You're welcome mijo, but I see a nice skinny tree with steel roots next to your main marker. LOL.
Oh boy-oh boy. Just what I thought. You took a Grande Shovel to your marker, before taking pictures. (A common mistake most younguns do) It will take a good heavy rain, (or a hose?) to return that spot to proper condition for study. In future tasks, try to reverse your enthusiasm to pictures first. lol. have fun......regardless.

So we should not clean forest floor debris away from the markers? In having done so, what has RockHopper altered that would affect interpreting the signs? Just a newbie asking for clarification, if I may.

Seems a little excessive on sign reading Maverick. I admit I look for helpers on the markers but if I had to do what you just laid out I dont think I could do it.

I wanted to reiterate this about me in light of new information put on here.
As I am sure you all know by now, trying to read signs and symbols on rocks is not my thing as I have not seen any of these signs/symbols that helped lead to a treasure.
What I have found to be really important is the relationship of these laid out shaped rocks Owls, Shaft Signs, Turtles, A-Frames, Ducks, Hearts etc. separated from each other in alignments pointers and triangles.

Here's what i use on my markers, all 5 of them are very effective,of course i only use them on the dig here stuff.:laughing7:View attachment 1490747

A 24" crowbar is a lot lighter than a drift pick. Not quite as much leverage at times, but better in tight places. A 12" flat-tipped screwdriver is a great caliche tool.

Yes you could Q, given enough perseverance between field work and home study. it's just time consuming and grilling. grrrr

I actually can see a few of the things you point out, and can see other things that are beyond what I would suggest other people look for. The problem is, many of these signs will lead you to multiple dead end spots, in fact you can literally have 5 spots within a 20 foot circle doing so. If you have dug something this way, then perhaps you found or two one you could do that with. I know of a few like that, but I have not dug them, so I can't say for sure something is in them.

I sign read, and I marker read. I follow the signs to the markers, I follow markers to the signs. Sometimes I read the marker for a direction to take. In the end I relate it all to alignments or things lining someplace out, occasionally there is a large abstract image made with boulders hovering over the spot. These are rare, and sometimes they are the decoy trap spots.

I tend to think you are taking us on a trip backwards and saying to look for too much, which will lead most everyone to seeing things that aren't there or aren't important to the cache and will likely get people in trouble or dead or at a minimum running in circles and digging up every possible spot it could be in.

DSCN1911.webp Maverick1 When I said I new little about T hunting, I should have said I know little about the type Sandy and Quinoa tell us about. I'm not a youngster, I've walked the hills for about 30 years and know how to treat a site. You will notice my Shovel Grande has a sharpened V notch in it, works great for shearing grass and weeds at the surface so as not to disturb things. I know how to read the code written on rocks and Sandy is right, they are there to confuse and lead people away from the dig spot. Rocky

Sorry y'all, i will delete my posts asap and stop. It was not my intent to be the bad guy. cheers

Sorry y'all, i will delete my posts asap and stop. It was not my intent to be the bad guy. cheers

Maverick1 your more than welcome to post on my thread, even if you dont agree with my thoughts or methods, and the same i may not agree with your thoughts or methods, but i may be able to change your mind with some C.I.A. tactics.:icon_thumright:

CIA tactics? naaah KGB must be for sure lol (by the way, still trying to delete my posts on page 105 but don't have a delete button yet, will keep trying)
oh, and I totally agree with your methods and will stop posting.

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CIA tactics? naaah KGB must be for sure lol (by the way, still trying to delete my posts on page 105 but don't have a delete button yet, will keep trying)
oh, and I totally agree with your methods and will stop posting.
Ok, I hate to see you go, Iam really interested in your Ancients knowledge. I wish you would come over to my Ancient thread and post. Thats my new interest iam going after. I could really use your knowledge. I know, iam asking you for something you worked long and hard on, maybe theres something i can give you in return?

Maverick, if you have writing on rocks that led you to a dig spot and the pictures to show the writings and how they led to the dig spot, then by all means please post it.

sorry boys, but I've been recalled by the cia, kgb, bbc, bbking, dorisday and The Beatles back to the headquarters. I also got tired to fool people and have them go round in circles. Soon after I manage to delete my posts, I'm outta here. happy trails to all

If it's good info then post on another thread that isn't trying to keep sign reading down to a minimum. I know I'm guilty of it here as well. You spoke of some interesting info, I'd like to hear what you know about it, because I am familiar with it. You only posted a couple times, so you can't be tired of anything yet :)

Q. all I ever wanted was to open a new window (of knowledge and sharing) to a very complex subject that requires an open mind....and what do I get? accusations? gotta be kidding me. Of course I'm tired to see again ...that no good deed remains unpunished.

p.s. God forbid someone gets hurt or killed because of me.

Maverick, Dog The treasure hunter really wants you to post on his thread.

Maverick, Dog The treasure hunter really wants you to post on his thread.

well Sandy, thank you and thank him, but I don't feel welcome anymore under suspicion and scrutiny.
I"ll go back where I came from and let others try their hand at their techniques

If I showed everything I've seen, I would lead people to good spots and bad spots. There's many spots that I still don't know if they are good or bad. And there's variation between spots. That's what sign reading can do. You can't be there in the field with them and decide if it's good or bad even with many years of background knowledge. That's why a thread on sign reading and take your chance type thing at the end places would be a good thread. I know people have done this stuff without getting squashed. I can show you a trapped place I found last friday even , that looks pretty good. It's either empty with a trap, or a trap with a cache. It's not rocket science, but those big boulders can move and they don't care how smart you are.

Sorry y'all, i will delete my posts asap and stop. It was not my intent to be the bad guy. cheers

Maverick - I wish you would not go. I am saddened that all your info is gone. Please consider starting a dedicated thread on your method of interpreting signs and symbols, and sharing more.

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