My problem has always been trying to keep these guys motivated, it seems they are all excited to begin with then after a few days they lose interest. I have come to the conclusion that the only motivation people seem to have is to get paid everyday, the problem with me paying a person to work is I don't feel the need to share any of the treasure with them (since I had to pay them just to dig) which puts them firmly in the employee employer relationship not the treasure hunting partner relationship, this also makes it easier for me not to share any of my knowledge of how to find the treasures with them, since all they want is a payday and not to learn the art of treasure finding.

Sandy1, we "jinxed" each other, and hit "post" at the same time :)

My problem has always been trying to keep these guys motivated, it seems they are all excited to begin with then after a few days they lose interest. I have come to the conclusion that the only motivation people seem to have is to get paid everyday, the problem with me paying a person to work is I don't feel the need to share any of the treasure with them (since I had to pay them just to dig) which puts them firmly in the employee employer relationship not the treasure hunting partner relationship, this also makes it easier for me not to share any of my knowledge of how to find the treasures with them, since all they want is a payday and not to learn the art of treasure finding.

Given the choice: a) cash for time worked or b) treasure hunting secrets - vis-a-vis what's been revealed here - mark me down for a) cash.

That said, if I truly thought I knew where treasure was buried, it'd be a cold day in Hawaii before I'd hire some stranger to dig it up for me.

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(A good piece of advice to people who don't think other people are greedy) If the people digging for you decided to take the paid by the day option (no treasure percentage), make sure to send them home once the caprock is uncovered, trust me if they see any treasure they are going to want it, or they will turn you in for not giving them part of it.
The paid by the day situation flies right out the window once they see the treasure.

Sandy, you have over-seen 71 pages of material on "treasure vault hunting". So one can only assume you are quite versed on the subject. So this only begs the question: Have you ever found a treasure vault ? :dontknow:

Sandy, you have over-seen 71 pages of material on "treasure vault hunting". So one can only assume you are quite versed on the subject. So this only begs the question: Have you ever found a treasure vault ? :dontknow:

Infidel, if you keep up this line of discussion, you'll be finding yourself run down and severely stomped.

(A good piece of advice to people who don't think other people are greedy) If the people digging for you decided to take the paid by the day option (no treasure percentage), make sure to send them home once the caprock is uncovered, trust me if they see any treasure they are going to want it, or they will turn you in for not giving them part of it.
The paid by the day situation flies right out the window once they see the treasure.

Guess you'll have to get your hands dirty and dig that hole yourself.

Infidel, if you keep up this line of discussion, you'll be finding yourself run down and severely stomped.

An "infidel" , therefore, is defined as one who says "the proof in the pudding". So if someone says they can turn lead into gold (alchemy), and the next person says "show me" or "where's the proof?", that makes the questioner an "infidel". Right ? Just making sure I understand this correctly :)

Something that very few people talk about, Partners/Workers, I have had a couple of good ones but far too many bad ones, anybody else have any experiences with them?

I have taken a few people to some places of interest to help work a little,
but not for some time now. I've not really found anyone I would trust that
may be a true blue trustworthy partner, & have done most all the research
myself. Maybe I haven't looked that hard, or am not always that trusting.
It's been my experience, that most common people can usually be pretty
predictable & treacherous, without even being involved in THing.

Some folks also seem to consider it just a likely made up tale. They
often like to poke fun, raise hypothetical or doubtful questions to
relay their own experiences a lot, & show how much they do
not really know. Typing, I guess, is a common specialty...

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Sandy, you have over-seen 71 pages of material on "treasure vault hunting". So one can only assume you are quite versed on the subject. So this only begs the question: Have you ever found a treasure vault ? :dontknow:

Like it's just a casual, safe & acceptable thing, to discuss potential treasure found on open forum...

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Infidel, if you keep up this line of discussion, you'll be finding yourself run down and severely stomped.

Difference is, Tom isn't condemning everyone here. He's entitled to his opinion.

If you come in condemning others and telling them they are stupid or foolish or morons ... well, some folks just don't appreciate strangers insulting their friends.

Tom always asks for proof, but so far I haven't seen him insult anyone on this thread, that makes him different.

An "infidel" , therefore, is defined as one who says "the proof in the pudding". So if someone says they can turn lead into gold (alchemy), and the next person says "show me" or "where's the proof?", that makes the questioner an "infidel". Right ? Just making sure I understand this correctly :)

Right - using logical arguments in this thread will likely make you persona non grata.

Difference is, Tom isn't condemning everyone here. He's entitled to his opinion.

If you come in condemning others and telling them they are stupid or foolish or morons ... well, some folks just don't appreciate strangers insulting their friends.

Tom always asks for proof, but so far I haven't seen him insult anyone on this thread, that makes him different.

Nice try shadow, but anyone who wants to read this thread knows exactly what I've posted. If you need to continue running interference for sandy1, then have at it. I imagine that lots of folks would appreciate it if Tom in CA can persuade sandy1 to provide a reason to believe his claims.

An "infidel" , therefore, is defined as one who says "the proof in the pudding". So if someone says they can turn lead into gold (alchemy), and the next person says "show me" or "where's the proof?", that makes the questioner an "infidel". Right ? Just making sure I understand this correctly :)

No Tom. What makes you an "infidel" is if you're given the instructions to prove it to yourself with pictures and detailed descriptions and decide you'd rather not find out, and just see "proof" from others instead of verifying it for yourself.

Why would you trust pictures anyway? They can be doctored, photo shopped, and manipulated hundreds of ways... Why WOULDN'T you go out and confirm whether the information is true or false for yourself?

Also, who in their right mind would show real pictures of "Spanish Gold" they found on a public forum? Might as well call the feds yourself and tell them to come get you and the stash.

Knowing this, why would you and others keep beating that dead horse? Also, why keep trying to dissuade people when you haven't verified or confirmed the information to be true or false for yourselves in the first place?

You all just keep going around in circles never getting to the bottom of the issues which are summed up in my last 2 question.

On a side note I'd like to let you all know that it's obvious that many treasure hunters have put the information to the test as is evidenced by the number of Pulse Star 2 pro's that have been purchased from kellycodetectors.com after I mentioned that specific detector on this thread a while back. They are "out of stock." Never in all my years have I seen these large square frame detectors out of stock until now.

Coincidence?..... Maybe.

Aioria, thanx for taking the time to answer.

.....Why WOULDN'T you go out and confirm whether the information is true or false for yourself?....

The devil is in the details on that regard: Since it's all conjecture & theory, then how can anyone (who "looks into it themselves") dis-prove ? The faithful will simply find a way that the treasure could be true. Despite other more plausible explanations that are shown.

An excellent example of this is Oak Island. No matter HOW much the skeptics "look it up for themselves" (to avoid the "infidel" label), the faithful will find extraordinary ways in which the story could still be true. So it becomes a game of skeptics have to "prove a negative". You can't be prove a negative.

Therefore it's entirely logical that the "extraordinary claims" DO require "extraordinary proofs" by the persons making the claims.

And insofar as "proofs" have been given by the treasure story believers, how is that any different than "proofs" offered by ... say ... the Oak Island faithful ? (which, I hope we can all agree, is of the silly ghost-story camp of legends) In other words: Just as in Oak Island, when the faithful show a "proof" , then they feel like the burden of proof is now for the skeptic to disprove something. And no matter HOW REMOTE the possibility is that something is there, the mere fact that there's a bizzare way & reason, the that faithful insist that's proof it's there". In other words, the faithful are not looking at it through the lenses of "most plausible". They are looking at it through the lenses of "prove to me that it ISN'T there". And to me, that seem bass-ackwards .

....Also, who in their right mind would show real pictures of "Spanish Gold" they found on a public forum? Might as well call the feds yourself and tell them to come get you and the stash......

I have addressed this common come back line before. But again, this is the fall-back line used for the legends, or those with un-conventional TH'ing methods, etc... Like you are doing here, they will say that .. yes it works, and/or yes we find treasures. But ... durnit ... we can't show you. Because we fear thieves, the IRS, claim jumpers, etc... But rest assured treasures are being found.

And then I point out to them that the forum show & tells are FILLED with proud md'rs showing their trophies. Yes ... even caches. Yes ... even valuable ones. The fears haven't seemed to have stopped them ?

..... On a side note I'd like to let you all know that it's obvious that many treasure hunters have put the information to the test as is evidenced by the number of Pulse Star 2 pro's that have been purchased from kellycodetectors.com after I mentioned that specific detector on this thread a while back. They are "out of stock." Never in all my years have I seen these large square frame detectors out of stock until now.

Coincidence?..... Maybe.

Interesting . So you see a "rush on detectors" as one clue of the validity of a treasure story ? Or could there be other "more plausible" explanations ?

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... Just as in Oak Island, when the faithful show a "proof" , then they feel like the burden of proof is now for the skeptic to disprove something. ...

May be a little off-topic, but here's a good example of what an open-minded approach to a treasure legend that "everyone knows is real" might yield. Very interesting material for the Oak Island followers. This man's approach could serve as a template for people ferreting out facts.

The Oak Island Legend

The only people who get to see what treasure is dug up are the people who go out and find it and their buyers.
The government, if they get wind of a treasure being inside a man made vault will claim the treasure and make the area off limits as an archaeological site in a heartbeat.

Now lets look at this from an Informers Perspective :
1: We show a picture of a Gold Bar (which I have done in my avatar) The first question (is it yours?) Hypothetically lets say Yes. Obviously anybody can say it is theirs so no real proof there.
2: In order to prove its yours we need to see a picture of you holding it, and how heavy it is 4lb's and what size 6x2 inches etc.? Ok so you show a picture of you holding the bar, well that's not quite enough for the Feds, even though your holding a Archaeological artifact which is of course illegal.
3: Where did you find it at? so you say it was found in the Caballo Mountains in NM, placing you at the treasure location.
4:What was the vault like, how deep etc, can we see pictures? so you show pictures of the vault, Now the Feds have enough to at least investigate you for disturbing an Archaeological vault which you admitted to having treasure in and removing illegally, this means they are going to be keeping track of your spending which makes it very hard to fly under the radar.

By now I hope I have made my point, no matter how much evidence you show online there will always be skeptics (it was photoshopped, its a fake bar, it was a friends bar not yours etc.) But in the meantime you will be watched very closely by big brother thinking that maybe you really are telling the truth which is not at all good for you as the finder or the seller.

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Sandy 1 reply to post # 1046

The best partner I ever had for about 20 years was a Lakota Indian named Dan.
Dan was a man with dignity, honor and integrity

He was the best partner anyone could ever hope for / dream of.
Unfortunately cancer took my best FRIEND from me.


sdcfia, the trouble is, that a believer will look at something like that, and summarily dismiss it. They will address each factoid there with fabulous theories of how they can circumvent those points. Ie.: elaborate conspiracy theories, etc...

As proof of this, consider the 2 clowns that are spending a fortune on TV digging for that. They're certainly not stupid. Nor are they lacking funds apparently. And they are certainly quite sincere in their beliefs. So ... trust me, they would have "end runs" around each skeptical counter point. Elaborate theories as to why-the-heck anyone would care to hide that deep, or how in the heck to explain away all the failures (eg.: by-golly, it must be deeper, etc...). And the minute they find a single bird-seed there from Asia, by golly, the whole story is beyond dispute.


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