Excellent drawing!
Loose gravel is a “ Dead [emoji88] give away!”
I should apologize for the pun, but it was half written when I realized it was going to happen...
I pushed a five foot pry bar into loose gravel, under a boulder, on the first or second day on my site.
When my partner and I realized what I had done, we both learned to fly!
Looking back, I realize how stupid I was to tiptoe back to get my bar!
I logged it into my GPS and Topomap just to make sure that I didn’t go back there!
Lion monuments are royalty, being related to treasure and you only find those at the site itself
Yes, they are at a site. These are heads/faces. One has a heart and diamond for eyes looking head on. It will also change to a side view lion head. Another is a cartoonish face with a 7 as its mouth.
My question was why cartoonish? Does that have a meaning or is it just to hide it better?
This makes sense seeing as how at my site the death trap they have set up, there is a mythical thunderbird, a snake and other faces that look at a carved stone door. 2 huge slider rocks will come at an angle and bury you after it takes you out. I would imagine seeing a number 6 in that area also.
The 6's that you have found. Have they all been upright? I realize upside down is a 9, but what about on their back? Or perhaps almost flat?
If you find a 6 and 9 together and they are on there sides above each other in opposite directions it is the meaning of pack saddles.The 6's that you have found. Have they all been upright? I realize upside down is a 9, but what about on their back? Or perhaps almost flat?
View attachment 1624828every 6 that I have saw are straight up, and if a trap is nearby the 6 will have a dot either to the top left, top right, bottom left, or bottom right to tell you where the attack will come from!
The ones I have are carved and fairly large. Its the boulder itself, not chiseled in. I reviewed the pic, and it does have a dot. I have seen a stained 7 with a dot (from above) stained on a large tombstone by where I have an aura and believe there is an entrance. I have not investigated further at this point.
View attachment 1624829. Six or something else
Here are the photos of the trap....I have seen several of this type in one locale that stretches almost 20 square miles. Seems this group used a lot of diamond shapes. In another huge "yard" to the east of about the same size, they have used teardrop shapes in place of the diamonds. I am not sure, but have thought these different shapes were used by different groups to show ownership of a large yard. Just guessing...
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Views from below...The stand up stone on the left is the biggest at the site and is over 11 feet in length, most of it buried.
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View from top showing the upper head being a diamond...Notice the gigantic heart in the upper right, set to go off if anyone mucks with the site. It would weigh well over 500 lbs. and is one of the smallest of the big stones used in constructing the site
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A close up of all the smaller material set to roll if one is foolish enough to dig...
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A small monument deeply embedded in the hill 3 to 4 feet above the death trap.
Enough for now....anyone have similar?
I do believe them to be different groups of spanish miners. There is one definite, these areas have been used exclusively for caching, not mining. I do have a geological background, and these are found where there are no precious minerals. Tomorrow, when I get time, I will expound on why I believe them to be either different groups, or, different time periods, (i.e. early Jesuit, middle spaniards, or later Mexican)
I do believe them to be different groups of spanish miners. There is one definite, these areas have been used exclusively for caching, not mining. I do have a geological background, and these are found where there are no precious minerals. Tomorrow, when I get time, I will expound on why I believe them to be either different groups, or, different time periods, (i.e. early Jesuit, middle spaniards, or later Mexican)
I was wondering I see cedar trees did you notice and of the cedar tree or juniper deformed in any way around this area.I do believe them to be different groups of spanish miners. There is one definite, these areas have been used exclusively for caching, not mining. I do have a geological background, and these are found where there are no precious minerals. Tomorrow, when I get time, I will expound on why I believe them to be either different groups, or, different time periods, (i.e. early Jesuit, middle spaniards, or later Mexican)
sandy if bonutr can't talk about that I can shed some light about my site, at the treasure's location, there are several animal faces distinctly looking right at the cave entrance, not a false one either. there is also a ton of shadow signs on the cliff itself, there is a awesome eagle flying towards the door, there is a well defined sharp heart stone down in the gulch below, there are also 2 owls present directly across from the cave on a ledge, one small and one large, a mule monument which has a crazy hoyo underneath. just to the right of that is another hoyo that lines up directly with a rock that's been wedged into the cliff and being held in place. a very awesome king monument is present with a massive cross carved into it as well. I'm going deep into the details now lol...there is a massive heart that is cracked in half near the king monument which is talking of a death trap nearby but doesn't give the direction of where the death will come from, however after being at the site and seeing it myself....there is a stone door that has been carved into the cliff, and 2 huge slider rocks that sit high on the ridge line which when released somehow, will come at an angle and get you, cant outrun it either as the area is very very steep. not a fan of dealing with treasure sites on the sides of cliffs, there is about 10 #7s in the canyon and most of them are carved on monuments as well as on the cliff. have a #5 carved on the cliff also, which if most don't know that means silver in the area. I have counted 3 hearts, 5 owls (bare minimum) a family of 3 giant turtles and the tails all point the same way, a sharp triangular stone which points the way to the site, a Spanish soldier mounted on a horse (monument) 2 huge giant bird monuments and a small one high on a ridge line, a fish monument that looks in the direction of the cave, a high placed heart which is only visible when the setting sun shines on it. the place is insane. even snakes in the area also.
I do have a question, did you measure any of the markers such as a heart a turtle etc. to the cave and what were those measurements from each marker?
I am trying to establish a measurement system that is beyond what I have found or at least to verify my measurement findings.