Aioria, thanx for taking the time to answer.
.....Why WOULDN'T you go out and confirm whether the information is true or false for yourself?....
The devil is in the details on that regard: Since it's all conjecture & theory, then how can anyone (who "looks into it themselves") dis-prove ? The faithful will simply find a way that the treasure could be true. Despite other more plausible explanations that are shown.
An excellent example of this is Oak Island. No matter HOW much the skeptics "
look it up for themselves" (to avoid the "infidel" label), the faithful will find extraordinary ways in which the story could still be true. So it becomes a game of skeptics have to "prove a negative". You can't be prove a negative.
Therefore it's entirely logical that the "extraordinary claims" DO require "extraordinary proofs" by the persons making the claims.
And insofar as "proofs" have been given by the treasure story believers, how is that any different than "proofs" offered by ... say ... the Oak Island faithful ? (which, I hope we can all agree, is of the silly ghost-story camp of legends) In other words: Just as in Oak Island, when the faithful show a "proof" , then they feel like the burden of proof is now for the skeptic to disprove something. And no matter HOW REMOTE the possibility is that something is there, the mere fact that there's a bizzare way & reason, the that faithful insist that's proof it's there". In other words, the faithful are
not looking at it through the lenses of "most plausible". They are looking at it through the lenses of "prove to me that it
ISN'T there". And to me, that seem bass-ackwards .
....Also, who in their right mind would show real pictures of "Spanish Gold" they found on a public forum? Might as well call the feds yourself and tell them to come get you and the stash......
I have addressed this common come back line before. But again, this is the fall-back line used for the legends, or those with un-conventional TH'ing methods, etc... Like you are doing here, they will say that .. yes it works, and/or yes we find treasures. But ... durnit ... we can't show you. Because we fear thieves, the IRS, claim jumpers, etc... But rest assured treasures are being found.
And then I point out to them that the forum show & tells are FILLED with proud md'rs showing their trophies. Yes ... even caches. Yes ... even valuable ones. The fears haven't seemed to have stopped them ?
..... On a side note I'd like to let you all know that it's obvious that many treasure hunters have put the information to the test as is evidenced by the number of Pulse Star 2 pro's that have been purchased from after I mentioned that specific detector on this thread a while back. They are "out of stock." Never in all my years have I seen these large square frame detectors out of stock until now.
Coincidence?..... Maybe.
Interesting . So you see a "rush on detectors" as one clue of the validity of a treasure story ? Or could there be other "more plausible" explanations ?