I think it's funny sandy1 is staying silent on this, some basic info he covered...
If you go back & brush up on the guide, Yes snakes are one of the Death signs,
as well as treasure sign, especially when eating or swallowing something. Dogs,
a hound is definitely a good tracker by senses, smell, sound. Pay close attention
for sure. sandy1 calls them the "hounds of Hell" for a reason. Poodles, the Kings
royal pet, a Kings treasure, go figure. Y'all forget too easy, & go on back into the
intermediate stuff. Don't get Mad at me, go re-visit & re-study again, Not revert.
Think about it, don't make the professor shrug his shoulders, shake his head, LOL
Also, snakes grow their eggs or treasure inside of them, have to be eating to stay
alive, & hatch out eggs. Will bite (kill) to protect the young snakes (Treasure)...
I'll always like the way sandy1 named the markers, & stated his interpretations.

... ~:Crosse:~ ...