The few places I had the weird (supernatural) stuff happen to me was at the ancient sites not the newer Spanish sites.
This is also why it's so amazing that you have been able to learn all that you have,
to put everything together in a way of understanding, that no one has ever before
been able to explain. This level of TH'ing is completely serious about life, & so also
completely leaves the petty naysayers & jokers far behind. Not having experienced,
& never having realized the real feeling of some of the elements, even of the basic
fundamentals of intermediate discovery. Blindly criticizing what cannot apparently
ever begin to experience or see from their armchairs, or even their own workings.
I realize not all sites have had the ancients, & possible spirits left present there.
But anyone who has experienced such supernatural activity, is acutely.. aware
that there is an unseen depth to it all. To persevere & work to teach others
to know what must be done to even possibly succeed in an environment
absent of that kind of potential activity, is just the total opposite of the
selfishness of those that most certainly were selfishly caching it. With
the secrets & info you have learned & discerned, that they had used
so long ago to leave their acquired Treasures ~ safely for centuries.