For me it was the eye sockets on the skull, the whole outline of the dog (plus it was white and stood out) and the nostrils coupled with the eye on the horse. They all look proportionally correct as a whole image, and have some extra geometric feature incorporated into them..

What jumps out at you here?
View attachment 1638936
Nice Spaniard but they couldn't have been all the way up in the NW so that must be natural as well.:laughing7:

Look at the half carved diamond eye,
not distinguished, so it's all natural too.

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So just out of curiosity, what is my avatar perceived as? Is it Big Bird off sesame street? What's it look like? I want to know how everyone's mind work. Be honest.

Q..I like your avatar...I see first a Human Skull on the left in pic like AI said and then a Bird Skull on the right.

Here's a mock up of what I see.



Sandy1 its probably one of them rich Mexican rancher's looking for his cattle back in the day. lol

Very good Kace but does that right eye look like a heart to.

For me it was the eye sockets on the skull, the whole outline of the dog (plus it was white and stood out) and the nostrils coupled with the eye on the horse. They all look proportionally correct as a whole image, and have some extra geometric feature incorporated into them..

What jumps out at you here?
View attachment 1638936

definitely " Optimus Prime" transforming into something natural

Very good Kace but does that right eye look like a heart to.

I hadn't even noticed that til you mentioned it. lol! Yes it does look like a heart.


Sometimes the excited eye will over look objects that is why you take your time and let it tell you the story I have had sites that I went back to many a time and found more info.

So just out of curiosity, what is my avatar perceived as? Is it Big Bird off sesame street? What's it look like? I want to know how everyone's mind work. Be honest.

OK now, let's see how Your mind works.................where did you get that skull?

Oh, ...and what is a ..."Factoidious Rexs" ? Please explain. TY. (post#3489)

...is it Rex/Regis in conjuncture with "Factitious"? or maybe not? (TY, again)

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It's about directly uphill from a backfilled spot. Maybe 15 or 20 feet. I don't remember for sure, I could go measure it and be back to my computer in about an hour. But I have a to dinner to attend . Factoidious Rex, an expert on facts behind factoids.

It's about directly uphill from a backfilled spot. Maybe 15 or 20 feet. I don't remember for sure, I could go measure it and be back to my computer in about an hour. But I have a to dinner to attend . Factoidious Rex, an expert on facts behind factoids.

OK, bon appetit.

Is Factoidious Rex(s) something that you have coined yourself?
It's a mixture of English and Latin, with an English plural. Is it Langlish?
It is fine with me, if you call it a...licentia poetica, or an artistic license.

The direction you imply, would be more on the line of 'Arbiter Factorum', or 'Arbiter Elegantiae'.

(just like Petronius...Quo Vadis)

When you get a chance, take some 360 deg. pictures of your skull. The back side and the rest should be very interesting.

Quinoa is one of the very few people on here that has truly used my method of capturing auras then went to those aura spots and found the same markers I have shown on here.
The big difference is that he is in the North West where the same markers that are in the South West (around me) aren't Supposed to be at due to the fact that the Spanish were not supposed to have went anywhere near that far North.
Q, would you mind if I posted your number 3 again?

i always wondered how Far the Spaniards went north i have heard tail of them going as far as the Montana area.

Something that was brought to my attention recently, somebody who I was talking to mentioned to me that auras are old news and that they have been seen by people for hundreds of years, so I thought this would be a good time to set the record straight.

The type of auras that I catch on camera are around 1/100ths of a second in duration and have Never been seen by the human eye and up until the 1980s at the very earliest have rarely been caught by cameras as the general public didn't have anything but film cameras and nobody was going to waste roll after roll to take thousands and thousands of pictures at a mountain on the off chance of catching an aura back then because they would have to pay to develop those thousands and thousands of pictures.

It wasn't until the invention of the Digital Camera, interval shooting and modern day computer programs for viewing the thousands of pictures (in order to look for an aura without having to develop the film) did we ever have the ability to catch the type of auras I have shown in my guide on a consistent basis, and this technology was not available to the general public until well into the 2000s.

I do have a couple of auras that are from a film camera that were caught by sheer good luck.

So this is why I have mentioned on several occasions that my type of aura capturing is Relatively New and it took me many years of trial and error with many different types of cameras to get it down to a science (I was trying to consistently recreate aura capturing after my parents caught a couple of auras with a canon film camera in 1998 and 2000), it wasn't until after 2010 that I started really getting these auras due to finding the right camera.

So Please don't confuse the types of Auras I show with anything from the stories of peoples seeing lights hundreds of years ago.

My type of Aura capturing is something I figured out on my own, from what type of camera to use to the interval shooting to the types of computer programs to use for viewing and the method for marking the locations and then actually finding the treasure markers at the aura locations are 100 percent founded by me, and none of it was possible until the technology was available after the 2000s. So all of these are truly New Techniques, which is why I have taken Credit for being the founder of these ideas/techniques of capturing these specific types of treasure auras (after many years of my own independent research)

Sandy1, not to detract from your method, but I seem to remember there a way to capture aura's or something like them with a Polaroid ?, maybe that was something different, I cant remember exactly and I've slept since then

Sandy1, no way to capture it when I was a kid. However, back in the 1960's my mom related stories to me from her father that talked about seeing something that looked like what you call auras. They were always related to treasure down in the Louisiana swamps where he grew up. He died in 1972. Perhaps it where he hunted that made the difference.

Chadeaux and Mark Both of you are correct about people seeing the auras as well as the sx70 capturing auras and they were for the most part gasses that came out of the ground from the treasure on the ones you could see which is what your talking about Chadeaux while on the SX70 (which I have several of them and have captured auras from them) are not very precise and generally can come out anywhere quite a ways from the actual treasure itself in a green or red type of flame coming out of the ground, it does actually work but you need to be fairly close in order to use it and the SX70 film is not sold anymore from the last I checked not to mention it was getting pretty expensive.
The auras I capture are not in anyway related to those types of auras.

Sandy1, not to detract from your method, but I seem to remember there a way to capture aura's or something like them with a Polaroid ?, maybe that was something different, I cant remember exactly and I've slept since then

Discussion of this method surfaced in the 1990s - came out in a private TH newsletter of those times, as I recall. An electronics whiz friend of mine in CA tested it with encouraging results by hiding raw gold then applying the method. He gave it a tentative thumbs up, which was impressive since he was skeptical of many gold-finding quack schemes and devices.

Here's how it works, allegedly. The searcher needs a Polaroid instant camera with SX-70 film. It only works with SX-70 film, which has not been produced for years now. SX-70 presumably was produced with a unique silver compound that happened to be effective for this method. I believe there may be (or was) a third-party producer of a suitable substitute film pac, but I'm not sure. There may also be old oem SX-70 film pacs available somewhere too, but it would be pretty old and possibly degraded with time - again, I don't know. The idea is to take a picture of the suspected cache site just and only right at sunup with the sun forming a right angle with the photographer and the cache. When the picture develops, an aura appears where the cache is.

My friend's results were positive. He noted that the 90 degree angle was critical, although a slight variation of a few degrees was OK. The further away from 90 degrees, the fainter the aura on the picture. Beyond a few degrees, there was nothing showing. Depth of burial didn't seem to matter, although he didn't bury his test gold real deep. His verdict was that if a searcher thought he knew where a cache might be, the SX-70 method may be useful, but for more random searching, the odds of using exactly the correct setup were probably too low to be of any help.

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