I'm guessing most likely because it would be seized immediately, & go through the courts.

I watched an old Pawn Stars re-run recently; Episode: 249 Original Air Date: 06-14-10.
A guy had a gold bar that he said was from his Grandmother's estate. They never
stated the weight, & the most visible markings they showed were 2- XX , which
their expert they called in said was the maker's declaration of 20 karat purity,
while they said it appeared more like 24K . Anyway, it was supposedly from
a 16th century Spanish fleet shipwreck, apparently off the coast of Texas.
There was some small area in creases that appeared to be coral, & so it
was accepted as treasure recovered from the 1554 Spanish shipwreck.

It was appraised as 2X melt value (which was 48K), & the pawn shop
after negotiating, bought for 35K cash, (current gold price was 1,117).
So I wonder how the laws vary for gold recovered from the ocean. It
seems there wasn't any issue with them buying, & it being televised.
Taking ANYTHING to a pawn shop is about the dumbest thing you could do! Not the getting low ball stupid offers, but what ever you sell or get a loan on from them is reported. I understand it's all computerized now but they fill out a card or paper with all your info and a description / picture of what you sold or got a loan on that goes to the police every night. So good thing = detectives recover a lot of stolen merchandise. But that real interesting stuff gets handed off to other agencies. Makes it easy for someone to come seize what you've got left.

The real question for the naysayers when it comes to people talking about treasure on a treasure hunting website is this:

why are the naysayers so concerned about people being given bad information by me or others on here, are they appointing themselves the protectors of people from getting scammed?

I don't think I have ever heard of anybody devoting years of their lives just to constantly try and disprove other peoples knowledge or thoughts.

In my mind I would think they have their own personal motives and I very much doubt it has anything to do with protecting everybody on here from getting scammed.(more like protecting the treasures from you guys who want to find them)
Been holding back, but I think people need to look towards some of these guys backgrounds (detectives investigators etc.) the ones demanding pictures, solid proof etc. appear to be trying to build a case by getting statements, photo documentation and such. Think! As soon as they have enough pieces in their case file they can put a case together and make an arrest(s). Even saying I've recovered a [ ] is enough to get an investigation going. I have to commend Sandy on thinking miles ahead! Whether he's made a recovery or not, done any digging or not. SMART MAN!!!

Actually I am completely at a loss as to why somebody would be involved with the treasure markers but not actually want the treasure itself, to me that makes for a very scary person as I do not know their motives.

Edit: Here is a scenario, you take somebody you just met to a treasure site you know about and you dig down and find a treasure, now you are super excited to have dug up the treasure but the other person tells you that he/she has no interest in the treasure and you can have it all.

Now be honest with yourselves wouldn't that set off all kinds of alarms in your head about this unknown person and what their true intentions actually are? (all of this is assuming you already know how illegal this venture is)

So basically this is why I consider people that want to be involved in treasure hunting but don't want the treasure as scary.
Let me put some different words to your scenario might be a bingo moment.
Here is a scenario, you take somebody you just met to a drug dealers house you know about and you get him to give you a bunch of drugs,
now you are super excited to have gotten this stash but the other person tells you that he/she has no interest in the drugs and you can have it all. You have possession of all the drugs, the undercover has nothing. Do you think the part about the undercover telling you you can have it all will even be mentioned in the report when you're arrested? You really need to listen to what Sandy is subtly saying here. He's throwing in another lesson.


Its only illegal if you get caught come on they can give you a ticket for smoking in public now.
Easy to beat! Fight it. Go to court and ask for a postponement to gather evidence. Subpoena the witnesses against you. If the cop doesn't show up, it's dismissed. It's about $$$ when you cost more than the ticket in court time getting witnesses etc. they'll throw it out. And as a final blank you they'll not tell you & make you go all the way down and go from clerk to clerk until you get to the DAs office & the lady says "It's been dismissed, guess you didn't get the notice." They count on you not wanting to take some time out of your busy day to fight it & just throw the $$$ in the envelope............

:tongue3::icon_scratch::icon_scratch::tongue3: Hang on! I gotta wipe the coffee spit off my screen......... You had to come all the way over here to make an idiotic comment on a question you obviously haven't got a clue what's being asked. Sorry your disinfo attempt failed big time. Seriously! I'm truly shocked you made such an idiotic reply. I guess I was giving you way more credit than deserved. The question was directed to Sandy. Thanks for playing Frank.................

Sorry, didn't mean to slight Ol' Kentuck likes this. Notice how he puppy dogs sdcfia even though he hasn't got a clue what's going on & sdcfia is 180 deg. - half a planet off? Again thanks for playing guys! Please play again when you've got a clue.

Ha ha, I see the Echo Chamber has a new member. Good luck with whatever it is that's floating your boat.

Ha ha, I see the Echo Chamber has a new member. Good luck with whatever it is that's floating your boat.
Echo chamber? Floating my boat??No the funny part is you had to run all the way over here to spew some gibberish about airports in response to a question directed to Sandy. You didn't even have clue one that the question had 0.0% to do with any photography, dowsing, auras or even anything to do with treasure hunting. But still you felt you needed to come run your mouth & make a fool out of yourself. Honestly, I had respect for you at one time, but you've managed to leave me with the impression of a senile old guy yearning for attention. BTW The question was in regards to a work place. Wanted to know if he worked somewhere. What does that have to do with airports or treasure hunting? Nothing? But you had to come stick your foot in your mouth and make a fool of yourself. Sad man really sad..........

Echo chamber? Floating my boat??No the funny part is you had to run all the way over here to spew some gibberish about airports in response to a question directed to Sandy. You didn't even have clue one that the question had 0.0% to do with any photography, dowsing, auras or even anything to do with treasure hunting. But still you felt you needed to come run your mouth & make a fool out of yourself. Honestly, I had respect for you at one time, but you've managed to leave me with the impression of a senile old guy yearning for attention. BTW The question was in regards to a work place. Wanted to know if he worked somewhere. What does that have to do with airports or treasure hunting? Nothing? But you had to come stick your foot in your mouth and make a fool of yourself. Sad man really sad..........

You're paying too much attention to me. If what I say annoys you, ignore it and move on - you must have better things to do than scold me. You can place me on "IGNORE" permanently if you so choose. I've done that with most of the sycophants here and now you'll join them. By the way, if you need a private conversation with someone on a public forum, try a PM or an email.

Apparently If you show some respect around here, Sandy1 will email you some downloads on some excellent information, and there is no Shiz talk that you have to dig through.

Thanks for the downloads sandy1!!

I always go back to the young and ambitious people as this type of treasure hunting is not really for the older crowd.
Ain't that the truth! Kind of like how my grandpa described sex. "What I used to do all night now takes me all night to do." "Live it up while you can son!"

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You're paying too much attention to me. If what I say annoys you, ignore it and move on - you must have better things to do than scold me. You can place me on "IGNORE" permanently if you so choose. I've done that with most of the sycophants here and now you'll join them. By the way, if you need a private conversation with someone on a public forum, try a PM or an email.
Glad you brought that up. Was going to ask you what it takes to rile you enough to get on your permanent ignore list. Please put me on it. Thanks! Sorry for not abiding by your posting etiquette guidelines. Didn't get the memo. It didn't need to be private. I just didn't think far enough ahead to figure out someone was going to come along & make an idiotic remark about something they obviously didn't have a clue what was going on. You made a complete fool of yourself dude no doubt. Anyway, Anyway, thank you for your help putting me on your ignore list.

I thought I would share a bit more technical information from my top secret guide if its not getting to technical for most of the readers on here, (as it seems the last information went over like a lead balloon) let me know if you want more.
Remember, some of the stuff you put out there might take some of us a little more time to digest. Give us time & we'll catch up. You're way of explaining & teaching works keep up the good work!

Yes it is nice to have sandy1 no mumbo jumbo all done with measurements and engineering principles time tested and work. No code book on signs and drawings here that you have to keep hidden and only let a few see because it is a bunch of crap and they never found anything and still looking. sandy1 is the real deal and if you stick with him you will prosper not those poser on the other threads who use all the smoke and mirrors and fill peoples head's to mislead them.

The information I have shown on here is strictly from what I have found in the field with the help of auras, to my knowledge my information has never been published by anyone at anytime.

The information I have shown on here is strictly from what I have found in the field with the help of auras, to my knowledge my information has never been published by anyone at anytime.

U know it brother your one straight shooter.

Ha ha, I see the Echo Chamber has a new member. Good luck with whatever it is that's floating your boat.

Just tell me if you would one time. You are Not any Dern Sentinel,
and are obviously a cut above Many in intelligence, knowledge,
& experience. You've said you are always posing a different point
of view, a different aspect of info, etc. So why do you lower yourself
in my opinion, to being a mocker, for no good cause? It belittles you,
makes you look smaller than you really are, & not nearly as smart
either. Why be doing this? Jealous? Envious? Hate sandy1 because
he's accomplished what you never could? You should do better than
some uneducated or dishonest types do. But you do this crap, over
& over. How Boring. Sorry, ye be what ye is... Sad to see it...:coffee:
... :sunny: :fish:
... ~:Crosse:~ ...

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I am sorry to go off topic here, but have any of you ever had a Spanish compass point that pointed in more than one direction at the Motherly corner?

Thanks in advance for your knowledge, L.C. :icon_thumright:

Just tell me if you would one time. You are Not any Dern Sentinel,
and are obviously a cut above Many in intelligence, knowledge,
& experience. You've said you are always posing a different point
of view, a different aspect of info, etc. So why do you lower yourself
in my opinion, to being a mocker, for no good cause? It belittles you,
makes you look smaller than you really are, & not nearly as smart
either. Why be doing this? Jealous? Envious? Hate sandy1 because
he's accomplished what you never could? You should do better than
some uneducated or dishonest types do. But you do this crap, over
& over. How Boring. Sorry, ye be what ye is... Sad to see it...:coffee:
... :sunny: :fish:
... ~:Crosse:~ ...

All I care about here is the truth. I post facts that can be verified by anyone. I post speculations that I can and do support with arguably convincing circumstantial evidence. I nearly always preface unproven conjectures with an "IMO" disclaimer, not an excuse of some sort. Since TNet is a discussion forum and not a blog, I question allegations that have absolutely no support other than someone's hopes and dreams. That's what forums are for.

Understandably, many folks get angry when their allegations are questioned, likely because they already know they can't back them up. Their reaction is predictable, they trash the source of their frustration - in this case, me. Some of their accusations are hilarious. It doesn't bother me because I understand human nature, but I will call them on it because an ad hominem attack is not a discussion. That's why I tend to IGNORE these types. If people can't live with my persona, then they ought to put me on IGNORE too. I don't care. This includes you too.

Re sandy1. I wish him and his followers the best. He has not provided the type of verification or circumstantial evidence that I am interested in, and my life is full enough with more compelling projects to put my time into - mostly non-treasure hunting things. I could be wrong about the guy, and if I spent eyeball time with him I might change my mind. A person has to be flexible if he wants the truth. But frankly, all this "treasure for everyone" talk on a public forum sounds too much like whiskey talk to me.

I am sorry to go off topic here, but have any of you ever had a Spanish compass point that pointed in more than one direction at the Motherly corner?

Thanks in advance for your knowledge, L.C. :icon_thumright:

L.C., a couple questions. 1) What is a "Spanish compass point?" 2) What is the "Motherly corner?"

I in no way have tried to convince people that your theories are wrong (just a different type of treasure hunting than what I do) so my question is why would you want to convince everybody that my information is incorrect?

I in no way have tried to convince people that your theories are wrong (just a different type of treasure hunting than what I do) so my question is why would you want to convince everybody that my information is incorrect?

Well, for whomever wrote the first two lines of your post (I assume sandy1?): I'm not trying to convince people your information is incorrect. Get it straight once and for all - I'm saying that you have not convinced me in any way that it is. That's why I'm not interested in spending the time to pursue it. For those who believe in what you're doing, I repeat - good luck to you.

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