you for it not knowing?

I'd quit detecting in the late 80's til now because of the flack. It was like 4 straight county sheriffs where ever I went who tapped me on the shoulder and told me I was trespassing. Hit a miscellaneous park in Ohio, every single signal I dug was silver - I think it was 5 straight, and told I was trespassing by some dude in civvies telling me I was trespassing. Came home to Virginia hitting a football field, County Sheriff again. I just couldn't deal with that again, bagged up my detectors and put them in the closet.

Then, a co-worker at home looked out his window and a fellow in HIS yard digging and not filling his holes leaving the trash on the ground. My co-worker went out and confronted the culprit and proceeded to get cussed out in his own darned yard by a dude who thought he was king of the walk.

And, we wonder why there was soooooo much negative publicity about metal detecting.....

I came back finally because of the love of it. AND I for one respect private property, proper digging, and the way of integrity in what we do.

Took a long while for me to come back from that era.

I'd quit detecting in the late 80's til now because of the flack. It was like 4 straight county sheriffs where ever I went who tapped me on the shoulder and told me I was trespassing. Hit a miscellaneous park in Ohio, every single signal I dug was silver - I think it was 5 straight, and told I was trespassing by some dude in civvies telling me I was trespassing. Came home to Virginia hitting a football field, County Sheriff again. I just couldn't deal with that again, bagged up my detectors and put them in the closet.

Then, a co-worker at home looked out his window and a fellow in HIS yard digging and not filling his holes leaving the trash on the ground. My co-worker went out and confronted the culprit and proceeded to get cussed out in his own darned yard by a dude who thought he was king of the walk.

And, we wonder why there was soooooo much negative publicity about metal detecting.....

I came back finally because of the love of it. AND I for one respect private property, proper digging, and the way of integrity in what we do.

Took a long while for me to come back from that era.

I'm real glad you came back.
Detecting was calling you from far off the whole time.............

Nice finds! You handled that situation very well. It's a shame that some people can be so rude. Have you run across any moles digging tunnels in that area? I know you can step on one of those and "sink in" so maybe she did that and could only think to blame you for it not knowing?

No moles in the area that I'm aware of but that's an excellent point to keep in mind for future reference.

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