A Little More Silver In Spite of a Confrontation With a Very ANGRY Woman.....


Silver Member
Jun 20, 2014
Granite, Maryland
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Omega 8000
Teknetics Delta 4000,
Deteknix XPointer,
Fiskar's Big Grip Digger & my old Army Trench shovel for the tough jobs
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I hit one of my standby sports fields this afternoon for a few hours. Not long into the hunt a very unattractive woman with a bad attitude and her little dog approached me in a very rude and angry way. The dog seemed cool but she sure didn't. She got all up in my face and started hurling false accusations at me before I could even say a word.

She accused me of digging holes so big that when she "walk over one" "she sink" (her words not mine). I've never once seen that woman anywhere near that field in all the times I've been there. I'm not convinced she could even make it across that field. She wasn't exactly the athletic type if you get my drift.

After POLITELY informing her that I'm very good at what I do and never leave holes in any field to no avail, I reached into my wallet, pulled out a 50 dollar bill and told her if she could find just ONE hole in that field left by me it was hers, no questions asked.

She declined my challenge as expected. I pride myself on digging neat plugs and carefully replacing them so you can't even tell. If it's too dry I don't dig; period. I always respect the field and try to leave it better than I found it.

After listening to her whine a little more I finally told her that we both know she's lying, that she never sunk in any holes and that I would appreciate her minding her business and I'll mind mine, just as I was before she tried to pick a fight with me. I said if she has a problem with that she's welcome to call the cops and I'd be more than happy to discuss the situation with both she and them.

I also informed her of the HUGE amount of trash I've gotten off of the field including large hunks of glass, huge nails and other sharp metal debris, thus preventing potential accidents and injuries to the kids who play there. Then I smiled, bid her goodbye, wished her a nice evening and walked away. Apparently that was the end of that because no cops showed up.

She was SO rude. I'm the nicest guy in the world but I don't take any crap off of anybody; especially when I haven't done a damn thing wrong.

I talk to many people on that field all the time and everyone gets along just fine. I let the little kids follow me around and give them coins I dig up. It only takes one busybody to start unnecessary trouble.

So anyway, I went back to my hunt and after digging another pile of clad and trash, I got a nice high hit and dug up a little silver piece with the letter "M" on it (or "W", depending on which way you look at it). Not two minutes later about 5 feet away I dug up another one with the letter "C", one marked "Ale S.925" and the other .925.

I looked up the marks and apparently this is Pandora Jewelry and the "ALE" stands for "Algot Enevoldsen", the father of Per Enevoldsen, founder of Pandora Jewelry (according to their website). Their stuff looks pretty pricey from what I've seen so far.

Tiny .925 Silver Letters Aug. 15 2015 002.JPG Tiny .925 Silver Letters Aug. 15 2015 003.JPG

These things look like they were either part of a necklace or bracelet. They're small but nice and heavy. They definitely saved the hunt today and I'm real happy with them. I looked around for more but they were nowhere to be found. I was hoping whoever lost them had a really long name.

Then there was the clad; the oldest coin being a 1962 penny and a flower hairpin :

Tiny .925 Silver Letters Aug. 15 2015 001.JPG

Overall, a pretty good little hunt in spite of the unfortunate episode with the angry woman. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. I've had a few minor incidents but this is the first time anyone just started jumping all over me out of the blue like that.

Thanks for lookin' & HH

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Upvote 29
I hit one of my standby sports fields this afternoon for a few hours. Not long into the hunt a very unattractive woman with a bad attitude and her little dog approached me in a very rude and angry way. The dog seemed cool but she sure didn't. She got all up in my face and started hurling false accusations at me before I could even say a word.

She accused me of digging holes so big that when she "walk over one" "she sink" (her words not mine). I've never once seen that woman anywhere near that field in all the times I've been there. I'm not convinced she could even walk across that field. She wasn't exactly the athletic type if you get my drift.

After POLITELY informing her that I'm very good at what I do and never leave holes in any field to no avail, I reached into my wallet, pulled out a 50 dollar bill and told her if she could find just ONE hole in that field left by me it was hers, no questions asked.

She declined my challenge as expected. I pride myself on digging neat plugs and carefully replacing them so you can't even tell. If it's too dry I don't dig; period. I always respect the field and try to leave it better than I found it.

After listening to her whine a little more I finally told her that we both know she's lying, that she never sunk in any holes and that I would appreciate her minding her business and I'll mind mine, just as I was before she tried to pick a fight with me. I said if she has a problem with that she's welcome to call the cops and I'd be more than happy to discuss the situation with both she and them.

I also informed her of the HUGE amount of trash I've gotten off of the field including large hunks of glass, huge nails and other sharp metal debris, thus preventing potential accidents and injuries to the kids who play there. Then I smiled, bid her goodbye, wished her a nice evening and walked away. Apparently that was the end of that because no cops showed up.

She was SO rude. I'm the nicest guy in the world but I don't take any crap off of anybody; especially when I haven't done a damn thing wrong.

I talk to many people on that field all the time and everyone gets along just fine. I let the little kids follow me around and give them coins I dig up. It only takes one busybody to start unnecessary trouble.

So anyway, I went back to my hunt and after digging another pile of clad and trash, I got a nice high hit and dug up a little silver piece with the letter "M" on it (or "W", depending on which way you look at it). Not two minutes later about 5 feet away I dug up another one with the letter "C", one marked "Ale S.925" and the other .925.

I looked up the marks and apparently this is Pandora Jewelry and the "ALE" stands for "Algot Enevoldsen", the father of Per Enevoldsen, founder of Pandora Jewelry (according to their website).

View attachment 1199762 View attachment 1199763

These things look like they were either part of a necklace or bracelet. They're small but nice and heavy. They definitely saved the hunt today and I'm real happy with them. I looked around for more but they were nowhere to be found.

Then there was the clad; the oldest coin being a 1962 penny and a flower hairpin :

View attachment 1199765

Overall, a pretty good little hunt in spite of the unfortunate episode with the angry woman. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Thanks for lookin' & HH

Was this the woman?...

I never have had anyone come up to me when I am dressed to go MD hunting


I've had similar experiences before. Way to go on putting her in her place

Not quite but the pic is hilarious.

Looks like I a struck a nerve with this thread. I'm beginning to get the feeling that lots of treasure hunters have run into belligerent pedestrians, bystanders and other uninformed, unconscious busybodies.

I fell asleep with maybe a dozen responses to this thread and woke up to another full page.

Thanks to all of you fine fellow treasure hunters and expert detectorists for your loyal, steadfast, unwavering support.

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Nice finds! Congrats and staying cool is always the best way to go!

I would have pointed at a pile of dog crap and asked her why she dont clean up after her dog......

Sadly, we are raising an entire generation of busybody activists who are being taught that it's their duty to wag their finger at everyone else in self-righteous indignation, telling them they aren't recycling properly, or that they're eating too much sodium, or drinking too much sugar, or (gasp) smoking a cigarette, or that they are endangering the spotted owls...

Busybodies, control freaks, and politically correct do-gooders will eventually make this country unliveable

that is what bear spray is for..:laughing7:..glad you kept yer cool

Made me think of something.... Was at work at the Fisher Body stamping plant in Kalamazoo MI. long ago. A loud mouthed woman foreman was giving our crew hell. Told us "We aren't as smart as we think we are?". Further said "I'm smart like a fox!".... Hmmmmm. During lunch I go to car and get my small spray fox urine bottle I used as a cover scent when hunting. A few sprays around her desk and on her sweater she wore tied around her waist when she walked by..... she now smelled like one also. The rest of the night she keep saying we all stink.....! Hope she enjoyed that ride home also.

Made me think of something.... Was at work at the Fisher Body stamping plant in Kalamazoo MI. long ago. A loud mouthed woman foreman was giving our crew hell. Told us "We aren't as smart as we think we are?". Further said "I'm smart like a fox!".... Hmmmmm. During lunch I go to car and get my small spray fox urine bottle I used as a cover scent when hunting. A few sprays around her desk and on her sweater she wore tied around her waist when she walked by..... she now smelled like one also. The rest of the night she keep saying we all stink.....! Hope she enjoyed that ride home also.

You snake.

Of course, if the shoe fits..... She did claim to be as wily as a coyote;....... I mean a fox.

That spray is REALLY nasty stuff too. There's no way to miss it. I almost barfed the first time I got a whiff.

I wonder if she ever figured it out??

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Good job Garrett. Not sure I could have been so diplomatic with the busybody. It ruins the day to have someone like that show up.

I wouldn't allow her to ruin my day. If I do that, she wins. In fact, I got lucky and found the silver almost immediately after her insane tirade.
I walked to the other side of the field to put a little distance between her and myself and that's where the silver showed up.

That's what I call poetic justice. Everything ebbs and flows so after having to listen to the horrible sound of her screeching, angry voice, I was rewarded with a double helping of sweet, shiny silver to compensate for my suffering.

Gotta' love that karma.

I feel sorry for the dog.
The poor thing has to go home with her. He probably has to hear all of that fussin' and fightin' every day of his life. I'm surprised he hasn't bitten her just on principle.

Maybe I should report her for animal cruelty.

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Sorry for the bad experience .. a shame but It happens every where.. I get it the old beach's I hunt also about once a year.. and I am hunting in the water not even close to there homes..

Over all looks like you came out well. Be Safe...

Glad you made out well with the silver finds! Congrats!
I have always wanted to find Pandora jewelry.

Glad you didn't let her rants ruin your day. Poor dog needs head phones or a new owner.
I haven't been yelled at like that yet, but have deflected negative comments while wearing my head phones. I ignore them and they think I can't hear them.

I think you misread the situation. The woman was obviously enamored with you and it was her way of flirting and getting your attention. Love is in the air...

I think you misread the situation. The woman was obviously enamored with you and it was her way of flirting and getting your attention. Love is in the air...

Wouldn't be the first time.

I was telling a 13 year old kid I know just the other day about that. He said a girl he really likes said she "hates" him. I informed him that this could be a very good thing and explained how many girls who swore they'd never go out with me if I was the last guy on Earth (or something to that effect) ended up doing just that.

So I told him that the fact he's gotten her attention enough to warrant "hating" him may possibly be good news. It takes some emotional investment to hate someone after all.

Females can be fickle that way.

Maybe I should figure out her dog walking schedule and do some more detecting while she's out and about. :) Maybe I'll bring a huge shovel along just for show.

Nahhh. She's just not my type.

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Glad you made out well with the silver finds! Congrats!
I have always wanted to find Pandora jewelry.

Glad you didn't let her rants ruin your day. Poor dog needs head phones or a new owner.
I haven't been yelled at like that yet, but have deflected negative comments while wearing my head phones. I ignore them and they think I can't hear them.

Thank You.

I don't let anyone ruin my day. I don't give anyone that kind of power. Every moment of every day is too precious a gift to allow someone else to ruin it. If she chooses to ruin her own day, that's her own loss. It's kinda' sad really.

Oh, and until yesterday I had never even heard of Pandora jewelry. Apparently it's pretty good stuff.

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I think you misread the situation. The woman was obviously enamored with you and it was her way of flirting and getting your attention. Love is in the air...

The good captain is onto something. Here she is watching him detect--there was love in the air since she discovered he was sporting the tall man's shaft LOL! :laughing7:


  • hawt-fat-belly-funny-woman.jpg
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The good captain is onto something. Here she is watching him detect--there was love in the air since she discovered he was sporting the tall man's shaft LOL! :laughing7:

This picture should be illegal !....I mean really ? Look at those socks!

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