I've seen all those measurements used in the field. I followed what you posted here before and made a diagram of what I thought you were saying on the parallel lines/shaft sign , and this is what I came up with, although I am falling a little short on the end. Is this correct for the most part?
sandy1 parallell lines.webp

As always, The Best info on the subject anywhere sandy1.
Thanks & Best Always...
... :sunny: :fish:
... ~:Crosse:~

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Any academia type of institution is going to be secretive as there is government involvement (financing) and the government (state or federal) do like their secrets.
Don't forget too, the professors & archaeologists are not only worried about the funding side, but they're protecting their theories etc. Imagine working your whole career on a theory and along comes some lowly treasure hunter to turn everything you've theorized upside down and your career etc. goes in the crapper. They want to control things so they can bend things to fit their theory.

Don't forget too, the professors & archaeologists are not only worried about the funding side, but they're protecting their theories etc. Imagine working your whole career on a theory and along comes some lowly treasure hunter to turn everything you've theorized upside down and your career etc. goes in the crapper. They want to control things so they can bend things to fit their theory.

I couldn't agree more, I have also seen some treasure hunters on here doing that exact same thing as well.

Don't forget too, the professors & archaeologists are not only worried about the funding side, but they're protecting their theories etc. Imagine working your whole career on a theory and along comes some lowly treasure hunter to turn everything you've theorized upside down and your career etc. goes in the crapper. They want to control things so they can bend things to fit their theory.

Couldn't agree more sandy1 and boogeyman there has been several times I have taken photos into the university in my stupid days to have the pro look at it. Only to be told the Spanish never came this far north those are carvings or doodlings of sheep herders back in the day. But they do have a site right here in Western Colorado were the Spanish were at that has been confirmed by Mesa State University and the Museum of Western Colorado thru carbon dating of the artifact's they recovered so now the pro is going to have to eat his words so to speak.

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I'm no expert on the subject by any means, but Ive done a lot of research. I think it depends on the area and what tribe of Native American Indians the Spanish were dealing with. Talk to natives in Utah and they will tell you about "bearded" men that had live among them for many years and were still there when the U.S.A came to town. In Colorado the natives were fighting and killing the Spaniards, french, ect... depending on the tribe. One of my native friends told me that there were areas in Colorado that, if you were white, you would have been destroyed all the way up into the 1920's. But then the same friend told me about a Spanish priest that had converted his clan to Catholics over 200 years ago. Ill trust the Natives history before our fake history book any day.
Make friends with the locals, and your good to go....
Piss the locals off and your gonna have trouble....
same goes now days.

I believe the spanish made it all the way to canada. I know of old spanish missions in Washington state.

I have compiled a good list of Real Treasure Markers, that lead to and mark treasure Vaults and Storages

Nobody ever gave me any Information that ever led me to a treasure, that is why I am sharing, because I don't want anybody else to have to go through over half their adult lives to collect this information like I had to.
The United States Government as well as most of the State Governments deny the Existence of Spanish Treasure so who are we to argue with or try to prove them wrong, as they say ignorance is bliss.

(This is dedicated to the young treasure hunters who have tried but cant get any of this information through any other sources)

Thanks again for this guide Sandy1. It has helped many. It will be passed on to my children.

Yes it is very nice to have actual factual information from sandy1 here on his thread it has taught me quiet a lot about the engineering of the sites.

I see you found some, so they are making the sx70 film again, but man o man 21 dollars for 8 shots is a bit excessive.
Heard that too! They said they were going to manufacture it as specialty. It went out when silver went through the roof and they couldn't kick the prices up to make any profit. Miss the days when a buddy that worked for Polaroid would bring me bricks of 40 packs. He had a freezer strictly for film storage so film wasn't an issue. With that, before buying any from flea bay, you need to look at the bottom of the box for the impressed date & batch number!!! There were some guys selling old packs that they had altered the date with something like a pin but the batch number was the give away. The same info is impressed on the tab on each pack envelope. Be Careful!!!
Oh, how come no one ever mentions making the boo boos I did? Made several shots well lets say numerous and got some real impressive auras. Well long story short it was dirty rollers. DVs digital technique is showing promise for me with a modded camera. The skeptics say it can't work. My only problem with that is how can you say something can't possibly work without spending the money, time, effort & energy to even try it.

Sandys technique is excellent in the fact that it's simple and doesn't need all the unreliable post processing steps.

Sandy, I've got a question for you. Have you thought about using another viewer that would show the pics as a video? I've got an (believe it or not) astronomy program that will do your intervalometer shots, but compiles them into a video on the fly. Makes looking through the frames a lot easier for me might be helpful for you. I've run it for 37 hours with no hiccups. Oh, memory isn't an issue since it stores on the harddrive. If I need to make a picture, I just pick it out using movie maker & print it. Hope this might give you an idea to make life a little easier.

Do you know where CHQ is?

Heard that too! They said they were going to manufacture it as specialty. It went out when silver went through the roof and they couldn't kick the prices up to make any profit. Miss the days when a buddy that worked for Polaroid would bring me bricks of 40 packs. He had a freezer strictly for film storage so film wasn't an issue. With that, before buying any from flea bay, you need to look at the bottom of the box for the impressed date & batch number!!! There were some guys selling old packs that they had altered the date with something like a pin but the batch number was the give away. The same info is impressed on the tab on each pack envelope. Be Careful!!!
Oh, how come no one ever mentions making the boo boos I did? Made several shots well lets say numerous and got some real impressive auras. Well long story short it was dirty rollers. DVs digital technique is showing promise for me with a modded camera. The skeptics say it can't work. My only problem with that is how can you say something can't possibly work without spending the money, time, effort & energy to even try it.

Sandys technique is excellent in the fact that it's simple and doesn't need all the unreliable post processing steps.

Sandy, I've got a question for you. Have you thought about using another viewer that would show the pics as a video? I've got an (believe it or not) astronomy program that will do your intervalometer shots, but compiles them into a video on the fly. Makes looking through the frames a lot easier for me might be helpful for you. I've run it for 37 hours with no hiccups. Oh, memory isn't an issue since it stores on the harddrive. If I need to make a picture, I just pick it out using movie maker & print it. Hope this might give you an idea to make life a little easier.

Do you know where CHQ is?

The honeyview viewer really works well for me as I only go through a thousand pictures at a time, and that's actually as fast as I can click the mouse or the keyboard shortcut key which means I can zip through the thousand in around 15 minutes, and of course back up quick when I see something that could be an aura, there are also times when I use the magnifier in windows 10 to overlay the pictures I am looking at.

One of the spots I have worked I actually missed the aura on the first go around then on the second pass I used the magnifier at 300 times zoom and finally saw the aura, and let me tell you I sure am glad I did, it turned out to be one of the best treasure sites I have been to.

I seen auras on screen, on site, but not from 1/2 mi. not in AZ, so no cigar...8-)
... :sunny: :fish:
... ~:Crosse:~ ...

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I believe the spanish made it all the way to canada. I know of old spanish missions in Washington state.

I think so too.
I lived in the Okanagan valley of British Columbia for a while and was told of different possible traces the spaniards left there. A european sword dating back to the 1500s, a native painting of a caravan on slaves being driven by men on horses with dogs, and even stories from the first known european settlers who found a rotting wooden fort when they arrived in the valley... Well what do you know, a couple years later an article came out confirming eveything I had heard and even adding details...


I think so too.
I lived in the Okanagan valley of British Columbia for a while and was told of different possible traces the spaniards left there. A european sword dating back to the 1500s, a native painting of a caravan on slaves being driven by men on horses with dogs, and even stories from the first known european settlers who found a rotting wooden fort when they arrived in the valley... Well what do you know, a couple years later an article came out confirming eveything I had heard and even adding details...

I read an article years ago about the natives in Canada who were complaining that a Jesuit Priest was practicing witchcraft out of a black book and that they were afraid of the Black Robes.

Sure, it's the airport code for Chania, on the Greek island of Crete. I'm going there in April.

:tongue3::icon_scratch::icon_scratch::tongue3: Hang on! I gotta wipe the coffee spit off my screen......... You had to come all the way over here to make an idiotic comment on a question you obviously haven't got a clue what's being asked. Sorry your disinfo attempt failed big time. Seriously! I'm truly shocked you made such an idiotic reply. I guess I was giving you way more credit than deserved. The question was directed to Sandy. Thanks for playing Frank.................

Sorry, didn't mean to slight Ol' Kentuck likes this. Notice how he puppy dogs sdcfia even though he hasn't got a clue what's going on & sdcfia is 180 deg. - half a planet off? Again thanks for playing guys! Please play again when you've got a clue.

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The honeyview viewer really works well for me as I only go through a thousand pictures at a time, and that's actually as fast as I can click the mouse or the keyboard shortcut key which means I can zip through the thousand in around 15 minutes, and of course back up quick when I see something that could be an aura, there are also times when I use the magnifier in windows 10 to overlay the pictures I am looking at.

One of the spots I have worked I actually missed the aura on the first go around then on the second pass I used the magnifier at 300 times zoom and finally saw the aura, and let me tell you I sure am glad I did, it turned out to be one of the best treasure sites I have been to.
Cool! Haven't tried honeyview yet so don't have any input. I just threw it out there to see if you'd looked at anything else. I fully understand "It works for me so I don't mess with it." The other thing I didn't mention I like is it works with anything you can plug in with a USB cable even if the camera isn't capable, even BW security cams. Also, on your choice of camera was your choice because it was what you had & it worked or did you try it beside other cameras? Guess what I'm asking is it the way the optics are set up in the camera.

As far as missing stuff, I've been having the wife look at pics etc. She's picked out stuff I've looked at many times. She picked out a cross on a grave and asked "is that real?" I've looked at that pic at least twenty times!I'm really thinking having a second set of eyes that aren't really programmed to look for this stuff is an excellent tool.

BTW - My question do you know where CHQ is was directed to you. If you do, I'll PM you. Thanks in advance for your answers & help!

I see people just about everyday that have absolutely no clue about all the carved boulders around them.
How do you pick them out from the ones that just don't have a clue about anything around them?

Too many people think the markers should be as good as sculptures, the problem with that idea is that the markers to the treasures are just about as important as the treasures themselves since without them there is no way to find the treasure, so they are made in ways that only people who knew what they were looking for would recognize them, and to take it a step further the treasure recovery people had word of mouth intel that they used from the markers to the treasures.
Not to mention a hundred or so years weathering. Might have been clear as a bell back then.

I was wondering that myself, but it certainly wasn't some random person, there is no doubt it was a sentinel with the knowledge of these treasures, as well as the locations I have shown here on tnet.
For some reason, spade pops into my head, as in ace of spades. Probably just my under caffeinated observation but that's what comes to my mind. Eyes wide open please!

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