Hal Croves
Silver Member
- #201
Thread Owner
Hal Croves, Amigo, Thank you, I have already given more Info on the dark circle and the trail than most people ever knew about,
I hope this helps some people in trying to figure things out, this Info and more is just one reason I spent years using palomino mnt
as my camping site. plus there is a pure diatomaceous earth deposit located there, plus at some time in history someone had drove
an old vehicle back there, I found that amazing,this is just some of things I wish to share.NP
Unfortunately, what I know about the site is only from reading. Something about Aylor moving to a nearby camp after reading a decent copy of Bark's notes. Also, that there is an old Arrastra on the North end. I am interested in the Mt. name and what Aylor was doing there.