Moving this info from another thread to here in order to make it easier to find all my info on one thread.

I wanted to show a picture of Jesus's Heart as a Valentine Heart (Found in the Field) since most People think of his Heart as the Sacred Heart which has
a Cross and fire above it with a crown of thorns, the Valentine heart has the deep V cut lobes meeting in the center these are the main differences between the two Hearts, I also wanted to point out the relationship of the Heart to the five wounds of Christ. This ties in with the Pentagon and the Diamond shapes as well (which I covered in the guide)

The Holy Heart of Jesus and the Five Wounds of Christ’s Love (1521), a woodcut by Sigmund Grimm

Since at least the 11th century, the Valentine Heart shape has been used to represent Jesus's Heart which lasted all the way up until very near the end of the Spanish rule here in the New World when the Roman Catholics decided to change over to the sacred heart instead.


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hear is one I found in the field thanks to sandy1 I had been at this site for two years and never new what to look for until sandy showed us in this guide this one aligns with an A frame rock
View attachment 1394344

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Even though they have not posted it, there have been a couple of others who have found crisscross spots in their States (not AZ) since I posted this guide as well.

I have found these two in different places, I see them very similar, which means what you have on one side, It looks like a hand touching it

First site

Second Site

Something else worth mentioning about all these treasure legends and stories, they all do have a common theme of how somebody heard how somebody found something and then it was lost again, but there is a reason nobody ever gets to hear the Rest of the Story, Why?, its really simple actually, the person that found the treasure or their friend/family member etc, usually goes back and recovers it, and nobody ever hears about what was recovered, this is due to Fear of somebody turning them in to the government for violating the antiquities law or bad people stealing the treasure from them, so fear is the number 1 reason that nobody hears about the recoveries of these treasures, It is NOT because the treasures do not Exist like others would have everybody Believe. The recoveries that I know about have been Spanish/Priests both Gold and Silver which were sold, and you sure won't hear anything about them anywhere.

I sure would like to know of a way to sell it,once a recovery is made. Any tips on that? Iam sure it could be a problem if not done right.

DTTH, nothing that you would want to talk about online.

G M,
Your obviously in a good area for treasure.

Related to your question Dtth, somebody asked what would you do with the money even if you found the treasure, first and foremost you can't just go spend it all as you would get caught by several government agencies (for obvious reasons) but if you want to continue to fund other adventures such as traveling or even more treasure hunting, the money frees up your time to go do things that working a job prevents you from doing and that is the very best thing about the money that comes from treasure hunting (not being tied down to a job) Now those of you that are happy working a job and being tied to it then treasure hunting and its benefits are definitely not for you, in order to be a treasure hunter you have to want more out of life than the average person.

(in other words, you need a sense of adventure and a desire for freedom beyond the everyday grind and rut that so many people are in today)

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Spot on! That's exactly what I am aspiring to reach - freedom!
Related to your question Dtth, somebody asked what would you do with the money even if you found the treasure, first and foremost you can't just go spend it all as you would get caught by several government agencies (for obvious reasons) but if you want to continue to fund other adventures such as traveling or even more treasure hunting, the money frees up your time to go do things that working a job prevents you from doing and that is the very best thing about the money that comes from treasure hunting (not being tied down to a job) Now those of you that are happy working a job and being tied to it then treasure hunting and its benefits are definitely not for you, in order to be a treasure hunter you have to want more out of life than the average person.

(in other words, you need a sense of adventure and a desire for freedom beyond the everyday grind and rut that so many people are in today)

Hi Sandy; Related to the Heart. I've noticed a lot of the ones that have been posted here have scars on them that could be portraying the 5 Wounds style Heart. What do you think?? PEACE:RONB

I have seen different things carved in hearts from a lightning bolt to a diamond, I would say the meaning is the 5th wound of Christ (the spear in the side)

I sure would like to know of a way to sell it,once a recovery is made. Any tips on that? Iam sure it could be a problem if not done right.

I still have a lot to learn, I can find these places but I still do not know where to dig


Since many of you are Catholics or religious in some way, I have a question on a few of the holy/unholy numbers that you guys may be able to help me understand.

The first number has to be the number 33

I have seen this number in 33 inches (and multiples of 33 inches) 33 feet (also doubled 66 feet) and 33 varas which is 90.75 feet (also doubled 66 varas or 181.5 feet)

So what is the significance of this number in religion or whatever cult, it is obviously important?

Just to throw this out there as a thought, it could be related to how old Jesus was when he was crucified.

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Hi Sandy; CONGRATS. Your first guess is ONE of the reasons for that number. There are 4 reasons total. I will do soome fast double checking to get you the others ok. It's to early right now. 7:00am ok. :coffee2: PEACE:RONB

Hi Sandy; The second reason for the 33 is: Jesus rose on the 3rd day nd appeared to Mary 3 days after His death. Hence 33. Still checking. PEACE:RONB

hey sandy1 i just wanted to let you know i got my copy of you guide to vault treasure hunting. the download was easy to do and now i will have a copy saved on my computer thanks for all the time you have spent putting this together!

S, your very welcome.

I would suggest to everybody to save this info to a disk or a flashDrive as a backup, knowing how often that computer operating systems crash and burn.

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One other thing I want to mention, I don't really differentiate between the Catholic Church and The Spanish Government, they were so religious back then that most of what the King Did had to have the Churches approval since the king did not want to upset God and burn in hell for all eternity, also the codes for these treasures were made by the wisest and most educated men of the times which just happened to be the higher ups in the Clergy.

Would be interesting to understand the ways tied in to modern government,
Clergy, sentinels. Then perhaps we don't really want, or need to ever know...

Unfortunately I was under ten when the guy told us the story I remembered it as being around Walker Lake Area while my mom said it was somewhere in the norther part of NV, so that would be tough, not to mention Google Earth had huge blank spots in the mountains from when I checked it out here in AZ as of a few years ago.

This is the first time this story has ever been told in public so its not in any books or forums until now.

I have a couple more pretty interesting original stories from different people, but due to the lack of people being online I should wait until after Christmas to tell them.

I like your hidden ghost town story also, and it's funny how that has happened
to casual people out exploring on vacation, as well as persons taking note with
intentional TH purpose. I have a never before told, eerily similar short story
I will tale, If you are interested in heering it sandy.

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Since many of you are Catholics or religious in some way, I have a question on a few of the holy/unholy numbers that you guys may be able to help me understand.

The first number has to be the number 33

I have seen this number in 33 inches (and multiples of 33 inches) 33 feet (also doubled 66 feet) and 33 varas which is 90.75 feet (also doubled 66 varas or 181.5 feet)

So what is the significance of this number in religion or whatever cult, it is obviously important?

Just to throw this out there as a thought, it could be related to how old Jesus was when he was crucified.

There is, in my mind, a difference between being spiritually aware,
thinking along those thoughts, and being "religious". I know many
people don't think this is possible, but I am not "religious". That is
something that is largely "man made". Discerning that possibility,
is sometimes hard to reckon I know, but realistic to me. I have
seen principles actually work, so that to me, is spiritual reality.

As far as #'s, and 33 in particular, Yeshua's age was approx. 33 1/2
yrs. old at the time of his death, we are told. Also, 3 is the Holy Trinity,
& repeated is 33. I have also found old marked trees, in line on 32* & 33*
so I'm sure they've good reason for this. I also noticed the important and
very significant to TH ~ KGC or Masonic (I have had close family members)
symbol for "The Rising Sun" is like an hour glass shape, or similar to 3's that
are turned front to front [8], or like an infinity symbol standing up. I've also
noticed the so called JJ treasure maps, use some deception, and don't show
all of the clues to figure out what may have been done at one time. Whether
recovery had been made in the distant past, or not. You had to either have
been enlightened to some extent, familiar with important cryptic symbols,
or to have become informed through understanding, studying the craft,
listening to those Elder Brothers who know, and were also apparently
informed of the old ways, similarly to what the Spanish/Jesuits were
using, of this I am pretty much convinced by studious observation.

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