Heard that too! They said they were going to manufacture it as specialty. It went out when silver went through the roof and they couldn't kick the prices up to make any profit. Miss the days when a buddy that worked for Polaroid would bring me bricks of 40 packs. He had a freezer strictly for film storage so film wasn't an issue. With that, before buying any from flea bay, you need to look at the bottom of the box for the impressed date & batch number!!! There were some guys selling old packs that they had altered the date with something like a pin but the batch number was the give away. The same info is impressed on the tab on each pack envelope. Be Careful!!!
Oh, how come no one ever mentions making the boo boos I did? Made several shots well lets say numerous and got some real impressive auras. Well long story short it was dirty rollers. DVs digital technique is showing promise for me with a modded camera. The skeptics say it can't work. My only problem with that is how can you say something can't possibly work without spending the money, time, effort & energy to even try it.
Sandys technique is excellent in the fact that it's simple and doesn't need all the unreliable post processing steps.
Sandy, I've got a question for you. Have you thought about using another viewer that would show the pics as a video? I've got an (believe it or not) astronomy program that will do your intervalometer shots, but compiles them into a video on the fly. Makes looking through the frames a lot easier for me might be helpful for you. I've run it for 37 hours with no hiccups. Oh, memory isn't an issue since it stores on the harddrive. If I need to make a picture, I just pick it out using movie maker & print it. Hope this might give you an idea to make life a little easier.
Do you know where CHQ is?