History really doesn't hold any market value and for the most part is just conjecture due to people not having all the facts as well as being fed huge amounts of misinformation, if you want to really know about history you can get that information from the treasures themselves (once they are dug up)

Nothing like staying on the subject.
No one could accuse you of not, &
I honestly appreciate that from you.

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Sandy1's not after ancient knowledge stuff and doesn't need to be. The areas he's familiar with are locared where there was a ton of spanish that came thru and it would be counterproductive to focus on looted out ancient stuff and still be able to focus on any spots supposedly cached out from it. But , he already knows alot of this ancient stuff, and knew many years back, and Kenworthy knew as well, but it's not acceptable knowledge and you can't expect to make it acceptable in this day age in any way without alot of discussion that goes against the mainstream knowledge base that nobody who knows anything wants to really get into online. The fact that he started this thread focusing on the "where's" , you'll have to give him a pass on the why's if you are at all interested in finding something of value for your efforts. And that's really how it it is.

Sandy1's not after ancient knowledge stuff and doesn't need to be. The areas he's familiar with are located where there was a ton of spanish that came thru and it would be counterproductive to focus on looted out ancient stuff and still be able to focus on any spots supposedly cached out from it. But , he already knows alot of this ancient stuff, and knew many years back, and Kenworthy knew as well, but it's not acceptable knowledge and you can't expect to make it acceptable in this day age in any way without alot of discussion that goes against the mainstream knowledge base that nobody who knows anything wants to really get into online. The fact that he started this thread focusing on the "where's" , you'll have to give him a pass on the why's if you are at all interested in finding something of value for your efforts. And that's really how it is.

Your absolutely correct, and I have mentioned on several occasions about the Spanish Looting these ancient society's tombs in order to amass such a fabulous amount of wealth that they reburied, which was done in the last years of their occupation in the Northern areas.

Your absolutely correct, and I have mentioned on several occasions about the Spanish Looting these ancient society's tombs in order to amass such a fabulous amount of wealth that they reburied, which was done in the last years of their occupation in the Northern areas.

That's an aspect that may not be discussed here, but possibly, was apparently observed to some extent.
So that would be a very interesting part of their conquests to understand, especially since it appeared
to involve spirits supposedly guarding the tombs, & the Spanish use of known ancient...incantations.
Like a spiritual kind of witchcraft, in relation to what some serious treasure hunters have definitely
experienced in the past involving their working sites with some presence of such unseen entities.
... :sunny: :fish:

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That's an aspect that may not be discussed here, but possibly, was apparently observed to some extent,
& that would be a very interesting part of their conquests to understand, especially since it appeared to
involve spirits supposedly guarding the tombs, & the Spanish use of known incantations, like a spiritual
kind of witchcraft, in relation to what some serious treasure hunters have experienced in their workings.

The few places I had the weird (supernatural) stuff happen to me was at the ancient sites not the newer Spanish sites.

The few places I had the weird (supernatural) stuff happen to me was at the ancient sites not the newer Spanish sites.

Right, but as you just mentioned, they knew how to gain power or control over
the weird (supernatural) stuff at the ancient sites, in order to prevail, & take
what was stored from supposedly guarded sites where something was left.

It seems apparent, that the spirits were left to continue their job of
doing some sort of spooking or guarding, even after the Spanish
had come & taken what they could to re cache somewhere else,
& then left the site apparently having their way with treasures.
We may never know if they ever ran up against any spirits they
could not gain control over, or perhaps did not find all the tombs.
Anyway, they apparently changed what they found into their own.

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This is so cool and informative! ty! :)

Your absolutely correct, and I have mentioned on several occasions about the Spanish Looting these ancient society's tombs in order to amass such a fabulous amount of wealth that they reburied, which was done in the last years of their occupation in the Northern areas.

I'm sure it must have totally inflated their ambitious & apparently selfish & ruthless egos immensely,
to have been able to take authority over, & control the spirits guarding those ancient sacred places to
take all they wanted that had been left by the possibly centuries old culture. Understanding the spiritual
principals involved, & taking dominion to acquire beyond all that their... hearts desired, in wealth & power.

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The few places I had the weird (supernatural) stuff happen to me was at the ancient sites not the newer Spanish sites.

This is also why it's so amazing that you have been able to learn all that you have,
to put everything together in a way of understanding, that no one has ever before
been able to explain. This level of TH'ing is completely serious about life, & so also
completely leaves the petty naysayers & jokers far behind. Not having experienced,
& never having realized the real feeling of some of the elements, even of the basic
fundamentals of intermediate discovery. Blindly criticizing what cannot apparently
ever begin to experience or see from their armchairs, or even their own workings.

I realize not all sites have had the ancients, & possible spirits left present there.
But anyone who has experienced such supernatural activity, is acutely.. aware
that there is an unseen depth to it all. To persevere & work to teach others
to know what must be done to even possibly succeed in an environment
absent of that kind of potential activity, is just the total opposite of the
selfishness of those that most certainly were selfishly caching it. With
the secrets & info you have learned & discerned, that they had used
so long ago to leave their acquired Treasures ~ safely for centuries.

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Having a logical mind as well as a focus on treasure hunting that spans a lifetime is not something most people have without getting a weekly paycheck for it, life (needing money) usually gets in the way of most peoples hopes and dreams, I have just been lucky enough and persevered enough to follow mine, and hopefully with the information I am giving, others in the future can build on my info where eventually it won't take anybody a lifetime to get to these treasures.

Having a logical mind as well as a focus on treasure hunting that spans a lifetime is not something most people have without getting a weekly paycheck for it, life (needing money) usually gets in the way of most peoples hopes and dreams, I have just been lucky enough and persevered enough to follow mine, and hopefully with the information I am giving, others in the future can build on my info where eventually it won't take anybody a lifetime to get to these treasures.

That's a big part of what is so unusual about your decision to do what you've done, & continue to do.
In this day, everyone knows you hardly ever get anything for free, at least that amounts to anything of
any real value, or that would really be of any true help to them personally in a potential real life situation.

But here you are, freely offering awesome specific & critical information, regarding one of the biggest kinds
of mysteries of all time, & just for the reading, copying, studying, if one can grasp it & see it in their own field.

That's not the norm at all, of today or really even of yesterday, the electronic information age full of scammers,
liars & cons. Maybe if it was to cost a pretty penny, it'd more likely become the rage, to finally understand so easily,
these highly sought after facts & techniques, of the old Spanish treasure hunters' hiding their gains, for the multiple
reasons involved. But, since you have generously decided to give the info & techniques away, it's hard for so many
people to believe it is for real. But those of us that were already working away out in the field, can see the truth &
learn. So that's why those of us can perceive & see your knowledge & experience, & are glad you came along, &
likely would have been glad to've paid any price to be able to get your hard earned knowledge & experience info.

It really is as realistic as that, sandy1 offering his information that is really
so unordinarily unusual, & unbelievably interesting, that for many people,
it's too hard to believe, that anyone would do it for others, & much less
free for the taking... Hoping others will also be able to be successful!

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That is why I dedicated the information (in my guide) to the young people so they could carry on this information.

All the old time treasure hunters are passing away and the few people they (the old timers) are leaving the information to are not following in their footsteps which means the information is being lost to generations who are not putting it to use and not sharing it with anybody else (usually due to a promise they made to the old timer or were told by the old timer how illegal it is and to not trust anybody)

I am hopeful that by putting this information on the biggest treasure hunting website on the web it will find at least a few people willing to carry on this way of life.

I am also hopeful that anybody who is successful building on my information will continue with my tradition and share with everybody their new information which they have proven in the field so even further future generations may benefit from all of our combined efforts.

The cycle of greed and keeping all the information secret needs to end, there are plenty of treasures out there for everybody just waiting to be dug up, and it all starts with the Knowledge (acceptance) of their existence, where they are located, and how they are marked.

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A lot of it has to to do with the ambition to go out and discover there is a certain desire to achieve it and then it becomes addicting requiring determination and hard work for the end result.It is life offering new opportunities for young people with ambition and grit and thick skin.

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That is why I dedicated the information (in my guide) to the young people so they could carry on this information.

All the old time treasure hunters are passing away and the few people they (the old timers) are leaving the information to are not following in their footsteps which means the information is being lost to generations who are not putting it to use and not sharing it with anybody else (usually due to a promise they made to the old timer or were told by the old timer how illegal it is and to not trust anybody)

I am hopeful that by putting this information on the biggest treasure hunting website on the web it will find at least a few people willing to carry on this way of life.

I am also hopeful that anybody who is successful building on my information will continue with my tradition and share with everybody their new information which they have proven in the field so even further future generations may benefit from all of our combined efforts.

The cycle of greed and keeping all the information secret needs to end, there are plenty of treasures out there for everybody just waiting to be dug up, and it all starts with the Knowledge (acceptance) of their existence, where they are located, and how they are marked.

Would be awesome to have decades to explore & use this info. It's so totally fantastic, to be able
to identify carvings observed & studied for some time, but not previously understood. The repetition
of the various animal markers, specific ones used in closest proximity to the criss-cross spot, also the
recognition of there being such an unmarked but totally significant cross sectional spot... even knowing
the entrance doesn't always start right there, is very refined specific information. All the info we've been
given that only a lot of very much reviewed & analysed data could ever reveal. Strongly proving that it's
a very specific though practically universal & secret code indeed. Known only by few, & held in secrecy,
though many scratched their heads trying to understand what they observed. But only you have ever
been able to fully cipher, through much diligent hard work & study. Will be exceptional successes.
sandy1 your time & efforts will undoubtedly accomplish all that you have intended for it to do...
Sorry, but I don't see any as luck, too much work involved. But more like a higher calling, &
that no doubt, greatest part for the reasons you've named, & to reverse the ills of greed.

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Sandy this is great reading and I have learned so much from it. Thank You for taking time to school us on these items!

Overlooking large ravine, above the valley of the shadow of death...

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Overlooking large ravine, above the valley of the shadow of death...

Excellent photo Crosse what and awesome site to come across hope you spent some time on that one.

I recently read a post on t-net that is extremely interesting pertaining to the real reason that the civil war was started in the U.S; and it had nothing to do with slavery according to the poster. It pertains to U.S history, the Spanish, and their treasures so I thought it was quite interesting what was said. We know that history books are chock full of lies and false history so it wouldn't surprise me if this is true as well.

Here's what was said by t-net member Bugoutbusman on the public forum:

"The civil war was STARTED over Morril Tarrif tax NOT SLAVERY.
Tax went from 20% to 47% because confederates were finding spaniard caches and the union wanted thier cut.
The union CAPITALIZED on slavery to regain favor and support to overtake the KGC.
We are taught that confederates were going to invade mexico and make a large circle of slavery. LIES,
KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE were after spaniard caches that formed that circle.
Yes they had slaves but they were invading over the gold caches.
Since then... govt has outlawed gold, confiscated gold, issued worthless war bonds, etc.
Only a few of the confederates were KGC.
The civil war was a govt takeover of the KGC...now called illuminate.
The civil war never ended, only the bullets stopped.
North/south, demonrats/republican....the war continues economicly/politically.
Our govt does ALL IT CAN to take our money, taxes, fees, fines, bailouts...its all rigged.

The govt wants ALL THE GOLD, and they lie about the civil war because they dont want people to know theres alot more out there to be found. Spaniards marked it plainly because indians didnt want useless heavy shiney rocks.

Im probably starting another debate over this post, but its the truth."

I find this info extremely interesting as it seems to fall in line perfectly with everything that Sandy1 has talked about with regards to the reality of these caches, and the "powers that be" that deny their existence. Funny they've outlawed the possession of these by the common man and in doing so (in my opinion) they confirm 100% that they do in fact exist.

Excellent photo Crosse what and awesome site to come across hope you spent some time on that one.

Oh yeah Bro., you know I've spent time & will keep studying, & there's a lot
of interesting stuff (mostly just rocks, lol), and sandy1 has mostly taught me
how to process it, but I'm just starting to understand a bit... All I can say, but
would be cool if I understood it all, & also could express all of that cool info too.
Glad you enjoyed the pic, & there's a lot more but i try not to tie up to much...:thumbsup:

I recently read a post on t-net that is extremely interesting pertaining to the real reason that the civil war was started in the U.S; and it had nothing to do with slavery according to the poster. It pertains to U.S history, the Spanish, and their treasures so I thought it was quite interesting what was said. We know that history books are chock full of lies and false history so it wouldn't surprise me if this is true as well.

Here's what was said by t-net member Bugoutbusman on the public forum:

"The civil war was STARTED over Morril Tarrif tax NOT SLAVERY.
Tax went from 20% to 47% because confederates were finding spaniard caches and the union wanted thier cut.
The union CAPITALIZED on slavery to regain favor and support to overtake the KGC.
We are taught that confederates were going to invade mexico and make a large circle of slavery. LIES,
KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE were after spaniard caches that formed that circle.
Yes they had slaves but they were invading over the gold caches.
Since then... govt has outlawed gold, confiscated gold, issued worthless war bonds, etc.
Only a few of the confederates were KGC.
The civil war was a govt takeover of the KGC...now called illuminate.
The civil war never ended, only the bullets stopped.
North/south, demonrats/republican....the war continues economicly/politically.
Our govt does ALL IT CAN to take our money, taxes, fees, fines, bailouts...its all rigged.

The govt wants ALL THE GOLD, and they lie about the civil war because they dont want people to know theres alot more out there to be found. Spaniards marked it plainly because indians didnt want useless heavy shiney rocks.

Im probably starting another debate over this post, but its the truth."

I find this info extremely interesting as it seems to fall in line perfectly with everything that Sandy1 has talked about with regards to the reality of these caches, and the "powers that be" that deny their existence. Funny they've outlawed the possession of these by the common man and in doing so (in my opinion) they confirm 100% that they do in fact exist.

It seems like that also was ignoring the power of state's rights, greediness of heavy over taxing plans.
There's a lot of power in the top money holding entities, so that they have a strong controlling effect:
On even those that seem to want to genuinely have our backs, & do what is good for true people of
the country. Unlike those that have bluffed, lied reversing positions, changin' like the winds of time.

If people really understood all there is to know about US Treasures, all the hiding, wasting funds to
give to our enemies. Would they even wake up from their blindness before they're taken completely
down by various deceptive kinds of hidden dynasties, & lose the last freedoms they pretend that we
have. But it's a stalemate for even the good guys, who are no longer necessarily a majority nowdays.

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