Aww, shucks. I don't know how to embed a link to a specific post.
However, I think that the "sign" on this (link) page (and preceding ones) of the following post is just slightly less ambiguous than
ad nauseum cloud gazing:
If y'all can put your energies into potentially more reasonable pursuits, then maybe you could help figure out some provable stuff and move the truth of the conversation forward.
Otherwise, what is the point?
The non-imaginary signs are rare, but out there. What do they mean!?!?
Do you see us going on the threads y'all apparently enjoy frequenting, and
making such comments? Where there has been years & threads of discussion,
with plenty of seemingly adequately talented peoples, who have researched all
of the info apparently available, sharing information, debating? And it seems that
several have apparently also put boots on the ground for what now, decades, into
the areas you & other good folks are continually researching, rehashing & seeking?
Here's a
golden opportunity, for you to study this info with No critical interference
injected into your own conversations. Free to listen to a successful vault, as well as
cache, cave hunter, for probably the same amount of time that's been spent on you
all's areas of interests, = decades. Likely some of the same, or similar kinds of areas.
Have you already studied both of the threads that sandy1 has very generously, freely
contributed? If so, then you should know the answers as to what you need to look for.
Got markers? Know what they mean? Have alignments? Looked for auras? This is the
technique we have been shown, & are using in our searches. Whatever experiences
we may mix, this is the core, and not at all imaginary amigos. Try it, then ask your
questions. As you can see, sandy is pretty actively trying to help people, to use
his own proven methods, to achieve real life successes. Have you tried it?
Please Note, that this thread was recently revisited, conversation brought
back up, just to again discuss, share, reiterate the value of
seeking auras.
To help people like you & I who've studied, searched, & are still looking.
The surefire sign that treasure is still there, no matter what the signs,
markers, glyphs or graffiti is there, who may have already been there,
and what may have been found in the past. Try setting some cameras,
you may actually get a very pleasant, possibly even unexpected surprise.
Otherwise, what is it to y'all, if people share, without interfering with you?
Seems all too easy, for some to be critical about something not understood.
Unfortunately, trying to help some people, is just exactly that, pointless....
Arguments, harsh words are not sought after, & the help just leaves out.