You are right i am not a believer, main reason why is all talk and no show. I have seen a lot of Gold/Silver/relics that "reel treasure hunters" post on this form but not you guys, why is that ? second reason why all these 200ft-1000ft owls were not carved by man its all natural and the number "3" on the side of the hill is just a shadow cast by the different formations of the terrain. Also Petroglyphs were made by early native American's and have nothing to do with treasure marks or any of that nonsense. All these owls/turtles/dogs/cats and so on are all natural.

So go back to your mine shaft, & enjoy the bad air & salted mine...

Get your self up into the San Gabriel Mnts., look around real good.
Many 'ol westerns were made all through them, are loaded with
lots of signs & symbols (many so clear & obvious), from the
period when the Spanish/Jesuit treasure seeking/caching
was in full swing there in LA & San Bernardino Co., me
good ol' stomping grounds, all over the desert & them
mountains. Huge monuments and obviously not even
natural. But, you have to get out & yes, walk & look.
... :sunny: :fish:

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Hey MS you forgot to mention carvings on tree's this one is your guys biggest one, in my book every time i try and talk about a tree carving they crawl out of the wood work.

Yes they come from under old logs, about the liefs, & start ta' barkin'... :laughing7: :laughing9: :laughing7:

Why is this sdcfia guy still coming here? 230+ pages of stuff several other people who actually want to talk about which he keeps trying to make confrontational on and he won't leave anyone alone? What's so important to him here to debate? I don't get it. Several times he said goodbye, but he keeps coming back to tell everyone they are living in a fantasy world? What kind of person does this and why is he allowed to keep belittling and demeaning others constantly? It's borderline ridiculous. He puts the thread starter on ignore, and then responds to any other posts? WTH? That is nuts.

You shouldn't be able to respond to a thread that you have put the thread starter on ignore. It makes no sense.

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People coming onto a thread you started & ignoring the thread starter seems pretty bazaar to me.
But I've had it happen with no nice things said. Some people's decency leaves one wondering.
He (sdcfia) has admitted that he'd been stifled some way once, but as far as I know, will
not try sandy's methods & use of cameras, so not too hard to figure why. Just doesn't
seem to want to try it, too skeptical to be willing to go out & work it, so it seems.
All theory & history, but no trying something new that is tried, tested, proven.
Other people seem to do that too, just criticize, & put down an exciting new
way of getting results, without even really going out & trying it themselves.:dontknow:

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People coming onto a thread you started & ignoring the thread starter seems pretty bazaar to me.
But I've had it happen with no nice things said. Some people's decency leaves one wondering.
He (sdcfia) has admitted that he'd been stifled some way once, but as far as I know, will
not try sandy's methods & use of cameras, so not too hard to figure why. Just doesn't
seem to want to try it, too skeptical to be willing to go out & work it, so it seems.
All theory & history, but no trying something new that is tried, tested, proven.
Other people seem to do that too, just criticize, & put down an exciting new
way of getting results, without even really going out & trying it themselves.:dontknow:

There is no mystery to it, they (the Sentinels) have an agenda and trying to find the treasures has nothing to do with that agenda, because they already know where the treasures are at, now they are just trying to protect them.
Before anybody asks the inevitable question of why they don't go dig them up themselves here is the answer, first it would be a massive undertaking (due to how many of these treasures are buried, there are alot more than you might think) and there is no way they could do it without being caught themselves by the general public (because of the tons of dirt tailing piles that would be created by digging them up) and the last thing they want is proof that these treasures exist, so they obviously think they are better off keeping them hidden in the ground as long as they can keep people like me from exposing how to find them by denying that the treasures even exist on websites like this one.

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Sandy1 is hitting the nail on the head here with this [SENTINEL] if you look at it he proclaims to be a so called treasure hunter to with all his vast knowledge. He has dipped his hand into so many post's on this forum that is unbelievable some one could cover so much area and with his expertise hmmm. All he is looking for is some one to attack him on sandy1 post so he can try and get it shut down don't let this person do that. He says I live in a fantasy land this person think's that aspen trees here in the USA could not live to be a 100 years old and all the treasure came from rich Mexican ranchers and people will agree with him just so they are not attacked by this person and his followers.

Sandy1 is hitting the nail on the head here with this [SENTINEL] if you look at it he proclaims to be a so called treasure hunter to with all his vast knowledge. He has dipped his hand into so many post's on this forum that is unbelievable some one could cover so much area and with his expertise hmmm. All he is looking for is some one to attack him on sandy1 post so he can try and get it shut down don't let this person do that. He says I live in a fantasy land this person think's that aspen trees here in the USA could not live to be a 100 years old and all the treasure came from rich Mexican ranchers and people will agree with him just so they are not attacked by this person and his followers.

Since this is a forum and not a blog, my posts are for the benefit of readers with open minds who like to engage in critical thinking trying to find the truth. I've provided facts to support my ideas, but have never stated that I'm correct all the time - and have changed my views many times when justified. Maybe you're angry because you realize all your ideas might not be correct. If the questions I raise make you uncomfortable, then put me on IGNORE and you won't have to be upset. Heck, I've got five folks from this thread on IGNORE because I don't have time to read their personal attacks.

By the way, if you're going to trash me about one of my posts, you ought to at least quote the opinion I gave, not one you made up.

Oh yea you really got trashed bring on the drama sdcfia so your followers can descend down on me, I was actually being quite nice you have treated me and other folks here far worse. sandy1 in being considerate of your thread i will not engage this person any more all he wants to do is cause a scene here and disrupt it is totally obvious of that.

. . . put me on IGNORE and you won't have to be upset. Heck, I've got five folks from this thread on IGNORE . . .


Believe him, I'm number 4 on his list.

#4 --- I don't try harder because I don't care.

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We are fully aware that some seemingly started out pretty decent threads have been locked down,
because of what they call bickering, & sometimes it doesn't even have to be that bad, almost just
like buddies joking with each other. But I can't see bugging people, because they don't see things
the same as you do, when it's their thread, & started for the benefit of others, not to try and find
disagreements to meddle in constructive conversations that one hasn't personally experienced...

There is no mystery to it, they (the Sentinels) have an agenda and trying to find the treasures has nothing to do with that agenda, because they already know where the treasures are at, now they are just trying to protect them.
Before anybody asks the inevitable question of why they don't go dig them up themselves here is the answer, first it would be a massive undertaking (due to how many of these treasures are buried, there are alot more than you might think) and there is no way they could do it without being caught themselves by the general public (because of the tons of dirt tailing piles that would be created by digging them up) and the last thing they want is proof that these treasures exist, so they obviously think they are better off keeping them hidden in the ground as long as they can keep people like me from exposing how to find them by denying that the treasures even exist on websites like this one.

Well now, thank ye Sandy1, I'm shore nuff glad ye explained all that. I was a tad confused bout tha hole thing.

Lets see now, them SENTINELS is got their feathers all ruffled cause yer showing everbody how ta find all these Treasures that're buried everwhere, so theys comin on here tryin ta cause trouble and make folks think yer full o'hot air an get ye shut down so's ta keep folks from diggin it up. Right so far?

And here yer tellin us that them SENTINELS know all about these treasures, even where theys buried, but they don't dig em up thereselves cause they CAIN'T without gettin caught by tha genral public for diggin up tons a dirt piles. Hee hee hee, them poor devils. No wonder there so riled up. :laughing7:

So, these dang SENTINELS are tryin ta confuse everbody and keep em from diggin up tha treasures that THEY cain't dig up without.....hold on a minute. If tha SENTINELS cain't dig them treasures up without gettin caught by tha genral public, how can anybody else dig em up?


Pardon me fer askin, but what good does it do folks for ye ta tell em how ta find treasures that they CAIN'T DIG UP? And fer that matter, why'n hell would any SENTINELS be tryin ta shut ye down if'n they know'd it CAIN'T BE DUG?


Now that I think on it, how tha heck would anyone know they was acturely any dang treasure down there if ye CAIN'T DIG IT UP?

First ye said ye was jest showing folks how ta find these treasures.

Then ye said ye was gonna send em to a site ye had already found and let em dig it up thereselves.

Then ye said no, yer guide was jest fer informational purposes, and ye weren't tellin folks ta dig any treasure up.

Now yer sayin these treasures yer supposedly givin folks "information" on how ta find... CAIN'T BE DUG UP?


Well now, thank ye Sandy1, I'm shore nuff glad ye explained all that. I was a tad confused bout tha hole thing.

Lets see now, them SENTINELS is got their feathers all ruffled cause yer showing everbody how ta find all these Treasures that're buried everwhere, so theys comin on here tryin ta cause trouble and make folks think yer full o'hot air an get ye shut down so's ta keep folks from diggin it up. Right so far?

And here yer tellin us that them SENTINELS know all about these treasures, even where theys buried, but they don't dig em up thereselves cause they CAIN'T without gettin caught by tha genral public for diggin up tons a dirt piles. Hee hee hee, them poor devils. No wonder there so riled up. :laughing7:

So, these dang SENTINELS are tryin ta confuse everbody and keep em from diggin up tha treasures that THEY cain't dig up without.....hold on a minute. If tha SENTINELS cain't dig them treasures up without gettin caught by tha genral public, how can anybody else dig em up?


Pardon me fer askin, but what good does it do folks for ye ta tell em how ta find treasures that they CAIN'T DIG UP? And fer that matter, why'n hell would any SENTINELS be tryin ta shut ye down if'n they know'd it CAIN'T BE DUG?


Now that I think on it, how tha heck would anyone know they was acturely any dang treasure down there if ye CAIN'T DIG IT UP?

First ye said ye was jest showing folks how ta find these treasures.

Then ye said ye was gonna send em to a site ye had already found and let em dig it up thereselves.

Then ye said no, yer guide was jest fer informational purposes, and ye weren't tellin folks ta dig any treasure up.

Now yer sayin these treasures yer supposedly givin folks "information" on how ta find... CAIN'T BE DUG UP?


Uh huh.


Ol Kentuck,

Will you ever give it a rest? Your same writing style's a sure give away.
NO ONE portrays their reasoning like you do, with the sole purpose
of trying to make your self look so right, & someone else look so
wrong. You're not helping ANYONE. People are quite capable a
making up their own minds whether they will research this
topic. One thing you got right, your 'Ol BS is really old.

Not a matter of saving anyone from anything, just
that you like to show how well you can argue, in
attempt to put others down, ridin' dead horse.

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Ol Kentuck,

Will you ever give it a rest? Your same writing style's a sure give away.
NO ONE portrays their reasoning like you do, with the sole purpose
of trying to make your self look so right, & someone else look so
wrong. You're not helping ANYONE. People are quite capable a
making up their own minds whether they will research this
topic. One thing you got right, your 'Ol BS is really old.

Not a matter of saving anyone from anything, just
that you like to show how well you can argue, in
attempt to put others down, ridin' dead horse.
I wouldn't worry about him CDS, actually if anything you should feel sorry for him, its pretty obvious from his spelling that he hasn't passed a fourth grade reading/spelling level and considering where he portrays himself from its like an inbred scene from Deliverance all over again.

There is no mystery to it, they (the Sentinels) have an agenda and trying to find the treasures has nothing to do with that agenda, because they already know where the treasures are at, now they are just trying to protect them.
Before anybody asks the inevitable question of why they don't go dig them up themselves here is the answer, first it would be a massive undertaking (due to how many of these treasures are buried, there are alot more than you might think) and there is no way they could do it without being caught themselves by the general public (because of the tons of dirt tailing piles that would be created by digging them up) and the last thing they want is proof that these treasures exist, so they obviously think they are better off keeping them hidden in the ground as long as they can keep people like me from exposing how to find them by denying that the treasures even exist on websites like this one.

Well now, thank ye Sandy1, I'm shore nuff glad ye explained all that. I was a tad confused bout tha hole thing.

Lets see now, them SENTINELS is got their feathers all ruffled cause yer showing everbody how ta find all these Treasures that're buried everwhere, so theys comin on here tryin ta cause trouble and make folks think yer full o'hot air an get ye shut down so's ta keep folks from diggin it up. Right so far?

And here yer tellin us that them SENTINELS know all about these treasures, even where theys buried, but they don't dig em up thereselves cause they CAIN'T without gettin caught by tha genral public for diggin up tons a dirt piles. Hee hee hee, them poor devils. No wonder there so riled up. :laughing7:

So, these dang SENTINELS are tryin ta confuse everbody and keep em from diggin up tha treasures that THEY cain't dig up without.....hold on a minute. If tha SENTINELS cain't dig them treasures up without gettin caught by tha genral public, how can anybody else dig em up?


Pardon me fer askin, but what good does it do folks for ye ta tell em how ta find treasures that they CAIN'T DIG UP? And fer that matter, why'n hell would any SENTINELS be tryin ta shut ye down if'n they know'd it CAIN'T BE DUG?


Now that I think on it, how tha heck would anyone know they was acturely any dang treasure down there if ye CAIN'T DIG IT UP?

First ye said ye was jest showing folks how ta find these treasures.

Then ye said ye was gonna send em to a site ye had already found and let em dig it up thereselves.

Then ye said no, yer guide was jest fer informational purposes, and ye weren't tellin folks ta dig any treasure up.

Now yer sayin these treasures yer supposedly givin folks "information" on how ta find... CAIN'T BE DUG UP?



;D :notworthy:

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I can't prove it I know, but this spelling & writing is just a disguise for some already
known & familiar spirit, that changes like a Chameleon. Only the arguing style, off
the wall, "I'm doing this to help open people's eyes the truth for their own good"
routine has a very familiar ring, & is surely more like the supposed 'ol master
of disguises, but I can read your mind, you ain't foolin' me even a little.:nono:

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I can't prove it I know, but this spelling & writing is just a disguise for some already
known & familiar spirit, that changes like a Chameleon. Only the arguing style, off
the wall, "I'm doing this to help open people's eyes the truth for their own good"
routine has a very familiar ring, & is surely more like the supposed 'ol master
of disguises, but I can read your mind, you ain't foolin' me even a little.:nono:

But can ye squeal like a pig?

You know what's funny, sandy1 and many other guys here, don't really go over to other different threads and start relentlessly promoting what's on this thread nor do they continuously knock other people's ideas. I have maybe been guilty of it once or twice maybe, but I don't camp out on someone's thread and keep basically trying to demote or invalidate all the stuff they talk about every post. I don't know why people feel compelled to have to try and invalidate something they know nothing about, or think they know something about, let alone camp out on it, even go as far as putting the thread starter on ignore and still posting on his thread. If you put the thread starter on ignore, you shouldn't see even the thread anymore in my opinion, but things are the way they are. It may be time to look in to a private board again soon, so we can all save these guys from all the trouble they go thru to try to invalidate whatever we post.

That's exactly how I feel to Q if you notice they pay special attention to this tread than they do any other one on this forum. If I go make a comment on another thread they come down on me and anybody else nothing said so I know there watching me but I don't care. When they drag other thread comments over to this thread just to try and disillusion folks and its a feeble attempt to instigate there agenda.

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