Old dog had some good threads, and Rangler had some interesting theories. Both of their threads brought good info to light, and a chance to eyeball some of the art work done by the people who make these markers. There is a lot interesting stuff out there that has been set up by people over the centuries. I have a quite few interesting pics, from places miles apart.
I was turned onto all this by a sight on private land I stumbled onto when calling coyotes. There was a map stone that had been dug up from under a monument. There were lots of carvings and obviously manipulated rocks. About a mile away from there is about 6-7 ft deep hand dug hole. But I don't think it had to do with the map stone, because the map stone had the sign for a blocked entrance on it. There were monuments and stuff leading in directions off the property. Another lead straight up the ridge line to another excavation. While another led right down the cliff side, with carved turkey tracks every so often. Then at the end a big bell shaped rock sitting on some boulders that were possible slid off to cap something.
Some of it even played out pretty much like Rangler said. There was a big bed, with letters on it, that distance and direction from some of his info based on those letters led to the area of a major spring on the next property. I had to look at a satellite map because it went onto the next property.
There is guy who lives a few blocks down from me who is a native. He sets up lots of interesting stuff in his yard. Much of it is set like trail signs you see, and organized purposefully. He had a bunch of stuff out in his yard a few weeks ago. I didn't have time to stop and look, it looked like old maps and documents and stuff that had been framed. As well as some other cool antiques and stuff. Its funny how much stuff I have found over the last 9 years. Some of it real, some of it imaginary, and some of it distraction, and graffiti. I was digging through my computer for some more of my pictures, but I guess they aren't on here.
The last picture I posted was in the Boonies, but not near Boone Rd. Is that by Pew town? LOL {Pueblo} Its Two Buttes. Baca county CO.