Exactly, when the suns radiation hits a specific area of ground it can light up one treasure or several in the same area depending on how many treasures are close to each other and if the radiation is big and wide enough to cover more than just the one treasure.
This radiation is sporadic and in most cases very narrow however every once in a great while it covers a large area.

After taking many thousands of aura pictures one thing I believe is that it takes processed metals in order to catch an aura not just a mineralized vein.

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Bizarre Earthquake Lights Finally Explained

" When nature stresses certain rocks, electric charges are activated, as if you switched on a battery in the Earth's crust "



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Well, that's why you go to the auras location and verify the aura with the treasure markers.

Mdog, Right you are. Few will understand your question, and even fewer will know the correlation between cardinal points and ownership. Kudos to you for hitting the nail at the right angle. By now you obviously know how to discern between false leads and real instructions encoded in the lingo of their particular period. (by the way 7-13 is also a simple code for East, put out there by Slick Dick K. to represent one direction ONLY……if it is Spanish vault)

Hi Maverick. I just read your post #1561 and I think you're way ahead of me on this stuff. Several years ago, I was looking for evidence of Phoenician influence in the Americas. I noticed that important Moundbuilder ceremonial sites were laid out very close to the latitudes of important Phoenician trading ports in Lebanon. The older Adena sites were within ten minutes of latitude of the Phoenician ports. The Hopewell sites were within six minutes and the Mississippian sites were within one or two and some of them right on. This made me believe that somebody back then, knew how to find latitude and they got better as time moved on. I found evidence that more recent Native American cultures knew how to find latitude and that there was some ceremonial significance in a west to east heading. It seems this might have been passed on to a 19th century group who used the west to east heading and a bearing of 85 deg. Steve Clark introduced the 85 deg. bearing in his book New Mexico Confidential. I kept seeing that bearing repeated and it seems there was always something of value to the east. I've seen it used over a very large area and at a cache site for a distance of 100 feet. Anyway, that's why I asked Sandy about the direction of the dig site from the crisscross site. I was looking for ownership of the site by a specific group.

Hi Maverick. I just read your post #1561 and I think you're way ahead of me on this stuff. Several years ago, I was looking for evidence of Phoenician influence in the Americas. I noticed that important Moundbuilder ceremonial sites were laid out very close to the latitudes of important Phoenician trading ports in Lebanon. The older Adena sites were within ten minutes of latitude of the Phoenician ports. The Hopewell sites were within six minutes and the Mississippian sites were within one or two and some of them right on. This made me believe that somebody back then, knew how to find latitude and they got better as time moved on. I found evidence that more recent Native American cultures knew how to find latitude and that there was some ceremonial significance in a west to east heading. It seems this might have been passed on to a 19th century group who used the west to east heading and a bearing of 85 deg. Steve Clark introduced the 85 deg. bearing in his book New Mexico Confidential. I kept seeing that bearing repeated and it seems there was always something of value to the east. I've seen it used over a very large area and at a cache site for a distance of 100 feet. Anyway, that's why I asked Sandy about the direction of the dig site from the crisscross site. I was looking for ownership of the site by a specific group.

Here you go Mdog, this cache is east of this cross point. This turtle cache is the largest, in this general area. Hope this helps your research.View attachment 1495946View attachment 1495946View attachment 1495946View attachment 1495952

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Exactly, when the suns radiation hits a specific area of ground it can light up one treasure or several in the same area depending on how many treasures are close to each other and if the radiation is big and wide enough to cover more than just the one treasure.
This radiation is sporadic and in most cases very narrow however every once in a great while it covers a large area.

After taking many thousands of aura pictures one thing I believe is that it takes processed metals in order to catch an aura not just a mineralized vein.


Bizarre Earthquake Lights Finally Explained

" When nature stresses certain rocks, electric charges are activated, as if you switched on a battery in the Earth's crust "

View attachment 1495932

View attachment 1495938

Well, that's why you go to the auras location and verify the aura with the treasure markers.

I'll be sure to pass along that information and a copy of your "guide" to the Geophysicists in Arizona.

I'm sure they will enjoy it immensely.


Geophysicists have no clue about these treasures.

Here you go Mdog, this cache is east of this cross point. This turtle cache is the largest, in this general area. Hope this helps your research.View attachment 1495946View attachment 1495946View attachment 1495946View attachment 1495952

Yeah, thanks Dog. You've already helped me in my research, probably more than you know. I remember some of your old spots were setup just like a Phoenician sacred site. They were so close to the Phoenician sites, I was telling you what you might find before you were showing the pictures. I still remember that big snake you showed us. That was cool.
Hey Dog, please let me know if you find any other spots like the one you showed here. Thanks.

Yeah, thanks Dog. You've already helped me in my research, probably more than you know. I remember some of your old spots were setup just like a Phoenician sacred site. They were so close to the Phoenician sites, I was telling you what you might find before you were showing the pictures. I still remember that big snake you showed us. That was cool.
Hey Dog, please let me know if you find any other spots like the one you showed here. Thanks.

I got a lot more to this story,but i dont want to hijack sandy1 thread. Iam gonna give a simple version of this turtle setup on one of my threads.

Geophysicists have no clue about these treasures.

Ah, but they DO have a clue about your supposed aura phenomenon, with Physical Evidence to back it up. And the evidence is not treasure related, it's physics.

We have yet to see any Physical Evidence this phenomenon leads to treasure as Your Claims postulate.

They would be entirely justified in making the same pronouncement of You. :dontknow:

The auras that David V talks about are not the same type of auras that I catch, mine are nearly instantaneous flashes of light while his are something else.

CDS, Most people could never ever get within a hundred feet of a treasure with the markers alone especially trying to find the markers through the trees, so using David V's method and getting an aura really close would be the same as just using a metal detector (meaning the spot is already nearly pinpointed), the entire reason I showed how to catch auras from a distance is because that is the only way the majority of people will ever be able to get within a hundred feet of a buried treasure.

I find the statements in bold to be very interesting. Your methodology seems to rest on a phenomenon proven to be in contradiction with your claims. Interesting indeed.


Bizarre Earthquake Lights Finally Explained

" When nature stresses certain rocks, electric charges are activated, as if you switched on a battery in the Earth's crust "

The piezoelectric effects on faults are certainly explainable, and thanks to Post 1406 (8/19/2017), sandy1 has provided a plausible explanation for the random auras captured on electronic cameras - ionized flashes which occur when plasma bursts contact grounded metal objects. In this case it was a discarded propane tank lying on the ground near a powerline easement. With the recent rash of strong CMEs and the expected increasing activity next week, these auras should be easier to photograph. (Photo by sandy1 from free use source.)


Unfortunately, tying this natural phenomena to alleged surface "treasure signs" at the aura location has been a much harder sell. I like treasure signs as much as the next guy, but crossing lines of rocks on the ground, cacti patterns, etc, are not hard things to find almost anywhere in Arizona, if that's what you're looking for. No matter where you are, if you look hard enough, you'll eventually settle for such things. Just like faces in rocks. Now, if these patterns indeed were shown to accurately predict locations of things buried by man, we would all sit up and take notice. However, the acolytes of this theory are quick to reject revealing any proof that the scheme works because of "security" fears. The whole thing is kinda like the "emperor has no clothes" story applied to treasure hunting.

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The piezoelectric effects on faults are certainly explainable, and thanks to Post 1406 (8/19/2017), sandy1 has provided a plausible explanation for the random auras captured on electronic cameras - ionized flashes which occur when plasma bursts contact grounded metal objects. In this case it was a discarded propane tank lying on the ground near a powerline easement. With the recent rash of strong CMEs and the expected increasing activity next week, these auras should be easier to photograph. (Photo by sandy1 from free use source.)

View attachment 1496000

Unfortunately, tying this natural phenomena to alleged surface "treasure signs" at the aura location has been a much harder sell. I like treasure signs as much as the next guy, but crossing lines of rocks on the ground, cacti patterns, etc, are not hard things to find almost anywhere in Arizona, if that's what you're looking for. No matter where you are, if you look hard enough, you'll eventually settle for such things. Just like faces in rocks. Now, if these patterns indeed were shown to accurately predict locations of things buried by man, we would all sit up and take notice. However, the acolytes of this theory are quick to reject revealing any proof that the scheme works because of "security" fears. The whole thing is kinda like the "emperor has no clothes" story applied to treasure hunting.

Sounds like an awful convoluted method for finding scrap. :icon_scratch:

To each his own. :dontknow:

Yeah, thanks Dog. You've already helped me in my research, probably more than you know. I remember some of your old spots were setup just like a Phoenician sacred site. They were so close to the Phoenician sites, I was telling you what you might find before you were showing the pictures. I still remember that big snake you showed us. That was cool.
Hey Dog, please let me know if you find any other spots like the one you showed here. Thanks.

Hi mdog, sorry for the late response but my internet connection is acting on me again.(hopefully this will go through)
Re: your first post…..I don’t think I am “way ahead of you” by any stretch. It merely has to do with our different geographical location and different exposure to the evidence in the field. I can tell you have extensive knowledge and connect the dots with an open mind. (kudos again)
The Phoenician ships that crisscrossed the entire Mapa-Mundi of their time were the most sea worthy due to their advanced technological advancements in engineering and NAVIGATION skills. But WHO were the sailors that manned those ships? ……….OK….Phoenicians. But, who were the Phoenicians, as a society of traders? Just another MELTING POT of populace originated throughout the LEVANT. One of the most predominant able bodies in the trading business were the old Hebrews. They were also the most cohesive and homogenous group, that was able to absorb other cultures and to adapt as needed without losing their identity. (such as cultural and religious beliefs, and still going strong today despite Inquisition, Holocaust etc.)
MUCH, much more on this subject,….but to make a long story short and easy to digest for the yawning crowd, THAT IS how we find old inscriptions made by the “cultured” of their times, including old Hebrews rituals, burial sites, dolmen, mounds, etc. ….all proof of LEVANT regional customs.
Much later, the Spaniards (including the Jesuit order) privy of this ancient knowledge took full advantage of this evidence, in ways that baffle us in modern times. (too much to expand on this subject here)
As for that Big Snake in DTTH’s pictures, his name is NEHUSHTAN and should be located on the North side of your area of “interest”.
If DTTH has it nearby, he is less than ten feet away (six cubits) from entrance. Regards and Godspeed.

As for that Big Snake in DTTH’s pictures, his name is NEHUSHTAN and should be located on the North side of your area of “interest”.
If DTTH has it nearby, he is less than ten feet away (six cubits) from entrance. Regards and Godspeed.

Hi friend, do you think this is Nehustan ?? Where can I see more information about what you comment?


That makes more sense than having to dig 7 to 13 pot holes looking 4 the X spot. Yea i could see Kenworthy digging holes all over the place. I bet there's people already thinking 7 means campsite 13 means owl, thats where the X spot is,where the camp crosses the owl. I broke the rule book code! Iam surprised you buy into that 7 to 13 numbers Sandy1. Good Luck guys.

Hi Dog, Though you are very close in your assumption, I would reverse the meaning of #7 and #13 in your context. According to the Hebrew Bible (In the OT) number 7 stands for the 7 years it took to build the House of God (aka Solomon Temple), which is the symbol of spiritual wealth, gold, silver, bronze, etc. and everything else of value within the three levels of cellar under the Temple. On the main floor of the Temple, in the Holy of Holies was placed The Ark of the Covenant and it was in complete darkness (no windows) which refers to the inner sanctuary of the Tabernacle where God dwelt.
Thus, #7 = riches of all kinds. Gold mostly
The Main Entrance to the temple, between Boaz and Joachim was to the EAST. NOBODY was allowed to enter that –except for the high Priest, only once a year – because that was reserved exclusively for the SPIRIT OF GOD.
Hence: EAST is sacred.

#13,…..13 years it took to build the “House “ of Solomon. Solomon is recognized as “the wisest man who ever lived” . The same as the wisdom of Minerva represented by the Owl.
Hence: M..Owl…13…wisdom….Home—camping site.
7B or 7-13 ...the place you camp to look for gold

The Jesuits, just like the Hebrews knew their BIBLE( and kept the latter in high regards).

Hi Dog, Though you are very close in your assumption, I would reverse the meaning of #7 and #13 in your context. According to the Hebrew Bible (In the OT) number 7 stands for the 7 years it took to build the House of God (aka Solomon Temple), which is the symbol of spiritual wealth, gold, silver, bronze, etc. and everything else of value within the three levels of cellar under the Temple. On the main floor of the Temple, in the Holy of Holies was placed The Ark of the Covenant and it was in complete darkness (no windows) which refers to the inner sanctuary of the Tabernacle where God dwelt.
Thus, #7 = riches of all kinds. Gold mostly
The Main Entrance to the temple, between Boaz and Joachim was to the EAST. NOBODY was allowed to enter that –except for the high Priest, only once a year – because that was reserved exclusively for the SPIRIT OF GOD.
Hence: EAST is sacred.

#13,…..13 years it took to build the “House “ of Solomon. Solomon is recognized as “the wisest man who ever lived” . The same as the wisdom of Minerva represented by the Owl.
Hence: M..Owl…13…wisdom….Home—camping site.
7B or 7-13 ...the place you camp to look for gold

The Jesuits, just like the Hebrews knew their BIBLE( and kept the latter in high regards).

Maverick if you wish to have a a conversation with dog the treasure hunter please take it over to his thread.

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