Please show me where I made any such claim ever?

I am assuming your talking about me offering to give away a treasure location to someone with a gpr.

You seem to be under the misconception that I am offering this opportunity for my own selfish motives. I have said since the beginning this is not about me or for me.

I offered this opportunity and my information to everybody to help them find something they otherwise would never be able to find on their own.
Hi sandy1,
Great detailed specific info as always.
Never gets too familiar or boring, the way you present it so thoroughly & easy to understand for us all, & the interesting new pics.
Many thanks for everything you generously share, as always!

Our good 'ol friend & I thought possibly Crotalus Scutulatus was a very familiar spirit we've dealt with in the recent past (different name of course), that was seeming to be nice for a short while early
in the thread, but then changed.
Posted very dark negative thoughts unnecessarily, & totally unprovoked in my thread too awhile back.

Be well my friend... Seems you are & will likely continue to help more new & younger TH'ers get to the heart of the matter. I really like your analogy of the owls being able to see what's in darkness or hidden, like treasures are hidden in the dark to us.
[Edit]: They do function some in the daylight too, sometimes flying, & can get loud calling back & forth, sometimes getting carried away making quite a loud heckling
racket, maybe day or night.

They can also swivel
their heads so far around, say
about 180° one way, without moving
their body, so about 360° total.
We had a pair of 'em for pets when we
were 13..
They were our recovered
treasures at the time.

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Nope. It must have got removed. I see Sdcfi septic tank photo disappeared also.
I also see on LC Bakers KGC thread, the photo that Ol'Kentuck posted of the spider web in front the Trap with cheese also disappeared. Strange i could have sworn i just seen them the other day.Hopefully someone captured that valuable information so it is not lost. My bad, I must be going Stir Crazy.

Something that I think people should investigate further is understanding WHY certain carved animals and signs symbols are used at treasure locations.

For instance an Owl is one of the best markers that a person can find to indicate they are at or near a treasure location.

First off the Owl is a European carving here in the united states and absolutely marks treasure locations, but why would the Catholics choose an Owl, Catholics consider the Owl to be an evil creature as it lives its life in the Dark away from Gods light, so why use something that is evil to mark something that was so precious (the treasure)

Here is the Answer: The Markers such as the Owl have certain traits or habits that were studied by the Catholics and Jesuits and the most obvious trait of an Owl is they can see in the Dark (in other words they can see while we are blind to something hidden/buried or even invisible such as the center of a triangle)

Many people believe the owl and other creatures have some bible verse tied to them in some way (which I said at the beginning of my guide that I don't use bible verses) the reality is these animals are tied to nature and their known behavior helped the returning groups to understand the way back to their treasures, and of course other things such as a fish for water.

There are specific markers/animals/symbols that go to treasures I will go over them as I go along.

This Owl I am showing is not one of my owls, I found it on the net but it is undeniably an owl. You can see different owls I have in my guide.
Looks like a carved triangle straight back behind the owl & in shadow.

A lit up high point w/vertical line & a notch in shadow on right in it's mid forehead. The line or notch could easily line up with the triangle.

Also, lay the pic on it's side (top to right),
the owl's forehead appears.to be a carved
3 around the eyes, with a diamond at the bottom.

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Please show me where I made any such claim ever?

I am assuming your talking about me offering to give away a treasure location to someone who has a gpr.

You seem to be under the misconception that I am offering this opportunity for my own selfish motives. I have said since the beginning this is not about me or for me.

I offered this opportunity and my information to everybody to help them find something they otherwise would never be able to find on their own.
Thank you Sandy1 for all the great information so far & going more in depth on the owls, I am also looking forward to reading more about the other animals as well, information is a treasure that you have shared with us all and for that, thanks again.

Owls for mi point view , 2 and 5 this one point the snake eating maybe one vase behind owl the last picture the place great mistery and feling observed


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One more thing that you guys need to know about the Owls, many of the owls (but not all) that are found at the final treasure area were made with their heads turned around on their back.
Here is one of mine that is a standalone boulder Owl with his head on its back. This would be considered a Roosting Owl.

Here is a second one again with its head around on its back. Both of these Owls are part of Triangles to two different treasures, and both of these treasure locations were found with Camera captured Auras.

For those not understanding what I mean by the head on his back here is a visual aid (without the ear tufts)
Owl Head on Back.jpg

Another Roosting Owl with a good profile of what you would be looking for in a rock marker (with the ear tufts)
Roosting Owl.jpg

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It si nit a metal aura but it could help un that area .There was a very old Spanish ranch un the late 700s


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It si nit a metal aura but it could help un that area .There was a very old Spanish ranch un the late 700s
are those flashes or aura's?

Is this located within the US? I don't need specifics just wondering is all.

Yes they most definitely did carve out eyes and made holes all the time at different sites, there would be multiple carved markers near an owl that would help in verifying that the owl was Not natural, there are only a handful of markers that are actually specific to marking a treasure and the owl is definitely one of them.

Here is an example of a Triangle that was made out of holes by the Spanish. They placed a very large boulder next to them which I am standing on taking the picture from, you would find the large boulder first then you would look down and find the man made holes since they are flat to the ground they needed the boulder to find them easily.

View attachment 2067090
Great thanks for clarification.

are those flashes or aura's?

Is this located within the US? I don't need specifics just wondering is all.

what's up mike, really for me it's more than a flash if you see the first photo you see the silhouette of a person the other one moved towards the tree itself it flew my friend told me and from there it vanished, my friend is disabled he has He has used crutches all his life but the treasures have always caught his attention, it is what he managed to take. the air on the surface reaction see "arder" when the gases come out in other time on same place greetings from a place in mexico.

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Please show me where I made any such claim ever?

I am assuming your talking about me offering to give away a treasure location to someone who has a gpr.

You seem to be under the misconception that I am offering this opportunity for my own selfish motives. I have said since the beginning this is not about me or for me.

I offered this opportunity and my information to everybody to help them find something they otherwise would never be able to find on their own.
Excellent words my friend, sometimes in this world a person will lose them selves and become lost. Thank you for keeping me on that trail and everyone else who is out there legitimately trying. Your knowledge that you have made available for everyone here is truly priceless maybe the actual true treasure.. What is truly sad is they may change there handle but they are still the same person. I will always be watchful of this. Sandy1 you be safe out there and I will always be your friend I have very few, thank you for sharing the new information glad to see you posting keep it up.


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Excellent words my friend, sometimes in this world a person will lose them selves and become lost. Thank you for keeping me on that trail and everyone else who is out there legitimately trying. Your knowledge that you have made available for everyone here is truly priceless maybe the actual true treasure.. What is truly sad is they may change there handle but they are still the same person. I will always be watchful of this. Sandy1 you be safe out there and I will always be your friend I have very few, thank you for sharing the new information glad to see you posting keep it up.
Thanks I was starting to miss your positive input.

All the talk on owls I remembered I have a substantial cache that is being watched over by one. I have been working the area with the Pentax for awhile now, never give up.Thank you for the info Sandy1 it makes understanding how the sites were engineered so much simpler.
IMG_4478 (1).webp

Excellent words my friend, sometimes in this world a person will lose them selves and become lost. Thank you for keeping me on that trail and everyone else who is out there legitimately trying. Your knowledge that you have made available for everyone here is truly priceless maybe the actual true treasure.. What is truly sad is they may change there handle but they are still the same person. I will always be watchful of this. Sandy1 you be safe out there and I will always be your friend I have very few, thank you for sharing the new information glad to see you posting keep it up.
I completely agree with you cyzak 100%.

I almost feel like I somehow won a contest and I get all this enlightenment shared with me but the cool part is there is no contest to be won, Sandy1 has provided all of this to anyone willing to take the time and read it. To think that sandy1 has anything to gain from it is silly....well, maybe not, I mean sandy1 has gained my respect and heart-felt thanks for sharing and helping me to better understand how to view things, what I am actually seeing, to be that "owl in the dark" if you will.

THANK YOU sandy1, you are truly one among us, that others should emulate.

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Well guys I believe it is time to move on to the DUCK. The ducks really had me baffled for a long time because I found them carved out of boulders on land and in the washes/waterways and their banks, (There are only a handful of treasure markers and Ducks are definitely on that list with Owls)

It is my intention to show the best markers that are specific to treasures as I go along, also I have some special information to share about these duck markers at the end.

This first duck is one I found as I was walking up a wash/waterway, the message is simple it is blocking the entire wash/waterway telling us to turn Left here (This Duck is also the first marker the returning team would find telling them there is a treasure area nearby because they used the washes/waterways to find the beginning markers, unless there wasn't a wash nearby then they used other markers) So with this duck he is saying leave the wash/waterway in the general direction he is looking to head over to the treasure area to look for more treasure markers (More to come)
1 (64).jpg

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I have found so many monuments along the main waterways and you are exactly right Sandy when you come upon a canyon that leaves that water way.
ladder rack 004.JPG

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That's what so special about us type of people being out in the country Digger1989 is seeing some awesome places. No matter where you go in this country a lot will never see these things do to being afraid of exploring.

Here is another Duck marking another treasure and laying next to a wash (the wash is hard to see through the weeds but it is just on the other side of this duck less than 20 feet away)

Unlike the last duck I showed which was placed in the wash this one is placed on the bank of the wash (this is the only large boulder in the area)

This Duck is a bit different than the last one I showed in the respect that it is looking away from the treasure area his tail is pointing toward the treasure area as well as an added confirmation long pointer boulder that is pointing the same way as the ducks tail (the pointer boulder is on the bottom angled down left and sunlit on top, almost as if the duck is sitting on it)
1 (52).JPG

I am showing this next Picture to verify the use of Pointer Boulders (Next to Important treasure markers) this picture is the upper portion of an owls head with eyes (circled) There is a light tan colored pointer boulder just below the owls eye that points towards the treasure area (I made a red arrow from the tip of the pointer boulder showing which way to go)

The pointer Boulders for turning aren't meant to be taken literally such as the duck pointer boulder above, you would be going into the ground in a few feet as the pointer is pointed down, they are just there to tell you to turn in the direction they are pointing out.

Remember not all pointers are going to treasure only the pointers that are near or attached to a treasure marker such as an Owl or Duck and a few others I will be going over.

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That's what I have read, but have not verified. Yet.
miboje: Does AF mean "at the end", meaning this is the last marker? sdcfia: There are many petroglyphs in the lower Rio Grande Valley region of NM that depict North African symbology, but it is impossible to date them conclusively. The best evidence I've seen is Mystery Mountain west of Los Lunas NM. The Decalogue Stone on the table is the obvious focus for most people and its authenticity will forever be denied by academia, as is the case with all artifacts that don't fit the Narrative. IMO, the structural ruins on top of the table are more attractive. The layout of the settlement upstairs matches strongly with ruins of similar military camps found throughout the Middle East. These are clearly not "Indian ruins" in the Anasazi style, and are rarely if ever discussed by pointy heads. I have two problems with pareidolia based "ancient carvings" - heads, faces, animals, shadow casters, et al. First, a building operation that reshapes a mountain, even in ancient times, will leave evidence of the work, lots of it. There will be tool marks, exposed erosion boundaries, massive accumulations of debris, etc. I haven't seen anyone demonstrate any of this in any of the claimed locations. With smaller objects, such as carved heads or animals, the evidence should be even easier to find, as the necessary details should be clearly evident on the rock surfaces. I've only seen one example of a rock being manipulated to look more like the object it appeared to be, and I've found and checked it myself. Tool marks and exposed fresh surfaces on this dog's ear, eye and muzzle proved to me that someone had improved it. Even if a rock causes a familiar shape, no one bothers to verify, even with the slightest evidence, that the thing is not just another "apparent" rock, and there is certainly no shortage of it. Why not check the claims? Because there is no evidence. When people start proving that "carved rocks" or "shaped mountains" are really improved, maybe the rest of us will start to take them more seriously. Second point. If these ancient sculptors were so skilled, then why is the quality of their New World carvings so appallingly poor compared to the work they did in the Old World? The carvings and inscriptions from thousands of years old cultures around the world are clearly man-made, beautifully and meticulously crafted, and obviously long lasting. However, here in the US today, we see vague rocks that look like this or that, especially if you squint and use your imagination and hear they're man-made. Why aren't they more clearly formed and detailed, and maybe even inscribed as well? If beautiful carved monuments were good enough for Egypt, the Middle East and the Andes, why not the US? I'm new here and in the search for treasures, here I found a mountain of stone in which it has the shape of an alligator, it was carved in specific points for the alligator shape, I have proof of that because there are several pieces of stones around, showing that they were removed from the points where they were carved to shape the alligator. especially if you squint and use your imagination and hear they are man made. Why aren't they more clearly formed and detailed, and maybe even inscribed as well? If beautiful carved monuments were good enough for Egypt, the Middle East and the Andes, why not the US? I'm new here and in the search for treasures, here I found a mountain of stone in which it has the shape of an alligator, it was carved in specific points for the alligator shape, I have proof of that because there are several pieces of stones around, showing that they were removed from the points where they were carved to shape the alligator. especially if you squint and use your imagination and hear they are man made. Why aren't they more clearly formed and detailed, and maybe even inscribed as well? If beautiful carved monuments were good enough for Egypt, the Middle East and the Andes, why not the US? I'm new here and in the search for treasures, here I found a mountain of stone in which it has the shape of an alligator, it was carved in specific points for the alligator shape, I have proof of that because there are several pieces of stones around, showing that they were removed from the points where they were carved to shape the alligator. why not the US? I'm new here and in the search for treasures, here I found a mountain of stone in which it has the shape of an alligator, it was carved in specific points for the alligator shape, I have proof of that because there are several pieces of stones around, showing that they were removed from the points where they were carved to shape the alligator. why not the US? I'm new here and in the search for treasures, here I found a mountain of stone in which it has the shape of an alligator, it was carved in specific points for the alligator shape, I have proof of that because there are several pieces of stones around, showing that they were removed from the points where they were carved to shape the alligator.

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