There aren't any other auras other than the three and the brown one down below is a bird. I have tons of them and dragonfly's as well as other bugs throughout different shots, but the white ones usually aren't critters, however pollen flying through the air can be white.

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Thought of the bird or bug explanation after I posted. There really are two more white ones. If i get time to copy and circle them I will but rough directions are the from the small one on the right there is a smaller one down just a little and to the right and then one that is quite a bit higher and to the right close to the next ridge both are about a quarter the size of the smaller ones you captured. I blew up the pics and went back and forth several times and there is no sunlight so a shiny or white rock is unlikely. Take a look and see what you think.

Here are the pictures before, during and after the auras. I have left the entire mountain that I got in the shots so you guys can see how much mountain you can capture at a mile out even while being zoomed in.

Make sure to view these in an overlapping viewer so one picture is replaced directly over the last picture.(this is the only way to see when each aura appears and disappears) Also Notice that the three auras are not in the first picture then they all appear in the middle picture and are gone by the last picture.

View attachment 1494485View attachment 1494486View attachment 1494487

Sandy, Very Nice ones indeed, the biggest seems huge. 8-)

Is 3 at a time very rare, & can you explain some more in detail,
about the kind of viewer, brand, model, cost, etc. Barton asked
me about the kind of viewer, & since I don't have one yet I told
him I'd try to find out. It would be appreciated, since it's so vital.

Thanks in advance, & for sharing such a cool pic & more info. :thumbsup:

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Rocky. I will say this, I have taken tens of thousands of shots at a specific aura spot (one I already caught) and could never duplicate it again, these auras are very rare and when you do catch a good one don't expect to repeat it again.

So you never have gotten a repeat aura, ever?
Just want to be clear in understanding on this.
Quite a thought, that they are that rare to get.

Can't help thinking about the huge one caught
with the disposable camera. How unlikely, with
no special lens, lighting, or if during solar event?

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CDS, I use a 19 inch HD tv for my monitor with honeyview as my photo viewer (because it overlaps each picture) and no I have never caught any aura more than once in a single spot no matter how many pictures I have taken (some were close but not dead on maybe within a hundred feet) but never right in the same spot.
I have caught more than one aura in a single picture on very rare occasions just like this last one with the three.

This is why I always say capturing auras does not work as a pinpointing tool, it will not work if you zoom in on a single area even if you know there is a treasure there, aura catching is a broad tool for covering a large area of mountain where there could potentially be multiple treasures, capturing one of these auras in an area with multiple treasures is hard enough and if you only have one single treasure it becomes next to impossible.

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CDS, I use a 19 inch HD tv for my monitor with honeyview as my photo viewer (because it overlaps each picture) and no I have never caught any aura more than once in a single spot no matter how many pictures I have taken (some were close but not dead on maybe within a hundred feet) but never right in the same spot.
I have caught more than one aura in a single picture on very rare occasions just like this last one with the three.

This is why I always say capturing auras does not work as a pinpointing tool, it will not work if you zoom in on a single area even if you know there is a treasure there, aura catching is a broad tool for covering a large area of mountain where there could potentially be multiple treasures, capturing one of these auras in an area with multiple treasures is hard enough and if you only have one single treasure it becomes next to impossible.

Thanks kindly, for sharing the monitor & photo viewer info...

I know it will not work the same, for me as it does for you, if at all.
That's because there's not many areas that I could get back 1/2 mile.

There is just not the access, the way the hills & creeks are. Then, all
of the trees and brush is so thick, there's not much of a chance to be
able to pinpoint. Even if there was an aura large enough to be caught
& actually seen, from anywhere near to that distance. Nevertheless,

I'll try using the method, to get what I may, other than a wild turkey,
lol, or whatever, that may be passing by. I still think it can be useful,
partly, because there have been more than 1 auras captured up close.

Maybe they were even caught unintentionally, I don't know. But just
the fact that it has been done before, & I think I read that it led to
actually finding treasure. Gives me hope that it is possible, rather
than ruling it out, as a potential tool in tighter viewable areas.

It may be yet to learn, & figure out how to work it like that.
Would be nice to cut trees down, clear thick brush & get back.
Not always practical really, to try doing that kind of landscape.
I realize what you have said, about it having to be a big enough
treasure for it to work & show up. But if it didn't work at all, then
no one would capture an aura at all, in the closer kinds of settings.

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So you never have gotten a repeat aura, ever?
Just want to be clear in understanding on this.
Quite a thought, that they are that rare to get.

Can't help thinking about the huge one caught
with the disposable camera
. How unlikely, with
no special lens, lighting, or if during solar event?

Which huge one are you referring to?

O, I have seen a few auras from others in areas with trees because they were lit up high enough for you to see the aura over the trees while taking a long shot, such as on another hill at least as high as the hill your shooting at, basically shooting across the top of the trees.
Here is something I found doing a simple google aura search which should answer your question.
» Accidental Aura Photographs True Treasure Books

This one that you posted that was supposedly accidentally captured,
looks to be one that is a pretty large size, comparing with the trees.

ah yeah that was one I found on the net.


This one I had posted on pg.#55.

On pg.#3 in posts #'s 22 & 25, there is discussion about
several related things, including the distance, the type of
treasure that was found, & the $5 disposable camera that
was used, which would have to be very unusual. I'm not
sure if you can see the bottom of the aura, or what other
things were used to make the recovery, but this seems
to be somewhat similar terrain, as what some people
like myself, are trying to work in. What do you think
about this info, enhanced photo, and story, etc.?

Ther's also mention of 2 Canon digital camera's,
an 8 mp, & a 10 mp model, supposedly work to
catch aura's, with a particular lens, in post #26.

Thanks in advance.

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Lol, On post #5 Barton was talking about the huge aura my mom caught coming out of the side of the mountain.

I know about David V's work on auras and filters, the only issue I have is that you have to pretty much pinpoint the cache before even taking pictures.

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Lol, On post #5 Barton was talking about the huge aura my mom caught coming out of the side of the mountain.

I know abut David V's work on auras and filters, the only issue I have is that you have to pretty much pinpoint the cache before even taking pictures.

Yeah, it was interesting, that supposedly L rods were used,
instead of markers, or anything else. I know you don't put any
faith in regard to them, as you have said more than once before.

But I wonder, if the L rods could pick up the magnetism, or the
anomaly of the metal, or would it just be the presence of iron?

The main point is, there have been some pics taken of aura's,
apparently caught with different cameras, at different times &
distances, including possibly as close as approx. 75'. If this
is realistic, then do you think there's the possibility, that
perhaps it may sometimes work at the closer distance,
for someone that cannot get any further back?

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The auras that David V talks about are not the same type of auras that I catch, mine are nearly instantaneous flashes of light while his are something else.

The auras that David V talks about are not the same type of auras that I catch, mine are nearly instantaneous flashes of light while his are something else.

So there is another kind of aura that is different,
that has supposedly been captured & used to
help some treasure hunters locate cache(s).

That would be very interesting to learn some
more about, if it could be accomplished with
similar camera equipment, in a closer area.

Then do you think it might be possible,
for someone in a much closer area that
has way too many trees to get very far
back, to be able to work towards that
type of aura, in closer working spaces?

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CDS, Most people could never ever get within a hundred feet of a treasure with the markers alone especially trying to find the markers through the trees, so using David V's method and getting an aura really close would be the same as just using a metal detector (meaning the spot is already nearly pinpointed), the entire reason I showed how to catch auras from a distance is because that is the only way the majority of people will ever be able to get within a hundred feet of a buried treasure.

Let's say markers have been located, the right kind.
Then trying to capture an aura in the area, that isn't
on a mountain, or in a deep canyon, but near a much
smaller wash, up a hill with too many trees for it to be
practical to get any further back than 1/8 mi., & maybe
even less. Could the closer kind of aura I've been asking
about, be potentially caught & then verified, the same as
the further away auras you've caught. Giving the proper
consideration of course, that it may not be (the entrance)
right there, at the X spot?

Since the auras are so hard to catch trying to pinpoint an aura by being close up using my method is just not feasible, however using David V's method (catching auras close up) may work out for you as that is basically what he shows.

I think it's possible to use the camera's like you do,
just closer. If it's in an area laden with all the right
markers. There's the possibility to have one appear.

Use the same operation, and with the 6mp, & the
viewing for results, possibly would likely be a better
resolution, closer. Just not the possibility of catching
multiple auras, but if the camera is happening to be
pointed in the right direction, & operates right when
an aura flashes up, it's possible to figure out where
it came up from if it's in the open, rather than back
behind something else, which would be tougher to
try and find, unless maybe a large coil showed it,
in coordination with every thing else in searching.

Just thoughts, of how the distance issue may be
overcome. May be more difficult, but workable.
For me, it's well worth trying, & since markers
crossing are not necessarily the definite spot.

You cannot catch a complete aura when you get too close.

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