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Stone door with broken heart down in front

DEATH TRAP warning, hint (the trap comes from above with 2 huge slider rocks that will wipe you out) anyone ever see this type of trap before? Incredible. Don’t mind the mythological creatures from behind AHHHH

Do you think the potential door/entrance is most likely to a once well sealed mine, & they usually built/set their death traps
so as not to be easily seen, if even at all. So they could map & avoid/dismantle them upon any possible return, which is why
they were using their largely unknown markers codes/methods, & doing all of the work hiding their apparent work & presence.

In the top front face of the formation rising up to the left of doorway & pic center, there appears to be a full body shadow Witch,
complete with hat, robe & wand. If it's not man-made, then it's quite a coincidence, relative to Spanish treasure area markers...

View attachment 1801253


Am showing these pictures to disprove the notion that these types of monuments exist! Lost treasure does exist! Keep looking

You mean to disprove the notion that these types of monuments don't exist?

Not really clear enough to see what you've apparently seen, though
interesting shapes, would be nice to see a clearer pic, maybe closer...

Very nice turtle & pic, do you see anything else in the turtle's proximity that may be part of any alignments?
Isn't that where they would've most likely used, in an area of easily accessible terrain, to have cached in vaults...

Should be more markers right around there...

Did you see anything else around it, to confirm it's not just naturally occurring?
Definitely an interesting area with good signs, & wish you the best of luck.
Thanks for generously sharing your pics. As you say, more solid proof...

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SpanishTHunter, I remember one posting this similar pic on here...


Ancient ghost is that you, changed names?
Good to see you post, always liked your
massive owl too, it's so crazy big...

Nice new pics. Best way to show the
critics, to have an avatar like sandy1,
or just don't really pay 'em any mind.
You find treasure, personal anyway...

Yes Crosse I had to make an alt account, my other one was banned. Just wait for the sentinels to come out and say it’s a natural occurrence (erosion) one way to disprove this is look for tool markings done by man. In my honest opinion the death trap that is set above the door is enticing someone without the proper knowledge to break through the door setting off the trap. You can’t get away from the trap either, at the top of mountain and extremely steep. I’m also positive there are traps set inside the cave/mine but can’t substantiate this due to me not having been in there. During a certain month (not sure) there are so many shadows cast from where the sun hits them it’s nuts. I took a friend out to the site last year, he climbed up to the site, and well let’s just say this, he has never been the same since then (I’ll let your imagination wander over that statement) I won’t lie, the traps that are there I want no part of (don’t have extensive knowledge of traps set by Spanish) and I’m not risking my life for the treasure either. I got to much to live for (my children) I have other spots, but this area no doubt is protecting something very massive and likely multiple caches!

Do you think the potential door/entrance is most likely to a once well sealed mine, & they usually built/set their death traps
so as not to be easily seen, if even at all. So they could map & avoid/dismantle them upon any possible return, which is why
they were using their largely unknown markers codes/methods, & doing all of the work hiding their apparent work & presence.

In the top front face of the formation rising up to the left of doorway & pic center, there appears to be a full body shadow Witch,
complete with hat, robe & wand. If it's not man-made, then it's quite a coincidence, relative to Spanish treasure area markers...

You mean to disprove the notion that these types of monuments don't exist?

Not really clear enough to see what you've apparently seen, though
interesting shapes, would be nice to see a clearer pic, maybe closer...

Very nice turtle & pic, do you see anything else in the turtle's proximity that may be part of any alignments?
Isn't that where they would've most likely used, in an area of easily accessible terrain, to have cached in vaults...

Should be more markers right around there...

Did you see anything else around it, to confirm it's not just naturally occurring?
Definitely an interesting area with good signs, & wish you the best of luck.
Thanks for generously sharing your pics. As you say, more solid proof...

Crosse as far as the turtle goes, there’s not just one. There is a family of them all in the same area as the one I posted above in that picture. They are nowhere near the site, just off the trail as you walk past them. I have other pics that I haven’t shown due to sentinels combing this post just waiting to pounce! If you go back and look at the map, you will see what appears to be a mule with his face pointing to the right (east) this same exact image on the map is at the site. There are several hoyos at the site as well, countless faces looking at distinct areas...can’t go back to the site even if I wanted to right now...winter has a firm grasp on the area. Maybe sometime in the future, and I won’t be going alone. Area is way to dangerous, almost died one time trying to play hero, slipped on ice and almost fell off the trail to my death. Never again

Some time ago I came across a thread talking about Spanish death traps, think it was Barton Thom...anyways he referenced one instance where a guy tried to enter through a stone door and he was never heard from again, another one nearly avoided being crushed by tons of boulders roaring down the mountain as he was digging in the hole, so yes to say I’m a little concerned is an understatement. Guess if you wanted to go big this is the site to do it at, but it’s a question of do you think the reward warrants the risk, I say no. I value my life to much, however others will disagree and that’s fine

Yes Crosse I had to make an alt account, my other one was banned. Just wait for the sentinels to come out and say it’s a natural occurrence (erosion) one way to disprove this is look for tool markings done by man. In my honest opinion the death trap that is set above the door is enticing someone without the proper knowledge to break through the door setting off the trap. You can’t get away from the trap either, at the top of mountain and extremely steep. I’m also positive there are traps set inside the cave/mine but can’t substantiate this due to me not having been in there. During a certain month (not sure) there are so many shadows cast from where the sun hits them it’s nuts. I took a friend out to the site last year, he climbed up to the site, and well let’s just say this, he has never been the same since then (I’ll let your imagination wander over that statement) I won’t lie, the traps that are there I want no part of (don’t have extensive knowledge of traps set by Spanish) and I’m not risking my life for the treasure either. I got to much to live for (my children) I have other spots, but this area no doubt is protecting something very massive and likely multiple caches!

Yeah could be, just seems an almost unreachable (distance) and also quite uncontrollable kind of death trap,
way up there, that far away from the doorway. But I realize, it's much different standing there looking at it,
& maybe you've seen the trigger for it. I've just not ever seen one up that far, but if it is you're right, that
it would be an inescapable avalanche. Either way, it stands to reason they wanted it hidden & protected.

That's quite a job, just carving out & placing a stone of that size. I have seen a sample of the massive
sizes of stuff they obviously worked with & more sandy1 shared a lot of extensive pics, info about that.

But nothing is gained, really not worth arguing about what you are seeing & enjoying to get banned, &
you know the sentinels & naysayers love it. I don't care to do anything intentionally for them that they
love. It's quite enough to share pics (which TN now owns) first to learn, then maybe to help someone.
Taking more pics for personal use only, & there has to be a lot there in your area but I realize you may
want to keep some of your marker pics personal, so thanks again for what you've generously shared...

Some time ago I came across a thread talking about Spanish death traps, think it was Barton Thom...anyways he referenced one instance where a guy tried to enter through a stone door and he was never heard from again, another one nearly avoided being crushed by tons of boulders roaring down the mountain as he was digging in the hole, so yes to say I’m a little concerned is an understatement. Guess if you wanted to go big this is the site to do it at, but it’s a question of do you think the reward warrants the risk, I say no. I value my life to much, however others will disagree and that’s fine

No you're right of course, & it would have to be massively tactical, even to strategically test, or purposely spring the trap(s),
and then re-uncover the doorway. If it was death traps way up there, that were sprung intentionally, with the intent of
removing all of the material back to the stone, to get the door opened with no death. Like you say, it looks pretty
obviously incredibly risky at best, even from afar off, at that angle & overhead formation in your pic there...

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Yeah could be, just seems an almost unreachable (distance) and also quite uncontrollable kind of death trap,
way up there, that far away from the doorway. But I realize, it's much different standing there looking at it,
& maybe you've seen the trigger for it. I've just not ever seen one up that far, but if it is you're right, that
it would be an inescapable avalanche. Either way, it stands to reason they wanted it hidden & protected.

That's quite a job, just carving out & placing a stone of that size. I have seen a sample of the massive
sizes of stuff they obviously worked with & more sandy1 shared a lot of extensive pics, info about that.

But nothing is gained, really not worth arguing about what you are seeing & enjoying to get banned, &
you know the sentinels & naysayers love it. I don't care to do anything intentionally for them that they
love. It's quite enough to share pics (which TN now owns) first to learn, then maybe to help someone.
Taking more pics for personal use only, & there has to be a lot there in your area but I realize you may
want to keep some of your marker pics personal, so thanks again for what you've generously shared...

I’ve seen the door from a distance, I want no part of that nightmare. I’m fine with just seeing it with my own 2 eyes. It’s quite a site I’ll say. I think it’s a mine but can’t say 100% for certain! I wouldn’t mind taking someone out there, but then the other risk remains, can you trust that person with your life if s*** hits the fan! I’ve reached out to a number of people regarding the stone door and how one enters without being killed. Can’t seem to get anyone to talk, maybe that’s protected information that certain individuals don’t want out there. Have never seen so many markets in a given area! Blows my mind

Crosse as far as the turtle goes, there’s not just one. There is a family of them all in the same area as the one I posted above in that picture. They are nowhere near the site, just off the trail as you walk past them. I have other pics that I haven’t shown due to sentinels combing this post just waiting to pounce! If you go back and look at the map, you will see what appears to be a mule with his face pointing to the right (east) this same exact image on the map is at the site. There are several hoyos at the site as well, countless faces looking at distinct areas...can’t go back to the site even if I wanted to right now...winter has a firm grasp on the area. Maybe sometime in the future, and I won’t be going alone. Area is way to dangerous, almost died one time trying to play hero, slipped on ice and almost fell off the trail to my death. Never again

Ok, you need not explain any more at all, unless you want to, & think it's safe to...
Not only are they watching, they likely know what's there. Not to fear, but like cyzak
& we all say, be very careful. Though I think sandy1 only ever got flares fired from a jet,
maybe was the worst thing happened to him, but I don't really know. It seems.. he don't like
or want to talk about that much. But PatrickD showed treasure, & I think he's no longer with us.

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I’ve seen the door from a distance, I want no part of that nightmare. I’m fine with just seeing it with my own 2 eyes. It’s quite a site I’ll say. I think it’s a mine but can’t say 100% for certain! I wouldn’t mind taking someone out there, but then the other risk remains, can you trust that person with your life if s*** hits the fan! I’ve reached out to a number of people regarding the stone door and how one enters without being killed. Can’t seem to get anyone to talk, maybe that’s protected information that certain individuals don’t want out there. Have never seen so many markets in a given area! Blows my mind

I can understand that too. Some places just seem to plain defy, how sandy1 has shown, even repeatedly,
how an area or specific site should be, just too much and way overkill. That's when I personally have come
to think you suspect & know there's much more around there than just vault, even multiple vaults or caches.
But sandy1 has mentioned he's seen some storage's that are above & beyond other areas, if I do remember...

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Ok, you need not explain any more at all, unless you want to, & think it's safe to...
Not only are they watching, they likely know what's there. Not to fear, but like cyzak
& we all say, be very careful. Though I think sandy only ever got flares fired from a jet,
maybe was the worst thing happened to him, but I don't really know. It seems he don't like
or want to talk about that much. But PatrickD showed treasure, & I think he's no longer with us.

I don’t scare easy crosse, but that place downright frightens me. Even when no one is around I feel like I’m being watched, one of these days I’ll discuss more. Cheers to you my friend. I hope people can use these pics to help them at a site they are working!

I’ve seen the door from a distance, I want no part of that nightmare. I’m fine with just seeing it with my own 2 eyes. It’s quite a site I’ll say. I think it’s a mine but can’t say 100% for certain! I wouldn’t mind taking someone out there, but then the other risk remains, can you trust that person with your life if s*** hits the fan!

That's exactly right, seems so hard to find true blue, loyal & reliable even when the chips are down...

[snip] I’ve reached out to a number of people regarding the stone door and how one enters without being killed. Can’t seem to get anyone to talk, maybe that’s protected information that certain individuals don’t want out there. [snip]

Or, it could be that no one really knows, as I recall sandy1 pretty much reached out & proved he was the only
one talking about living after digging up a Spanish Death Trap, when working doing some involved research...

Have never seen so many markets in a given area! Blows my mind

Sounds intense, have you been back on: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/t...g-formation-manmade-treasure-marker-sign.html

I've shared more new or recent pics, & some of the old previously posted ones, almost about all I care (dare) too...
But I think perhaps some areas have too many markers, almost to even be believable, except most just walk on by...

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That's exactly right, hard to find true blue, loyal & reliable even when the chips are down...

Or, it could be that no one really knows, as I recall sandy1 pretty much reached out & proved he was the only
one talking about living after digging up a Spanish Death Trap, when working doing some involved research...

Sounds intense, have you been back on: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/t...g-formation-manmade-treasure-marker-sign.html

I've shared more new or recent pics, & some of the old previously posted ones, almost about all I care (dare) too...

I’ve talked to one man, all he suggested me to do was remove the overburden above the door, but I don’t feel comfortable doing this, my logic of thinking is this....If you don’t know what’s going to happen next don’t touch it! All it takes is that one screw up and you’re not around! Over in a instant, better off just leaving it alone as much as it pains me to say...it’s the right decision.

Yea I’ve been lurking in that other thread

I don’t scare easy crosse, but that place downright frightens me. Even when no one is around I feel like I’m being watched, one of these days I’ll discuss more. Cheers to you my friend. I hope people can use these pics to help them at a site they are working!

Cheers to you too my friend, nothing like good healthy respect, like I have for all electricity,
even the lower, & not to forget the highest voltages I've worked around, & also worked "Hot".
I am mean to snakes, yes I respect them, not scared or terrified, but sadly I am kinda' mean...
The same way it goes for TH without saying, using all the caution & prevention possible, knowing.
As far as possibly being watched, maybe flesh & blood, but maybe supernatural spirits, even angels.
Still not to fear, especially if you've got the ultimate power going & walking there, watching with you...


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I’ve talked to one man, all he suggested me to do was remove the overburden above the door, but I don’t feel comfortable doing this, my logic of thinking is this....If you don’t know what’s going to happen next don’t touch it! All it takes is that one screw up and you’re not around! Over in a instant, better off just leaving it alone as much as it pains me to say...it’s the right decision.

Yea I’ve been lurking in that other thread

Yeah it would all be so sketchy, like checking it very slowly, strategically from a safe distance,
& maybe even blocked, from behind the rising formation or something like that. But it would
be smart to exhaust other possibilities first, as it would have to be well planned & executed...

For every one gigantic site you may find that you see giant markers /shadows/images, etc., stuff all over that seems to point to a spot, there will be a dozen other more subtle locations within a mile or so of the area that are probably more workable. By more subtle I mean some of the basic markers Sandy1 pointed out in this thread.

I think it could be interesting to see if an aura were to come off Victorio Peak or baboquivari Peak both are known to have treasures on them, I hope your catching my drift here cyzak.

One must have the will to travel to and get out of there comfort zone once in awhile so many treasures so little time.

Some time ago I came across a thread talking about Spanish death traps, think it was Barton Thom...anyways he referenced one instance where a guy tried to enter through a stone door and he was never heard from again, another one nearly avoided being crushed by tons of boulders roaring down the mountain as he was digging in the hole, so yes to say I’m a little concerned is an understatement. Guess if you wanted to go big this is the site to do it at, but it’s a question of do you think the reward warrants the risk, I say no. I value my life to much, however others will disagree and that’s fine

This is a wise decision that you have made there are plenty more places to go that are safer to investigate. In my travels in the mountains there was one place I traveled to I had to make the decision to not pursue it any more but the reward would have been great. One must weigh the odds and what good is it if you become injured or deceased I have moved on and try to stay wiser and safer their are plenty out there to find.

I don’t scare easy crosse, but that place downright frightens me. Even when no one is around I feel like I’m being watched, one of these days I’ll discuss more. Cheers to you my friend. I hope people can use these pics to help them at a site they are working!

Many years ago I was at one site that scared me real good. Haven't been there since. I was standing facing a rock wall that had carved shapes, monuments, and symbols. I had just taken out my camera to take pictures when I suddenly heard an angry dog barking from the direction where I had parked my car about 60 ft away.

The bark was akin to when you walk by someones yard, and their chained up pit bull starts barking at you like all hell just broke loose. The bark was intense anger and aggression. It frightened me but at the same time I was confused as to why it didn't come up to where I was and attack me?

I only had my camera on me. No knife, no gun, not even a stick. But as I mustered enough courage to go back to the car in the same direction where the bark was coming from, there was NOTHING there! No dog or animal of any kind could be seen anywhere near the area and the barking had stopped.

It dawned on me almost immediately that this wasn't a physical experience. It was a spiritual manifestation of some force guarding that place and whatever is concealed in that area.

One trip previous to this, my partner accompanied me while I took some pictures and she decided to stay in the car. After about 20 minutes I heard her calling me from the car and so I came back and she looked a bit odd, like she was in pain, she looked weak. She started to vomit and her body started shaking. She said she didn't feel well so I immediately took her home. She had been perfectly fine up until we got to the site.

At her house she started shaking really bad like her whole body was shaking and she started to freak out and I immediately laid my hands on her (knowing that this wasn't normal, I knew it was a spiritual attack) and started to pray against the spiritual force and commanding it to leave her.

After about 5 minutes she stopped shaking and all her symptoms went away. Later she told me it was extremely weird that she started getting all these symptoms so suddenly when we were at the site. This woman knows that what happened to her was a spiritual attack. She said she got a weird vibe from the place as soon as we got there.

I decided to never take her there again and that's when I went alone one last time.

SpanishThunter, I know what you mean when you say that you feel frightened at your site. That's probably because of a malevolent force (entity) that's protecting the site. Remember that most of these treasures are covered in blood. Many innocent lives were taken, they were tortured and abused for money and greed. I don't think all treasures have spiritual forces guarding them, but the ones that do, you'll be finding out first hand if you pursue them.

Stay safe guys.

Luke 10:19-21 King James Version (KJV)
19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

Last time I was out hiking, it was kinda' late getting in off of the trail, just about dusk,
& had earlier spotted all the usual tracks that were real fresh from earlier in the day,
including real fresh deer, bobcat & cougar tracks...

And when I got to the lower part of the trail, down to the area where I would soon be
traveling by truck, I stopped & had a good long drink of water, looking around as the
sun was long set, & the light was getting dimmer & close to dusk...

There suddenly were several coyotes sounding off, like a scattered pack, & a few were
in the direction that I'd just came hiking down from. I laughed, as it was a first there,
though I've heard them calling back & forth canyons close to home at dusk, & after
dark many times through the years, but not on that trail. I did have a very unusual
experience digging in a chamber once, but didn't stop working... though I felt my
blood rush from adrenaline, & knew some thing very unusual had just occurred.

I do kinda' get the feeling I may be watched, but still enjoy the experience
every time. But I do some things, & speak some names like I did in that
small chamber, that time I became instantly claustrophobic. But I had
reckoned what happened, thought about what I'd heard, & calmed
down, & went back to working. Filing it away, deep in my mind...

Sometime after that, I got the idea & started a thread titled:
Do Treasures Have Real Spirits? Yes I've experienced a lot
of resistance, & seen conflicts. But by the Grace Of God,
I'll keep having fun, & will as long as I can & enjoy it...

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