If I had to take a guess why this works I suspect there is a property of gold and how it interacts with energy is what is being caught. Temp and light doesnt seems to effect auroras. It is believed by old gold hunters lightening strikes gold. But lightening actually comes from the earth and is drawn up. Also a blue mist is associated with gold. After a rain fall exposed bedrock is a good place to look to.
But going back to burst of energy being caught by a camera in the 10th of a second range is curious for sure. Im sure the guys who invented the first air plane went through the same sort skepticism. Could it be as simple as that, just built up energy like when you walk in sock feet across a rug and touch someone?
Definitely happy we can have a adult conversation about this. I never discourage a fellow treasure hunter except if it could cost him his life.
As far as I know, gold is the most conductive metal, and not at all corrosive, or likely to tarnish. Though it seems I saw some gold coins
that had been on the ocean floor a long time, and had gotten a film on them, that had to be gently cleaned by a special washing process.
I'm not sure, but think it may have been Mel Fisher's people, cleaning coins from the "Garden Of Gold". It really surprised me to see that,
because I didn't think gold could tarnish at all. So I think they said it can tarnish, but not corrode, or deteriorate at all. Of course if it has
the presence of other metals, that would be a significant difference, as far as the reaction to exposure of other elements. I know there's
people much more studied, and possibly expert on this, the reaction, interaction of metals/minerals/elements, in air water(s) or buried.
Then it's interesting that the aura off of gold, apparently makes that gold tint or color, and silver makes a lighter, silver kind of tint.
Like you say, supposedly has been seen making a bluish gas, & been found by glowing at night also. That must also be quite a
fascinating occurrence! No wonder some people have been said to have thought it was related to spirits, or ghosts, lol.
But how the gold makes it's own tinted aura, & silver makes a similar colored aura during a somewhat light time of the day, may
be because of an interaction with the sun radiation and the metal, sort of like a reflection. I will always be amazed that it can be
seen in that split second of time, with a certain lens, coming up possibly from fairly deep out of the ground. The link of the local
supposed copper ore deposit aura, coming from under the mountain that sandy posted, was very much a greenish color, which
is probably in a corroded color condition. Then he said some auras have been mixed with some black, maybe streaks or spots.
I wonder if it's also a partial content of silver, in a corroded condition, & so a similar mixed color reflection with the dark, like
the exposed surface of silver turns into.
Anyway, I realize & agree, the most important thing to know, will always be how to locate the auras, no matter
how they are made, what they may actually represent, though the gold will always likely be the most desired.
Unless someone starts discovering auras coming off of the more dense, rare & higher valued platinum, lol.
Then, that's supposedly found more in the N. & N/W. Good Luck to everyone, be safe & happy hunting!