I completely agree with you cyzak 100%.

I almost feel like I somehow won a contest and I get all this enlightenment shared with me but the cool part is there is no contest to be won, Sandy1 has provided all of this to anyone willing to take the time and read it. To think that sandy1 has anything to gain from it is silly....well, maybe not, I mean sandy1 has gained my respect and heart-felt thanks for sharing and helping me to better understand how to view things, what I am actually seeing, to be that "owl in the dark" if you will.

THANK YOU sandy1, you are truly one among us, that others should emulate.
Yes. 100%. It is exceedingly hard to find information on this stuff. And here Sandy1 is giving it away for free! We all owe him a debt of gratitude. Thank you so much, Sandy1. I know I cannot thank you enough.

Well guys I believe it is time to move on to the DUCK. The ducks really had me baffled for a long time because I found them carved out of boulders on land and in the washes/waterways and their banks, (There are only a handful of treasure markers and Ducks are definitely on that list with Owls)

It is my intention to show the best markers that are specific to treasures as I go along, also I have some special information to share about these duck markers at the end.

This first duck is one I found as I was walking up a wash/waterway, the message is simple it is blocking the entire wash/waterway telling us to turn Left here (This Duck is also the first marker the returning team would find telling them there is a treasure area nearby because they used the washes/waterways to find the beginning markers, unless there wasn't a wash nearby then they used other markers) So with this duck he is saying leave the wash/waterway in the general direction he is looking to head over to the treasure area to look for more treasure markers (More to come)

Here is another Duck marking another treasure and laying next to a wash (the wash is hard to see through the weeds but it is just on the other side of this duck less than 20 feet away)

Unlike the last duck I showed which was placed in the wash this one is placed on the bank of the wash (this is the only large boulder in the area)

This Duck is a bit different than the last one I showed in the respect that it is looking away from the treasure area his tail is pointing toward the treasure area as well as an added confirmation long pointer boulder that is pointing the same way as the ducks tail (the pointer boulder is on the bottom angled down left and sunlit on top, almost as if the duck is sitting on it) View attachment 2067672

I am showing this next Picture to verify the use of Pointer Boulders (Next to Important treasure markers) this picture is the upper portion of an owls head with eyes (circled) There is a light tan colored pointer boulder just below the owls eye that points towards the treasure area (I made a red arrow from the tip of the pointer boulder showing which way to go)View attachment 2067675

The pointer Boulders for turning aren't meant to be taken literally such as the duck pointer boulder above, you would be going into the ground in a few feet as the pointer is pointed down, they are just there to tell you to turn in the direction they are pointing out.

Remember not all pointers are going to treasure only the pointers that are near or attached to a treasure marker such as an Owl or Duck and a few others I will be going over.
Excellent info please keep it up this is the good stuff no one talks about.

Now I am going to show that special information I mentioned earlier. Here is the first Duck again
1 (64).jpg

And here is a picture of my Compass on the Crisscross spot looking over toward the Duck (pictured above) I Marked the ducks location with the yellow arrow, (its not visible as its down in the wash)

The red arrow and circle are alignment boulders to this crisscross spot

The part that becomes interesting is that they didn't use an alignment for the duck but instead they used a Compass Degree, so from the Duck to the Crisscross spot is 75 degrees (15 degrees off East) Distance was not Important as they had to place the marker in or near a wash but 400 feet is the maximum I have seen.

You guys might think this is just a coincidence or unimportant that from the Duck to the Crisscross spot is 75 degrees at this single treasure site, hell, I never gave a second thought about the degrees from the beginning markers to Crisscross Spots on Triangles until I found a couple more at different treasure sites which I will be showing also.

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How do you get around the traps? Lots of crushed head/face images on these sites.

Speaking of tunnels. Not straight down digs.

I have two parts of a gravity trap, a turtle that has a crocodile on top of it and on the bottom you can see a face in the photo and another a protruding stone with a cross and below the snake eating on one side of it. she a positive response with the detector and below her a crocodile. later put pictures i find

Now I am going to show another Beginning Marker, this is the biggest boulder in the area (this way it can be distinguished as a standalone marker) and as a Beginning Marker to a treasure.

There wasn't a wash/waterway nearby so this Boulder was placed at the base of a Mountain.

This Boulder has an Eagles Head Carved out of its top. The Eagle is another one of the Important Treasure Markers along with the Duck and Owl as well as a few others I will be showing as I go along.
1 (7).jpg

Originally I thought they just put the Eagle Boulder directly below (downhill) of the treasure area but that isn't what happened, it turns out that when I used my Compass from the Eagle Boulder it was exactly 75 degrees up to the area I had been working (circled) Again distance didn't matter as long as the Boulder was visible from the travel path and easy to find as a Standalone Beginning Marker. This is another treasure that I have a captured Aura from.
1 (6).jpg

So now we have two Beginning Markers, an Eagle going 75 degrees to a treasure area as well as a Duck (in the last post) going 75 degrees to a different treasure area.

I have one last thing to mention on this particular treasure site. I had found a triangle of cairns (made by the Sentinels) up by this treasure area Here is a picture of the Cairn triangle, what I found interesting is that the Red Line I made between the two lower Cairns as part of this triangle also Happens to be 75 degrees, the same as the Eagle Boulder at the bottom of this mountain going up to the treasure area (Becoming interesting don't you guys think)
1 (9).jpg

I have another one that I will be posting soon.

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A very interesting site you have there, thank you so much for sharing the site something you do not see very often.

Gold, Lies and Videotape (documentary) series now showing on Victorio Peak.
Not sure where you can watch it, but I found links at rarbg. Worth a view


Gold, Lies and Videotape (documentary) series now showing on Victorio Peak.
Not sure where you can watch it, but I found links at rarbg. Worth a view

View attachment 2068972
I am sorry TriHarder this does not belong on this thread this is true profiteering at its best. It is all about the greed of man.

Gold, Lies and Videotape (documentary) series now showing on Victorio Peak.
Not sure where you can watch it, but I found links at rarbg. Worth a view

View attachment 2068972
Not for what sandy1 is teaching, but It is pretty educational. New documentary done by the family seeking to tell the whole true story & explaining the many events & complications beyond the greed, betrayal, murder, & perseverence of the hunt. Tons of Spanish gold bars & Spanish artifacts supposedly included. New documented, illustrated info, legal aspects, timelines, overview, & relative to many kinds of US treasure hunting, including what can happen involving the military & the gov. The most that probably anyone has ever done on the VP subject. Just a good, informative mention. Watched a new episode on Discovery Channel last night.

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CDS the story of Victorio Peak and Doc Noss and family in New Mexico, which I do know something about (you could see Victorio Peak from the mountain we dug up the four gold bars on) or for that matter the Lost Dutchman and the Peralta's which I also know of a (underground treasure vault dug up in the superstitions with a small square cap rock 3 feet deep next to a large wash) and there are entire web sites of people arguing over the Peralta stone maps.

While these are entertaining stories (which I have a few more) unfortunately these stories also bring in people who are more concerned with stories and legends than people who actually want to go out treasure hunting, since Victorio Peak is now a missile range and the Superstitions are now a state park there isnt any way to move forward with these legends.

I created this guide for people who actually want to go out and look for a treasure instead of looking backwards at something that is unobtainable which believe me I have seen people obsessed with these legends and never get anywhere as treasure hunters.

There are so many treasures still buried in the ground in NM and AZ as well as other states that don't have a story or legend to them, and the markers are all over the place to these treasures waiting to be found, that is what I am really trying to show with this guide.

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CDS the story of Victorio Peak and Doc Noss and family in New Mexico, which I do know something about (you could see Victorio Peak from the mountain we dug up the four gold bars on) or for that matter the Lost Dutchman and the Peralta's which I also know of (a underground treasure vault dug up in the superstitions with a small square cap rock 3 feet deep next to a large wash) and there are entire web sites of people arguing over the Peralta stone maps.

While these are entertaining stories (which I have a few more) unfortunately these stories also bring in people who are more concerned with stories and legends, since Victorio Peak is now a missile range and the Superstitions are now a state park there isnt any way to move forward with these legends.

I created this guide for people who actually want to go out and look for a treasure instead of looking backwards at something that is unobtainable which believe me I have seen people obsessed with these legends.
All very well understood, & quite respected of course. The lessons are applicable, & history does have a habit of repeating itself. I'm sure the hunters really interested in your work & teaching, have the ability to separate the past stories & legends from the present possibilities, & realize the things that are continually repeated in TH'ing, as well as seeing common human life characteristics & mistakes. Not trying to promote anything, just don't see any harm in thinking about all these things at the same time. Have you viewed the new documentary? So many things are valuable lessons that could very possibly happen to anyone,
& is there a set of guidelines for those?
You said you've been stolen from. That's the idea behind the mention, just maybe pitfall prevention heads up, by learning other's past mistakes, not just entertainment or vain obsessions.
Thanks always, for all you generously contunue to share & do.
Please continue.

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CDS the story of Victorio Peak and Doc Noss and family in New Mexico, which I do know something about (you could see Victorio Peak from the mountain we dug up the four gold bars on) or for that matter the Lost Dutchman and the Peralta's which I also know of a (underground treasure vault dug up in the superstitions with a small square cap rock 3 feet deep next to a large wash) and there are entire web sites of people arguing over the Peralta stone maps.

While these are entertaining stories (which I have a few more) unfortunately these stories also bring in people who are more concerned with stories and legends than people who actually want to go out treasure hunting, since Victorio Peak is now a missile range and the Superstitions are now a state park there isnt any way to move forward with these legends.

I created this guide for people who actually want to go out and look for a treasure instead of looking backwards at something that is unobtainable which believe me I have seen people obsessed with these legends and never get anywhere as treasure hunters.

There are so many treasures still buried in the ground in NM and AZ as well as other states that don't have a story or legend to them, and the markers are all over the place to these treasures waiting to be found, that is what I am really trying to show with this guide.
Also It (VP) being such a different kind of cache, & maybe unique unto itself alone, & such a massive amount, with armour, etc. What happened, Indians? An accident?
May be the largest that they did in NM, the So. West, & North America? Why so different a huge backfilled, very hard to access, but apparently not too heavily death trapped collection room? They apparently liked it a lot if it really had four different kinds of gold bar stacks. Did the huge aura your mom captured at dusk, come out of that deep & large of a void?

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You should know that when it comes to Victorio Peak the government not only denies any treasure was in the mountain but also that Doc Noss was trying to pass off fake gold bars that supposedly came from VP in order to get and cheat investors out of their money, Doc Noss was painted as a bad guy with multiple arrests.

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I am curious Crotalus Scutulatus what it is that you think is so funny with my post's since you keep putting laughing emojis on them.

So my wife and I took our boys (German Shepherd service dog, and our Belgian Malinois combat veteran retired military working dog) out to Valley of Fire here in NV And of course I took a few photos.

There is one photo I want to get y'alls opinion on. I see a large turle looking at a lone point and to the lower right, of the point is a owl looking straight at you. That is what I see.


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You should know that when it comes to Victorio Peak the government not only denies any treasure was in the mountain but also that Doc Noss was trying to pass off fake gold bars that supposedly came from VP in order to get and cheat investors out of their money, Doc Noss was painted as a bad guy with multiple arrests.
Yes I know that he supposedly did a lot of that. It's not what he did that I'm really interested in, but what the Spanish did (if they did all that is claimed) that's the
most interesting.
Do you think the treasure story,
or the amount was false?
Maybe there were only a few bars of gold, like on the next peak over that you were on.

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There was at least one Vault of gold bars (Spanish) in the Caballos which is not far from Victorio Peak so I have zero doubt that there was a storage in Victorio Peak as well, when it comes to the government denying treasures exists, only an absolute fool would believe them.

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Now I am going to show another Beginning Marker, this is the biggest boulder in the area (this way it can be distinguished as a standalone marker) and as a Beginning Marker to a treasure.

There wasn't a wash/waterway nearby so this Boulder was placed at the base of a Mountain.

This Boulder has an Eagles Head Carved out of its top. The Eagle is another one of the Important Treasure Markers along with the Duck and Owl as well as a few others I will be showing as I go along.
View attachment 2068789

Originally I thought they just put the Eagle Boulder directly below (downhill) of the treasure area but that isn't what happened, it turns out that when I used my Compass from the Eagle Boulder it was exactly 75 degrees up to the area I had been working (circled) Again distance didn't matter as long as the Boulder was visible from the travel path and easy to find as a Standalone Beginning Marker. This is another treasure that I have a captured Aura from.
View attachment 2068796
So now we have two Beginning Markers, an Eagle going 75 degrees to a treasure area as well as a Duck (in the last post) going 75 degrees to a different treasure area.

I have one last thing to mention on this particular treasure site. I had found a triangle of cairns (made by the Sentinels) up by this treasure area Here is a picture of the Cairn triangle, what I found interesting is that the Red Line I made between the two lower Cairns as part of this triangle also Happens to be 75 degrees, the same as the Eagle Boulder at the bottom of this mountain going up to the treasure area (Becoming interesting don't you guys think)View attachment 2068818

I have another one that I will be posting soon.
Yes it's all very interesting, & especially
good, the 75° to get your thoughts
on the degree & number(s).

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