Here, Not sure if this will help any, I'll show you a rock with a drill hole on the side of it, and two separate places the rock goes to. The rock is an A frame from two angles, a heart another, depending on how far you are away, the angle you are looking at it, along with the position on the hill you are viewing it from. (it's a pyramid rock/"A" frame from both places you end up at) .

Anyways, the drill hole is on it because it is an important rock that is used to line up to other spots. As you will see both of these spots that you are lead to have a nice small heart lying next to them on the ground.

I can't confirm these are dig spots or next to dig spots, as I never spent alot of time on them. But it should be fairly to easily see that they were using them to align to spots.

My backpack stays in the same location to give you an orientation of where some of the photos were taken.

The first 2 photos are the rock with a hole on it's side viewed from two close up angles.

The 3rd photo is one of the spots it leads to, there is an owl or set of lobes part-way that you line up a few feet above the beer can. The beer can was nearby , I put it next the heart so my buddy I was with would see it when he came back down off the hill as he got side-tracked looking around for other stuff. I circled the drill hole rock up top, which is an A frame rock from that angle.

The 4rth photo is taken back by the drill hole rock again, and shows alignment thru a flat pentagon and large boulder that will have an X on it's backside (red line). The yellow line goes directly to a heart on the ground and it is where the topline pointer or ridgeline of the rock with the drill hole on it points (you may notice it is also a heart lobe) . Both lines end up pretty close to each other.

The 5th picture is taken from near the heart on the ground and you can see the drill hole rock sticking up in the background , as well as the heart on the ground and the large "X" shape on the back of the larger boulder.

The 6th picture is a close up of that heart.

Don't know if this will help any, these sites are all a little different but yet the same in many ways. Sometimes there are helper rocks, sometimes they are gone. I did not take auras here, perhaps I will sometime but I have no intention of digging there.

So this is how I "sign read" I read the markers that take shapes or have markings on them and line them up.


  • P1010374 drill hole.webp
    P1010374 drill hole.webp
    1.1 MB · Views: 167
  • P1010247 sideview.webp
    P1010247 sideview.webp
    2.5 MB · Views: 145
  • P1010387 - drill hole rock to red heart.webp
    P1010387 - drill hole rock to red heart.webp
    2.7 MB · Views: 159
  • P1010375 topline of drill hole rock and pentagon to heart.webp
    P1010375 topline of drill hole rock and pentagon to heart.webp
    2.8 MB · Views: 152
  • P1010369 Heart at end of line.webp
    P1010369 Heart at end of line.webp
    2.5 MB · Views: 160
  • P1010368 Heart at end of line.webp
    P1010368 Heart at end of line.webp
    2 MB · Views: 156
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One more pic, a triangle with a light colored shoot thru indicator next to the important corner. This is like the light colored rock next to the boulder I pointed out on Rockhoppers picture. It's usually saying that corner/boulder is the important one. Triangles can go thru a corner or thru the middle of two corners and can go to multiple spots. Often an indicator will be out in front of the triangle especially if it goes somewhere thru the middle. There's actually a second direction up and thru the middle right on this one from the white marker rock corner. You can see the other line up rock in the upper right of photo, and other markers go to that spot as well on the hillside. So it goes to 2 spots, but the corner with the indicator is where everything is happening from.
P1010390trinagle with shoot thru indicator rock by corner.webp

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I will set out my camera on both days and see what happens.

I would set up a couple propane tanks in my driveway and see how many auras I could capture, just for s & g.

I would like to point out that the triangles that I have found have never went off any of the legs, they have all went from a tip shooting outwards or from a tip through the middle (or very close to the middle) of the line that is between the other two tips.
The reason for this is because if they want to use two markers (like on the side of a triangle) there is no need to have the third point of the triangle just the two markers which is then just an alignment.

I'm surprised you haven't found them shooting thru the corners as it is the most common old way. The reason for 3 points of a triangle is multiple directions from one set of markers. Here is the old way portrayed on rock panel. As well as a wedge shaped hoyo using the same principle which is pointing directly to a backfilled spanish mine up the hill.
P1050010 triangle symbol directions.webp
P1020851 pointer hoyo.webp

Since I am only in storage areas and not mining areas the storages were marked independent of each other.

Hey sandy,

I think I've got a couple of old propane tanks (lol), I can use to elevate my
camera tripods, & maybe get a better view through the thick bushes & trees.
I'm thinking about later this afternoon, setting up to see if I can take advantage
of the projected sun radiation event. What time frame do you think would possibly
be the best, based on your experiences? Is later on in the day necessarily any
better than earlier, or about any time equal possibility you think to get one.

I haven't really found a best time, I have caught auras in the morning noon and afternoon.

By the way the propane tanks have nothing to do with the auras as those are the only ones I have ever seen at any of the multiple auras I have been at.

It hasn't fully hit yet, but this afternoon/evening as well as tomorrow morning should be ripping. An X9 class (big) flare just went off headed our way. Coronal mass ejection. I can't do anything here, too smoky outside.

I will set up the camera around 3PM then.

How about friends, a friend took this photo on the road, says that I do not use the flash of the camera ... what do you think?


I have seen one like this before, but if the window was rolled up it could be a reflection, Quinoa I think you might be interested in this one.

It could be, but pretty sharp edges , and if it's from a cellphone and the sun was anywhere out in front of the camera it would likely be a certain type of lens flare ( a copied image of the sun seen on a different part of the picture) . I have not them seen them whitish though, usually gold or green, but it depends on the cellphone I suppose. That's another reason why we set them on tripods and shoot consecutive shoots so you can try and weed those type out for sure.

That solar storm hasn't hit yet, but could be any time now. It's supposed to be coming from the plasma cloud of an M5.5 class flare that was detected back on the Sept 4. There are others flares in sequence, so when it does come it should be good for several days. That X9.3 class which is like 10x as powerful as the M 5.5 will likey hit with it's plasma cloud sometime Friday or early saturday and should make for some pretty spectacular light shows at night (northern lights) . It is the strongest flare of the last decade

When the flares go off , there is an instantaneous x-ray component and then a slower moving plasma cloud following from the corona mass ejection which takes a day or two to reach earth if directed at it.

It just started hitting about 20 mins ago, should be good to go for next couple days with a huge peak when that X-flare plasma cloud hits, sometime friday is when they are predicting.

It just started hitting about 20 mins ago, should be good to go for next couple days with a huge peak when that X-flare plasma cloud hits, sometime friday is when they are predicting.

Arriving 6am Friday, Mountain Daylight Time - and continuing until noon Saturday. Effects on electronics is so far unpredictable. At least one professional has estimated that this CME appears to have only a 10% chance of rivaling the 1859 Carrington Event - a solar storm that destroyed much of the US and European telegraph systems.

Yeah don't be flying those drones around. You'll lose em.

Yeah don't be flying those drones around. You'll lose em.

Here's another way to lose 'em, thanks to our friends at Kalashnakov. Ought to solve the problem of annoying neighbors.


I set up the camera from 3 to almost 6 yesterday on a spot that I know has multiple treasures but didn't get squat, I will set up again today, what time is best?

I set up the camera from 3 to almost 6 yesterday on a spot that I know has multiple treasures but didn't get squat, I will set up again today, what time is best?

Wait until tomorrow morning. You'll then have about 30 hours of potentially high particle flows.

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