If jealousy, contemptuous thoughts & behavior, is a kind of socially
infected disease, then it will always be incurable. Long as selfish
flesh itself exists. Only someone Truly Gullible, would think
so narrow-mindedly, & try to influence along those lines.
Unnaturally, of no true benefit to others, self serving.
Having been born a spirit, other than that of peace.
Only seeking to pull down, destroy and belittle.
To disrupt the work & progress, of so called
deplorables, some truly generous people
of genuine peace, American culture.
Evidenced by the sharing, proven
critical info. just to help others.
Not cancerous ignorant strife.
So yes, it's a cure for cancer.

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I wouldn't mention that camera online if you ever want to acquire one, Aioria. It took me more than a year to acquire the ones I have. The cellphone was an older samsung. I keep all my families old cellphones and download apps for auto shooting at intervals. I would look into a cheap old gopro, (or even an old smartphone) they have like a 2 second interval, and we have caught them on one (gopro) and dug a large modern-ish coin cache before on private property. They just look a little different on them, or at least that one did, but that is all a long story and I got no richer from it at the time, other than confirming that the cameras work.

No, that would be written off as a lens flare, bug or bird. Capturing the aura is rare. It happens in an instant and is unpredictable. But when you get on these sites you will realize there are often several caches about on the big sites. So your chances go up. Also the further south you are, the more radiation from the sun, so your odds are better in the southwest. So you can increase your odds up north by going on solar event days. There are many websites that cover the sun, K-factors, solar flares, cmes, solar winds, geomagnetic storms, etc.

But unless the camera was looking at the view, running continuously, like filming, & measured scientifically,
how could it ever be proven, that the aura only appeared for that supposedly split second? When it's actually
just the shutter itself, opening & looking for that split second of time? This is not really clear, is it since no
one has seemed to really test it scientifically, by taking pics for example, consecutively synchronized,
in the same area, & at least one second intervals consecutively.

Just a thought, but there is good reason for it. I am amazed with the "Cutting Edge" technology
that sandy has discovered with much time & effort, expense & experimentation. I do believe
it's of great benefit to be used to find auras, and am thankful to have the info to use the
cameras to look. I know that is the most important thing, is that it does work to find
the auras, of various metals buried in the ground. The length of split seconds,
or seconds of time that they are flared up above ground, may be yet to be
discovered & proven, & the depth of the metal, effects of soil makeup,
chemicals present, moisture content, etc., all may have some kind
of an effect. But most importantly, is finding what they are made
from, and freeing it from it's cool dark, waiting earthly grave.

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CDS, the reason I know these auras are in the split second range is because I have used continuous shooting mode (burst mode) which is around 2 pictures per second and have caught an aura in one picture but not in the previous picture nor the following one which is why I said these auras are in the hundredths of a second in duration.

Ok, then you have tested it scientifically. Cool, I didn't know that
you had checked it, thanks, that kind of puts my question to rest.

Great stuff guys, Iam happy to see this thread back to being active again.

If I had to take a guess why this works I suspect there is a property of gold and how it interacts with energy is what is being caught. Temp and light doesnt seems to effect auroras. It is believed by old gold hunters lightening strikes gold. But lightening actually comes from the earth and is drawn up. Also a blue mist is associated with gold. After a rain fall exposed bedrock is a good place to look to.

But going back to burst of energy being caught by a camera in the 10th of a second range is curious for sure. Im sure the guys who invented the first air plane went through the same sort skepticism. Could it be as simple as that, just built up energy like when you walk in sock feet across a rug and touch someone?

Definitely happy we can have a adult conversation about this. I never discourage a fellow treasure hunter except if it could cost him his life.

Everything uses this energy. We are all a part of it. From the impulse to scratch your head to a magnitic field on a watermelon. That how you can see if one is ripe. Try it. Take a broom straw or a plastic drinking straw. Place it perpendicular to the watermelon. If it's ripe the.straw will turn to the length of the melon. Everything on earth has this force. We just have to know how to use it.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

I wouldn't over analyze it, I've spent several years messing with it, and trying different methods, and trying to find out any thing that can improve the odds. You still have to do the work, take the time , take alot of photos. If you want to research something, learn how to use an older camera (at least from a few years back) in which you can use an open shutter setting in the evening. Try like 4-15 second open shutter. you'll have about a 15 minute window to take consecutive photos, and you will have to constantly adjust due to fading light, so that the photo isn't so grainy.
I've tried it a little, but why re-invent the wheel? Sandy1 already has a method that will work. The interval shooting requires very little thought.

If I had to take a guess why this works I suspect there is a property of gold and how it interacts with energy is what is being caught. Temp and light doesnt seems to effect auroras. It is believed by old gold hunters lightening strikes gold. But lightening actually comes from the earth and is drawn up. Also a blue mist is associated with gold. After a rain fall exposed bedrock is a good place to look to.

But going back to burst of energy being caught by a camera in the 10th of a second range is curious for sure. Im sure the guys who invented the first air plane went through the same sort skepticism. Could it be as simple as that, just built up energy like when you walk in sock feet across a rug and touch someone?

Definitely happy we can have a adult conversation about this. I never discourage a fellow treasure hunter except if it could cost him his life.

As far as I know, gold is the most conductive metal, and not at all corrosive, or likely to tarnish. Though it seems I saw some gold coins
that had been on the ocean floor a long time, and had gotten a film on them, that had to be gently cleaned by a special washing process.
I'm not sure, but think it may have been Mel Fisher's people, cleaning coins from the "Garden Of Gold". It really surprised me to see that,
because I didn't think gold could tarnish at all. So I think they said it can tarnish, but not corrode, or deteriorate at all. Of course if it has
the presence of other metals, that would be a significant difference, as far as the reaction to exposure of other elements. I know there's
people much more studied, and possibly expert on this, the reaction, interaction of metals/minerals/elements, in air water(s) or buried.

Then it's interesting that the aura off of gold, apparently makes that gold tint or color, and silver makes a lighter, silver kind of tint.
Like you say, supposedly has been seen making a bluish gas, & been found by glowing at night also. That must also be quite a
fascinating occurrence! No wonder some people have been said to have thought it was related to spirits, or ghosts, lol.

But how the gold makes it's own tinted aura, & silver makes a similar colored aura during a somewhat light time of the day, may
be because of an interaction with the sun radiation and the metal, sort of like a reflection. I will always be amazed that it can be
seen in that split second of time, with a certain lens, coming up possibly from fairly deep out of the ground. The link of the local
supposed copper ore deposit aura, coming from under the mountain that sandy posted, was very much a greenish color, which
is probably in a corroded color condition. Then he said some auras have been mixed with some black, maybe streaks or spots.
I wonder if it's also a partial content of silver, in a corroded condition, & so a similar mixed color reflection with the dark, like
the exposed surface of silver turns into.

Anyway, I realize & agree, the most important thing to know, will always be how to locate the auras, no matter
how they are made, what they may actually represent, though the gold will always likely be the most desired.
Unless someone starts discovering auras coming off of the more dense, rare & higher valued platinum, lol.
Then, that's supposedly found more in the N. & N/W. Good Luck to everyone, be safe & happy hunting!

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As far as I know, gold is the most conductive metal, and not at all corrosive, or likely to tarnish. Though it seems I saw some gold coins
that had been on the ocean floor a long time, and had gotten a film on them, that had to be gently cleaned by a special washing process.
I'm not sure, but think it may have been Mel Fisher's people, cleaning coins from the "Garden Of Gold". It really surprised me to see that,
because I didn't think gold could tarnish at all. So I think they said it can tarnish, but not corrode, or deteriorate at all. Of course if it has
the presence of other metals, that would be a significant difference, as far as the reaction to exposure of other elements. I know there's
people much more studied, and possibly expert on this, the reaction, interaction of metals/minerals/elements, in air water(s) or buried.

Then it's interesting that the aura off of gold, apparently makes that gold tint or color, and silver makes a lighter, silver kind of tint.
Like you say, supposedly has been seen making a bluish gas, & been found by glowing at night also. That must also be quite a
fascinating occurrence! No wonder some people have been said to have thought it was related to spirits, or ghosts, lol.

But how the gold makes it's own tinted aura, & silver makes a similar colored aura during a somewhat light time of the day, may
be because of an interaction with the sun radiation and the metal, sort of like a reflection. I will always be amazed that it can be
seen in that split second of time, with a certain lens, coming up possibly from fairly deep out of the ground. The link of the local
supposed copper ore deposit aura, coming from under the mountain that sandy posted, was very much a greenish color, which
is probably in a corroded color condition. Then he said some auras have been mixed with some black, maybe streaks or spots.
I wonder if it's also a partial content of silver, in a corroded condition, & so a similar mixed color reflection with the dark, like
the exposed surface of silver turns into.

Anyway, I realize & agree, the most important thing to know, will always be how to locate the auras, no matter
how they are made, what they may actually represent, though the gold will always likely be the most desired.
Unless someone starts discovering auras coming off of the more dense, rare & higher valued platinum, lol.
Then, that's supposedly found more in the N. & N/W. Good Luck to everyone, be safe & happy hunting!

Actually, silver - even tarnished - is the best conductor of electricity. Copper is the second most efficient conductor. If the time ever comes when the planet's electromagnetic field is exploited to provide a nearly free energy source, silver will likely become the most valuable commodity on earth.

As far as I know, gold is the most conductive metal...-snip-


Referring to the ability of the ultra thin gold coating to maintain a tarnish free electrical contact at the surface. No tarnish, means a very good &
consistent connection with no maintenance. Many outages every year
out on transmission or distribution service lines & equipment, have
been caused by bad connections, some involving silver surfaces.

Without gold, the ultra-small critical low tension contacts can become
ineffective, with an invisible contact film that's known as electrolysis.
This is evidenced in many of the connections in modern electronics,
since it wouldn't really be possible for consumers to take computers
or phones apart, just to wipe the many circuits contact surfaces.
A very thin gold alloy surface, is effectively & successfully used.

While silver may be a slightly better actual conductor of electricity from
one point to another than gold or copper,
it's cheaper than gold & used
in many low & high voltage connector applications, in an alloy form, as
a surface coating, on the outside of many solid copper or brass fittings.

Even silver though, needs to be coated with a protective copper powder
based conductive type grease sealant, on the joined surfaces of stationary
connectors of electric equipment and transmitting buss works, copper leads,
& most switch connections. When exposed to the elements, even just in open
indoor air, especially when used outdoors in the open elements. It's critical
to maintaining a good line connection & service going out to customers.

The conductive grease that seals the silver, copper, & brass high voltage
connection surfaces, is typically called no-ox by linemen, communication,
service, relay, & substation techs, in the electric service industry. Used to
prevent bad connections from causing bad low voltage problems, burning,
& outages. Also works very well to keep all 12v. battery connections from
corroding (copper & lead).

Silver, even in a visibly untarnished state, can make bad, even inferior
connections. This is where more dense, less porous gold that does not
lose contact to electrolysis, is the better conductor without question.

You seem to be flipping back and forth here? ???

First you say " gold is the most conductive metal "...then you declare that silver " may be a slightly better actual conductor ". Then you flip back and say... " more dense, less porous gold that does not lose contact to electrolysis, is the better conductor without question ".

Yes, I understand that you no longer have the ability to edit as you have always done when you've realized you screwed the pooch, so I will make an allowance this time. ( No need to thank me. :wink: )

So, where to start, hmmm....

The conductance value for gold is 45.2 million inverse ohms times meters; although this is good for a metal, it is somewhat less than that of copper, which measures 59.6 million inverse ohms times meters. Silver’s conductance is 63 million inverse ohms times meters, the highest value for a material that is not a superconductor. (Silver also has the highest thermal conductivity of any element and the highest light reflectance).* Although the value for copper is somewhat less than that for silver, copper is a much cheaper commodity, making it a more practical conducting material.

Comparing the use of gold vs. silver in high voltage applications is a no brainer. Not only is silver a better conductor, it's far less expensive. Any skin effect or tarnish becomes irrelevant, as high voltages will power straight through it. That said, I'll move straight to low voltage.

In low voltage applications, such as electronics, conductivity is paramount; hands down making silver the better choice again. But due to cost, the use of silver in electrical and electronic components is currently restricted to specialty components; making the use of silver wire as a conductor rare. You can find silver in some high-quality types of electronic solder, as it makes a better electrical connection than more common tin-lead or bismuth alloys. Silver-based inks are used to print antennas on circuit boards.

Although gold’s conductivity is not as high as silver’s, it does not form oxide or sulfide tarnishes that interfere with a good electrical connection; for this reason, many electrical connectors use a microscopically thin layer of gold to ensure that electrical contacts stay clean and reliable over long periods of time.*

* Note that by this application, the gold is NOT being used for its conductance value, but as a coating to prevent oxidation. More commonly you will find electronics manufacturers using a dab of silicon sealant on such connectors as a cheaper alternative. I know, sad but true.

In conclusion, of the two, silver - even tarnished - will always be a better conductor than gold. Indisputably.

And as far as Sdcfia's comment regarding future harnessing of the earths electromagnetic energy ..... Oxidation doesn't occur in a vacuum. When technology advances we could be seeing that energy harnessed via high tech satellites using superior silver based electronics. Something to look forward to, eh?
Thanks, Steve, I've had those thoughts as well.. :coffee2:

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Don't forget about the powers of the silver bullet. Even though i have read about the indians using gold for bullets against the U S soldiers. I have only heard of the power of silver bullets being used on Werewolfs.

Don't forget about the powers of the silver bullet. Even though i have read about the indians using gold for bullets against the U S soldiers. I have only heard of the power of silver bullets being used on Werewolfs.

Don't forget about the powers of the silver bullet. Even though i have read about the indians using gold for bullets against the U S soldiers. I have only heard of the power of silver bullets being used on Werewolfs.

Wolfswhere? Got lions? :laughing7: :thumbsup:

All about the connections, my point exactly, without all the silicon coated hype.

Got gold or silver connections, even better, got auras ??? :laughing7::laughing9::laughing7::laughing9::laughing7:

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Unless one has worked in an industrial high voltage
setting, to see burning of bad silver coated connections
that some will do, to eventually make dangerous voltage
fluctuations caused by time, extreme heat current transfers,
or oxidation & corrosion. Would probably not ever be seen or
understood how it burns right through. Causing erratic voltage,
eventually causing the protective voltage control relays then
hopefully, to open the breaker & shut the circuit(s) on down.
Or else maybe harm or destroy delicate electronics devices.

Never been in a basket 30' in the air replacing a supposedly
lasts forever, silver coated burnt right through a high voltage
connector in a sub station buss work? While the control center
and 3 different department crews wait, holding a clearance to
prevent an accidental closure, & you getting lit up. Working &
testing to restore the transformer bank, substation & lines back
to active service, & relight the whole town? There is a lot of time
& money spent on a routine scheduled disassembling, cleaning &
polishing. Testing to obtain critical equipment & industry standards
of micro-ohm specs, for superior connections & operations on both
low & high voltage equipment & relay parts, to lessen resistance, &
improve effective connections, for efficiency & reliability. To keep
your lights burning bright, your voltage reasonably consistent.

They don't just let it go, & possibly just burn right through
the bad connectors. Inspections with heat guns find the
poor connections, so they can get scheduled for repair.

Hmm, just like a supposed sheepskin, without any really
practical experience out in the field of actual high voltage
operation. Or maintenance & repair of critical connections.
All theory, no actual practical experiences, just a lots of
theoretical projection & talk. Experience non-connective.

My comments were made directly in reference to your own statements (quoted in my previous post above) and addressed the inaccuracies of your own words, verbatim. Any misunderstanding is yours. You stated that gold is the best conductor...not connection.

Which begs the question....how many connectors did/does the power company use made of gold?

It's the recommended practice of power companies to silver plate copper contact surfaces in high voltage situations, due to the fact that silver oxide is easily broken down by contact pressure and forms less readily at elevated temperature. Common practice. Why would the authorities on such recommend this if it was an inferior installation methodology? Of course, these connections will always require special care and maintenance, hence the use of electrical maintenance crews. If you were experiencing unusually high numbers of incidents....it most probably was due to poor maintenance practices....not the silver plate itself.

But, of course, you are welcome to provide documentation that proves me wrong.



Already clarified about the gold's conduct to make better contacts, in post #740.

The silver coating is used mixed in an alloy form, not in a pure silver oxide,
& the no ox copper grease used, to seal where the contacts meet, whether
silver, brass, copper, aluminum, to help control with the oxides corroding.
Anyone can google & read, but field experience is more extensive info.

Maintenance has always been required of electrical systems, but
perhaps you can invent new no-maintenance connections, that
are cost effective enough to be practically implemented. That
would likely be better that making the coated circuit boards.

Besides, what does all of this tech talk have to do with
the subject of "gold auras" other than the value of it?

The gold, and the fact it is used a lot in delicate high
tech electronics. That's the original subject anyway.

That's the connection I was making with the auras.
So what is your connection, other than boredom?

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Besides, what does all of this tech talk have to do with
the subject of "gold auras" other than the value of it?

Beats the hell out of me, you're the one who brought it up.

The gold, and the fact it is used a lot in delicate high
tech electronics. That's the original subject anyway.

Wrong again.


That's the connection I was making with the auras.
So what is your connection, other than boredom?

Well, you nailed it on this one at least. :icon_thumright:

Fluffy has my sympathy.

Adios, Einstein :wave:

CDS, I think you'd accomplish more arguing with a rock. At least a rock wouldn't attack you every time you said something.

Rocks are just a lot more more considerate than some members here.

Why would anyone complain constantly about folks discussing treasure searching, belittling everyone they can?

I mean, is that being considerate of other members, as our terms of use require?


Yer absolutely right! Thing is, I never look for an argument, but for some reason this
one sure does. You would think the guys on Tayopa, LDM, or some other forum might
keep 'er entertained, but keeps poppin' in here. No real contribution to the subject of
the thread topic, just attention seeking look how smart I am interference, go figure. :dontknow:

But rocks don't argue friend, just talk silently, like they've been around, & have got some
kind of solid sense, rather than getting all technical, looking for anything to holler 'bout. :laughing7:

In Downieville CA. a few years ago, eating breakfast in a café one morning, some gal
made the comment that all miners are liars. Hmm, wonder if that goes for All kinds
of diggers? :icon_scratch::laughing9:

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