You cannot catch a complete aura when you get too close.
Yes I understand, as you must know, about
being too close, and will keep that in mind.
I realize theoretical, and practical do differ.
Thanks for the advice & positive discussion.
Though some go on about threads that were
undoubtedly very interesting, which is a shame
to have been lost, & would be very nice restored.
It's really very doubtful that the info led anyone to
the kind of potential treasures, that your info does.
You know you've done a lot right, and are continuing
to, when there's supposed TH's posting on your stuff,
acting like it's not impolite & or doesn't matter if they
are less than desirable, in good manners. It happens,
but you have to wonder if those kind have ever done
anything, other than more of the same boring things.
Thanks for everything you've done. You have made
some of, if not all the very best contributions, to The
Topic of Spanish Treasures. That can actually get the
diligent, persistent hunter into the fun stuff. We will
Thanks To You! Not because of rudesters
that apparently are lacking in class, and show it off.
I realize you've never needed anyone's approval,
and feel that your generosity, and practical info,
is so far beyond others, and is easy to learn.
Thanks Always Amigo, You're The Best!