Good evening everyone. Sandy, did the Spanish or Sentinels ever use the 4 cardinal degree points to make a crisscross spot at the center? I came across a formation of alignment boulders (but not like you would expect) and they were all at the 4 cardinal points North, South, East, and West.
The thing is that there are sets of 2 boulders at each cardinal point and they are parallel to each other so you see them side by side with a gap in between such as what we would refer to as a "SHAFT SIGN" when you are standing in the middle (at the crisscross spot). So when you are standing in the middle, as in the middle of a compass, you stand and shoot your compass bearing at the middle of each set of two boulders distanced only a few feet from each other and to my surprise the bearings were all cardinal points but each bearing was only 3 DEGREES off from each cardinal point..
This CAN'T be coincidence.
Here's a quick drawing of what I found... The black circles are the stones parallel to each other and the red circle is the crisscross spot and I'm standing in the middle shooting degree lines through the middle of each 2 stones which just so happen to be 3 degrees off each cardinal point.