I have seen faces/animals/designs in rock formations all around California and none of them are man made just natural occurring that's nature. I am sure ppl have berried treasure in the past but you got to ask yourself if you berried something of value would you make a map for all to see ? i sure the hell would not, only i would know where i berried it. I have looked at a lot of threads on this subject and noticed or have not seen one speck of gold or old coin that have been found at these so called vaults and so on and don't say you cant share what you have found, take a look at the top of this page of all the nice berried treasure items from A-Z that members have found. I believe in berried treasure but i don't believe ppl carved 200ft owls and all the other animals that ppl see.
If you like watching the old westerns, movies & old weekly series type alike,
then there have been quite a lot of carved markers on so many scenes in
episodes, especially when they get out from town, which is very often.
Very many of those scenes were filmed in So. Cal., in many various
locations all over them mountain roads & valleys. Lots of big stuff.
I took this photo off google its where i go prospecting. I do see a large face. What do you guys think of it ? is it a marker ? thanks.
It is some interesting, isn't it? If you can hike around the area,
take a whole lot of pics, just frame formations & backdrop,
alignments, very importantly, stand alone boulders, with
shadows or no shadows, if there be just maybe a hint
of shapes, something potentially interesting that
you may not be able to make out, snap a good
pic then your camera & computer screen will
be able to show you the rest: what's there.
I do believe in berried treasure but i just cant wrap my head around all the stuff you guys see. I will say good luck to you all in the field, also what would you guys think if you came across the face structure i posted a pic of just curious ? thanks again regards Craig. Its about 30-40 feet tall.
When I first started reading the threads relating to Spanish Markers,
or other carvings in rocks that had pics, I could not see much. Yes,
you have to sort of train your eyes to at least see partially what is
potentially there. I remember reading this: The cameras condense
the info that the carvers knew how to kind of spread out, or in some
cases they blended it in, etc. Being open minded, I looked at the pics
people shared that they had taken of rocks, boulders piles, alignments
shadows outcroppings a whole lot. They were saying look this shape or
image, & some I could easily see or make out, while some it took time for
my brain to focus on. Now I can't help but see, even if after some extent of
looking & studying, individual or groups of pics. But the markers and images
certainly are real, & the carvers in most cases, really were masters doing 'em.
I honestly just hope this will possibly help you, or maybe someone else too. I
have nothing much to gain really, by trying to persuade anyone about the reality
of the existence of Old Carved Spanish, or Ancient types, of markers that may be
not far from where you live. But when you do discover an area which has evidence
of this kind of activity, you can be sure it was for some good reason at one time, &
that is where the fun really begins, is coming to the understanding of what how why.