I personally would LOVE to hear the rest of the story and I have a gut feeling it may end up confirming what many of us have also experienced at sites. If you decide you don't want to share that's ok. I understand the reasons.
These are some of the better pics I've seen in a while. I'm glad you found this site and that you learned and confirmed a lot for yourself my friend.
God bless and keep you safe in your adventures.
Yeah nothing bad or hairy to tell, but maybe just more sentinel suspicion confirmed, lol.
I'm working to save the best for last, as story tellers do. True story, began last September
with an outing, about the time sandy's markers that relate to treasure thread was going
good. I first noticed the trees in a picnic area looked similar to some in a place I have
spent a lot of time studying, & that the James gang more than likely rode through
from time to time. Not that this area was necessarily one of their haunts, but is
definitely not too far from where Bell Starr & Blue Duck lived... North of where
there is a cave used by various outlaws back then, & where a tough breed
of hillfolks made their living in sawmill camps way out in the deep woods.
In fact, it could have been close to the area Rooster Cogburn was so
rudely called a "one eyed fat man". The story goes the US Marshal
was working chasing down bad outlaws in "the nations, or the 'ol
Indian Territory", lol... Oh, I guess it was actually filmed in CO.
Anyway, a lot of secret activities back in them woods, before...